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Ideas/Suggestions/Concerns (discussed at July 2009 meeting)

Attendance: Shawn Kimball, Allan Snell, Ralph Damren, Andy Constantine, Tim Kenney, Mark
Legasse, Rich Vancil, Morris Lee (Thanks to these people for giving an evening to support this

* 2-3 on-field mechanics sessions

o a full session without players: using a group/stations approach
o a session with players with more teaching and learning than our scrimmages offer
o 2-4 scheduled informal meetings in the bleachers or on sidelines at games (ie. Sat. night
game when there aren't a lot of other games going on)
+ veterans, newbies, and prospective officials watching, discussing, teaching, learning
+ attendance at one of these sessions = one classroom meeting
o State Interpreter's meeting (or regular meeting followed directly by on-field mechanics

* Classroom meetings
o fewer (because we will add field sessions)
o greater/expanded use of technology
+ Potential for online meetings, learning activities, etc.
+ Improved communication and sharing of resources (email, Arbiter notes)
o President or executive committee member report at beginning of each meeting (keep focus,
reminders, share expectations)
o Continued practice of Secretary, Treasurer, Assigner reports as needed at each meeting
o greater focus on mechanics (NF manual; keys, 4 & 5-person crews;
o "10-minute Tips" presentation by a member during each meeting
+ bean bag use,
+ designating/marking the spot,
+ forward progress,
+ ball-handling procedures,
+ signal use,
+ communication,
+ Procedure for clearing sidelines after a score,
+ Consistency signaling down while setting ball,
+ substitution coverage,
+ dead ball positioning,
+ fumble procedures,
+ goal line teamwork,
+ etc.

* Adjustments to Prospective Official Procedures/Expectations

o youth football watching & working (find games for prospective officials to work with veterans)
o prospective officials required to work 3-4 sub-varsity games (without pay)
+ This creates a 4-person crew where a new official can learn duties before their first varsity
+ Suggestion: Prospective official watches a veteran serving as head linesman for their
very first quarter.
o prospective officials work on chain gang at sub-varsity game(s) -- potential for pay?!
o off-season meetings for prospective officials directed by Executive Committee
* General Stuff:
o increased use of technology for teaching and learning (blog, online portal--SOLC Moodle)
o Discuss and learn a common system for the 3-person officiating system for sub-varsity
o More consistency with signals, bean bag use, uniforms (coat patches ?)
o define/prioritize the duties of each official in the 4- or 5-person system
o create help sheets (handouts) organized by position/situations (Allan & Shawn working on

submitted July 2009

Shawn Kimball, President

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