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Created: 18th November 2013 Time 11:00pm New Zealand Timezone - by J J !

ayward - "er#ion 1$3$

OUR TRI-FLAME FAMILY MISSION STATEMENT Statements of US 1$ %e in&l'de ea&h other in everythin( we do) mind) body * #o'l$ 2$ %e .eep o'r#elve# in ea&h other) mind) body * #o'l$ 3$ /'r #o'l-li(ht i# th love we #hare with ea&h other) N0"0 anyone el#e$ 1$ %e maintain o'r rit'al# * love-&y&le# alway#) mind) body * #o'l$ 2$ %e treat ea&h other hone#tly * 3airly) mind) body * #o'l$ 4$ %e ea&h 3ore3ill o'r /506 a# !'#band) %i3e * 7arent#$
8$ %e pro9e&t) monitor * develop o'r 3amily 0: to ma;imi#e o'r li3e e;perien&e# thro'(h ea&h other with 5/"0$

Date: 6th Nov 201

JC-C+ ,-C+J!-N-C---Competent JC-C+ ,-N-C+J!-N-C---N-C JC-N-C+ ,-N-C+J!-N-C---N-C JC-N-C+ ,-N-C+J!-N-C---N-C JC-N-C+ ,-N-C+J!-N-C---N-C JC-N-C+ ,-N-C+J!-N-C---N-C JC-C+ ,-C+J!-C---Competent JC-N-C+ ,-N-C+J!-N-C---N-C JC-N-C+ ,-N-C+J!-N-C---N-C JC-N-C+ ,-N-C+J!-N-C---N-C JC-N-C+ ,-N-C+J!-N-C---N-C

8$ %e do N/T '#e mind) body) #o'l &onne&tion# o't#ide o'r Tri-3lame <nion$ =$ %e e;er&i#e * maintain a healthy livin( ro'tine$ 10$ %e #et * #'pport ea&h other# (oal# to(ether$ 11$ %ive# m'#t alway# prote&t * maintain o'r >lade * Chali&e#$ Rev!e" #ont!n$e% on 1&th Novem'e( 201 #a$se% ') a *o" !n o$( *!fe EA ') o$ts!%e !nte(fe(en#e
M!ss!on Statement + N$m'e( ,
12$ %e '#e o'r 7lea#'re * Creation &enter to navi(ate o'r live#$

-$%.ement a'o$t /e(fo(man#e

%e3 3eel we3 hav been doin( tht) ?@v #een ' both (iv (ood 7*C nav /< 5-&y&le * rit'al i# not proper b't it ha# (iven '# (ood nav * intel into '#$ %e are not in a &on#i#tent &y&le tho) whi&h lead# to low# AJe##B %e hav lea.# in hydration to A obynB Core time in '#3 &'re to &hallen(e AJohnB 2UESTIONS !ow do we3 (et aro'nd) #abora(e o3 o'r li3e-&y&le#D !ow are we3 (a'(in( pro(re## in thi# areaD ?3 we3 de3ine th# area * pro&e## doe# thi# di#advana(e '#3D T34S TO DO ? need to p't the#e 9'd(ment #tatement# into o'r C6 do&'ment$

F!n%!n.s 0om/etent1NY0
JC-C+ ,-C+J!-C--Competent

Created: 18th November 2013 Time 11:00pm New Zealand Timezone - by J J !ayward - "er#ion 1$3$

13$ 11$ %e maintain a blo() to) 3or * aro'nd o'r#elve# * ea&h other) to .eep &on#tant &onta&t$ 12$ %e live everyday 3o&'#in( on th (rowth * development o3 o'r mind#) bodie# * 6/<56$ 14$ %e have * maintain a &ele#tial #tory o3 '# that we .eep re&ord o3 to #torytell o'r &hildren$ 18$ %e b'ild o'r #o'l-li(ht toleran&e level# with o'r love-&y&le#) #o o'r &hildren are &reated * born in '#$ 18$ 0veryday we have a E'ality &he&. #y#tem) on ea&h other# health) wellbein() happine## * 3ore3ill$ 1=$ %e operate * develope a E'ality * 3inan&ial mana(ement #y#tem to or(ani#e o'r ho'#ehold$ 20$ %e plan prepare * or(ani#e o'r li3e to(ether$ 21$ %e p't ea&h other 3ir#t) be3ore anythin( or anyone el#e$ 22$ %e rea33irm o'r 5/"0 3or ea&h other * read o'r 3amily mi##ion daily$ 23$ /'r !'#band i# a Foom#day 7repper * we #'pport him 3'lly$ 21$ %e ea&h 3o&'#) maintain * develop wholene## o3 605, o3 o'r Tri-,lame <nion) mind) body * #o'l$ 22$ /'r ,amily ha# a #o'l-li(ht &'lt're) %0 ma.e li3e &hoi&e# that (row# o'r #o'l-li(ht$ 24$ %e #t'dy the Chri#tian >ible) have prayer * (row o'r relation#hip with Je#'# Chri#t o'r 6avior$ 28$ %e 3ollow God# prayer &ommandment HFo not lead) tea&h) help or Condemn) God ha# a#.ed '# to #imily 5?"0$ 28$ %e 5?"0 in o'r Tri-3lame <nion) mind) body * #o'l$ 2=$ %e believe there i# no #in in .illin( a bea#t) * we ta.e a&tive mea#'re# to prote&t o'r 3amily 3rom it$ 30$ %e are proa&tive) 3'n) wi#e) healthy) happy$ 31$ %e a&tivily ride o'r Tri-3lame <nion 0:) the hi(h# * low#) while e;perien&in( o'r 3'll emotion#$ 32$ %e a&tivily (row a (lobal &omm'nity o3 people who 'nder#tand o'r need#$ 33$ %e pra&ti&e the law o3 re&ipre&ation in all o'r a(reement# #o lon( a# they do not violate o'r Tri-,lame <nion$

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