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A new level of protect|on.

a new level
of conhdence.a new freedom |n l|fe
Lead|ng tbe way |n cont|nuous glucose mon|tor|ng
Your partner ~ your Cuad|an

k|A|-1|me Syslem
'A con6maloy 6ngesl|c| lesl |s equ|ed p|o lo la||ng acl|on.


Your Cuard|an

kLAL-T|me System tells tbe wbole story

A|el wans pal|enl
of oncom|ng h|gh
A|el wans pal|enl
of oncom|ng |ow
0ompl acl|on may avo|d
|ow o educe dual|on'
0ompl acl|on may avo|d
h|gh o educe dual|on'
100 AV 600 AV 900 AV !200 0V 100 0V 600 0V 900 0V !200 AV
Conl|nuous g|ucose ||ngesl|c| lesls
mon|lo|ng dala
G/ves yoa prorecr/on rbor fngersr/ck
resr/ng conr prov/de
You gel s|gn|F|canl|y moe |nFomal|on w|lh you Cuad|an

k|A|-1|me Conl|nuous
C|ucose Von|lo|ng Syslem lhan w|lh F|ngesl|c|s a|one. 1he syslem d|sp|ays updaled
g|ucose ead|ngs 24 hous a dayso you a|ways |now whal you g|ucose |eve| |s,
wh|ch way |l's go|ng, and how Fasl. 1h|s a||ows you lo see pallens and poc|ems lhal
F|ngesl|c|s may m|ss.
|a|y wan|ng a|els |el you |now when you g|ucose |eve|s ae
gell|ng loo |ow o h|ghso you can la|e pompl acl|on.
|n Facl, conl|nuous g|ucose
mon|lo|ng delecls 4 l|mes moe dangeous |ows and h|ghs lhan F|ngesl|c|s a|one.

And 60 oF |ows may nol ce evea|ed w|lh jusl F|ngesl|c|s.
1h|s conl|nuous g|ucose
lac||ng 24 hous a day g|ves you a who|e new |eve| oF polecl|on, conlo|, and peace
oF m|nd.
//ngersr/ck resr/ng only g/ves yoa o few b/nrsyoar Gaord/on kLAL-T/me Sysrem rells yoa rbe wbole srory.

Need added polecl|on Fom |ows and h|ghs


|xpe|ence hypog|ycem|a unawaeness


0es|e celle conlo|


ave geslal|ona| d|aceles


ave d|aceles and ae pegnanl


ave e|evaled A!C |eve|s

Tbe Cuard|an kLAL-T|me System |s |deal for you |f you
Your partner ~ your Cuad|an

k|A|-1|me Syslem
kLAL-T|me Alerts
1hee d|FFeenl lypes oF a|els g|ve you ea|y
wan|ng, ma||ng |l poss|c|e lo avo|d o m|n|m|ze
oncom|ng |ows and h|ghs
kLAL-T|me Trend Arrows
show you lhe d|ecl|on oF you
g|ucose |eve| and lhe ale oF
change, a||ow|ng you lo
anl|c|pale s|gn|6canl changes
kLAL-T|me Trend Crapbs
cove|ng 1, 6, !2, and 24 hous
g|ve you a c|ea p|clue oF you
g|ucose |eve|s ove l|me,
a||ow|ng you lo c|ea|y |denl|Fy
pesona| pallens
kLAL-T|me Cont|nuous Clucose kead|ngs
pov|de conl|nuous awaeness oF you
cuenl g|ucose |eve| 24 hous a day,
pevenl|ng sup|ses
kLAL-T/me d/sploy g/ves yoa odded
prorecr/on ond confdence 24 boars o doy
M|n|L|nk` kLAL-T|me
Transm|tter and Clucose
Sma||, comFolac|e, and d|sceel,
lhe echageac|e lansm|lle
connecls d|ecl|y lo lhe
g|ucose senso and sends dala
w|e|ess|y lo lhe mon|lo,
wh|ch can ce up lo 6 Feel away.
(acraa| s|ze)
kate of Cbange Alerts
red|ct|ve Alerts
Low and M|gb Alerts
You can use a|| o jusl one oF lhese a|els lo polecl
youse|F Fom oncom|ng |ows and h|ghs.
red|ct|ve Alerts can ce sel lo wan you 5, !0, !5, 20,
25, o 10 m|nules ceFoe lhe g|ucose ||m|l has ceen
kate of Cbange Alerts |el you |now when g|ucose
|eve|s ae chang|ng.
Low and M|gb Alerts can ce sel al 8 d|FFeenl
lhesho|ds Fo d|FFeenl l|mes lhoughoul lhe day
and n|ghl lo wan you when lhe g|ucose |eve|
cosses lhe |ow o h|gh ||m|l you have sel.
Yoar Gaord/on

kLAL-T/me Sysrem g/ves yoa 3 loyers

of prorecr/on rbor yoa con odjasr ro sa/r yoar needs
Conl|nuous g|ucose mon|lo|ng can s|gn|F|canl|y educe A!C |eve|s compaed w|lh F|ngesl|c|s
And when you educe you A!C |eve|s, you educe you |s| oF |ong-lem hea|lh
keseach a|so shows lhal Cuad|an conl|nuous g|ucose mon|lo|ng lechno|ogy
can he|p pevenl o educe lhe dual|on oF hypog|ycem|c occuences,
and pevenl|ng
hypog|ycem|c occuences can cea| lhe cyc|e oF hypog|ycem|a unawaeness cy eslo|ng
symploms necessay Fo delecl|on and pevenl|on.
lmproves rberopy ond bypoglycem/o oworeness
'A con6maloy 6ngesl|c| lesl |s equ|ed p|o lo la||ng acl|on.
n = !6
f vh||e lhe Cuad|an k|A|-1|me Conl|nuous C|ucose Von|lo|ng Syslem |s wale-es|slanl and
des|gned lo polecl aga|nsl sp|ashes and occas|ona| dun||ng, Vedlon|c 0|aceles ecommends
lhal no conl|nuous g|ucose mon|lo|ng syslem shou|d ce |nlenl|ona||y sucmeged |n wale.
kLAL-T/me exper/ence /mproves kLAL-l/fe dec/s/ons
Ove l|me, you w||| d|scove new |ns|ghls acoul lhe |mpacl oF you da||y acl|v|l|eseal|ng,
s|eep|ng, and exec|s|ngand you |nsu||n lheapy on g|ucose conlo|. You have lhe powe lo
dec|de how lo ||ve you ||Fe lo ach|eve celle conlo|.
|n a p|lot study us|ng Cuard|an

cont|nuous glucose mon|tor|ng tecbnology


used ead|ngs andJo a|els lo conlo| g|ucose |eve|s

epoled geale sal|sFacl|on w|lh lhe| g|ucose conlo|
adjusled lhe| |nsu||n de||vey
changed lhe| d|el
made ||Fesly|e changes
You Cuard|an kLAL-T|me System mon|tor |s sma||, d|sceel,
and easy lo wea|l can ce allached lo a ce|l, h|dden |n a poc|el,
o p|aced unde c|olh|ng. A l|ny glucose sensor |s eas||y |nseled
v|lua||y pa|n|ess|y unde lhe s||n us|ng an aulo-|nsel|on dev|ce
lhal comes w|lh lhe syslem. 1he M|n|L|nk` kLAL-T|me Transm|tter
connecls d|ecl|y onlo lhe g|ucose senso and aulomal|ca||y
lansm|ls g|ucose |eve|s w|e|ess|y lo you Cuad|an k|A|-1|me
Syslem mon|lo. And lhe V|n|||n| k|A|-1|me 1ansm|lle and
g|ucose senso ae walepooF, a||ow|ng you lo showe, calhe,
and engage |n wale acl|v|l|es.
Compocr, comforroble, ond eosy ro ase
we g|ve you tbe 1OO|S AN0 Su00Ok1 you need 24J7J365
Casrom/ze yoar Gaord/on

kLAL-T/me Sysrem
w/rb Medrron/c "sk/ns
Yoa can persona||ze and enbance rbe |ook oj yoar Caard|an kll-T|oe
Sysreo w|rb 'sk|ns, rep|aceab|e v|ny| covers jor yoar oon|ror rbar are
a jan and exc|r|ng way ro express yoar own sry|e. l|gb-qaa||ry v|ny|
sk|ns bave an adbes|ve s|de,
a||ow|ng yoa ro eas||y
app|y rbe sk|n ro yoar
Caard|an kll-T|oe Sysreo.
CoreL/nk` Personol sofrwore con g/ve yoa berrer conrrol
1hese vec-cased loo|s enac|e you lo caplue conl|nuous g|ucose mon|lo|ng dala and |ogcoo|
enl|es on||ne and down|oad easy-lo-ead chals, gaphs, and lac|es. You and you hea|lhcae
pov|de can use lhese epols lo d|scove pallens, poc|ems, and |ns|ghls nol poss|c|e w|lh
6ngesl|c| lesl|ng and |ogcoo|s. 1hese |ns|ghls a||ow you hea|lhcae pov|de lo ma|e lheapy
adjuslmenls lhal can |ead lo celle managemenl oF you d|aceles. 1he epols can a|so he|p
you |denl|Fy oppolun|l|es Fo ||Fesly|e changes lhal can |mpove conlo| oF you g|ucose |eve|s.
we g|ve you tbe 1OO|S AN0 Su00Ok1 you need 24J7J365
CoreL/nk` Personol sofrwore con g/ve yoa berrer conrrol 8y yoar s/de every srep of rbe woy
vhen you slal ||v|ng w|lh you Cuad|an

k|A|-1|me Conl|nuous C|ucose Von|lo|ng

Syslem, you have lhe suppol oF Vedlon|c 0|aceles al you 6ngel|ps. A ||ve,
24-Mour MelpL|ne |s ava||ac|e, 165 days a yea, |nc|ud|ng wee|ends and ho||days.
|gh|y la|ned lechn|c|ans answe you ca|| pesona||yno pag|ng o Fowad|ng.
You can counl on us lo pov|de you w|lh lhe |ndusly's mosl pesona||zed,
|n-deplh educal|on and suppol pogam.
Medrron/c 0/oberes /s rbe world leoder
/n conr/naoas glacose mon/ror/ng
A|mosl a decade ago, Vedlon|c 0|aceles conducled |ls 6sl conl|nuous
g|ucose mon|lo|ng c||n|ca| sludy. jusl a Few yeas |ale, CCVS

lhe wo|d's 6sl conl|nuous g|ucose mon|lo|ng syslem, was appoved
cy lhe |0A Fo use cy doclos. S|nce lhen, Vedlon|c has cecome
lhe |ndusly |eade |n conl|nuous g|ucose mon|lo|ng cy |nloduc|ng
goundcea||ng poducls lo he|p moe and moe peop|e w|lh d|aceles.
1housands oF pal|enls have used ou poducls lo ach|eve celle
conlo|, ma||ng |l lhe #! pesc|ced CCV lheapy loday. Ou |alesl
|nnoval|on, lhe Cuad|an k|A|-1|me Syslem, |s a h|gh|y advanced,
pesona| conl|nuous g|ucose mon|lo|ng syslem, eFecl|ng yeas oF
pal|enl use expe|ence.
pproved jor a|| par|enrs aged 7 years or o|der wbo bave Type ! or
Type 2 d|aberes. Two oode|s are ava||ab|e one jor par|enrs aged 7
ro !7, and one jor par|enrs aged !8 years and o|der. sk yoar docror
wb|cb one |s r|gbr jor yoa.
rov|des a b|gber level of protect|on lhan 6ngesl|c|
lesl|ng a|one
C|ves you 3 layers of protect|on so you can ||ve con6denl|y
kLAL-T|me Trend Crapbs, Trend Arrows, and Clucose kead|ngs
he|p you undesland lhe |mpacl oF Food, exec|se, and
med|cal|on on you g|ucose |eve| so you can |ean lo celle
manage you d|aceles
CareL|nk ersonal software a||ows you and you hea|lhcae
pov|de lo ana|yze you |nFomal|on w|lh dela||ed epols lo
|denl|Fy pallens and poc|ems |mpolanl |n opl|m|z|ng you
d|aceles lheapy
0olecl youse|F w|lh you Cuad|an

k|A|-1|me Conl|nuous
C|ucose Von|lo|ng Syslem and slal ||v|ng you ||Fe
con6denl|y Ca|| !-800-V|N|V|0 (!-800-646-4611) o
v|s|l www.medlon|c-d| Fo moe |nFomal|on.
Talk to your bealtbcare
prov|der today to see |f
tbe Cuard|an kLAL-T|me
System |s r|gbt for you.
Now you can protect yourself from
dangerous lows and b|gbs...w|tb conhdence
D|abetes Meadquarters
Vedlon|c 0|aceles
!8000 0evonsh|e Sleel
Nolh|dge, CA 9!125
!-800-V|N|V|0 (!-800-646-4611)
2006 Vedlon|c V|n|Ved, |nc. A|| |ghls eseved. 940!581-0!! !!2006
Cae||n| and V|n|||n| ae ladema|s and CCVS and Cuad|an ae eg|sleed ladema|s oF
Vedlon|c V|n|Ved, |nc.
Cont|nuous Clucose Mon|tor|ng and |nd|cat|ons for Use
1he Cuad|an

k|A|-1|me Conl|nuous C|ucose Von|lo|ng Syslem |s |nd|caled lo ecod |nlesl|l|a| g|ucose |eve|s |n
pesons / yeas oF age o o|de who have 1ype ! o 1ype 2 d|aceles. 1h|s |nFomal|on |s |nlended lo supp|emenl, nol
ep|ace, c|ood g|ucose |nFomal|on ocla|ned us|ng slandad home c|ood g|ucose mon|lo|ng
dev|ces. A con6maloy 6ngesl|c| |s equ|ed p|o lo lealmenl. Conl|nuous C|ucose Von|lo|ng |nFomal|on may
ce down|oaded and d|sp|ayed on a compule and ev|ewed cy hea|lhcae poFess|ona|s. 1h|s |nFomal|on may a||ow
|denl|6cal|on oF pallens oF g|ucose-|eve| excus|ons acove o ce|ow lhe des|ed ange, Fac|||lal|ng lheapy adjusl-
menls lhal may m|n|m|ze lhese excus|ons. A ves|on oF lhe poducl spec|a||y des|gned Fo ch||den |s |nd|caled Fo
pal|enls age /-!/. Contra|nd|cat|ons SuccessFu| opeal|on oF lhe Conl|nuous C|ucose Von|lo|ng Syslem equ|es
adequale v|s|on and hea|ng. use oF lhe Conl|nuous C|ucose Von|lo|ng Syslem |s nol ecommended Fo pal|enls
whose |mpa|ed v|s|on o hea|ng does nol a||ow Fu|| ecogn|l|on oF lhe
mon|lo s|gna|s and a|ams, o who do nol have a caeg|ve lhal can peFom lh|s Funcl|on Fo lhem. warn|ngsJre-
caut|ons 1he Conl|nuous C|ucose Von|lo|ng Syslem uses shou|d ce educaled lo pogam and opeale lhe mon|lo
and espond lo a|am cond|l|ons p|o lo allempled use oF lhe syslem. 1he cuenl and vo|lage s|gna|s shown |n
lhe mon|lo ae lo ce used on|y Fo 6nd|ng polenl|a| poc|ems w|lh lhe Conl|nuous C|ucose Von|lo|ng Syslem
and do nol |nd|cale cuenl g|ucose va|ue. |nFecl|on andJo s|le ||lal|on may esu|l Fom |mpope |nsel|on and
ma|nlenance oF |nsel|on s|le.
0|ease v|s|l www.m|n|med.comJpecaul|ons Fo comp|ele saFely |nFomal|on.
!. |auFman |k, el a|. u|aberes Care. 200!,24(!2)2010-2014.
2. 0|lze |k, el a|. u|aberes Care. 200!,24(5)88!-885.
1. 0ode 0, el a|. u|aberes Tecbno| Tber. 2004,6(2)!05-!!1.
4. 0e|ss 0, el a|. Ame|can 0|aceles Assoc|al|on 65lh Annua| Sc|enl|6c
Sess|ons. San 0|ego, CA, june !0-!4, 2005.
5. 0e k, el a|. u|aberes Care. 2001,26(!0)2/28-2/11.
6. |udv|gsson j, el a|. led|arr|cs. 2001,!!!(5 pl !)911-918.
/. 0e|ss 0, el a|. u|aberes Care. |n pess.
8. 0ode 0v, el a|. u|aberes kes C||n lracr. !999,46(1)!81-!90.
9. Ame|can 0|aceles Assoc|al|on. u|aberes Care. 2002,25(!)2!1-229.
!0. |ane||| C, el a|. u|aberes. !99/,46(/)!!/2-!!8!.

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