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Almost a goddess

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Copyright 2013 by Sandra Martinez. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any infor mation storage and retrieval system, without the authors permission.

Almost a goddess

For my kids, who cope gracefully with a mom whos always writing.

Almost a goddess

Almost a goddess

Table of contents
Chapter 1: Thieves ......................................................... 10 Chapter 2: The Girl In A Pink Dress .............................. 15 Chapter 3: The House With The Peach Tree .................. 17 Chapter 4: Unsettling News ........................................... 22 Chapter 5: Flight Of The Phoenix .................................. 25 Chapter 6: Pearl ............................................................. 28 Chapter 7: The Torch Bearer .......................................... 31 Chapter 8: Bitter Truths ................................................. 33 Chapter 9: Just Holding Up ............................................ 36 Chapter 10: King Huang The Third ................................ 40 Chapter 11: Two Knives And A Promise ....................... 45 Chapter 12: The Public Baths ......................................... 47 Chapter 13: The Dancer ................................................. 52 Chapter 14: The Black Dragon ....................................... 57 Chapter 15: Black Dragon Rider .................................... 60 Chapter 16: Friends And Foes ........................................ 64 Chapter 18: Half truths and lies ...................................... 69 Chapter 19: Jia-Lis Wisdom ......................................... 72 Chapter 20: Echoes from the Past .................................. 75 Chapter 21: Alcn Island ............................................... 82 Chapter 22: Feng-Huang ................................................ 84 Chapter 23: Pelaia sleeping ............................................ 87 Chapter 24: The Valley of the Children .......................... 92
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Chapter 25: Pelaia dancing............................................. 97 Chapter 26: The chupa-cabra ......................................... 99 Chapter 27: Forces of nature ........................................ 101 Chapter 28: The belly of the owl .................................. 106 Chapter 29: The Little Mouse ...................................... 109 Chapter 30: The Lucky Girl and the Golden Forest of Erijam .............................................................................. 113 Chapter 31: The Kid in the Waterfall ........................... 117 Chapter 32: Sir Ruffus ................................................. 119 Chapter 33: Captain Chai-Fu........................................ 122 Chapter 34: Girl Fight .................................................. 127 Chapter 35: Back Home ............................................... 131 Chapter 36: Shi-Rens love .......................................... 134 Chapter 37: The End of the Pit ..................................... 137 Chapter 38: The Kiss ................................................... 140 Chapter 39: The wave of despair .................................. 145 Chapter 40: Xiaos rescue ............................................ 147 Chapter 41: Dried fruit ................................................. 150 Chapter 42: Blood and Water ....................................... 152 Chapter 43: Xiaos Queen ........................................... 155 Chapter 44: The rod machine ....................................... 158 Chapter 45: The Red Ruby ........................................... 160 Chapter 46: With the hands in the dough...................... 165 Chapter 47: Monique ................................................... 169

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Chapter 48: The Call From The Earth Land ................. 172 Chapter 49: Nihira ....................................................... 175 Chapter 50: Not A Chance ........................................... 178 Chapter 51: A Big Family ............................................ 184 Chapter 52: The Decoy ................................................ 186 Chapter 53: Adis needs ............................................... 190 Chapter 54: Remembrance ........................................... 193 Chapter 55: Patience Pays ............................................ 196 Chapter 56: The trunk man .......................................... 200 Chapter 57: Naag ......................................................... 203 Chapter 58: Amara and Sachi ....................................... 209 Chapter 59: Preparations .............................................. 213 Chapter 60: The First House ........................................ 216 Chapter 61: The Cove .................................................. 220 Chapter 62: Empty House ............................................ 224 Chapter 63: Lauderia ................................................... 226 Chapter 64: The Looking Mirror .................................. 229 Chapter 65: Into the cave ............................................. 233 Chapter 66: The chattel boy ......................................... 237 Chapter 67: Sirens Song ............................................. 240 Chapter 68: Full House ................................................ 243 Chapter 69: The prairie ................................................ 245 Chapter 70: Decisions .................................................. 248 Chapter 71: Fire and Snakes......................................... 250

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Chapter 72: Lessons from the farm .............................. 254 Chapter 73: Fangs and stakes ....................................... 258 Chapter 74: The next day ............................................. 261 Chapter 75: Monkeys ................................................... 264 Chapter 76: Beheaded .................................................. 268 Epilogue ...................................................................... 270 Appendix 1: Meaning of names ................................... 271 Appendix 2: Weird Words That Are Not Names .......... 274

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Chapter 1: Thieves
Xiao wiped his forehead for the twentieth time. Goddess, it was hot! Fang looked at him, grinning, and the king gave his companion a cold stare. Of course he didnt care about the heat, he didnt feel it. Well, he did feel it, but it was not the same. A noise distracted him from his misery and self-pity. His eyes darted, searching the darkness. Maybe this was what he was waiting for. He heard the panting and the moaning No. They were not the thieves, just another couple playing in the shade of the night near the riverbank. He felt heat spreading throughout his body and remembered Callie, yet again. That girl was beautiful as the moon and dangerous as a tiger, and she didnt love him. He thought that being a king would change something. He was wrong. She had fallen for Ye-Sheng, that bastard. Granted, Xiao was as short as a child, and the other was tall and muscular. He had delicate features, while the other had a square strong jaw and his face seemed carved in stone. He was the tiny king of a tiny kingdom, and the other was a dragon, a fire dragon whose name meant wild. For goodness sake, how could he compete with something like that? Another noise distracted him from his thoughts, maybe this time nope, it was a monkey. He was sick and tired of the monkeys. They were everywhere. He looked across the street, toward the small inn. It was almost dawn. A woman walked to the door and entered, a child by her side. She was minute and delicate; the weight of

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the basket looked unbearable for such a small frame. The child had a stern face, all determination and self-control. He walked carefully, caring for the woman his mother? never playing or running, never smiling. She was definitely from the fire race, with beautiful brown eyes, and silky black hair. She must have been stunning. Xiao could see the line of her jaw, the delicate rosebud mouth, and the water-drop shape of her eyes. One side of her face had a nasty scar, a scar from fire. Fang called his attention with a whistle, and pointed at a tall papaya tree. A monkey was picking up the papayas and putting them somewhere was it a bag? So that was how they did it! They were using monkeys! Xiao shook his head, he couldnt believe his eyes. He got up and went toward Fang. We need to follow those monkeys, he whispered. Ill do it, Fang answered. Mika will take you home. The man closed his eyes and looked up. The air shimmered and another man appeared by them, out of the blue. He was middle frame, but looked strong. He had dark hair falling to his shoulders and piercing blue eyes. A black crystal fang hung from his neck, tied with a leather thong. The newcomer nodded to the king. Xiao looked at him and smiled. Fang was nowhere to be found. A monkey was fast climbing a tree to catch up with the others. Home? Mika asked. Nah have you had breakfast? Not yet. The blue eyes sparkled. Lets go eat something. Its on me. The king winked. The other man grinned.

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They got out of the bushes where Xiao had been hiding all night, waiting to catch the thieves that had been stealing fruits from the trees. It was not a clever activity for a king, but he didnt care, this was personal. Apparently someone had decided that his public food was a good business. Xiao was very upset, and determined to get them. He was a kind soul, but this affront enraged him to limits he never thought possible. He had planted fruit trees all along the delta of the Green Dragon River. Emerald citythe capital of Emerald Island, his newly created kingdom was sitting on the delta right over the Emerald Sea. Emerald Island used to be a peninsula, but the geography had been dramatically changed by Pearl, during the last almost war. He loved the concept of having food for his subjects no matter how poor they were. Maybe it was because if he hadnt been born a prince, he might had ended his days as a beggar. He was almost sure about it. His main gifts were to be able to capture beauty, painting it, and ride horses faster than the wind. Other than that, he considered himself completely useless. After brushing off the leaves and grass from his clothes, they crossed the street. Curiosity had gotten the best of him yet again. He was puzzled about the woman and her cargo. He wanted to know what she brought to the tavern so early. They entered the inn and the bartender looked at them, surprised. Xiao glared at him admonishingly and shook his head once, curtly. The man froze for a second, purposely relaxed his shoulders, and kept cleaning a vessel as if an average customer had entered. Good boy. Xiao loved the air throng in moments like this. They were fast.

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Scanning the counter, he saw what he was looking for. The heavy basket was set on the right border, and it was filled to the top with fried mantou. Xiao loved mantou. He never thought he would see them this far south. It was very early and there were few customers, but soon it would be a full house. This particular inn served an earthlander breakfast, which was highly appreciated by sailors, its main customers. A table with fruits of all colors and shapes was set in a corner, together with pastries both salty and sweet, cheese and milk. The smell of coffee and cacao filled the air. Small pots with condensed milk and honey waited at the end of the table, right in front of the juice jars. On the far end, there were the local dishes: rice porridge, soup, pork on a stick, fried pastries, and even noodles. Two breakfasts. And I want some of those mantou to carry after, please, Xiao told the bar owner, sliding a couple of coins with his own face on them over the counter. The man smiled while gathering the money, and nodded. Take any table you want, my lord. Mikas mouth was watering all the while he was gathering the food and sitting at the low table over a bamboo carpet. He absolutely loved the variety of fruit on Emerald Island. The sanctuary of the Goddesswhere he lived nowhad delightful food. But it was different. Here the taste was scrumptious, sensual, a quality difficult to express into words. To see the food, to smell it, made him want to bring Elie here and He gave a mango a deep bite and pushed the thought away, it would have to wait. She was too busy being a mother, and he wanted to respect her time. But it was not easy, not easy at all.

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Xiao watched Mika eat with a big grin playing across his face. The rapture in the blue eyed mans face was priceless. The owner of the inn was not that happy. Mika tried a bit of everything, and had a second serving of some. He also took two cups of cacao with water, and added cream. When they finished, the house was full with customers and keeping the anonymity was becoming difficult. The bartender saw them getting up to leave and brought a small basket to the table. The mantou, my lord. Thank you, Xiao answered with a nod. He had forgotten about them. They went into an empty hallway that lead to the private rooms and Mika jumped them to the palace. The blue eyed man had the ability of disappearing and appearing in places he had already been to. The source of his power was the crystal fang hanging from his neck. Xiao took Mikas arm and patted him on the back with the other hand. Thanks, my friend. You are the best. Anytime, Mika answered smiling. Better go back, dont want to keep the ladies waiting. The air shimmered, and he was gone. Xiao looked at the basket in his hand, took one mantou and gave it a bite. Bliss.

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Chapter 2: The Girl In A Pink Dress

Savoring the mantous took Xiao to another time, when he was the youngest of six kids living in his fathers palace, and was methodically scolded by all his brothers and sisters. He loved to spend time in the kitchen; it made him feel safe. The cook used to give him fried mantous with condensed milk. She had taken the challenge of making him grow singlehandedly, at least sideways. Of course, it never worked. She was a lovely lady, and her daughter always dressed in pale pink. The girls name was Mei-Gui. Xiao smiled at the memory she had been his first love. He used to look at her, mesmerized, while she rolled pastry, imagining he was the one under those delicate and skilled hands. One day she just vanished. Her mother told him she had married and left town. Why was he remembering her now, after all these years? It was probably the food. He dug into his drawings and found the one he was looking for, the one of the girl who always dressed in pink. He looked at the details carefully, remembering. He took a new piece of silk and slowly drew what he remembered of the woman he had seen earlier. The eye, the line of the face, the nose, the hair, the cherry mouth then he completed the other side of the face without the scar. Looking at him from the silk was the girl in pink, all grown up. What had happened to her? He tasted another pastry and noticed the distinctive flavor of his old cooks hand. The yeast was very unique. They had been safekeeping it for generations by cooking the mantous with the same recipe day after day, and saving mother dough for the next one.
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Before he could change his mind, Xiao called Zhong-Shi, the captain of his guard. Please, go to the inn in front of the riverbank, and find out where the mantou-maker lives. If Im right, her name is Mei-Gui. Then go to her house and ask her to come, I want to have a word with her. The guard saluted. Ah, the king added, ask her to bring her son if she wishes to. He thought it was a good idea to allow her to carry the kid along. It was a sign that he only wanted to talk with her. The rumors at his fathers palace didnt paint him in a very good light among the service maids, and she might have second thoughts about his intentions if she had heard them. He remembered the girl that had saved his life when his father tried to kill him, and his lips stretched. Maybe they were not that unhappy with his attentions after all. Xiao decided to take a bath and change clothes. He was filthy from his failed expedition to catch the thieves. So lost he was in his thoughts, that this time he did not pay attention to his nanmu wood bathtub, always filled with clean water, ready for him day and night. He marveled when he saw it for the first time, carved right out of a huge trunk, polished until it shone, and covered in beeswax for extra protection. It was a beautiful piece, fitted for a real king. Maybe it was too much for him, like the rest of his life, but he was not about to complain about it. While he was arranging the sash of his hanfu, he reviewed the expedition to the riverbank and smirked. Monkeys, hum? It was ingenious, he had to give it to them.

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Chapter 3: The House With The Peach Tree

Captain Zhong-Shi gathered a small group and rode toward the inn. He was thankful about having something to do. He was becoming too complacent. He didnt complain though, not at all. Emerald Island was a tropical paradise, very different from the freezing cold of Bian-Jing, where he was born and lived all his life, serving as captain of the personal guard of Duke Ming-Zhi. Life was pleasant here, his job was easy, and the young king was a good man, and wise beyond his years. Yet, there was nothing like a healthy dose of trouble to keep the blood pumping and the muscles toned. He didnt expect to get any, but the anticipation was a good placebo. He entered the inn and the man behind the counter froze. His eyes darted to his left fast, as if looking for an exit, while his hand got hold of his kris knife. The captain knew, right there, that something illegal was taking place, but it was not the right time to take care of it. He had his orders. He approached the counter. The air was still, except for the cracking sound of his boots on the bamboo floor, and the swish of his jian sword hanging by his right leg. The heavy beams that gave support to the thatched sago palm roof were low, but he was not tall enough to care. For a second, he imagined Jin-Long in this place and the corner of his mouth twitched. That should be interesting. The golden dragon was eight feet tall in his man form. Good morning, sir, he acknowledged the man behind the counter. The bartenders face had a studied, indifferent smile,
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but a small pearl of swept was sliding down the side of his forehead. Good morning to you, gentlemen. Are you here for refreshment? he asked, hopeful. Not exactly. The captain sighed to make the man more at ease. We are on duty. We need some information. The mans face showed relief, fast replaced by the devious expression so typical of the air merchants. They had taken the peninsula by storm during the ten years it belonged to the Hawa nation. Zhong-Shi smiled inwardly. The man was air through and through. His Highness, King Xiao the First requests the address of Mei-Gui, the mantou maker. The man gulped. The emotions that crossed his face were unsettling surprise, fear, pain, pity. It was obvious he cared for this lady, and there was something else. What could it be? She lives in Jieshu Street, about a mile before the docks. Her house has a peach tree on the front. Your cooperation is highly appreciated. The soldier nodded shortly, did a half circle turn on his heels, and headed out. His men had already cleared a corridor. They followed in perfect order, almost like a dance. Zhong-Shi found the house easily. A peach tree in late spring, with its pink flowers and artistic shaped canopy, some fruits starting to form, and its dark and rough bark, was a view impossible to miss. The house was small but tidy, located in high ground compared to the others. In this part of the delta, some of the houses were built right on the water. This one should be dry

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most of the time, even in high tide, or the tree wouldnt be here. It was a long roof palm thatched house, with a steep and narrow stair leading to a gallery with bamboo floor. The veranda was also made in bamboo with the low wall skillfully arranged as squares inside squares. The structure was built in wood, not as strong as the one of the inn, but good for a river house. The wall was made out of bamboo and rattan interwoven, with two windows. The space under the house was closed to the prying eyes with a bamboo net, and, on the back, it seemed to end right at the water. In the gallery, there was a water jug on the corner, and ceramic pots with flowers. A huge hornbill the size of a swan with a funny red horn was perched on the veranda by its own volition. Hidden in the tree, a group of parrots chatted eagerly. The birds were making an incredible amount of noise, as if welcoming them, or, more likely, letting everyone know that intruders had arrived. He climbed the seven steps of the staircase, ducked just in time to prevent the thatch getting in his eye, and knocked softly on the bamboo door. He never got used to these doors. They were too weak. In Bian-Jing, his province, the door represented the status of the house. Someone with a door like this would be considered to have no pride, and might even be ostracized. Well, they might not need to be ostracized they would be dead when the cold came and everything froze. The door cracked softly and opened. Zhong-Shi caught himself a fraction before gasping. In front of him there was a small lady with bird-like structure, beautiful raven hair and delicate hands. But what forced him to use his training was

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not this, or the beauty of half of her face, but the burn that she sported on the right side. Many emotions crossed him at that point. He wanted to protect her, avenge her, care for her. She was so delicate, so small, so fragile. She had been so beautiful. She looked at him, understanding his distress, and her eyes blurred with threatening tears that never fell. Good morning, sir. May I help you? She bowed respectfully. Zhong-Shi cleared his throat. I am Zhong-Shi, captain of the personal guard of His Highness, King Xiao the First. Im looking for Ms. Mei-Gui, the mantou maker. King Xiao needs to speak with her. King Xiao She tried to hide a smile, but couldnt. I am Mei-Gui. It will be an honor to see the King. She nodded. The King extends the invitation to your son as well. At this point her spine stiffened, she became alert, and fear crossed her face. It was just a second, and then she bowed and took that slimy attitude distressed servants show in presence of their masters. Zhong-Shis own spine recoiled as well. In other circumstances, this change of attitude could only mean trouble. Yes, of course. Please, wait while I ready myself and my son. She bowed again, deeper this time, and scurried inside closing the door behind her. Zhong-Shi turned his back to the door and looked at his men. They were waiting under the shadow of the peach tree. The parrots never stopped chatting. The noise was almost unbearable.

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A long time went by and the lady didnt appear. He would not have worried much except for the fact that the house felt empty. He knocked again, no sound could be heard. Please, open the door. He imprinted authority in his words and listened for some reaction. Nothing. He kicked it open. Actually, his foot went through the rattan piece instead, breaking it free from the frame. He pushed the panel in and peeped inside. The house was indeed empty. Go around! His men moved fast, while he was entering the small space. He crossed the social area and went straight to the back room, the one for the family affairs. He saw the space for cooking and two small cauldrons placed on a low frame. Along the wall there was a slim bench, more like a shelf. Pots with flour and rice were placed underneath it, and a basket with eggs and vegetables graced a corner. On the other side, a bamboo bed with a palm woven cover took most of the space. He crossed the room and opened the back door, landing on a tiny pier, right on the water. Zhong-Shi shook his head in dismay. He had lost them.

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Chapter 4: Unsettling News

The captain and his crew rode back to the palace and delivered the bad news. Im sorry, my lord. She escaped us. Ill take any punishment you see fit. Xiao was so disconcerted that he didnt even roll his eyes at the mention of punishment. Why did she flee? Please, give me details. Zhong-Shi told him the full story. Very strange indeed. Xiao was lost in thought for a couple of minutes. Please, go to the inn and invite the owner to come. I need to have a word with him. Yes, Sire. The man was uneasy when he sat in the large arm chair Xiao directed him to. It was pompous furniture brought from Shou-Do, not usual at all so far south, or anywhere else for that matter. And to sit in front of a king was utterly unnatural. Most kings expect their subjects to stand, or kneel. I can see you are nervous, the king said in lieu of introduction. We are not here to talk about taxes, or any illegal activity you might run at your inn. You can breathe now. The man allowed himself the shadow of a smile. Xiao acknowledged him and kept talking. I am looking for the lady that sells the mantou to you. Her name is MeiGui. What can you tell me about her? The man looked at Xiao in the eye for a second, then he remembered his manners and looked down. It is about that kid, isnt it? She knew this day would come.

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Tell me what you know about the kid, Xiao inquired, trying hard to keep his face and shoulders relaxed so the surprise did not show. The man sighed. He is a fire breather, and he hasnt come of age yet. Thats impossible. The fire gift only develops after adulthood, Xiao muttered startled and unable to hide it. Yes. Some say she was actually impregnated by a dragon. At least that is what her husband claimed. He left her and the child locked out with only their clothes on when she needed him the most. Did you see the scar in her face? The boy did it to her, in a tantrum, when he was two years of age. The poor dear Xiao was curling the end of his braid with one finger and pulling it hard. He didnt understand. His father was a fire breather, but all he did was to expel smoke out of his mouth when he was upset. From all the pure bred dogs in courtas he called them, he only saw one actually blowing fire. Duke Ming-Zhi of Bian-Jing did it during the meeting that changed his life forever. Thank you, you can go now. He looked at the captain by the door. Please, escort the gentleman out and bring ShiRen. I hope it is really important. Shi-Ren, entered the room and sat without any ceremony. I think it is wise one, Xiao kept his voice firm. The fire dragon sat straight, paying attention. If Xiao called him wise one, it had to be interesting. Show me, the dragon-man commanded. Xiao relaxed. The man put both hands on the sides of his head and looked

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deep into his eyes, searching for the last conversation and some more. I see. Xiao saw surprise fast replaced by an inscrutable face. Whatever the situation was, his intuition had been right, it was serious. Can he be one of your kin? Xiao asked. No, he is not. When a fire dragon impregnates a woman, you get someone like your father. Only spending time in the Red City might make him a dragon, and the city is not lit at this time as far as I know. Xiao knew about the Blue City, of course. But he didnt know there was a Red City as well. His mind started to swirl under the implications, but he forced himself to come back. So what is this boy? Im not completely sure, but we need to find this woman before the snakies do, he said with determination, jumping to his feet. I know her better than anyone else. Let me go. The immortal looked at Xiao, exasperated. You know we cant risk you. You are a public figure. It would be complicated to find another king if something happens to you. Thanks for your concern, Xiao snickered.

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Chapter 5: Flight Of The Phoenix

Where do we go? Fang asked, sitting comfortably in a beautiful seating bed. It had three sides made out of carved wood with details of prunes and peonies, and the seat made out of rattan and bamboo. He had just jumped in and caught the last part of the conversation. To search for a woman and her son, the dragon-man answered. Fang raised an eyebrow. The intensity in ShiRens eyes told him this was important. What does she look like? Xiao handed him the silk sheet with the drawing. Like this, but half of the face has a nasty scar from fire. Fang looked up, falcon eyes watching Xiao. I saw this woman. She was boarding the boat that carries your fruit. It has already left toward the Allura Islands. Shi-Ren strode forcefully to the balcony. Can you take dragon shape? he asked Fang without turning. I can try. His face lit with excitement. Goddess! He loved challenges! Shi-Ren studied the balcony area. There was evidently not enough space to spread his wings. He jumped out and landed with a fluid movement on the sand ten feet below. The second man followed with ease, almost levitating. The wise one changed to dragon form and sprinted toward the air. Fang transformed into a dragon as well and followed Shi-Ren. He was green with aquamarine lines, while the fire dragon was red with golden lines. He could have chosen any colorhis shapes were mere illusions for the most part, until he learnt to have substance. He chose this one because of Pearl.
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They went toward the port and out to the sea, until they saw the boat. They circled around it, while Shi-Ren studied the situation. There was not much a fire dragon could do, except burn it. Any idea? he asked Fang. I can jump into the boat and talk to her. But it can backfire. Literally the dragon did a rough turn. Something had just hit him in one wing. The boy was on the ships deck, legs wide apart, gaze centered and hands spread in front of him. He was conjuring a big ball of fire between his hands. Fang disappeared in mid air and appeared right at the boys back in his man form, grabbing him from behind while soothing him. His fangs came out as a natural reaction, and he restrained the need to use them. The boy stopped for a second and looked at him from the corner of his eye. Please, I dont want to hurt you. Just to talk, Fang said, intensifying the soothing effect. The boy relaxed, caught in his spell. Suddenly, a wild cry made him spring: Mei-Gui had blindly charged. She went through him and knocked her son to the floor. The boy turned around and looked at them, changed form into a phoenix, grabbed his mother in his claws, and flew away. Fang was about to follow him, but Shi-Ren called him, and they went back to the Palace instead. The fire dragon was not in good shape. The fire ball had made a hole in his wing. The pain was bearable hardly, but the wind coming through the hole made flying very difficult. He managed to land at the cove by the palace.

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Please, bring Pearl, he told Fang trying to remain calm, but the need to snarl was taking over. His eyes were red with streaks of gold. Not a good sign. The answer was a dismayed look. I cant. She is not talking to me. Ill bring Balian.

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Chapter 6: Pearl
Xiao was at the balcony watching Shi-Ren, when he saw the magus appearing with a bag in his hands. The king could hardly recognize him. His clothes were of the finest silk, and his hair was braided and carefully tightened in a knot. Had he gained weight? It seemed that palace life had finally gotten to him. But he was here, with a bag, ready to work. Mika was by his side. Oh, my friend, Balian gasped looking at the hole in the dragons wing. Mika, please bring me aloe vera, eight big leaves, he said while taking his mortar from the bag, a sharp knife and some other pouches with who knows what. He looked at Fang and grimaced. Fang stared back at the man and stiffed before looking down like a scolded little boy. I will be with Xiao if you need me. The wizard offered him a dirty look before going back to his chore. Fang jumped to the balcony, where Xiao was watching with deep interest. Mika appeared again. He had scratches in his arms and face. They worked fast, cleaning the leaves from the spines and cutting them. Balian made a gel with part of the pulp, mixed it up with some other ingredients and applied it directly to the wound. Then they wrapped the cut leaves over it with the green part on the outside. Balian stepped back and looked at his work. Not bad, but not enough to actually close the hole. Shi-Ren seemed relieved. His eyes were not on fire anymore.

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The wizard sat on the floor, crossed his legs and started chanting. It was a long shot, but maybe he could heal him. He centered, intent on recovering his aura to perfect health. He opened his heart chakra and allowed healing energy to flow through him. It was hard. The dragons aura kept disintegrating to make space for the hole, and he kept pushing to restore it. A long time passed and Balian was still at work. Mika was worried, they needed Pearl. But she was still furious and very busy. She was trying to fix the flood she created during her fight with Fang. It turned out that bringing things back to balance was not easy at all, once you interfered with the climate at this scale. He gave it a try. The wizard was strong, but he was not getting any younger and this effort might be too much for him. He reached out to her, raw emotions pushed him hard. Pearl. Leave me alone! she yelled. He was having a very hard time breathing, but he was not letting go. Balian needs you, he managed to send. At that instant, everything changed so fast that he lost his balance, and fell on his back over the sand. The raw emotions where not there anymore, no more anger, no more outrage, no more pain... Where? What happened? he heard a worried little girls voice by his side. He looked at her and recognized Pearl in her girl form. She looked at the wizard and her face lit, he was still at work. She pressed herself to his back and put her small hands over his.

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Balian felt the well known tickle of energy and knew his baby girl was here. She added her healing power to his, making it come from his hands, and they felt in real time how the hole closed and healed completely. What are you doing in this form? t he wizard asked smiling. Protecting me from myself, she answered, biting her lower lip. He looked up to the balcony where Fang was watching with Xiao. Good choice, he said, anger hardening his face. I have to go. Im pushing the clouds toward the desert. She vanished. Balian sighed, she would create a draft if she pushed the clouds away... he would have to deal with that later, now he wanted to find out what had made that hole.

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Chapter 7: The Torch Bearer

Balian climbed the steep stairs toward the terrace with some effort. It surprised him. When had this small walk become a problem for him? The answer came right away like it always does when asking the right questionsand he pushed it away. He entered the kings study with Mika. The setup was similar to the one at the North Fortress: a long mahogany table, probably brought from Huo, and highly decorated arm chairs. Very different from King Huangs studio that only had one desk and one chair, everyone except the king had to stand or kneel. King Huang was Xiaos father, but they were like day and night, both in appearance and personality. Xiao started with the story of the missing fruit and the mantous, he mentioned how the woman had fled, and finally Shi-Ren talked about the confrontation at the boat. What do you think this boy is? Balian asked Shi-Ren. I think he is the torch bearer, the dragon answered staring at the wizard. He nodded. There was a silence while the implications sank in. You mean he is like Elie, but for fire? Mika commented. Yes. ElearahElie for short was the Pearl bearer. She was born with Pearls anchor inside of her body and they were connected. Pearl lived her first experiences through her, and the fact that she actually lived over her five years mark allowed Pearl to go in her way of becoming the water goddess, instead of just the consciousness of the water amulet.

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Fang had also had a bearerRashand, one of the snakies. The snakies corrupted the air amulet to bring him into existence. His powers were dark, but he was a new soul. He was the soul eater, the ultimate vampire. Rashand was dead. His anchora crystal fanghung from Mikas neck now, and allowed him to jump, carrying things or people with him. He actually had full vampire powers, without the limitation on light and food. Any idea of how to find them? the wizard inquired. He took phoenix form. There is only one place he will go: the Fire Mountain, the dragon-man answered. His attention seemed to be far away. The bard sighed. Well, it looks like we have a trip ahead. Ill go, Xiao offered anxiously. Shi-Ren was already saying no with his head. I know, I know, Xiao cut him off. Im too important to spare, right? The dragon-man smirked and nodded. Well, I am not. I am a decorative figur ine, and we all know it. Dont get me wrong, I am deeply thankful for my luck. But this is personal, and I am the only one she knows. I can go with him, Mika offered. And me too, Fang added quickly. Balian looked at them knowing there was more to this eagerness than met the eye. Yes, maybe a trip is the best for you two. Give your ladies some space. They both looked down, avoiding the piercing gaze of their father-in-law.

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Chapter 8: Bitter Truths

Xiao and Fang were loitering at the terrace while Mika was busy taking Balian back to Huo the land of the fire people, and Shi-Ren was preparing the trip. Xiao looked at his companion. The young king really liked Fang. He was a free spirit and honest to a T. What happened with Pear l? he asked. Fangs head sank. It looks like some truths are not to be told, he muttered. Care to elaborate? Xiao was very curious. Pearl made rain every time she was upset, but he had never seen her flooding an area the size of his kingdom before. It started because Elie is turning her back to Mika at night. She is too busy being a mother. Fang rolled his eyes. For how long? the king asked eagerly. He loved to gossip, those who said it was a female activity were big fat liars. Eight months, two months before the delivery and now Eirwen is six months old. Xiao stared at him. This was bad. He must be climbing the walls, the king said thoughtfully. He is. It is one thing is to starve in the desert, and another to starve inside a palace kitchen. It is maddening. So Pearl? Xiao brought the subject back to its course. We were talking about this. She said it was only fair that he respected her needs as a mother, and I told her that it was a big pile of bull crap, that she should take care of her man if she didnt want him to get a mistress.

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She gave me the look and I told her that to be married meant to agree to bed only the other, not to not bed only the other. Then she asked the cursed question how long it would take me to find a mistress if I were him And I told her the truth: one week on my own, I would be very nervous two weeks, I would be climbing the walls three weeks, I would grab anything that crosses my path and is willing. Xiao looked at the sky Oh Goddess he muttered. Aye, she was furious never saw her so enraged before. She looked so unbelievably wild and beautiful! Fang was grinning dumbly. The fact that she had flooded many square miles of farm land didnt seem to bother him that much. Well, women are powers of nature. And this one, even more. Xiao smiled. Pearl was definitely something special. You know what puzzles me the most? She said she wanted me always to be honest with her The young king laughed wholeheartedly. Well, yes. But some truths are just too bitter to drink without honey. Fang shook his head, as if the concept were hard to understand for him. Well, to finish the story. She is not even talking to me now. Worse than that, she is using the little girls form instead of her womans form. I cant even look at her that way. And you dont have so many options, do you? Xiao finished the phrase for him. Fang sighed. You know? To be a god stinks sometimes. I need to learn how to have substance fast, before I go crazy.

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Well, you could apologize, Xiao said, worried by the implications of his words. I did, but she wouldnt listen

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Chapter 9: Just Holding Up

Mika jumped Balian right to his studio in Shou-Du palace. The wizard had been appointed by Jin-Long, the golden dragon, as main advisor of King Huang, King of Huo the fire land. He was running the kingdom in practical terms. King Huang was not happy about it, not happy at all. Balian was too clever to be fooled, and he had a very hard time getting bellaflor for his needs under the old mans nose. That was his main concern. The fact that Jin-Long had stripped him from all real power and transformed him into a buffoon prickled him in the back of his mind, but it was not the most pressing issue. Please stay, the wizard asked Mika. We need to talk. Mika sighed and took his boots out, sitting on an ornate armchair. Balian was already sat with his legs crossed on the low furniture that also served as bed, it was skillfully carved with the same leaves and flower design of the armchair. How are you holding up? he asked with no preamble. Its hard. Mikas voice was low. What makes it harder is that she is right there, besides me and I cant touch her. Is she still breastfeeding? Yes. Eirwen is already eating some food, but the breastfeeding is still going, Mika answered not completely understanding where this conversation was going. Please trust me when I tell you it is not lack of love. She will come out of the mother phase and be a woman again. When? Good question the bard mumbled absently while he served two vessels of rice wine and gave one to Mika. There

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is a way to help her, though. Why dont you take her to the Blue City? But I thought she needed to be in the Sanctuary to be safe No. The Goddess always has a plan that goes beyond what we see. I believe now that the whole purpose of the trip was to give you two the chance to spend time together, and for us to be there when Jin-Long woke up. Mika looked at the old man thoughtfully. It might be true. And the Blue City was almost as safe as the Sanctuary, at least while Cinnia was in it. I still dont know The bard looked at the heavens and sighed. Mika. How do you think the priestesses make it without a man for all their lives? The young man lifted an eyebrow, he had never thought of that. You mean there is something in the place that keep s women In a permanent state of illumination and free from urges of the flesh. Yes. Mika was appalled Why didnt you tell me before? The bard curved his lip. Because you never asked. The young mans eyes narrowed and he crossed his arms, as he always did when he was biting his tong furiously. His reaction was answered by a deep belly-laugh. Look I know it has been inconvenient for you. And this is why we are now having this conversation. The Sanctuary is the best place to deliver a baby and nourish it for the first months, especially if it is a girl.

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But Elie needs to be out of that energy to be herself, you need her out of there so she can be herself, and Eirwen will be better in the Blue City where she could, maybe, become a water dragon. Mika felt a bittersweet drop of knowledge opening in his awareness. It was always like this, wasnt it? The hard part was never to get answers, but to ask the right questions. He forced himself to come back. It was a very good plan indeed. And his daughter being a water dragon it was such an honor. He was not from the water tribehe was born as a hu-man, but Elie brought enough water energy for both of them. Do you think she will agree? She will love it. Especially now, that you are taking Xiao to the Fire Mountain. She can be with Yin-Hua and her baby, with Cinnia, and the other ladies... The young man looked at the magus in dismay. Now that there was a solution for his problem, he had to leave So we are going through with the trip? Yes, Xiao was actually right in his assessment. The situation is close to desperate. We cannot allow the enemy to get hold of that boy. And we are spread too thin right now, we actually dont have anyone else who can go. I cant leave Huang one second alone. The fire dragons are keeping the other nobles at bay by sheer force. The ladies have the hands full with their babies. Pearl is trying to fix the disruption she made and Jin-Long is hopping all over the place backing up everyone else. The bard breathed deeply. Mika looked at the old man. He had changed. He looked tired, unhappy, he had even gained weight. He held it together by inner strength. To be trapped indoors with

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unhealthy people who didnt want him around was evidently very hard on him. How are you holding up, my friend? Now it was Mikas time to look into the bards eyes and ask hard questions. The man sighed. Well, as soon as I manage to find someone to replace me here, Im going to make a trip just me and the Green Lady. Something is calling me from the Earth land, it is coming in my dreams. But, Im stuck here babysitting a king who Goddess forgive meis already lost.

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Chapter 10: King Huang The Third

Mika left toward the Goddess Sanctuary and Balian gathered his wits before going to see the king. It was not the first time he had been main advisor, but this was certainly different. He looked up, the side of his mouth twitching in a sad smile. He had definitely been gifted with many experiences in this lifetime, a lifetime to remember. He came into the kings chamber to find the almighty Huang The Third, King of Huo, having an argument with the almighty Jin-Long, the golden dragon. I am a king. My line descends from the gods. My right to rule was given to my family by them. You cant come here and tell me what to do or what not to do! Huang was saying, smoke coming out of his nostrils. What gods? If I may ask Jin-Long asked with a fake smile and gritted teeth. His eyes were on fire. If the king had some sense of self-preservation, he would shut up right there. But he didnt, bellaflor had killed it long ago. The gods, the Goddess, the One God those. The king answered, his chest high and looking at the dragon-man in the eye. Really? So the One came out of his silence just to put your line into power? Yes! the king said, putting up a gamecock front, and trying to look more certain than he was. Liar! Jin-Long roared, and the sound reverberated on the walls of the chamber, and beyond. I put your lousy ancestor into power! Jing-Long was ready to give the king a piece of his mind, and he did it.

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Let me tell you a little secret about monarchy. The only meaning of monarchy is that the king owns the land and everything on it. So anyone else can only live in the kingdom by paying taxes. To pay taxes to the land is nothing else than a rent in disguise, and it is undividedly connected with monarchy no matter the name they put to the government. The glamour is a big pile of bull crap to force the public to comply with this absurd system. And let me tell you something else about it: to pretend that you own the land is the most outrageous act a man can do. The Green Lady is the Great Mother, the bearer of the Goddess in this place and time. You are nothing more than a bug on her skin. You dont own shit. Dont you dare say that She or the One appointed your family. I did it. And I did it as a test. Different systems were implemented in different places in the old days. I figured that what people really liked would develop and what people didnt like would die out. Monarchy in particular would have never survived without the aid of the snake. You are a disgrace. The dragon-man walked closer to the king as he talked. Huang ended up sitting on a platform with pillows, with the huge golden eyed mass of man dangerously closing over him. The bard cleared his throat, and Jin-Long turned around. If I may interrupt, my lord. There is something urgent we need to discuss. He hadnt intended to run into Jin-Long when coming to this room, but it was certainly good. The king could wait. Lets go then. I wasted too muc h time already with this parrot. Jin-Long moved his hands vigorously.

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And you he faced the king, will have to choose: bellaflor or the kingdom. If you want to keep taking it, you will have to abdicate in favor of someone clean. If you want to go on being a king, you will have to let go of the flower and clean up your act. Why dont you just kill me? Huangs face was a mask of hate. Because I will not make a martyr of you, the dragon answered, his eyes flickering in rage. You will not transform me into a tyrant. But I can put you in a dungeon to rot until I need to show you. Dont challenge me! He looked at Balian, I need some air. Lets go. The dragon-man climbed the steep hill to the gazebo dedicated to him in the royal garden, and went out to the balcony. He was these peoples main god, yet they seemed to prefer him in legends and ludicrous paintings, more than in flesh and bones. Goddess, he was pissed! He turned around to see the bard following him, breathing heavily. Jin-long looked at him, worried. This assignment was starting to compromise his health. Six months before, he had done the same trajectory fast and easy. Nobody would have guessed the man was almost eighty years of age. Magus, my respect for you is even higher now, if that is possible. I have no idea how you can be around this stupid son of a one-eyed frog and not crush his skull. Balian hinted a smile at his compliment. I have important news, he said without preamble. Do tell. We found the torch bearer, and we lost him. We think he is going to the Fire Mountain.

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The golden dragon stared at him, many emotions crossing his heart. So this is why he heard Simurgh singing. He thought she was calling him, but this certainly made more sense. Did he take phoenix form? Jin-Long asked with wide eyes. Yes. That explains it I want to see. The bard nodded and cleared his mind to allow the dragon in. Do you think it will work? Xiao, Mika and Fang? JinLong wasnt sure. I mean Mika has my vote, but the other two are well Can we spare someone else? The bard asked lifting one eyebrow. Maybe I should be the one to go The dragon looked into the bards eyes hopeful, and found kindness and sadness. He sighed. I guess that settles it. He would love to find an excuse to go himself. He really missed Simurgh. Since he had woken up again, more than a year ago, he hadnt find time to do the trip. Simurgh was an ancient phoenix, and since the War, the only one remaining. The Goddess had blessed her with the gift of rebirth for taking care of Jin-Long as her own hatchling when he took form for the first time. She had cared for him when he hatched from the golden egg as a dragon, the form he chose as his anchor to walk this beautiful corner of the Universe called simply Earth. She and her kin were known by many names in the different nations, and lived in different places along history, and before history. She was known as Feng-Huang in the Huo land and represented the queen. But she was not only

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legend. She was an intelligent, living breathing, beautiful bird and had her nest in the Fire Mountain, protected by the fierce Alconians and their particular belief system.

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