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0 Foundations of urban and regional environments Fall/Winter 2012-201

Ca$en%ar Des&ri'tion
!"is #ourse fo#uses on t"e interrelations"i$s of t"e e#ologi#al% so#ial% built and s$atial environments &it"in t"e urban and regional setting. 't $rovides a #riti#al understanding of urban and regional environments along &it" a solutions-based a$$roa#" to addressing urban environmental issues &it" an e($li#itl) environmental $ers$e#tive. Students &ill attain *no&ledge of t"e t"eories% "istories and #urrent issues of urbani+ation and regionali+ation and t"eir effe#t on environments% but also learn $ra#ti#al met"ods of anal)sis and intervention in different "uman settlements. Wit" t"e ,reater !oronto -rea as a field laborator)% t"ere &ill be an em$"asis on a$$li#ation and involvement. Prere("isite None Co"rse Dire&tor Stefan .i$fer - /NES 201 2ourse #onsultation "ours: !uesda)s 1 :00-11:00 Tea&)ing Assistants .)le ,ibson *)legibson4"otmail.#a 5ded /aas 6F7 oded"aas4gmail.#om .im 8a#*son li+a*im4)or*u.#a -+am ."atam a+am*"atam4gmail.#om !"orben Wiedit+ 6W7 O**i&e +o"rs !.3.-. !.3.-. !.3.-. !.3.-. !.3.-. t&iedit+4)or*u.#a E, ai$ a%%ress

Co"rse Organi-ation 'n t"is #ourse% t"e 2ourse 9ire#tor and t"e !ea#"ing -ssistants form a !ea#"ing !eam. !"e !ea#"ing -ssistants% &"o are :"9 2andidates in t"e Fa#ult) of Environmental Studies% &ill s"are &it" t"e 2ourse 9ire#tor and 2ourse 'nstru#tors res$onsibilit) for t"e overall s"a$e and dire#tion of #ourse a#tivities.

Ti e an% Lo&ation ;e#tures:

Frida)s% 10: 0 - 12: 0

;o#ation: 2;/ ,

!utorial ,rou$s: !utorial ,rou$ 1: Frida)s 12: 0 < 1: !utorial ,rou$ 2: Frida)s 12: 0 < 1: !utorial ,rou$ : Frida)s 12: 0 < 1: !utorial ,rou$ 0: Frida)s 12: 0 - 1: !utorial ,rou$ 1: Frida)s 1: 0 - 2: !utorial ,rou$ 6: Frida)s 1: 0 !utorial ,rou$ ?: Frida)s 1: 0

0 32 210 0 32 21 0 22 1= 0 S2 21> 0 32 210 - 2: 0 32 21 - 2: 0 22 1=

Note: !-s "ave been dire#ted not to a##e$t students into a tutorial unless t"e) "ave formall) registered in t"at se#tion. 'n e(#e$tional #ir#umstan#es% t"e 2ourse 9ire#tor &ill #onsider re#ommending to t"e @ndergraduate :rogramme 9ire#tor t"at a student be $ermitted to #"ange tutorial grou$ enrolmentA a &ritten reBuest detailing t"e reasons &") a #"ange is being reBuested and t"e #"oi#e of alternative tutorials must be submitted b) t"e student to t"e 2ourse 9ire#tor $rior to t"e first tutorial session.

!"is #ourse "as t"e follo&ing goals: :resent global% #om$arative and "istori#al $ers$e#tives on urbani+ation and its im$a#ts 'ntrodu#e #on#e$ts and t"eories ne#essar) to anal)+e urban and regional environments 9is#uss "o& forms of urban $oliti#s and $lanning "ave dealt &it" t"e #"allenges urban and regional environments $resent for so#ial Custi#e% demo#ra#) and e#olog)

Ass" 'tions an% Pers'e&tives

We no& live in an urbanizing so#iet). @rban settlements "ave #eased to be $")si#all) dis#rete and so#iall) uniBue settlements for a small minorit) of t"e &orldDs $o$ulation% as &as t"e #ase during mu#" of "istor). W"ile "uman settlements around t"e &orld remain ver) diverse in s#ale% si+e% form and organi+ation% toda) more t"an "alf of t"e global $o$ulation resides in urban areas. Eig"t) $er#ent of 2anadians in"abit urban areas% as #lassified b) t"e #ensus. !"e $ro#ess b) &"i#" urban settlements "ave be#ome t"e maCorit) settlement form for most "umans in less t"an t"ree #enturies is a result of t"e d)nami#s of t"e modern #a$italist and im$erial &orld e#onom). 'n our modern times% urbani+ation "as be#ome a &orld-&ide $ro#ess t"at #onne#ts $arti#ular urban settlements to ea#" ot"er and to t"eir res$e#tive E"interlandsD. 5n t"e one "and% urban regions are $art of global net&or*s &"i#" #onne#t #ities &it" ea#" ot"er. !"ese urban net&or*s #om$rise investment and migration flo&s% infrastru#ture and te#"nolog) net&or*s% governmental institutions and $oliti#al strategies% and &ebs of #ultural $ra#ti#es. !"e !oronto region toda) #an be seen as $art of a net&or* of global cities. 't fun#tions as a #entre of #or$orate finan#ial de#ision-ma*ing as &ell as a $oint of attra#tion for migrants.

5n t"e ot"er "and% #it) life ta*es $la#e &it"in $arti#ular regional #onte(ts. Sin#e it is no longer eas) to dra& #lear boundaries bet&een E#it)D and Et"e regionD% t"is #ourse &ill assume t"at urban, or metropolitan regions are t"e building blo#*s of urban life. !"ese regions en#om$ass #entral #ities% suburbs% e(urbs and various% seemingl) semi-rural areas. For* @niversit)% for e(am$le is lo#ated in t"e ver) middle of !orontoDs urban region: on t"e $eri$"er) of t"e #ountr)Ds largest #entral muni#i$alit) 6t"e 2it) of !oronto7 and on t"e #us$ of one of t"e most e(tensive urban belts in Nort" -meri#a% rea#"ing roug"l) from /amilton to 3o&manville% and from ;a*e 5ntario u$ to Sim#oe 2ount). ,lobal urbani+ation $resents enormous #"allenges and formidable o$$ortunities for t"e future of t"e $lanet. 8ust as in earlier $eriods% urban settlements are t"e $rodu#t of transformations in agri#ulture and t"e relations"i$ bet&een #ities and t"e "interlands t"at su$$l) migrants% Eresour#esD and $oliti#al $o&er to urban so#ieties. Fet% in toda)Ds urbani+ing &orld% t"e environmental #"allenges of global urbani+ation #an no longer be addressed b) de-urbani+ing and de-#on#entrating $o$ulations% as generations of $lanners and environmentalists "ave suggested sin#e t"e 1>t" #entur). !"ese #"allenges #an onl) be dealt &it" b) #oming to terms &it" urban life as our second nature and b) radi#all) transforming "o& urban life relates to ot"er s$a#es and settlements. !"e future of t"e $lanet &ill be urban% or not at all. @rban regions are e#onomi#all) #ontradi#tor)% so#iall) differentiated% and #ulturall) #om$le( environments. 2"ara#teri+ed b) so#io-e#onomi# and #ultural difference/inequality% urban-regional lands#a$es not onl) lin* "uman &it" non-"uman nature. !"e) are also riddled b) politics: relations"i$s of #onfli#t and #om$romise among various so#ial grou$s% &"i#" are strongl) s"a$ed b) state intervention. !ransforming #ities for t"e $ur$ose of e#ologi#al sustainabilit) is t"us not Cust about te#"ni#al and te#"nologi#al adCustment. 't $oses fundamental so#ial% #ultural% e#onomi# and $oliti#al Buestions and raises issues of $o&er% demo#ra#)% and so#ial Custi#e% bot" lo#all) and globall). !"is foundations #ourse "as t"ree interrelated dimensions: urban and regional analysis, landscapes and politics and planning. !"e main $ur$ose of t"e #ourse is to $rovide an introdu#tion to t"e follo&ing list of to$i#s. @rban and regional anal)sis @rban settlements in "istor) and global #onte(t 2ities in global Nort" and global Sout" So#ial and S$atial anal)sis: -2ommodifi#ation -So#ial and s$atial ineBualit) ;ands#a$es Nature and So#iet)% 2it) and 2ountr)side 2ultural% e#onomi#% so#ial lands#a$es ;ands#a$es of :o&er @rban $oliti#al e#olog) ;ands#a$e design and e#ologi#al restoration :oliti#s and $lanning @rban $oliti#s and $o&er @rban-regional develo$ment $ro#esses So#ial movements @rban and Gegional :lanning The State, Governance and Government

Co"rse Organi-ation
!"e #ourse is stru#tured b) $e&t"res and 0eek$y t"toria$ sessions involving 20 to 21 students. !"e le#tures ma) be su$$lemented b) films% videos% and% o##asionall)% musi#. !utorial sessions &ill be #ondu#ted b) a tea#"ing assistant and &ill be t"e main fo#us for dis#ussion of readings and assignments

in t"e #ourse. Ne(t to t"e le#tures% t"e reBuired rea%ings are t"e &entra$ ."i$%ing .$o&ks of t"e #ourse. !"e le#tures and tutorials &ill serve to enri#"% #larif)% and illustrate < but not re$eat - t"e assigned readings. Geadings listed under a $arti#ular date are assigned for tutorial dis#ussion usuall) in t"e same &ee*% and must be read in a%van&e of t"e le#ture and tutorial for &"i#" t"e) are assigned. Students are e($e#ted to "ave t"e $ro$er #ourse materials 0it) t)e &"en t"e) attend tutorials. Eva$"ation !"e grade for t"e #ourse is based on t"e follo&ing $er#entages for ea#" a#tivit) in t"e #ourse. -ssignment 1 - :")si#al 5bservation 61H7 -ssignment 2 < 3oo* Gevie& 611H7 Mi%ter E1a 620H7 -ssignment 0 < Gesear#" :ro$osal 610H7 -ssignment 1 - Gesear#" :a$er 620H7 Fina$ E1a 620H7 !utorial :arti#i$ation : 10H 9ue: 5#tober 12 9ue: November 2 E(am :eriod 69e#ember 1-217 9ue: Februar) = 9ue: Iar#" 2= E(am :eriod 6-$ril 10 to 267

Final grades ma) be adCusted to #onform to :rogram or Fa#ult) grades distribution $rofiles. !ra%ing S&)e e2 Assign ent S". issions2 an% Lateness Pena$ties !"e grading s#"eme for ENVS #ourses #onforms to t"e >-$oint s)stem used in ot"er undergraduate $rograms at For*. -ssignments and tests &ill bear eit"er a letter grade designation 6e.g.% -% 3% 2J% et#.7 or an eBuivalent $er#entage grade. 6See detailed des#ri$tions in t"e FES Regulations or in t"e 3ES Handbook7 !"e final grade for t"e #ourse &ill be #al#ulated using t"e &eig"ting formula establis"ed above for t"is #ourse. Instr"&tions *or S". ission an% Ret"rn o* Fina$ Assign ents 'n #ases &"ere students &ill be "anding an assignment late in t"e term and t"e :rofessor or !ea#"ing -ssistant &ill not "ave an o$$ortunit) to return t"e graded assignment in a subseBuent #lass/tutorial% s$e#ial arrangements must be made to a##ommodate studentsD &is"es to "ave t"e graded assignment returned to t"em: students must submit t"eir final assignment &it" a self-addressed% stam$ed% envelo$e if t"e) &ant to re#eive t"e graded assignment. 'f t"e assignment is more t"an 1 $ages in lengt" t"e) are advised to "ave t"e $ost offi#e &eig" t"e $a#*age to determine a$$ro$riate $ostage reBuired. if students do not atta#" a self-addressed stam$ed envelo$e% t"e) must atta#" a do#ument &it" t"eir #ourse details% t"eir name and student number and t"eir signature and a statement #onfirming t"e) do not &is" to "ave t"e assignment returned to t"em.

:ro$er a#ademi# $erforman#e de$ends on students doing t"eir &or* not onl) &ell% but on time. -##ordingl)% t)e assign ents *or ENVS &o"rses "st .e re&eive% .y t)e Instr"&tor or Tea&)ing Assistant on t)e %"e %ate s'e&i*ie% *or t)e assign ent. -ssignments #an be "anded in eit"er t"e #ourse dro$ bo( lo#ated a#ross room 110 /NES or as s$e#ified b) t"e !utorial ;eaders / !ea#"ing

-ssistants. Note: students ma) "ave t"eir essa) or assignment date stam$ed b) Ge#e$tion staff in /NES 10>. 5n#e date stam$ed% Ge#e$tion staff &ill de$osit t"e essa) or assignment in t"e #ourse dro$ bo( on be"alf of t"e student. -ssignments s"ould not be de$osited in t"e 'nstru#torDs or !-Ds mailbo(es in t"e /NES building% nor &ill t"e) be a##e$ted b) 5S-S staff.Lateness Pena$ty -ssignments re#eived later t"an t"e due date &ill be $enali+ed 1H of t"e value of t"e assignment per day t"at t"e assignments are late. For e(am$le% if an assignment &ort" 20H of t"e total #ourse grade is a da) late% 1 $oint out of 20 6or 1H $er da)7 &ill be dedu#ted. E(#e$tions to t"e lateness $enalt) for valid reasons su#" as illness% #om$assionate grounds% et#. &ill be entertained b) t"e 2ourse 9ire#tor on$y &"en su$$orted b) &ritten do#umentation 6e.g.% a do#torDs letter7. P$ease note Fa&"$ty 'o$i&y on e$e&troni& s". ission o* ateria$2 3That all written or visual work that is submitted as part of an academic program must be submitted in hardcopy (not electronically), unless previously agreed to by the instructor or advisor." S". ission "st .e re&eive% in )ar% &o'y *or on %"e %ate or 0i$$ .e &onsi%ere% $ate4 Misse% Tests Students &it" a do#umented reason for missing a #ourse test% su#" as illness% #om$assionate grounds% et#.% &"i#" is #onfirmed b) su$$orting do#umentation 6e.g.% do#torDs letter7 ma) reBuest a##ommodation from t"e Co"rse Instr"&tor. Furt"er e(tensions or a##ommodation &ill reBuire students to submit a formal $etition to t"e Fa#ult).

Re("ire% Rea%ing !"e follo&ing materials are reBuired reading for t"e #ourse. !"e boo* b) 3oudreau et al. as &ell as t"e #ourse *its are available at t"e York Bookstore. :ar*er and Feong-/)un / S"ort are e-boo*s available dire#tl) on t"e York Li.raries 1. Simon :ar*er Urban Theory and the Urban !perience 6;ondon: Goutledge% 20007 Ke-boo*L 2. .im Feong-/)un and 8o"n Gennie S"ort "ities and conomies 6;ondon: Goutledge% 200=7 Ke-boo*L 3. Julie-Anne Boudreau, Roger Keil and Douglas Young Changing Toronto: Governing Urban

Neoliberalism Toronto! "niversit# o$ Toronto %ress, &''() *$or +oo, revie-. 0. 2ourse .its available at t"e For* 3oo*store% one for t"e fall% one for t"e &inter term 1. Geadings available ele#troni#all) 6on e,reso"r&es < For* ;ibraries or on t)e internet7 as indi#ated in t"e s)llabus S"''$e entary Rea%ing Suggested su$$lementar) readings &ill be re#ommended b) t"e 2ourse 9ire#tor or !ea#"ing -ssistants from time to time as t"e #ourse $rogresses. 'n addition% students &ill be reBuired to underta*e additional individual librar) resear#" in #onCun#tion &it" t"e #ourse assignments. ,iven t"e relations"i$ of #ourse dis#ussions to issues of #urrent interest% students are strongl) en#ouraged to read% on a regular basis% a dail) ne&s$a$er $ublis"ed in t"e !oronto area li*e t"e ,lobe M Iail and t"e !oronto Star% t"e ne&s se#tions in N5W maga+ines% and #ommunit) or neig"bour"oodbased ne&s$a$ers/&ebsites.

Detai$e% o"t$ine2 0eek$y sessions# FALL TERM A4 Intro%"&tion

Wee* 1 6Se$tember ?5# 'ntrodu#tion - @rban and Gegional Environments
GeBuired: Willam S. Gees% N,etting Serious about @rban Sustainabilit): E#o-Foot$rints and t"e Vulnerabilit) of !&ent)-First-2entur) 2itiesO% !rudi 3unting% :ierre Filion% G)an Wal*er eds. "anadian "ities in Transition% Fourt" Edition 6!oronto: 5(ford @niversit) :ress% 2010% $$. ?2-=6. In &o"rse kit 'nformation on t"e field tri$: !"e ,reat 'ndian 3us !our organi+ed b) t"e Native 2anadian 2entre of !oronto

B4 Se&tion 6# an% Regiona$ Environ ents in !$o.a$ Pers'e&tive

/ee, & Se0tem+er 12)! "r+an and regional environments in histor#! settlements and cities
GeBuired: Godne) 3obi&as"% N!"e /istor) of Native :eo$le in t"e !oronto -rea: -n 5vervie&O% Fran#es Sanderson and /eat"er /o&ard-3obi&as" eds% The #eeting $lace% &boriginal 'ife in Toronto 6!oronto:

Native 2anadian 2entre% 1>>?7 1-20. In &o"rse kit Vi*toria Freeman% N!oronto /as No /istor)P 'ndigeneit)% Settler 2olonialism and /istori#al Iemor) 'n 2anadaDs ;argest 2it)O Urban (istory Re)ie* =.2.: 21- 6. 7E,Reso"r&es5 Ii#"ael Ged#lift% QEnvisaging t"e Frontier: ;and Settlement and ;ife 2"an#es in @$$er 2anada%Q 'n: Ii#"ael Ged#lift 6Ed.7 +ustainability% 'ife "hances and 'i)elihoods 6Ne& For*: Goutledge% 2000: 106-1207. In &o"rse kit4
Ge#ommended: 3onita ;a&ren#e% Real ,ndians and -thers% #i!ed./lood Urban 0ati)e $eoples and ,ndigenous 0ationhood 6Van#ouver: @32% 20067


6Se$tember 217: ,lobal @rbani+ation ' < 2a$italism and urban net&or*s
GeBuired: Nestor Godrigue+ and 8oe Feagin% N@rban S$e#iali+ation in t"e World S)stem: -n 'nvestigation of /istori#al 2asesO in Neil 3renner/Goger .eil eds. The 1lobal "ities Reader 6;ondon: Goutledge% 20067 2-01. In &o"rse kit Feong-/)un .im and 8o"n Gennie S"ort% NIer#antile #ities and Euro$ean #olonialismO% N!"e rise and fall of industrial #itiesO% "ities and conomies 6;ondon: Goutledge% 200=7 1 - 2.
Ge#ommended: -idan Sout"all% The "ity in Time and +pace 62ambridge @...: 2ambridge @. :ress% 1>>=7

S-!@G9-F% Se$t. 22 or S@N9-F Se$t. 2 : B"s To"r2 de$arting from Native 2anadian 2entre 616 S$adina Gd 4 S$adina Sub&a) Station7 Wee* 0 6Se$tember 2=7: ,lobal @rbani+ation '' < 2oloni+ation% #olonial #ities% t"ird &orld #ities
Feong-/)un .im and 8o"n Gennie S"ort% N2"ennai/IadrasO% N!"ird World 2itiesO "ities and conomies 6;ondon: Goutledge% 200=7 22-2 % 11?- >.

3arr# 3iller, 4The D#namics o$ 5anadian "r+ani6ation7, Urban Canada ed. 3. 3iller Don 8ills! 9:$ord "niversit# %ress, &'';) &<-2<. In course kit
Ge#ommended: -nt"on) .ing% Urbanism, "olonialism and the 2orld conomy 6;ondon: Goutledge% 1>>07 1 -0 . Ni#"olas 3lomle)% Unsettling the "ity 6Ne& For*: Goutledge% 20007

Wee* 1 65#tober 17: ,lobal @rbani+ation ''' <,lobali+ation% ,lobal 2ities% Iigration
GeBuired: Simon :ar*er% Urban Theory and the Urban !perience 6;ondon: Goutledge% 20007 $$. 111-11> Feong-/)un .im and 8o"n Gennie S"ort% N,lobali+ation and &orld #itiesO "ities and conomies 6;ondon: Goutledge% 200=7 61-?> !"omas Nail% N3uilding San#tuar) 2it)O Upping the &nte 11 620107: 10?-60. In &o"rse kit
Ge#ommended: Ste$"en 2astles and Iar* Iiller% The &ge of #igration% 0t" ed. 6Ne& For*: ,uildford% 200>7

Wee* 6 65#tober 127: @rban Gegions ' < Gestru#turing in ,lobal 2it) Gegions
GeBuired: 8o"n Friedmann and ,oet+ Wolff% NWorld-#it) Formation: -n -genda for Gesear#" and -#tionO 'n 3renner and .eil% $$. 1?-66. In &o"rse kit Feong-/)un .im and 8o"n Gennie S"ort% N!"e Fordist 2it)O% "ities and conomies 6;ondon: Goutledge% 200=7 ?-0?.
Ge#ommended: -llen S#ott% N,lobali+ation and t"e Gise of 2it)-GegionsO% in 3renner and .eil% $$. ?0-6

Wee* ? 65#tober 1>7: @rban Gegions '' < @rban 9e#entrali+ation and Suburbani+ation

Simon :ar*er% Urban Theory and the Urban !perience% $$. ?0-=0 9olores /a)den% NSit#om SuburbsO /uilding +uburbia 6Ne& For*: :ant"eon% 200 7 12=-11 . In &o"rse kit
Ge#ommended: Gi#"ard /arris% "reeping "onformity% (o* "anada /ecame +uburban 3455.3465 6!oronto: @niversit) of !oronto :ress% 20007

5#tober 26 < N5 2;-SS 'N GE!@GN F5G F'E;9 !G': November 2 < N5 2;-SS < 25-2@GG'2@;-G 9-FS Wee* = 6November >7: @rban Gegions ''' < !"e Ne& @rban Gegion

Film: 3oll)&ood% /oll)&ood 62002% 9ire#tor 9ee$a Ie"ta7

GeBuired: Ed SoCa NE(o$olisO in SoCa% $ostmetropolis 65(ford: 3la#*&ell7 2 -26 . In &o"rse kit -nt"on) .ing NSuburb/Et"noburg/,loburb: !"e Ia*ing of 2ontem$orar) IodernitiesO in +paces of 1lobal "ulture% &rchitecture, Urbanism, ,dentity 6Ne& For*: Goutledge7 >?-110. In &o"rse kit
Ge#ommended: :amela 3lais% $er)erse "ities% (idden +ubsidies, 2on7y $olitics, and Urban +pra*l 6Van#ouver: @32 :ress% 20107

C4 Se&tion 8# T)eori-ing t)e Mo%ern City

Wee* > 6November 167: @rban !"eor) ' < 2ulture% 2ommodit)% Se(ualit)
GeBuired: Simon :ar*er% Urban Theory and the Urban !perience, #"a$ters 2% $$. =-1>A #"a$ter =% 10 -6 Walter 3enCamin and -sCa ;a#is% NNa$lesO% in Walter 3enCamin% Reflections% ssays, &phorisms, &utobiographical 2ritings !rans. Ed. 8e$"#ott 6Ne& For*: S#"o#*en 3oo*s% 1>=67

16 -? . In &o"rse kit
Ge#ommended: 8ennifer Gobinson% -rdinary "ities% /et*een #odernity and 8e)elopment 6;ondon: Goutledge% 20067

Wee* 10 6November 2 7: @rban !"eor) '' < 2lass 2onfli#t and S$atial 9ifferentiation
GeBuired: Simon :ar*er% Urban Theory and the Urban !perience, #"a$ter % 2?-10A #"a$ter 6% 100->
Feong-/)un .im and 8o"n Gennie S"ort% N!"e 'ndustrial 2it) and So#ial 2onfli#tO% N!"e :lanned 2it)O "ities and conomies 6;ondon: Goutledge% 200=7 2- ?.
Ge#ommended: -nd) Ierrifield% #etromar!ism 6;ondon: Goutledge% 20027

Wee* 11 6November 07: @rban !"eor) ''' < EGa#eD% Ga#ism and @rban S$a#e
GeBuired: Simon :ar*er% Urban Theory, #"a$ter 1% $. =>->6 2arl Nig"tingale% N'ntrodu#tionO +egregation% & 1lobal (istory of 8i)ided "ities 62"i#ago: @niversit) of 2"i#ago :ress% 20127 $$. 1-16 In &o"rse kit
Ge#ommended: Frant+ Fanon% N-lgeria @nveiledO% & 8ying "olonialism !rans. b) /aa*on 2"evalier 6Ne& For*: ,rove :ress% 1>61 K1>1>L7 1-6?7

9e#ember 1 < 9e#ember 21: E(am :eriod

9INTER TERM D4 Se&tion :# Po$iti&s2 P$anning2 Lan%s&a'es

Wee* 12 68anuar) 117: /ig"&a)s% @rban Gene&al and :ost&ar $lanning: anot"er vie& from Ne& For* 2it)
Film: 0e* 9or7 . The "ity and the 2orld 6:3S do#umentar)% dir. Gi# 3urns% 100 min.7

GeBuired: Iatt"e& ,and)% N!e#"nologi#al Iodernism and t"e @rban :ar*&a).O "oncrete and "lay%
Re*or7ing 0ature in 0e* 9or7 "ity 62ambridge: I'! :ress% 20027 $$. 111-1124 In &o"rse kit4 -ndre& /arris% NVerti#al urbanism: fl)overs and s*)&al*s in Iumbai.N 'n Iatt"e& ,and) ed. Urban "onstellations. 63erlin: 8ovis% 20117 $$. 11 -11?. In &o"rse kit4
Ge#ommended: Iars"all 3erman% &ll that is +olid #elts into &ir 6Ne& For*% 1>=27

Wee* 1 68anuar) 1=7: Nature and t"e 2it): :oliti#s% :lanning and ;ands#a$es GeBuired:
William 2ronon% 0atures #etropolis% "hicago and the 1reat 2est 6Ne& For* and ;ondon% 1>>17: $$. 1-1>A ?1- =1. In &o"rse kit4 -nn Rimmerman% NE#olog)% E#os)stems% and t"e ,reater !oronto GegionO. 'n Goots% 3ett) '.% 2"ant% 9onald -. and /eidenrei#"% 2onrad /. 6eds.7 +pecial $laces% The "hanging cosystems of the Toronto Region.6Van#ouver and !oronto: @32 :ress.% 1>>>7 $$. > -10 . In &o"rse kit4
Ge#ommended: 8o"n 3erger% 2ays of +eeing 6;ondon% 1>?27 -le(ander Wilson% The "ulture of 0ature% 0orth &merican 'andscape from 8isney to !!on :aldez 61>>17 =>-111. Ni* /e)nen et al. eds ,n the 0ature of "ities% Urban political ecology and the $olitics of urban metabolism 6Ne& For*% 20067

Wee* 10 68anuar) 217: :ar*s and ;ands#a$e 9esign

GeBuired: Ii#"Sle 9agenais% N!"e @rbani+ation of Nature: Water Net&or*s and ,reen S$a#esO in -lan Ia#Ea#"ers and William 8. !ur*el eds. #ethod and #eaning in "anadian n)ironmental (istory . 6S#arboroug": Nelson% 200=7 $$. 216- 1. In &o"rse kit4 8ennifer Foster% N5ff !ra#*% 'n Nature: 2onstru#ting E#olog) on 5ld Gail ;ines in :aris and Ne& For*O% 0ature and "ulture 1. . 620107: 16- ?. Avai$a.$e in E,RESOURCES2 York Li.raries 0e.site4
Ge#ommended: Fran#es#o 9al 2o.% NFrom :ar*s to GegionO in The &merican "ity% ;rom "i)il 2ar to the 0e* 8eal Eds. 2iu##i% 9al 2o% !afuri% Ianieri-Elia 62ambridge% 1>?07 8ordan Stranger-Goss% NIuni#i$al 2olonialism in Van#ouver: 2it) :lanning and t"e 2onfli#t over 'ndian Geserves% 1>2=1>10sO "anadian (istorical Re)ie* =>:0 6200=7: 101-1=0.

Wee* 11 6Februar) 17: 2it)% Nature and Se(ualit)

Film: $ride and Resistance 69ir. Nan#) Ni#ol% 200?7 1? min. GeBuired: 2atriona Sandilands% QW"ere t"e mountain men meet t"e lesbian rangers: ,ender% nation and nature in t"e ro#*) mountain $ar*s.Q 'n Ielod) /essing% Gebe##a Gaglon

and 2atriona Sandilands eds% 2omen and the "anadian n)ironment 6Van#ouver% 20007 In &o"rse kit4 -lison 3lunt and 8ane Wills% NSe(ual 5rientations: ,eogra$"ies of 9esireO% 8issident 1eographies 6/arlo&% 20007 $$. 12=-01% 101-61. In &o"rse kit4
Ge#ommended: 3rent 'ngram et al. eds <ueers in +pace% communities, public places, sites of resistance 6Seattle% 1>>?7

Wee* 16 6Februar) =7: Gegional :lanning ': ,ro&t" 2ontrol and !ransit
GeBuired: Simon :ar*er% NVisions of @to$ia: From t"e ,arden 2it) to ne& urbanismO Urban Theory and the Urban !perience 6;ondon and Ne& For*: 20007 $$. 11-? . !imot") 3eatle)% N!ransit 2itiesO. 'n 3eatle)% Transit "ities 6Was"ington 9.2.: 'sland :ress% 20007 10>6. In &o"rse kit.
Ge#ommended: 3ian#a Iug)en)i and Fves Engler% +top +igns. "ars and capitalism on the road to economic, social and ecological decay 6Van#ouver: GE9% Fern&ood% 20117

Wee* 1? 6Februar) 117: Gegional :lanning '': !"e 2om$a#t 2it)% 'ntensifi#ation% ,entrifi#ation
,uest le#tures: .im 8a#*son and !"orben Wiedit+ GeBuired: Simon :ar*er% Urban Theory and the Urban !perience, $. =6-=>. Sue 3un#e% N!"e emergen#e of TSmart ,ro&t"T intensifi#ation in !orontoO 'ocal n)ironment. >:2 620007: 1??-1>1. Avai$a.$e in E,RESOURCES2 York Li.raries ;oretta ;ees% !om Slater% and Elvin W)l)% N!"e 3irt" of ,entrifi#ation%O in ;ees% Slater% W)l)% 1entrification 6Ne& For*: Goutledge7 $$. - 6. In &o"rse kit.
Ge#ommended: Neil Smit"% The 0e* Urban ;rontier% Re)anchism and the 1entrification of the "ity 6Ne& For*% 1>>67

Februar) 16- Februar) 22: Geading Wee* < No 2lass Wee* 1= 6Iar#" 17: W"ose sustainabilit)U @rban $oliti#s 101
S#ott 2am$bell% N,reen 2ities% ,ro&ing 2ities% 8ust 2itiesU @rban :lanning and t"e 2ontradi#tions of Sustainable 9evelo$mentO in 2am$bell% S#ott and Fainstein% Susan S. Readings in $lanning Theory% 2nd edition 63la#*&ell: Ialden% Iass. and 5(ford% @..% 200 7 $$. 0 1-1=. In &o"rse kit4 Simon :ar*er 620007 Urban Theory and the Urban !perience. ;ondon and Ne& For*: Goutledge. 2". ? N!"e 2ontested 2it): :oliti#s% $eo$le and $o&er.O $$. 120-1 1.
Ge#ommended: 8onat"an 9avies and 9avid 'mbros#io eds. Theories of "ity $olitics 2nd. Ed. 6;ondon% 200>7

8ames ;ig"tbod)% "ity $olitics,"anada 6!oronto% 20067

Wee* 1> 6Iar#" =7 @rban so#ial movements ': E1>6=D and t"e rig"t to t"e #it)
GeBuired: Simon :ar*er% Urban Theory and the Urban !perience, #"a$ter ?% 1 1-1. 3r)an :almer% NIa) 1>6=: -n -$$re#iationO% "anadian 8imension 02. . 8une 6200=7 1>-21. Avai$a.$e at# "tt$://#anadiandimension.#om/arti#les/200=/01/01/1?>0/ !on) Gos"an Samara% N,entrif)ing 9o&nto&nO% "olor'ines 'ssue >% 8ul)--ugust 200?. Avai$a.$e at: "tt$://#olorlines.#om/ar#"ives/200?/0?/gentrif)ingVdo&nto&n."tml
Ge#ommended: /enri ;efebvre% N!"e Gig"t to t"e 2it)O 'n 3ridge and Watson 6eds.7 The /lac7*ell "ity Reader 6Ialden% Iass: 3la#*&ell% 20027 .aren 9ubins*) et al. eds 6200>7 0e* 2orld "oming% The +i!ties and the +haping of 1lobal "onsciousness 6!oronto: 3et&een t"e ;ines7

Wee* 20 6Iar#" 117: @rban so#ial movements '': "ousing struggles in t"e global Sout"
Film: /ombay -ur "ity 69ir. -nand :at&ard"an% 60 minutes% 1>=17 GeBuired: .im and S"ort% N,lobali+ing 'slands in 9evelo$ing 2ountriesO% "ities and conomies, 116-16=. ;i+a Weinstein and Wuefei Gen% N!"e 2"anging Gig"t to t"e 2it): @rban Gene&al and /ousing Gig"ts in ,lobali+ing S"ang"ai and IumbaiO "ity and "ommunity =:0. 6200>7 Avai$a.$e in E, RESOURCES2 York Li.raries
Ge#ommended: Ii*e 9avis% $lanet of +lums 6;ondon: Verso% 20067

Wee* 21 6Iar#" 22-2 7: Field !ri$ < 9o&nto&n !oronto Iar#" 2> < No #lass 6@niversit) is #losed on ,ood Frida)7 Wee* 22 6-$ril 17: :ubli# S$a#e: Gegulation% :rivati+ation% -$$ro$riation
,uest ;e#ture: -+am ."atam

Simon :ar*er Urban Theory and the Urban !perience 2000% 100-0 Evel)n Gu$$ert 620067 QGig"ts to :ubli# S$a#e - Gegulator) Ge#onfigurations of ;ibert)Q Urban 1eography 2?. . $$. 2?1-2>2. Avai$a.$e in E,Reso"r&es York University Li.rary -+am ."atam 6200>7 N!"e 'slami# Ge$ubli# Failed Xuest for t"e S$otless 2it)%O IEG': 62107:00-10. Avai$a.$e at "tt$://&&&.meri$.org/mer/mer210/islami#-re$ubli#s-failed-Buests$otless-#it). 9een S"ar$ 620127 N@rbanism and t"e -rab @$risings: 9o&nto&n 2airo and t"e Fall of Iubara*.O =adaliyya -ugust 6. Avai$a.$e at "tt /F:EG;'N. Q"tt$://&&&.Cadali))a.#om/$ages/inde(/6?1>/urbanism-and-t"e-arab-u$risingsVdo&nto&n#airo-Q$ /F:EG;'N. Q"tt$://&&&.Cadali))a.#om/$ages/inde(/6?1>/urbanism-and-t"e-arabu$risingsVdo&nto&n-#airo-Q://&&&.Cadali))a.#om/$ages/inde(/6?1>/urbanism-and-t"e-arab-


Neil Smit" and Set"a ;o& eds. 620067 eds. The $olitics of $ublic +pace 6Ne& For*: Goutledge7

Wee* 2 6I5N9-F -$ril =7: ;ands#a$es of /o$e: 9emo#ra#) and t"e 2onvivial 2it)
GeBuired: Gi#"ard S&ift 620027 NWea* and Strong 9emo#ra#)O% The 0o.0onsense 1uide to 8emocracy >;ondon: Verso7 $$. 1-16. In &o"rse kit4 Ii*e 9avis 620107 NW"o Will 3uild t"e -r*UO 0e* 'eft Re)ie* 61 68an-Feb7 $$. 2>-06. Avai$a.$e at E, Reso"r&es2 York University Li.rary Ge#ommended: Ellen Wood 61>>17 8emocracy against "apitalism 62ambridge: 2ambridge @niversit) :ress7

-$ril 10 < -$ril 26: Final E(am :eriod

In&$"sivity in t)e BES Progra

!"e 3ES :rogram strives to in#lude a broad range of $ers$e#tives and substantive material in its #ourse offerings. 2entral to a #lear understanding of environmental $roblems is t"e lin* bet&een e($loitation of t"e natural &orld% and Custi#e issues related to ra#ism% gender ineBuit)% and $overt). -n in#lusion of non-&estern $ers$e#tives is t"erefore essential to a fruitful dis#ussion of Nort"-Sout" issues% and environmental debates generall).

Re$igio"s O.servan&e Days

For* @niversit) is #ommitted to res$e#ting t"e religious beliefs and $ra#ti#es of all members of t"e #ommunit)% and ma*ing a##ommodations for observan#es of s$e#ial signifi#an#e to ad"erents. S"ould an) of t"e dates s$e#ified in t"is s)llabus for in-#lass test or e(amination $ose su#" a #onfli#t for )ou% #onta#t t"e 2ourse 9ire#tor &it"in t"e first t"ree &ee*s of #lass. Similarl)% s"ould an assignment to be #om$leted in a lab% $ra#ti#um $la#ement% &or*s"o$% et#.% s#"eduled later in t"e term $ose su#" a #onfli#t% #onta#t t"e 2ourse dire#tor immediatel). :lease note t"at to arrange an alternative date or time for an e(amination s#"eduled in t"e formal e(amination $eriods 69e#ember and -$ril/Ia)7% students must #om$lete and E(amination -##ommodation Form% &"i#" #an be obtained from Student 2lient Servi#es% W120 3ennett 2entre for Student Servi#es or online at "tt$://&&&.registrar.)or*u.#a/$df/e(amVa##ommodation.$df

A&a%e i& +onesty For* students are reBuired to maintain "ig" standard of a#ademi# integrit) and are subCe#t to t"e Senate :oli#) on -#ademi# /onest) as set out b) For* @niversit) and b) t"e Fa#ult) of Environmental Studies. :lease read t"e +enate $olicy on &cademic (onesty 6&"i#" #an be found as -$$endi( 5ne of t"e &cademic Regulations of the ;aculty of n)ironmental +tudies or in t"e @niversit) :oli#ies and Gegulations se#tion of t"e 9or7 Uni)ersity Undergraduate $rograms "alendar7% available at:

"tt$://&&&.)or*u.#a/se#retariat/legislation/senate/a#ad"one."tm !"ere is also an a#ademi# integrit) &ebsite &it" #om$lete information about a#ademi# "onest). Students are e($e#ted to revie& t"e materials on t"e -#ademi# 'ntegrit) &ebsite at: "tt$://&&&.)or*u.#a/tutorial/a#ademi#integrit) St"%ent Con%"&t Students and instru#tors are e($e#ted to maintain a $rofessional relations"i$ #"ara#teri+ed b) #ourtes) and mutual res$e#t and to refrain from a#tions disru$tive to su#" a relations"i$. Ioreover% it is t"e res$onsibilit) of t"e instru#tor to maintain an a$$ro$riate a#ademi# atmos$"ere in t"e #lassroom% and t"e res$onsibilit) of t"e student to #oo$erate in t"at endeavour. Furt"er% t"e instru#tor is t"e best $erson to de#ide% in t"e first instan#e% &"et"er su#" an atmos$"ere is $resent in t"e #lass. - statement of t"e $oli#) and $ro#edures involving disru$tive and/or "arassing be"aviour b) students in a#ademi# situations is available on t"e For* &ebsite at: "tt$://&&&.)or*u.#a/se#retariat/$oli#ies/do#ument.$"$Udo#umentY202

For* $rovides servi#es for students &it" disabilities 6in#luding $")si#al% medi#al% learning and $s)#"iatri# disabilities7 needing a##ommodation related to tea#"ing and evaluation met"ods/materials. 't is t"e studentTs res$onsibilit) to register &it" disabilit) servi#es as earl) as $ossible to ensure t"at a$$ro$riate a#ademi# a##ommodation #an be $rovided &it" advan#e noti#e. 9ou are encouraged to schedule a time early in the term to meet *ith each professor to discuss your accommodation needs. Failure to ma*e t"ese arrangements ma) Ceo$ardi+e )our o$$ortunit) to re#eive a#ademi# a##ommodations. -dditional information is available at "tt$://&&&.)or*u.#a/#ds/ or from disabilit) servi#e $roviders: Z 5ffi#e for :ersons &it" 9isabilities: Goom N110 of t"e 3ennett 2entre for Student Servi#es % 016-? 6-12>?% Z ;earning and :s)#"iatri# 9isabilities :rograms - 2ounselling M 9evelo$ment 2entre: Goom N110 of t"e
3ennett 2entre for Student Servi#es% 016- ? 6-12>?% "tt$://&&&.)or*u.#a/#d#/ Z ,lendon students - ,lendon 2ounselling M 2areer 2entre: ,lendon /all 111-% 016-0=?- 6?0>% "tt$://&&&.glendon.)or*u.#a/#ounselling/$ersonal."tml

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