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The Academy for Technology & the Classics

Lesson Plan
Instructors name: Cermanski Week of: Monday, November 18 to Tuesday, November 26 Common Core/ NM Content Standards: NMVA 7 Course/Grade: Yearbook Unit Name: Yearbook Layout

Essential Question(s): What is a layout? How can I be sure I do each page of the yearbook with the correct layout? Other considerations (modifications, accommodations, acceleration, etc.): Struggling students will get more one-onone instruction Advanced students will be encouraged to help others

Connections (prior learning/prior knowledge): Students are familiar with layouts from magazines, books, etc. Resources/Materials Teacher: Students: Handouts on layout

Assessment (How will you monitor progress and know students have successfully met outcomes?) Daily: Daily observations of students formatting layout This Week: Completion of the mock layout Unit: Proper completion of class page layout

Time allotted MONDAY 11/18 Learning Target- TSW learn how to design a photo layout for the yearbook. TSW know this when he/she has successfully completed 2 photo layouts.

Lesson activities for instructor and students DO NOW---Give me your flash drive and then Write on board all businesses called. Write SOLD if they bought an ad. Tally up profits Speech about Photo Takingeveryone needs to take photos all the time! Talk about photo borderslets choose! Show examples! LAYOUTS:

TUESDAY 11/19 Learning Target-TSW learn how to choose a strong photo layout. TSW know this when he/she has voted on the best layout out of 18 options. WENDESDAY 11/20 TargetTSW learn to work as a team and figure out appropriate roles for each team member. TSW know this when he/she has been assigned an appropriate role by his/her peers. Demonstrate How to insert picturesdrag & drop, insert, etc. how to do picture border (think about background before choosing color) resizing, cropping, moving creating grid & layout guides Discuss Verlys background & changes I made Do we need to move clocks down more??? Handout Yearbook Page Assignments by Group & give back flash drives Explain we will experiment with different layouts. Each person will design a layout using the same photos. 1-Use guidelines 2-Resize imagesmake some bigger than others 3-Add a border Group 1=senior page Group 2=junior pages Group 3=sophomore page Group 4=freshmen page Finish layout by end of class Continue on layout design Walk around and view each students submission Choose 2-3 favorite photo layouts Students will write down specifications for us (guideline rulers, border size and color, etc.)

THURSDAY 11/21 TargetTSW learn how to design a strong class page. TSW know this when his/her design is complete and ready for critique.

Discuss and assign roles to each group member. Make sure each student has something to do IN class, and students are sharing the burden of work OUT of class UNLESS they volunteer to do so -Do you want everyone to photograph, or specific photographers? -What can students photograph DURING class time? Make a list (for example, administrators, classes who are willing to have us photograph, etc.) -Should certain students be responsible for editing photos? -Who is responsible for creating and laying out page? -Who is responsible for proofreading for typos and that all is line up? -What pages does your group want to work on first? Why? -What is your plan? Make a work plan for the next 3 days to design/get needed photographs for ONE specific page I will check in with each group to check assigned responsibilities Students should work on final design on page of choice (due Monday) Work on page

FRIDAY 11/22 Target TSW learn how to design a strong class page. TSW know this when his/her design is complete and ready for critique. Monday 11/25 TargetTSW learn how to participate effectively in a critique. TSW know this when he/she makes several strong comments in the critique. Tuesday 11/26 Target-- TSW learn how to participate effectively in a critique. TSW know this when he/she makes several strong comments in the critique.

Work on page

Critique on class pages

Critique on class pages

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