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Name: _______Tess Secora________________ Date lesson taught: ________N/A_____________

Content Area: Mathematics

Course Title & Grade Level: Algebra 1


Standards: Nebraska Core Standards

MA 11.2.2.b Identify and explain the properties used in solving equations and inequalities.
MA 8.2.1.a Create algebraic expressions, equations, and inequalities (e.g., two-step, one variable) from word phrases, tables, and
Content— Students will create algebraic expressions, equations, and inequalities (e.g., two-step, one variable) from word phrases,
tables, and pictures
Language— Students in table groups will be able to analyze and construct inequalities from word problems and be able to
complete their practice problems with 80% accuracy.

Yellow- Condition
Blue- Action
Green- Criterion

Student-friendly— Today I am going to be learning how to form inequalities from word problems, so that I can understand real
world examples of when inequalities are used, I’ll know I’ve got it when I can correctly identify and create an inequality from the
word problems given.
- Formative: Ask the students to give different examples on situations where they would see inequalities?
- Formative: Students being able to find an inequality in a word problem during the reflection part of the notes

- Summative: Students will be able to complete their homework with 80% accuracy on inequalities in word problems

Proactive Management: Students will be working in groups during the anticipatory set, once transitioned into the lesson will
be sitting quietly taking notes or raising their hands if they have questions. When working on their practice problems they should
be working with table groups quietly until the end of class. I will be going around the room to check on their progress and wait to
see if they need any help.
Instructional Strategies: Journaling, repeated practice, 3 reads, voice task movement
Note Taking Strategy: Students will be filling out a note sheet following a slides presentation on the lesson about
inequalities in word problems which will have the homework attached to it.
What two variables are in this word problem that we can use for the inequality? (whole class, evaluating, convergent)
Do you find these problems difficult or easy? Why? (whole class, analyzing, divergent)
Anticipatory Set: Students will get into groups of 4 and make up a word problem for the following inequality and then share
to the class (4 min to come up, 2 min of sharing) 2x + 10 ≥ 30.

The Lesson:
● I would hand out the note sheet for them to fill out during my slide show and then set up the slide show. (1 min)
● Start the class by having students get into groups of 4 and make up a word
problem for the following inequality and then share to the class (4 min) 2x + 10 ≥
30. (individual/guided practice)
● I will be walking around the room to see the groups progress
● Ask the students to share what they came up with to the class (formative) (2 min)
● Talk about how they made an example scenario for what we are doing in class today
● I would go through the lesson (20 min)
○ start off with vocab (modeling) (2 min)
■ I will ask students to show me with their hands less than or greater than
○ transition into the steps to solve a word problem (modeling)
○ there will be two examples on how to solve them, each slides completes it step by step
○ Go through two example problems together (15 min)
■ fully explaining how to do the steps, and then solving the problem on the white board
○ The next slide shows a new example problem that students can try on their own (guided practice)
○ Implement the literacy strategy 3-reads (5-10 min)
■ Have the students first write down what they need to know about the problem without using any
■ Next have the students write down what can be counted or measured without focusing on the
values such as the number of rides, maximum money that can be spent, etc.
■ Finally have the students discuss how they could solve the problem or set it up
■ after students discuss with a partner, have them try and complete the problem
■ I would walk around the classroom to see if they were understanding how to do it, allowing
students to raise their hands and ask questions if they needed
○ As a class we would go over how to solve the problem and answer any remaining questions
○ Next students will be able to complete the final word problem on their notesheet to see if they fully can
solve the problem. (individual practice) (5 min)
■ Students are expected to raise hands for a teacher check before they can start on the homework
○ Once finished, students will start on their homework for the remainder of the class
● If the student is still working on their assignment, ask them to bring it back the next day to turn in.
Closure: How might inequalities show up in your life?
Procedural— Check to see if everyone has completed their notes, go over assignment instructions 3 min before the end of class,
and pack up their things
Content Summary— Inequalities are a real-world example of how math is in our lives. A lot of businesses for example use
inequalities every day to make sure they meet their profits. If marketing or owning a business interests you, these will show up in
that career so being able to understand how they are created is important.
References: Referenced lesson plan video from:
Salvia, D. (2021, January 21). Write an inequality from a word problem. LearnZillion.

Lesson Plan Reflection (required):

1) Highlight Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT) components within your lesson.
Write a paragraph (3-5 sentences) elaborating on the intentionally planned CRT components of your lesson. How did you
demonstrate high expectations, make learning relevant, and motivate students?
I related my lesson to multiple real-world situations. I also asked students how they would apply it in their
situations. For every situation I spoke about, it was appropriate to their age level.
2) Italicize Universal Design for Learning (UDL) components within your lesson.
Write a paragraph (3-5 sentences) elaborating on the intentionally planned UDL components (representation, action &
expression, engagement) of your lesson. How did you differentiate to meet the needs of ALL learners?

I will have some students show me which sign to use with their hands to make sure they understand the concept of less than
or greater than. Students will be able to orally tell me their answers during the lesson. I will be writing on the board solving
the problems so they can see it worked out rather than given the steps. I will also use prompt fading for students that struggle
taking notes.

Link to Presentation:


Link to Note sheet:

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