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Art Stud|es 174 - opu|ar Art and Cu|ture |n the h|||pp|nes

Llolsa May . Pernandez, h.u.

sem 2013-2014

Course Cb[ecLlve:
1o lnLroduce Lhe sLudenL Lo varlous approaches and lssues ln Lhe sLudy of popular arL and culLure
ln Lhe hlllpplnes

l. Cvervlew
ko|ando 8. 1o|ent|no. lnLroduksyon" ln Sa Loob AL Labas ng Mall kong Sawl / kallluha's Slyang
nagyayarlng Parl. p. 3 - 16 [uS664 163 llllplnlana secLlon)

Iohn Storey. WhaL ls opular CulLure" ln An lnLroducLlon Lo CulLural 1heory and opular CulLure.
pp. 1 - 20. [C819 S76 1997. CMC llb reserved]

ll. Approaches and erspecLlves: opular ArL and CulLure
1heodor Adorno & Max norkhe|mer. "1he CulLure lndusLry: LnllghLenmenL as Mass uecepLlon."
lrom ulalecLlc of LnllghLenmenL (Crlglnally publlshed as ulalekLlk der Aufklarung, 1944)**.

1heodor Adorno. "Cn opular Muslc." CulLural 1heory & opular CulLure: A 8eader* pp 197-209

Stuart na|| and addy Whanne|. 1he ?oung Audlence." CulLural 1heory and opular CulLure: A
8eader* pp. 61-67.

Lou|s A|thusser. ldeology and ldeologlcal SLaLe ApparaLuses." CulLural 1heory and opular
CulLure: A 8eader* pp 133-164.

Anton|o Gramsc|. Pegemony, lnLellecLuals, and Lhe SLaLe." CulLural 1heory and opular CulLure:
A 8eader* pp. 210-216.

Wa|ter 8en[am|n. "1he Work Cf ArL ln 1he Age Cf lLs 1echnologlcal 8eproduclblllLy." ln 1he
CulLural SLudles 8eader, ed. Slmon uurlng pp 39-80

W.I.1. M|tche||, 1he Work of ArL ln Lhe Age of 8locyberneLlc 8eproducLlon.

Marsha|| McLuhan. "1he Medlum ls 1he Message" pp 7-21 and "1he CadgeL Lover" pp 41-47
undersLandlng Medla: 1he LxLenslons Cf Man 1964

Ien Ang. uallas And 1he ldeology Cf Mass CulLure." CulLural 1heory and opular CulLure: A
8eader* pp 263-274

Iean 8audr|||ard. "1he recesslon Cf Slmulacra." CulLural 1heory and opular CulLure: A 8eader*
pp 330-337

Dom|n|c Str|nat|. "osLmodernlsm and opular CulLure". An lnLroducLlon Lo Lheorles of popular
culLure 2004, pp 203-226 [PM 101 S89 2004 CAL llb reserved] or
L||zabeth W||son. lashlon and osLmodernlsm." CulLural 1heory and opular CulLure: A 8eader*
pp 392-402

kaymond 8etts. "Papplly Spaced CuL: 1he 1opography Cf leasure and ulverslon." A PlsLory Cf
opular CulLure, pp. 107-131. [C8427 848 cmc]

Stuart na||, noLes on ueconsLrucLlng Lhe opular" CulLural 1heory and opular CulLure: A
8eader* pp 442-433

*Cu|tura| 1heory and opu|ar Cu|ture: A keader, ed: Iohn Storey. 1998. [C819 C83 1998, CAL ||b

lll. Survey of sLudles on popular arL and culLure ln Lhe hlllpplnes

1olenLlno, 8olando 8. Second-CeneraLlon Mall ng 1rlnoma. 1he unlverslLy of Lhe hlllpplnes
lorum. volume 9 number 6, november-uecember 2008. pp. 14-13.
1uble, Ma. Cecllle. SM Megamall: SemloLlcs, roxemlcs & henomenon. !"#"$%& ()*")+. pp 12-17

erLlerra, 8aul. 1he new CommunlcaLlon Medla and 1helr LffecLs on llllplno CulLure and SocleLy
1he lorum - !anuary-lebruary 2012 - (vol 13 lssue 1) (pdf)

8afael, vlcenLe L. 1he Cell hone and Lhe Crowd: Messlanlc ollLlcs ln Lhe ConLemporary
hlllpplnes (pdf)

Pernandez, Llolsa May . korean 8agnarok and lLs lmpacL on hlllpplne ConLemporary CulLure
Mlrasol, Mlchael. vldeo games are arL. (pdf)
Cubagars, Mark AnLhoy eL al. 1he layground ls Allve: Cnllne Cames and Lhe lormaLlon of a
vlrLual SubculLure. larldel vol 2 no. 1

8amos, uorcas !ulleL. lnoy Cosplay: roflle of Cosplayers ln Lhe hlllpplnes. LasL Aslan opular
CulLure hlllpplne erspecLlves.

Lagarde, SLephen. 1he hlllpplne vldeoke henomenon: CulLure, AesLheLlcs and 1echnology ln
1oday's Cloballzed CommunlLy by, Muslka !ournal 6 2010, pp 4-40

8eadlngs are avallable aL 8lesslngs (Lhe orlglnal shop), Shopplng CenLer. Some essays are
avallable onllne, check Lhe llnks. Also, Lhere wlll be a shared uropbox folder for some of Lhe
readlngs on ul.

Course requ|rements & grad|ng system
Croup reporL (group-led dlscusslon on selecLed readlngs) - 23
MldLerms - 23
ALLendance & class parLlclpaLlon - 13
lndlvldual flnal paper - 33
1oLal 100

1. |ag|ar|sm w||| NC1 be to|erated. ldeas of oLher people and sources used for all papers
should be properly clLed. use Lhe MLA clLaLlon.
2. All papers should be double-spaced, 1lmes new 8oman polnL 11, and ln Lngllsh or
llllplno (no Lagllsh). PandwrlLLen papers wlll noL be accepLed. SLaple your papers.
3. WrlLe name, class number (wlll be lssued laLer), secLlon, college, sLudenL number, &
name of professor on Lop of Lhe flrsL page.

1. Lvery u sLudenL ls expecLed Lo uphold academlc lnLegrlLy aL all Llmes. Pence, plaglarlsm
ls unaccepLable. lf caughL, you wlll auLomaLlcally recelve a grade of 3.0 for Lhe course
and wlll be reporLed Lo Lhe SLudenL ulsclpllnary 1rlbunal.
2. AfLer 6 absences, drop yourself or geL an auLomaLlc 3.0. 1hls ls a unlverslLy rule and ls
3. ALLendance wlll be checked aL Lhe sLarL of class. lnform me aL Lhe end of class lf you
came ln laLe. lf you are noL ln class 13 mlnuLes afLer Lhe scheduled sLarL of class, you are
consldered absenL. 1hls ls also a unlverslLy rule and ls non-negoLlable. 3 laLes = 1 absenL
4. no forced drop or lnC wlll be glven. lf you do noL show up ln class durlng Lhe semesLer
wlLhouL dropplng or LCA sllps, expecL a grade of 3.0.
3. LaLe submlsslon of requlremenLs (laLe wlll only be accepLed 1 week afLer Lhe deadllne,
excepL for flnal paper) - hlghesL posslble grade 3.0. no requlremenL - auLomaLlc 3.0.
6. no excuses for laLes, absences, mlssed deadllnes, and mlssed exams.
7. SwlLch off cellular phones and all elecLronlc gadgeLs durlng class. lf you are caughL Lhese
ln class, Lhey wlll be conflscaLed.
8. 8emember Lhe Lwo words ln fronL of Lhe bluebook - PCnC8 and LxCLLLLnCL. Llve by
Lhose words.

8y appolnLmenL. ?ou may consulL wlLh me aL laculLy CenLer 2083, 1uesdays Lo lrldays 10 Lo
11:30 am & 230-4pm. (excepL Wednesdays). ?ou may conLacL me vla emall aL
emphernandezQgma||.com . DC NC1 tweet me about c|ass matters. l wlll respond Lo emalls
only unLll 7pm and on weekdays. Cuerles senL afLer 7pm wlll be answered Lhe day afLer.

IMCk1AN1 - - Add Doc L|o| nernandez hLLps://
(pls wrlLe AS 174 ln your requesL)) & follow [DocL|o|n hLLps:// on 1wlLLer.
l wlll posL class announcemenLs, evenLs, readlngs, eLc. Lhere. Cpen a uropbox accounL so you can
access some of Lhe readlngs on ul/Word.

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