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Asking and Receiv


Rikka Zimmerman
Asking and Receiving, Being YOUR Reality STEP-BY-STEP ACTION GUIDE
2 Asking and Receiving, Being YOUR Reality, Step-by-Step Action Guide, Copyright 2011, Rikka Zimmerman. All rights reserved.
elcome to the program, Asking and Receiving, Being YOUR Reality, Step-by-Step Action Guide!
Lets actually make it so. How about that? Im going to walk you through a very easy step-by-step
process in order to outline how Asking and Receiving, Being YOUR Reality, Step-by-Step Action
Guide works. Well look at what it is youd like to have, how to actually unlock you from everything youre doing
to not allow that to show up, and how to create the actions to actually institute the change. How does it get any
better than that?
Now, one of the things that people tend to do in this reality is say, I asked; where is it? Tere are things that need
to be instituted in order for what youre asking for to show up. Does that make sense? If all you do is ask, but you
never leave your house, how is anybody ever going to pay you? People ask, What would it take for more money to
show up and more business to show up? But then they never go anywhere; never talk to anyone; and never make
any phone calls. Can you see how that would make it dif cult for the Universe to deliver what you asked for?
In order for the things youre asking for to show up in the world, there has to be some sort of action that you
take. Does it sometimes seem like you hate doing everything required? Does it sometimes seem like youd rather
do nothing? Okay, but truth, arent you actually bored when you do nothing? Really bored, huh? Everywhere
you thought that in order to Be, you would have to do nothing, will you destroy and uncreate all that, times a
godzillion? Right, Wrong, Good, Bad, POC, POD, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds.
Initially, we are going to look at what it is you would like to show up in your life, lets say, within the next year.
Before we have you start on this workbook, lets look at all of the resistance that may be coming up in your
universe that doest allow you to do this exercise in the frst place. Ten lets look at all of the unconsciousness
that doesnt allow you to be aware of what it is youd like to have in your life.
How many of you feel as though you dont know how to choose and you dont know what to choose?
Everything that brings up, times a godzillion, would you be willing to destroy and uncreate it all?
Right, Wrong, Good, Bad, POC, POD, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds.
How old were you when you decided that you couldnt have whatever you desired in your life? Was it at
conception? When you were two years old? One . . . zero . . . three . . . fve? All of the decisions, judgments,
computations, and conclusions you made that you cant actually be the real you here and have everything you
desire, would you be willing to destroy and uncreate them all? Right, Wrong, Good, Bad, POC, POD, All 9,
Shorts, Boys and Beyonds.
Energetically it reads as, BE everything that youre asking for; its what makes you vibrationally compatible.
If you desire it, youre actually creating separation from it. If you had it you wouldnt desire it, would you?
Everywhere youve desired things and wanted them and longed for themwhich is actually creating separation
from you having itwould you be willing to destroy and uncreate it all? Right, Wrong, Good, Bad, POC,
POD, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds.
3 Asking and Receiving, Being YOUR Reality, Step-by-Step Action Guide, Copyright 2011, Rikka Zimmerman. All rights reserved.
Asking and Receiving, Being YOUR Reality STEP-BY-STEP ACTION GUIDE
How many of you had parents who told you your head was in the clouds; you were a dreamer; that your dreams
couldnt really happen? Whats interesting is that its pitched as this idea of, We love you; were gonna tell you
that this wont work so that we save you from the disappointment that we had to endure. Lets disappoint you
early. Terefore, never create any idea that you could choose anything and have any possibility be your life.
Everything that brings up, everywhere they installed this idea of, Get ready for the disappointment. Dont
actually choose anything or have anything, because it might be taken away from you, youll probably never make
it. Will you destroy and uncreate that times a godzillion? Right, Wrong, Good, Bad, POC, POD, All 9, Shorts,
Boys and Beyonds.
What fantasy for the creation of not wanting to be disappointed do you have that makes you never choose what
would work for you or never even look at what would work for you to the point you dont even want to know
what you truly desire, are you making more real than the awareness and choice that would actually give you a
phenomenal life on a silver platter? Would you be willing to destroy and uncreate everything that doesnt allow
that, times a godzillion? Right, Wrong, Good, Bad, POC, POD, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds.
Does anything else come up for you with regard to what it is you truly desire in your life? Lets look at
everywhere youve created a reference point for what you desire in this reality, and that you can only choose
from this realitys menu. Would you be willing to destroy and uncreate all that times a godzillion?
Right, Wrong, Good, Bad, POC, POD, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds.
What you might fnd is that nothing that other people are doing in their lives is actually good enough for you.
You desire something greater than the best, greater than the greatest. Everywhere youve been choosing from this
realitys menu of what our life can be, would you be willing to destroy an uncreate all that times a godzillion?
Right, Wrong, Good, Bad, POC, POD, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds.
Next, lets shrink-wrap this reality. Tis is a very interesting tool. Basically, look at all of the unconsciousness and
anti-consciousness and all of the polarity that you have going on in your awareness right now. Can you perceive
the energy of that? Connect with all of that unconsciousness, anti-consciousness and polarity and make it
smaller. Imagine you have it all in your hands and then make it smaller, and smaller, and smaller. Now increase
the space you Be as you make it smaller.
What youre doing with this tool is changing your spatial awareness between you and the reality that youre
currently aware of. You make it smaller and smaller and smaller and smaller and smaller until its about the size of
a fea and youre as big as the universe. From this expanded space, if you could have and be anything, what would
you like to have show up in your life within the next year?
Asking and Receiving, Being YOUR Reality STEP-BY-STEP ACTION GUIDE
4 Asking and Receiving, Being YOUR Reality, Step-by-Step Action Guide, Copyright 2011, Rikka Zimmerman. All rights reserved.
What Id like you to do is keep your limited reality the size of a fea while you do this exercise: Write down fve
or ten things for what it is youd like to have show up.
Now that you have your list written down, ask is this question afer each item: What points of view have I
created to stop me from having this? Ten write down all of the points of view that youve been using to stop
you from actually allowing each item to show up. For each point of view you have use the clearing statement:
Right, Wrong, Good, Bad, POC, POD, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds.
5 Asking and Receiving, Being YOUR Reality, Step-by-Step Action Guide, Copyright 2011, Rikka Zimmerman. All rights reserved.
Asking and Receiving, Being YOUR Reality STEP-BY-STEP ACTION GUIDE
For example, lets say youd like to have more money in your life. Ask: What points of view am I using to stop
myself from having money? Some common points of view people have include: Oh, money is hard work!
Money is hard to come by and dif cult to manage! Money is scarce! Write down all your diferent points
of view, and then run the clearing statement: Everything that brings up destroy and uncreate it all times a
godzillion, Right, Wrong, Good, Bad, POC, POD, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds.
Te interesting thing is its almost like you use these points of view to keep it from you. What if every point of
view you took about whatever it is, like whatever nos you have in your universe around something showing up,
what if youre actually using that to keep you from having a phenomenal life? All the programs and points of
view you continue using over and over and over and over and over again, and keep making real, right, and true,
to prove that you cannot have the life you truly desire, would you be willing to destroy and uncreate all that,
times a godzillion? Right, Wrong, Good, Bad, POC, POD, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds.
Everything that youve created that refects the idea that there are only limited possibilities, everything that
keeps you from being, knowing, perceiving, and receiving that you can have anything, and you can be anything,
would you be willing to destroy and uncreate all that, times a godzillion? Right, Wrong, Good, Bad, POC,
POD, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds.
For the most part, people would rather be right about their limitations than have a diferent possibility show
up. Isnt that funny? Everywhere you think youd rather be right than actually have something greater show
up, would you be willing to destroy and uncreate all that, times a godzillion? Right, Wrong, Good, Bad, POC,
POD, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds.
Asking and Receiving, Being YOUR Reality STEP-BY-STEP ACTION GUIDE
6 Asking and Receiving, Being YOUR Reality, Step-by-Step Action Guide, Copyright 2011, Rikka Zimmerman. All rights reserved.
Do you hold onto the idea that youre actually a victim? What if the only thing youre a victim of is every
program and point of view that youve created? What if youre the one thats actually victimizing yourself ?
Everywhere youve created yourself as the controller, the victimizer, and the victim of your own reality, would
you be willing to destroy and uncreate all that times a godzillion? Right, Wrong, Good, Bad, POC, POD, All 9,
Shorts, Boys and Beyonds.
You may beneft from doing the shrink-wrap exercise again as you do this, especially if you fnd yourself
thinking, My points of view are real and true. Ive tested these theories. I have evidence that money is hard
work. Im super right about this. Look at all of the reasons, justifcations, and past experiences I have to prove it.
Look at everybody else who agrees with me!
Youve got all that information to prove that your limitations around money are real, right, and true. Now I have
a question: Whats more valuable to you? All of the information and evidence that solidifes your limitations, or
actually having a life thats greater than anything you can currently imagine?
Take a moment with this. Which one is actually more valuable to youholding onto the limitation, or having
something greater? Are you now willing to acknowledge through every pore of your body and being that
something greater is what you actually desire? Tat you no longer need to be right? Tat you no longer need to
validate any limitations? Tat you no longer need to collect evidence and prove that youre rightthat none of
that stuf actually works for you?
Te limiting points of view dont feel like you, do they? Tats because theyre not yours in the frst place!
Everything that brings up, would you be willing to destroy and uncreate it all, times a godzillion? Right, Wrong,
Good, Bad, POC, POD, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds.
Okay, so go ahead and shrink-wrap your reality again. Make it the size of a fea. Now fll in the blanks for:
What points of view am I using to keep myself from . . . .
being ___________________________________________________________________________,
having __________________________________________________________________________,
and choosing _____________________________________________________________________,
and from being me?
Wasnt that fun? Did you fnd out you had lots of points of view you didnt even know you had? Do you know
that I asked for a record deal for about two years? Ten I said, You know what? Im still asking for this thing,
and it hasnt shown up. Hold on! What if I use some Access Consciousness processing on this? And I started
asking, What points of view do I have about this that are keeping it from showing up? What I found out was
that I actually had a point of view that I didnt want to get on a tour bus with drunk people. Isnt that a funny
point of view to take?
7 Asking and Receiving, Being YOUR Reality, Step-by-Step Action Guide, Copyright 2011, Rikka Zimmerman. All rights reserved.
Asking and Receiving, Being YOUR Reality STEP-BY-STEP ACTION GUIDE
Literally, I had the point of view, I dont want to take the drugs and alcohol out of their system every night. Is
that point of view a yes to the universe, or is that a no to the universe? Tats a no! So all of those things that
you have been asking forhow long have you been asking them to show up? Are there some things youve been
waiting for your entire life?
Now that youve listed point of view, afer point of view, afer point of view that youve been using to keep what
you want from showing up, does it make sense that it hasnt shown up yet? Yeah, because you were creating a
yes in the universe with the question, and then a bunch of nos in the universe with every point of view you
were using to stop you.
Te thing is, youre a wizard and dont even know it. Everything youve been asking for has shown up in
exact alignment with every point of view you take. Everything that brings up and everywhere you can now
acknowledge that everything youve ever asked for has actually shown up, would you be willing to destroy and
uncreate all that times a godzillion? Right, Wrong, Good, Bad, POC, POD, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds.
Beautiful! For the next part of the exercise were going to run some advanced Access Consciousness processing
to unlock huge amounts of energy around what it is thats going on here. What it is thats not allowing whatever
youre asking for to show up, is actually you!
Were going to clear that positive and negative polarity so that what youre asking for can actually show up. Its
a fll-in-the-blank system. What fantasy with _________________________________________________
(fll in the blanks with whatever it is youre asking for) are you using to keep you from the awareness and choice
that would allow you to have, be, and receive __________________________________________ in reality?
Everything that doesnt allow you to perceive, know, be and receive everything that is, times a godzillion, would
you be willing to destroy and uncreate it all? Right, Wrong, Good, Bad, POC, POD, All 9, Shorts, Boys and
Lets look at the example of money again. If one of the things that youd like to show up in the next year
is money, ask . . . What contribution is not having money to my life, my living, my body, my reality, my
relationships, and my business? Everything that brings up, times a godzillion are you willing to destroy and
uncreate it all? Right, Wrong, Good, Bad, POC, POD, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds.
What contribution is having money to my life, my living, my body, my relationships, my business, and my
reality? Everything that brings up, times a godzillion are you willing to destroy and uncreate it all? Right,
Wrong, Good, Bad, POC, POD, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds. What you want to do is run these three
processes over, and over, and over, and over, and over again until it doesnt bring up any energy at all. Ten you
know theres nothing lef to clear.
Asking and Receiving, Being YOUR Reality STEP-BY-STEP ACTION GUIDE
8 Asking and Receiving, Being YOUR Reality, Step-by-Step Action Guide, Copyright 2011, Rikka Zimmerman. All rights reserved.
What you want to do is begin taking all the signifcance of of whatever it is youre asking for. Te next process is
going to help you do that. Ask . . .
What does ________________________________________________________________ mean to me?
What does having ___________________________________________________________mean to me?
What would it mean about me if I had _____________________________________________________?
Everything that brings up, times a godzillion would you be willing to destroy and uncreate it all? Right, Wrong,
Good, Bad, POC, POD, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds.
If you have an idea that this thing showing up is going to give you some part of you, guess what? Youre using
that thing to keep you from you. In order for you to have, lets say, money, youve got to be vibrationally
compatible with having it. If you think money is going to give you some part of you, youre actually pushing
money out of your life to keep you from you.
Isnt that interesting? What happens is that these things that we think are going to give us more of ourselves
become the proverbial carrots that we then dangle in front of our faces. We run, and we run, and we run, and we
run afer the carrots. Have you ever noticed once you get something you desired, wanted or required, that the
next thing you did was immediately apply that want, need, or desire to something else?
Its never about the thing, its always about the energy. So, if we can destroy and uncreate everything it means
to you, everything it means about you, and everything it would mean if you got that thing in your life, then
you begin being vibrationally compatible with having it. How does it get any better than that? Everything that
brings up and everything that doesnt allow you to be vibrationally compatible with what it is you truly desire,
would you be willing to destroy and uncreate it all? Right, Wrong, Good, Bad, POC, POD, All 9, Shorts, Boys
and Beyonds.
Now that weve done that portion of the exercise, whatever it is that youre asking for has no meaning, no
signifcance, no value, and its just something that you already have. How cool is that? Everything that doesnt
allow you to be the energy of already having it, would you be willing to destroy and uncreate it all? Right,
Wrong, Good, Bad, POC, POD, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds.
Now you can begin asking questions about that thing, and youre already vibrationally compatible with it. Youre
being the space of having it, and now when you ask, the universe delivers it because there is nothing in its way of
delivering it to you. Youre fnally out of your own way! You are a free, open, clear space to receive everything.
Begin flling in the next section of blanks . . . .
What would it take for _______________________________________________________to show up?
Sticking with the previous example, lets say its money. What would it take for money to show up?
9 Asking and Receiving, Being YOUR Reality, Step-by-Step Action Guide, Copyright 2011, Rikka Zimmerman. All rights reserved.
Asking and Receiving, Being YOUR Reality STEP-BY-STEP ACTION GUIDE
Ten ask more questions, such as . . . .
What would it take for money to be easy? What would it take for money to be fun? What would it take for
money to show up magically? What else is possible here? Who else would like to give me money? Who else
would like to contribute to my life? What else is possible? How does it get even better than this?
Ask as many questions as you can think of, questions about allowing the money, the clients, or whatever it is
youre asking for, to actually show up. Every question you ask becomes a request of the quantum entanglements
of the universe. Isnt that cool?! All of those quantum entanglements are all getting together. Teyre knocking
booties. Teyre making babies. Teyre moving energy around in order to deliver whatever it is youre asking for.
Remember, the universe does not work on your timeline. Te universe works on its own timeline. You have
to be willing to receive it whenever it shows up. You have to be willing to not make it signifcant. Do you ever
notice how the things that you make really signifcant almost never show up? And the things you dont make
signifcant at all show up instantaneously? Interesting, huh? Everything that brings up, everywhere youve made
anything that you desire meaningful or signifcant through all time, space, dimensions, and realities, will you
destroy and uncreate all that? Right, Wrong, Good, Bad, POC, POD, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds.
Please fll in all of the blanks for that exercise before reading further.
Asking and Receiving, Being YOUR Reality STEP-BY-STEP ACTION GUIDE
10 Asking and Receiving, Being YOUR Reality, Step-by-Step Action Guide, Copyright 2011, Rikka Zimmerman. All rights reserved.
Now that weve got the energy of what it would be like to actually have this in reality, and have it BE yoube
aware of that energy and put it in a pot out in front of you.
Lets go back to the money example. If you actually had tons and tons of money, what would it feel like to wake
up in your life? What would it feel like to look at yourself in the mirror? What would it feel like to look over
at the person who you love and adore and smile at him or her? What would it feel like to get in your luxurious
two-headed shower, or go swimming in your pool, or plan your next vacation?
Feel that sense of space and ease and peace and excitement and joy? Put that energy out in front of you, like
a pot of energy. Now overfow that energy and tap into all of those people who can contribute to you having
that phenomenal life. Pull energy through all of those people that are going to connect you to whatever jobs,
whatever clients, whatever . . . there you go. Tap into and pull energy through whatever it is that brings you
money, whether it be a website, or a product, or a job, or whatever.
Pull all that energy into that thing, in through you, and then trickle energy back out and tap back into those
people all over the world that are going to contribute to that coming to fruition for you. Pull energy through,
trickle energy back out, and pull energy through again. Wonderful.
By pulling energy through and trickling it back out, you have just introduced yourself to your phenomenal
life and all the people that are going to assist that in coming to fruition. Whatll end up occurring is youll be
walking down the street, and someone will walk up to you and say, Do I know you from somewhere? Teyll
think they know you already because youve met energetically. People are literally going to fnd you through
websites, through e-mails, through lots of diferent ways just based on the fact you have already introduced
yourself to them energetically.
Te next step is choosing. Afer youve asked questions in your life, youll have diferent awarenesses, such as, Oh,
its time to call so-and-so. If it feels like the energy of your phenomenal life, pick up the phone and call the person.
Begin following that energy of ease and joy. Follow the energy that we put out in the pot in front of you, and
basically act on anything that feels like that. For instance, you may be thumbing through a magazine and see
some advertising for an event and it gives you that energy, like, ooooooh! Maybe its a charity ball. Follow that
energy. You have no idea who youre going to meet and what mysteries and magical adventures await you. You
get dressed up, go to the ball, and then you end up meeting someone who is exactly who you require to hang out
with to have the phenomenal life, career, money, business, lover or whatever it is youre asking for.
Your job is to act on that energy. Always ask, What can I do, be, have, generate, or create today that would
create or generate more __________ now and in the future? Youre always creating whatever it is youd like to
have now, and youre always choosing it and instituting whats required for the future, too. How does it get any
better than that? What else is possible?
11 Asking and Receiving, Being YOUR Reality, Step-by-Step Action Guide, Copyright 2011, Rikka Zimmerman. All rights reserved.
Asking and Receiving, Being YOUR Reality STEP-BY-STEP ACTION GUIDE
Now, one of the things that people do when they start to institute, create, and generate, is they go into judgment
of what theyve created, instituted, and generated. Judging your generation and creation and your choices is not
your job. Would you be willing to give up that job description? Right, Wrong, Good, Bad, POC, POD, All 9,
Shorts, Boys and Beyonds.
Your job is to get out of your own way by asking questions, by choosing, and by contributing energy. With the
expansion and pulling of the energy, once you start generating those things that are going to go make money
in the world for you, begin doing those energy pulls with all of the classes, all of the products, and all of the
websites, etcetera.
What if you made this your morning meditation? What if you woke up, tapped into all of those people who
were looking to deliver your phenomenal life, pulled that energy in. If you have products in the world, youd tap
into the gif and contribution that that product is, trickle energy out, and pull energy through, creating all of
those connections that would allow whatever it is that you would like to show up in your life to show up with
total ease.
Everything that wouldnt allow that to show up times a godzillion, would you be willing to destroy and uncreate
all that? Right, Wrong, Good, Bad, POC, POD, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds. Its imperative to ask more
questions, and more questions, and more questions. Te question is literally your doorway to possibility, to
awareness, and to changing the energy.
Remember, when something shows up, never think of it as an answer; its always a never-ending question. Even
if you have some kind of awareness, like, Oh, this would work, always tag on a question at the end, such as,
What else is possible? Lets say you ask, What would it take for more money to show up? and you get an
idea. Istead of concluding that you have it all fgured out, say something like, Oh, cool! How does it get any
better than this and what else is possible? Tat way youre never in conclusionever.
Any time you have any awareness that may feel like a conclusion, the next step is asking another question, so that
your life is constantly expanding, your awareness is constantly expanding, your presence is constantly expanding,
and everything about you is constantly expanding. Everything that doesnt allow that times a godzillion, would
you be willing to destroy and uncreate it all? Right, Wrong, Good, Bad, POC, POD, All 9, Shorts, Boys and
What if this exercise was not just an exercise? What if this was a way of being in the world for you? Your point
of view actually creates your reality, reality doesnt create your point of view. Every point of view you have in
your head, or out loud, literally creates everything thats showing up in your life. As you go about your daily life
experiences, if you have a point of view thats not going work for you, dont buy it. Okay? Dont buy it!
Asking and Receiving, Being YOUR Reality STEP-BY-STEP ACTION GUIDE
12 Asking and Receiving, Being YOUR Reality, Step-by-Step Action Guide, Copyright 2011, Rikka Zimmerman. All rights reserved.
Instead ask, Who does this belong to? Return it to sender with a thousand-fold consciousness. I cant monitor
your head to make sure you dont get back in your own way. It would be impossible for me to do that, thats your
job. Youre the only one thats powerful enough to stop you, and youre the only one thats powerful enough to
set you free.
Do you ever notice how youre always right about how wrong you are, and thats the one thing youre sure you
can be right about? Everything youve been doing to stop you for all eternity and make you right instead of
wrong, times a godzillion, would you be willing to destroy and uncreate it all? Right, Wrong, Good, Bad, POC,
POD, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds.
Also, there are some words to eliminate from your dictionary, okay? Want actually means to lack. It has 26
diferent defnitions that mean to lack, and one that means to desire. Trow the word want out of your dictionary.
Have you noticed when you say, I dont want, youre saying, I dont lack this, which is actually correct.
For example, if you say, I dont want debt, youre saying, I dont lack debt which is the same as saying, I have
debt. Te universe has no idea what to provide you with except for more debt since thats all youve asked for.
Everything that brings up times a godzillion, would you be willing to destroy and uncreate it all? Right, Wrong,
Good, Bad, POC, POD, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds.
Every point of view you take is a request of the universe to deliver that point of view. But have you noticed that not
even all those crappy points of view that you take have shown up? Tats because the universe actually likes you. Its
been dodging all your crap forever the best that it can. Everything that brings up times a godzillion, would you be
willing to destroy and uncreate it all? Right, Wrong, Good, Bad, POC, POD, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds.
Te next word to eliminate from your vocabulary is try. Try actually means to attempt without succeeding.
Anytime you say, Try, youre tying your shoes together before you go run a marathon. Tat wouldnt work very
well, would it? Your point of vieweverything you think and everything you saycreates your life. If you say
youre going to try something, youre actually saying youre going to attempt something without succeeding.
Everything that brings up times a godzillion, would you be willing to destroy and uncreate it all? Right, Wrong,
Good, Bad, POC, POD, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds.
Never is another word to eliminate. Does never actually ever occur, or is there always some possibility of
something else? Same with always. Never and always are just two limitations. Would you be willing to toss out
the word but too? Whenever you say, But . . . . you negate whatever it is you just said. If you say, Id love to
have money, but blah-blah-blah youre negating that youd love to have money.
Te truth is, you dont actually desire money. Youre just lying to yourself to make yourself feel bad. Isnt that
fun? Every time you start to say, But . . . . celebrate it because you found a huge limitation that youve been
using to stop yourself from having something greater. So celebrate and say, Yeah, I found a but!
13 Asking and Receiving, Being YOUR Reality, Step-by-Step Action Guide, Copyright 2011, Rikka Zimmerman. All rights reserved.
Asking and Receiving, Being YOUR Reality STEP-BY-STEP ACTION GUIDE
Anytime you say, But, ask at least four questions around what you just said. Lets say you just said, Id love to
have money, but I dont want to work hard. Here are some questions you could ask: What would it take for me
not to work hard? What would it take for money to be easy? What else could I invest in that would make me
lots of money and be really easy? What would it take for me to work less hours? What would I have to change
about my business in order for me to work less hours and make more money?
Can you see how fring of questions turns you back into that generation of all of those possibilities? How
cool is that? Te next word to get the axe from your vocabulary is need. Could an infnite being ever need
anything? No. When you create a need in your life, you have to create yourself as fnite. Everywhere you thought
you needed anything at all, which is defnitely the energy of not having, would you be willing to destroy and
uncreate all that, times a godzillion? Right, Wrong, Good, Bad, POC, POD, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds.
Would you also be willing to eliminate the phrase I dont know from your life? People say I dont know over
and over and over again. When you say, I dont know . . . . what youre doing is taking your knowing and
throwing it out the window. Every time you catch yourself saying, I dont know just say, I dont know, I dont
know, I dont know! and ask the energy to run all the shiku implants, particles, and pieces creating I dont
know in my reality, Right, Wrong, Good, Bad, POC, POD, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds.
Anything you say all the time is what Access Consciousness likes to call a shiku implant. Teyre these secret,
hidden, covert, unseen, unsaid, undisclosed implants and explants that are actually running your life. So every
time you say, I dont know, you cant be aware of what you were just about to be aware of.
Furthermore, is it true that you dont know? No. Who else knows? Right? Youre the creator of your life. Youre
the only one that does know. How could you not know? Everything that brings up and everywhere youve
created not knowing in your universe, in any capacity, would you be willing to destroy and uncreate all that?
Right, Wrong, Good, Bad, POC, POD, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds.
Tank you so much. Tat was so much fun! Im so excited for all the beautiful, amazing, phenomenal things
that get to show up in you, as you, for you, and with you. Oh, boy, how does it get any better than this and what
else is possible?
Asking and Receiving, Being YOUR Reality STEP-BY-STEP ACTION GUIDE
14 Asking and Receiving, Being YOUR Reality, Step-by-Step Action Guide, Copyright 2011, Rikka Zimmerman. All rights reserved.
In this book, we sometimes use the word be in an unconventional way, as in the question, What generative
energy, space and consciousness can I be that would allow me to be the energy of having and accumulating
money I truly be?
We use the word be here because if you cant be money, you cant have money.
Why dont we say, the money I truly am? Because am is an evidentiary contrivance of beingness. Am is
a contrived point of view. Be refers to infnite being, where you can be all aspects of everything you could
potentially be.
Clearing Statement (POC/POD)
Te clearing statement we use in Access Consciousness is:
Right, Wrong, Good, Bad, POC, POD, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds.
Stands for a series of questions designed to unlock the energy of whatever is limiting you. Its easy, fun,
dynamic and you can fll in the blanks and apply it in changing any area of your life.
Right and Good
Stands for: How have we made __________ right, good, perfect, and correct?
Wrong and Bad
Stands for: How have we made __________ wrong, terrible, awful, mean, and vicious?
Stands for Point of Creation: What were looking to do is clear where we planted the seed of limitation of
__________ in any lifetime. If we destroy the seed does it then destroy the roots, tree, fruit and everything
youve built based on it ever since then?
Stands for Point of Destruction: In order to hold any limitation in existence we have to be destroying us in order
to hold it in place. How much have we been destroying us in order to keep the limitation of _______________
in place?
15 Asking and Receiving, Being YOUR Reality, Step-by-Step Action Guide, Copyright 2011, Rikka Zimmerman. All rights reserved.
Asking and Receiving, Being YOUR Reality STEP-BY-STEP ACTION GUIDE
All Nine
Stands for:
How does __________ diminish us?
How does __________make us absolutely, totally, irrevocably, infnitely, utterly and eternally meaningless?
What are the rewards that make __________ right, good, perfect, and correct or wrong, terrible, awful, mean,
and vicious?
In __________ what choices have we made or are we making?
In __________what creations created the commitments to the creation of our limitations?
In __________ how many controls, defnitions, limitations, forms, structures, signifcances, linearities, and
concentricities of us hold this in existence?
In __________ what are we unwilling to destroy that holds this in existence?
Stands for: What does __________mean to us? How do we make __________ meaningless?
What are we punishing ourselves with in regards to ___________?
What are the rewards of __________?
Stands for: All the areas of our lives weve tried to handle something continuously with no efect. We would like
to unlock the energy of the limitation even if you dont even know cognitively where it comes from.
Stands for: All the feelings and sensations that take us out of being present and aware. Have you ever gotten a
cell phone bill that was $900 instead of your $34 plan? Tats a beyond. When any energy comes up you can say,
Everything that brings up will you destroy an un-create all that?
Right, Wrong, Good, Bad, POD, POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys & Beyonds

We say destroy and un-create because we are destroying our limitations, and
un-creating everywhere you have created the limitation.
Confictual Universe (also called a confictual reality or a confictual paradigm)
Its a point of view that contains conficting elements. Its a problem. For example, were you told as a child that
the love of money is the root of evil? And are you refusing to be evil? Tats a confictual Universe.
Evidentiary Contrivance
It is a contrived point of view, a viewpoint you have developed. It is when you say, Tis is the way money ought
to be, or Tis is the way things ought to work with money. You consider that you would like something to be
a certain way and then you gather evidence to try and make it right. It is not looking at what is.
Asking and Receiving, Being YOUR Reality STEP-BY-STEP ACTION GUIDE
16 Asking and Receiving, Being YOUR Reality, Step-by-Step Action Guide, Copyright 2011, Rikka Zimmerman. All rights reserved.
A Note to Readers
Access Consciousness

is an energy transformation program which links seasoned wisdom, ancient knowledge

and channeled energies with highly contemporary motivational tools. Its purpose is to set you free by giving you
access to your truest, highest self.
Te information, tools and techniques presented in this book are just a small taste of what Access Consciousness

has to ofer. Tere is a whole Universe of processes and classes.
If there are places where you cant get things in your life to work the way you know they ought to, then you
might be interested in attending an Access Consciousness

class, workshop or locating a facilitator. Tey can

work with you to give you greater clarity about issues you havent yet overcome. Access Consciousness

are done with a trained facilitator, and are based on the energy of you and the person with whom youre
working with.
17 Asking and Receiving, Being YOUR Reality, Step-by-Step Action Guide, Copyright 2011, Rikka Zimmerman. All rights reserved.
Asking and Receiving, Being YOUR Reality STEP-BY-STEP ACTION GUIDE
Other Access Consciousness Books
Conscious Parents Conscious Kids
Tis book is a collection of narratives from children immersed in living with conscious awareness.
Money is Not the Problem, You Are
Ofering out-of-the-box concepts with money. Its not about money. It never is. Its about what youre willing
to receive.
Talk To Te Animals
Did you know that every animal, every plant, every structure on this planet has consciousness and desires to gif
to you?
Embodiment: Te Manual You Should Have Been Given When You Were Born
Introducing you to the awareness that there really is a diferent choice.
Sex Is Not a Four Letter Word but Relationship Ofen Times Is
Funny, frank, and delightfully irreverent, this book ofers readers an entirely fresh view of how to create great
intimacy and exceptional sex.
Magic. You are it. Be it
Magic is about the fun of having the things you desire. Te real magic is the ability to have the joy that life can be.
Asking and Receiving, Being YOUR Reality STEP-BY-STEP ACTION GUIDE
18 Asking and Receiving, Being YOUR Reality, Step-by-Step Action Guide, Copyright 2011, Rikka Zimmerman. All rights reserved.
Access Consciousness Seminars, Workshops Classes
If you liked what you read in this book and are interested in attending Access Consciousness

workshops or classes, then for a very diferent point of view, read on and sample a taste of what is available.
Access Consciousness Bars Class
Bars is one of the foundational tools of Access Consciousness

. You will learn a hands-on energetic process,

which you will gif and receive during the class. Te bars process has created massive amounts of ease and change
for people all over the world. Te bars consist of 32 points on the head which hold the electrical energetic charge
of the thoughts, ideas, beliefs, decisions, and emotions that you have stored in any lifetime about: Healing, Body,
Time, Hopes, Control, Awareness, Creativity, Power, Aging, Sex, Money, and so forth. Te bars are activated by
a light touch, allowing energy to fow. Tis creates greater ease in your body and opens new possibilities, freeing
the stuck areas of your life and allowing you to choose in the present rather than from the past. Every time
you gif a bars session to someone, you receive the benefts as well. Tis class is wonderful for any bodywork
practitioners, as well as for people who have always wanted to learn a dynamic energetic process. It is also a way
for you to experience receiving, rather than the doing, doing, doing that people are always taught.
Prerequisites: None
Access Consciousness Foundation Class
Tis class invites you to look at where you reside in the I have no choice Universeto change it! You will
gain clarity on how you have used reason, justifcation, beliefs, and judgments to create your reality, as well as
awareness of the energetic structures that are obstructing your ability to change. Te clearings you receive from
this class will allow you to claim, own, and acknowledge your potency to transform anything that isnt working
for you. You will receive tools to recognize truth and lies, to utilize language and energy to generate your life, as
well as learning a dynamic hands-on process to heal cellular memory in bodies.
Prerequisites: Bars Class
19 Asking and Receiving, Being YOUR Reality, Step-by-Step Action Guide, Copyright 2011, Rikka Zimmerman. All rights reserved.
Asking and Receiving, Being YOUR Reality STEP-BY-STEP ACTION GUIDE
Access Consciousness Level One Class
Tis class expands on the possibilities opened in the Foundation class and covers areas of sexualness, money,
abundance, and the fve elements of intimacy. Te clearings allow you to eliminate limitations and distractors, as
well as to gain clarity about some of the greatest lies of this reality. You can generate relationships in which you
are honored. You may receive greater awareness of infnite beingness and infnite choice, so you can perceive,
know, be, and receive with ease. You will also learn another amazing, hands-on body process called MTVSS
(molecular terminal valence sloughing system).
Prerequisites: Bars & Foundation Class
Access Consciousness Level 2 and 3 Class
Facilitated by Gary Douglas, the founder of Access, and Dr. Dain Heer
Tese classes invite you to go beyond this reality and generate your life as phenomenal. Te lies of this reality
pertaining to the love/hate program, you as a victim, the perfection of success, so-called disabilities, insane
relationships, and eternal sadness will be cleared from your Universe. You will recognize where you have denied
joy and happiness from your life and begin to acknowledge yourself as the valuable product. Your talents and
abilities will continue to be uncovered, as well as your communion with your body. Choose to step into the
potency of allowance and oneness to create change on the planet. Claim the magic that you can create in your
life and for others.
Prerequisites: Bars Class, Foundation & One
Access Consciousness Body Class
In this dynamic hands-on class you will receive and gif hands-on body processes which will shif your body
from degenerating itself into generating itself. Te processes you learn will create your body and those of your
friends and family, to function with more ease and joy. Tose attending this class report fewer sicknesses, less
pain, and an easier ability to create the body they desire. What would it take for you and your body to be in
communion? What else is possible?
Asking and Receiving, Being YOUR Reality STEP-BY-STEP ACTION GUIDE
20 Asking and Receiving, Being YOUR Reality, Step-by-Step Action Guide, Copyright 2011, Rikka Zimmerman. All rights reserved.
For more information on Gary Douglas, Dr. Dain Heer, books and other products; Access Energy
Transformation seminars, workshops or classes; class registrations or if you have any questions please visit:
Other Access Consciousness Websites (Dain Heer)
21 Asking and Receiving, Being YOUR Reality, Step-by-Step Action Guide, Copyright 2011, Rikka Zimmerman. All rights reserved.
Asking and Receiving, Being YOUR Reality STEP-BY-STEP ACTION GUIDE
Asking and Receiving, Being YOUR Reality STEP-BY-STEP ACTION GUIDE
Rikka Zimmerman is a global leader in consciousness and a true example of Being the
Change we all desire for the world. Rikka has envisioned a new reality and is leading the
way for many. She holds large seminars, teleclasses, ofers private sessions and group classes,
and has just debuted her new book, audio collection and consciousness card deck 21 Secrets
of the Universe; Getting Everything You Desire Out of Life. She has been featured on
numerous TV shows, radio shows, and teleseminars, including Jennifer McLeans Healing
With Te Masters and Sheila Gales Ask & Receive. Rikka recently received the Audience
Choice Award on Darius Barazandehs Your Wealth Revolution. Rikka appears alongside
renown transformational speakers such as Dr. Wayne Dyer, Michael Beckwith, John Grey, Dan Millman, and
Neale Donald Walsch, just to name a few, and is capturing the hearts and attention of hundreds of thousands
around the world. Rikka also has her own radio show on the World Puja Network broadcasting to a network of
900,000 listeners in 139 countries.
Rikka is a facilitator for Access Consciousness which is an ever-changing, ever-evolving set of tools, processes,
and information that can change any area of your life. Access was founded by Gary Douglas, and has been
changing peoples lives for more than 25 years.
Tere is only one person powerful enough to stop you, there is only one person powerful enough to set you free.
Rikka Zimmerman
oes it make sense that if you were functioning from consciousness every part of your life
would work the way YOU would like it to? Are you having a life that is more phenomenal
than anything you can currently imagine? Or are you settling for less than what you KNOW
is possible? We are Infnite Beings, so ask yourself, Would an Infnite Being ever choose a life
like this? Or would an Infnite Being choose something even greater?!?! You are far more than
you have ever been acknowledged for, and Access is the frst modality to recognize that you
are beyond brilliant and talented and amazing. Access is based on the question, so YOU can
Ask . . . and Receive more of YOU! We have no answers, just questions to empower YOU to
know what YOU KNOW. YOU are everything YOU have ever been looking for. Have you
always known something else was possible? What if you just found it?
Asking and Receiving, Being YOUR Reality
Rikka Zimmerman

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