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Assessment of Eucalyptus Wandoo (Wandoo) and other tree canopy decline using Landsat Trend Analysis

by M. Garkaklis and G. Behn April 2009

Department of Environment and Conservation DEC! "estern A#stralia

"ithin this pro$e%t the ob$e%tive &as to eval#ate the effe%tiveness of #sin' a time se(#en%es of satellite ima'ery to lo%ate trends in ve'etation %over a%ross nominated lo%ations of Wandoo &oodlands &ithin the so#th)&est of "estern A#stralia. *he eval#ation re(#ired the impli%it #se of +andsat *hemati% Mapper *M! data to 'enerate spe%tral indi%es &hi%h then %o#ld be displayed to hi'hli'ht anomalies in spe%tral responses of the Wandoo %over. *he time se(#en%e of the ima'ery &as from 19,, - 200. and had been pre)pro%essed and %alibrated to 'ro#nd /er%enta'e 0olia'e Cover /0C! prior to prod#%in' *rend Cover Maps for ea%h of the lo%ations. *he lo%ations &ere the forest blo%ks and forest areas of the so#th)&est kno&n as1 2elena 0orest blo%k1 3#limar Conservation /ark1 Dr#mmond 4at#re 5eserve and Dryandra "oodland 5eserve. All lo%ations are %hara%terised by mi6ed &oodlands of either heath1 "andoo1 Marri1 3arrah and Mallet trees. An established method &as applied to the satellite ima'ery to dete%t lon')term %han'es in &oody ve'etation %over and %lear trends in ve'etation %over densities &ere established from the analysis. A key fa%tor in #sin' satellite ima'ery for this p#rpose is to %alibrate the satellite ima'e &ith data obtained from field observations of %ro&n %over and density. Additionally1 stratifi%ation of the lands%ape based on the "andoo bo#ndaries 'reatly aided the pro%ess. *he final prod#%t &as 'ro#nd validated for a%%#ra%y and &as %onsidered to be an effe%tive and #sef#l means of interro'atin' ve'etation %han'es over time. Methods developed #ses m#ltispe%tral +andsat *M ima'ery to dete%t %han'es in ve'etation density or %over over time. *his has the %apa%ity to dete%t not $#st %han'es in ve'etation %over1 b#t to also identify areas of ve'etation &here there is a permanent or lon')term de%rease in ve'etation density. *he information is provided as vegetation trend maps see belo&! &hi%h indi%ate &here and &hen %han'es in ve'etation have o%%#rred. *he %han'es at parti%#lar sites %an be (#antified and %ompared #sin' graphical plots of the responses over time.

7ver the last de%ade a n#mber of +andsat *hemati% Mapper *M! satellite ima'ery based remote)sensin' monitorin' pro'rams have been implemented in A#stralia. *hese in%l#de the 8#eensland9s :tate&ide +andover and *rees :t#dy :+A*:!1 the +and%over Chan'e /ro$e%t of the A#stralian Department of Climate Chan'e and +and Monitor1 a m#lti)a'en%y pro$e%t prod#%in' information prod#%ts for land mana'ement in "estern A#stralia. +andsat *M! satellite ima'ery has been #sed to provide val#able monitorin' information of %han'es in ve'etation a%ross the re'ion from 19,,)200;. *he information is derived from the data ar%hive of the +and Monitor /ro$e%t and $ointly s#pported by < state a'en%ies and C:=57 &&&.landmonitor.&a.'ov.a#. 7ne of the information prod#%ts is provided as vegetation trend maps &hi%h indi%ate &here and &hen %han'es in ve'etation have o%%#rred des%ribed belo&!. *he %han'es at parti%#lar sites %an be (#antified and %ompared #sin' graphical plots of the responses over time.

> +and Monitor prod#%es t&o types of ve'etation %han'e prod#%ts? the e6tent of perennial or &oody ve'etation %over and its %han'e thro#'h time and1 ve'etation trends over time ve'etation stat#s!1 &hi%h s#mmarises ve'etation history from m#ltiple %han'es.

*he ve'etation trends #se m#ltispe%tral +andsat *M ima'ery to dete%t %han'es in ve'etation density or %over over time. *he method #ses a developed @Ae'etation =nde691 &hi%h is related to ve'etation %over to sho& or estimate %over variations. *his method has the %apa%ity to dete%t not $#st %han'es in &oody ve'etation %over1 b#t to also identify areas of &oody ve'etation &here there is a permanent or lon')term de%rease in ve'etation density. *ree deaths and de%lines are &orld&ide phenomena1 and linkin' %a#sal a'ents to de%line events are problemati%. =n some instan%es1 s#%h a s#dden oak death :7D! %a#sed by Phytophthora ramorum and %hestn#t bli'ht Cryphonectria parasitica!1 identifiable patho'ens %a#sin' the death of trees %o#ld be isolated Gilbert 2002? 5iBBo et al. 2002!. 2o&ever1 the intera%tion bet&een host1 patho'en1 environment and the %omple6ity of m#ltiple)abioti% %a#ses makes it #nlikely that attrib#tin' a sin'le fa%tor to a tree de%line event is possible. =ndeed1 e6pression of the diseases %a#sed by patho'ens1 even &hen &ell #nderstood1 often re(#ires the favo#rable intera%tion bet&een patho'en1 host and environment. 0or e6ample1 in modellin' lands%ape)s%ale spread of :7D in the &estern Cnited :tates1 e6pression of the disease &as hi'hly %l#mped1 and models %learly sho&ed that forest ed'es that promoted hi'h)li'ht re(#irin' #nderstorey host spe%ies! predi%ted disease e6pression 2oldenrieder et al. 200D!. =n this %ase fra'mentation of oak forests has provided an important role in dispersin' and pro'ressin' the disease 2oldenrieder et al. 200D!. *he spatial %omponent &as the key to #nderstandin' the %hara%teristi%s of deaths a%ross the lands%ape. 0orest e%olo'ists re%o'nise that to'ether &ith anthropo'eni% fa%tors s#%h as land %learin'!1 the interplay bet&een environment1 herbivores and patho'ens %an help e6plain the %omm#nity %hara%teristi%s and f#n%tionality of forested e%osystems 2oldenrieder et al. 200D? Davis et al. 199D!. =t is a dynami% vie& of forests and one that a%%epts the role of dist#rban%e in developin' spatial and temporal hetero'eneity. *his is a %on%ept#al model for the development of forest %omm#nities1 b#t it is a model that re(#ires an #nderstandin' of the distrib#tion of both spe%ies and events at a lands%ape)s%ale. Mana'in' #n&el%ome environmental events &hen they o%%#r1 s#%h a tree de%line or mass deaths1 also re(#ires a %lear #nderstandin' of the spatial and temporal distrib#tion of the event. 7btainin' spatial data1 in the form of topo'raphi% maps1 aerial photo'raphy in%l#din' hi'h resol#tion! and remotely sensed information1 is no& almost ro#tine in mana'in' nat#ral e%osystems1 in%l#din' assessments of tree de%lines and lar'e)s%ale deaths s#%h as the &andoo. Landscape'scale assessments using remote sensing =n re%ent years remote sensin' has been applied to the assessments of ve'etation str#%t#re and %ondition for nat#ral reso#r%e mana'ement over &ide areas of so#theastern A#stralia. 0or e6ample1 Catlin' et al. 2001!1 Coops and Catlin' 2000?

D 200D!1 and Gibson et al. 200D! des%ribe pro%ed#res for the #se of M#ltispe%tral Airborne Aideo'raphy that allo& the interpretation of fa#na habitat in forests1 damplands and heathlands in 4e& :o#th "ales and Ai%toria. *he dra&ba%k of these te%hni(#es is %ost and a very limited ar%hive. *he data are often available at very fine s%ale as lo& as 1 metre pi6els! and a%(#isition of hi'h)resol#tion m#lti)spe%tral and hyper)spe%tral data1 and manip#lation of the spatial data are both very e6pensive :tone and 2ay&ood 200;!. An alternative approa%h #ses satellite remote sensed ima'ery. +andsat *hemati% Mapper *M! ima'ery has been #sed to map forest inventory and %han'e in East *imor Bo#ma and Eobryn 2002!? the /hilippines Baynes 200D!1 and in A#stralia in 8#eensland Br#%e and 2ilbert 200;!1 4e& :o#th "ales and Ai%toria +ee et al. 2002!. =n "estern A#stralia1 +andsat *M has been s#%%essf#lly #sed to map forest %over in the Eimberley Behn et al. 2001! and in the Mid&est1 M#r%hison and Goldfields 5e'ions Behn et al. 200>!. :tandard +andsat *M analysis provides a spatial distrib#tion of lands%ape)s%ale data1 altho#'h mappin' temporal %han'e has been more diffi%#lt to a%hieve. 2o&ever1 re%ent developments #ndertaken by the C:=57 has provided the Department of Environment and Conservation DEC! &ith the opport#nity to assess ve'etation %over %han'es at lands%ape)s%ales by allo&in' trend analysis of +andsat *M data for the period 19,, - 200.. 5e%ent soft&are developments have provided a lands%ape)s%ale monitorin' tool for the pastoral ind#stry in the 4orthern *erritory ran'elands Earfs et al 200D!. *he pro%ed#re involves three sta'es of analysis and interpretation. 0irstly1 the trend in ve'etation at sin'le point referen%e sites is e6amined by interpretin' the refle%tan%e of t&o band)&idths that relate dire%tly to ve'etation %over. *he %han'es observed over time are related to a%t#al events that have o%%#rred at the referen%e points. 0or e6ample1 the o%%#rren%e of fire is %learly visible in these trend analyses. 7n%e on)'ro#nd data that des%ribes the strata &here ve'etation de%line has o%%#rred is 'athered1 interpolation models are developed that e6trapolate the point) based spe%tral data a%ross the entire lands%ape that is bein' assessed. An ima'e sho&in' the spatial distrib#tion of de%line and re%overy! %an then be prod#%ed. *he final sta'e involves 'ro#nd tr#th assessment of the ve'etation %over %han'e ima'es. *his %#rrent pro$e%t aimed to assess this approa%h to map the epi%entres of &andoo Eucalyptus wandoo! de%line in the fo#r lo%ations above. *hese areF 2elena Aalley 0orest blo%k? 3#limar Conservation /ark? Dr#mmond 4at#re 5eserve? and Dryandra "oodland 5eserve.

atellite Imagery *M data provide ro#tine broad)s%ale %overa'e of an area and is ideal for mappin' and monitorin' %han'e. *he 'ro#nd pi%t#re element pi6el! siBe 2.m! is pra%ti%al for broad)area s#rveys and 'ives res#lts appropriate for resol#tion &ith at least several

. trees and shr#bs per pi6el and several pi6els per homo'eneo#s area. *he ability to monitorin' %han'e also be%omes possible &ith the ability to %o)re'ister and analyse ima'ery from vario#s dates. *hemati% Mapper *M! ima'ery has seven bands ) bands one1 t&o and three in the visible parts of the spe%tr#m1 band fo#r in the near infrared and bands five and seven in the short)&ave infrared portions of the spe%tr#m. Band si6 is lo%ated in the thermal infrared part of the spe%tr#m &hilst M#ltispe%tral M::! ima'ery had D fo#r band1 bands one and t&o in the visible1 band three in the near)infrared and band fo#r in the short)&ave infrared. =t is important to note that there are many %a#ses and interpretations of %han'es in refle%tan%e that %an be seen in the ima'ery1 parti%#larly &hen dealin' &ith ve'etation1 and that the physi%al %han'es &hi%h res#lt in a similar n#meri%al refle%tan%e response &ill vary &ith ve'etation type and ba%k'ro#nd. As mentioned above1 the 2.m pi6el %an %ontain several trees and shr#bs b#t also ba%k'ro#nd information on soil1 shado& and 'rasses. As the primary aim of the ima'ery is to provide monitorin' data of the perennial ve'etation1 ima'e %apt#re dates are limited to s#mmer dates &hen the 'rasses are in a %#red state. *he %lo#d)free *hemati% Mapper ima'es &ere 'eometri%ally re%tified to the GDA9D dat#m and in MGA.0 map pro$e%tion1 #sin' nearest nei'hbo#r transformation. Date 20G02G,, 2.G02G90 >0G01G92 19G01G9D 2.G01G9; 29G12G9< 1>G02G00 1;G12G01 .G02G0> 19G0>G0D 2G02G0. +andsat *M *M *M *M *M *M *M *M *M *M *M /i6el :iBe m! 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2.

Ta*le +, :atellite ima'ery #sed

*he %r#%ial fa%tor in prod#%in' spe%tral maps or enhan%ements &hi%h reliably display ve'etation is that the spe%tral separation of the dense ve'etation %over from sparse to no ve'etation %over1 is lar'e %ompared to the ve'etation variation &ithin %lasses. =f this %an be established1 then important band %ombinations or indi%es1 &hi%h provide the ve'etation density dis%rimination1 %an be identified and appropriate enhan%ements prod#%ed. Inde- Images :everal lar'e s%ale pro$e%ts &ithin A#stralia1 see belo&! have in%orporated a ve'etation inde6 *M Band > pl#s *M Band .!G2 &ith *M Band > bein' the visible red &aveband A=:! and *M Band . bein' in the short)&avelen'th infrared :"=5!1

; &ithin their ve'etation s#rveys. =n this pro$e%t the =nde6 ima'e &as made from ea%h date #sin' this linear %ombination and %omplied into a se(#en%e file. *he %alibration of the =nde6 ima'e to 'ro#nd)%over is re(#ired. A te%hni(#e by Behn 19911 sho&ed a 'ood relationship bet&een meas#red 'ro#nd folia'e %over to the spe%tral information of the =nde6 ima'e. *he first sta'e &as to #se the most %#rrent aerial photo'raphy to lo%ate a n#mber of 'ro#nd sites &ithin the st#dy area to 'ive a ran'e of %over densities &ithin the &andoo. .ro/ected 0oliage Co1er Images *he best available aerial photo'raphy %overin' ea%h of the st#dy sites &as obtained from CA+M Geo'raphi% =nformation :ervi%es se%tion. *he dates of the photo'raphy for ea%h site &ere varied1 from 1999 to 2001. Aerial photo'raphy and Ar% Aie& >.2! &as #sed to determine different areas of homo'eneo#s ve'etation densities1 a%%ordin' to dot 'rid templates 0i'#re 2!1 to lo%ate prospe%tive field sites. Field Sites Ea%h of the fo#r lo%ations had a #ni(#e n#mber of field sites dependin' on siBe1 topo'raphy1 ve'etation and a%%ess. Eno#'h field sites &ere %hosen at ea%h st#dy site to 'ive an a%%#rate representation of 'ro#nd information in order to %alibrate the satellite ima'ery &ith 'ro#nd meas#rements. =n total there &ere 92 field sites 'ro#nd)tr#thed referen%e points! a%ross the five st#dy areas.
Crown Cover Estimates

Cro&n %over is a meas#re of the 'ro#nd area &ithin the verti%al pro$e%tion of the periphery of %ro&ns in an area1 ass#min' that tree %ro&ns are opa(#e Behn et al 200>!. Csin' this same method Cro&n Cover for the prospe%tive field sites &as estimated on aerial photo'raphs #sin' dot 'rid templates 0i'#re 2!. *he template ass#mes an open opa(#e %ro&n. *o %onvert the %ro&n %over to pro$e%ted folia'e %over &hi%h is &hat the satellite ima'ery responds to!1 'ro#nd meas#rements in the field sites &ere #sed to establish the de'ree of a%t#al %ro&n density. Cro&n %over &as also estimated in the field to do#ble %he%k desktop meas#rements and a%%o#nt for any %han'e or error in aerial photo'raphy.

0igure 2F Cro&n density template 0orestry and *imber B#rea# 19.0!


0or e6ample1 0i'#re > demonstrates a field site at Dryandra "oodland 5eserve1 %hosen as it represents an area of homo'eneo#s ve'etation %over. Csin' the density template 0i'#re 2! this site &as estimated at >0H forest %over.

0igure 3. 0ield site at Dryandra &hi%h demonstratin' homo'eneo#s ve'etation %over at >0H %ro&n density.

Projected Foliage Cover (PFC)

/0C is the per%enta'e of the field site o%%#pied by the verti%al pro$e%tion of folia'e. /0C is the prod#%t of %ro&n %over and %ro&n density Behn et al 200>!. Csin' the %ro&n %over and density estimates1 a /0C val#e &as determined for a n#mber of referen%e points in ea%h field site M%Donald et al 1990!.

>0 H Cro&n Cover

<.H Cro&n Density

J 22..H /0C

0igure 4, /ro$e%ted folia'e %over /0C! is determined #sin' the val#es of %ro&n %over and %ro&n density1

Regression *o determine the relationship bet&een on)'ro#nd meas#rements and the +andsat ima'ery1 a re'ression e(#ation of the mean spe%tral information from the %over inde6 ima'e &as determined as a f#n%tion of the on)'ro#nd val#es of /0C at the 'ro#nd) tr#thed referen%e points. *he re'ression val#e is then applied to the %over inde6 ima'e to relate the ima'e refle%tan%e to the predi%ted /0C. A /er%enta'e 0olia'e =nde6 /0=! ima'e is then %reated for ea%h site from 19,, 200.. *his 'ives a 1<)year histori%al se(#en%e of ima'ery1 and the %han'es or trends

, over time are then s#mmarised for the time period into linear and (#adrati% %omponents and estimated independently #sin' ortho'onal polynomials Draper K :mith1 %h .!. Trend Image *he @*rend =ma'e9 is #sed to %al%#late trends e.'. slope over time! "alla%e et. al1 1999! and any deviations are real n#mbers and are %han'es that are prod#%ed for ea%h pi6el and s%aled to fit the 1)byte ran'e of 0)2.. for the temporal indi%es over time. lope (linear trend o1er time) Lin coeff 5 (2667+8) 9 +2:;6
[scales slopes from 5 to +5 into the 0 !55 range "

4ote that the inp#t val#es are the /0C val#es at different dates1 so the #nits for e.'.! the slope are folia'e %o#nts per year. *he @*rend =ma'e9 %an be displayed to s#mmarise trends and stability of ve'etation over time as meas#red by the /0C inde61 and in parti%#lar to hi'hli'ht areas &ith different patterns of %han'e. 0or this pro$e%t simple s#mmaries of trends over the period %an be made by displayin' positive andGor ne'ative linear trends in different %olo#rs see belo&! &hile other bands %an be #sed to e6amine deviations from these trends.

+inear *rend =ma'e (a)

4e'ative %over trend (*

/ositive %over trend (c) 0igure 6, *he +inear *rend =ma'e1 a! above sho&s the ve'etation trend %over1 for a parti%#lar time period and lo%ation1 &ith areas of li'ht or &hite bein' ne'ative %over trends sho&n as red in b!! and areas of dark or bla%k are positive %over trends sho&n as bl#e in %!!.


Trend !aps *rend ima'e maps %overin' the pro$e%t lo%ations of 2elena Aalley 0orest blo%k 0i'#re ;!? 3#limar Conservation /ark &hi%h also in%l#ded the small Dr#mmond 4at#re 5eserve to the east! 0i'#re <!1 and Dryandra "oodland 5eserve 0i'#re ,!1 &ere prod#%ed.



0igure <. 2elena Aalley 0orest blo%k *rend map (a) Entire forest blo%k &ith red areas indi%atin' ve'etation %over loss or de%line1 bl#e %over 'ain and bla%k as stable %over. Ca#sal a'ents of %han'e %an not be determined from this ima'e alone. *he forest blo%k &as then stratified &ith e6istin' &andoo bo#ndaries (*);



0igure :F 3#limar Conservation /ark *rend map (a) Entire park &ith red areas indi%atin' ve'etation %over loss or de%line1 bl#e %over 'ain and bla%k as stable %over. Ca#sal a'ents of %han'e %an not be determined from this ima'e alone. *he park &as then stratified &ith e6istin' &andoo bo#ndaries (*);




0igure =, Dryandra "oodland 5eserve *rend map (a) Entire reserve &ith red areas indi%atin' ve'etation %over loss or de%line1 bl#e %over 'ain and bla%k as stable %over. Ca#sal a'ents of %han'e %an not be determined from this ima'e alone. *he reserve &as then stratified &ith e6istin' &andoo bo#ndaries (*);

Accuracy *he proportion of de%linin'1 re%overin' and stable ve'etation &as assessed for the total area of ea%h site1 *able 2 belo&! 'ivin' the follo&in' val#es. =t sho#ld be noted that fie bo#ndaries and other kno&n %a#ses of 'ross %anopy %han'e s#%h as %learin'! &ere i'nored in this analysis.
ite 2elena Cat%hment 3#limar :tate 0orest Dr#mmond 4at#re 5eserve Dryandra > Increase D , D 1D > &ecline 1> 1> >0 10 > ta*le ,> <9 ;; <;

Ta*le 2, /roportions of ve'etation %han'e at ea%h pro$e%t st#dy site

*he proportion of de%linin'1 re%overin' and stable ve'etation &as assessed for ea%h site1 for the "andoo o%%#rren%e area only1 'ivin' the follo&in' val#esF ite 2elena Cat%hment 3#limar :tate 0orest Dryandra > Increase 11 D 2> > &ecline 1< 1< 1, > ta*le <2 <9 .9

Ta*le 3. /roportions of ve'etation %han'e &ithin "andoo o%%#rren%e areas only1 at ea%h pro$e%t st#dy site

A%%#ra%y of the te%hni(#e &as based on # Priori sele%tion of 'ro#nd)tr#th sites #sin' the spatial models to predi%t points of %anopy loss1 %anopy in%rease and no %han'e. 7n 'ro#nd assessments of these sele%ted points &ere then made to determine the a%%#ra%y of the spatial model. Based on the &andoo ve'etation %omm#nity data available &ithin the Department of Environment and Conservation1 areas of de%line and in%rease in &andoo %anopy are smaller than the areas of stable %anopy. /roportions per%enta'e area! of in%reasin' &andoo %anopy in the period 19,, to 200. ran'e from DH at 3#limar Conservation /ark to 2>H at Dryandra "oodland 5eserve. /roportions of de%reasin' %anopy in the

12 period 19,, to 200. in &andoo ve'etation ran'e from 1<H at 2elena and 3#limar to 1,H at Dryandra. :table no %han'e! proportions ran'e from .9H at Dryandra to <9H at 3#limar. *he trends indi%ate that %anopy loss or de%line in &andoo has o%%#rred at a n#mber of lo%ations. *he pro%ed#re also identified that %anopy in%reases also have o%%#rred. =n some of these @%anopy in%rease9 sites it &o#ld appear that &andoo %ro&ns are re) establishin' from epi%ormi% 'ro&th. 2o&ever1 over most of the areas ;0 - <0H!1 the %anopy appears to be stable. # Priori sele%tion of trends indi%ates the te%hni(#e &as %orre%t in predi%tin' a re%ently de%lined1 an in%reasin' or stable tree %anopy re'ardless of &hi%h Eucalyptus or Corym$ia spe%ies! in ;0 to <0H of o%%asions. 5easons identified for fail#re to %orre%tly predi%t an event &ereF =n%orre%t delineation of ve'etation %omm#nities1 or ins#ffi%ient mappin' data definin' ve'etation %omm#nities. 0or e6ample1 si'nifi%ant de%lines in %anopy are apparent at Dr#mmond 4at#re 5eserve. Ae'etation data indi%ated this %han'e &as likely to be a de%line in &andoo %anopy. 7n)'ro#nd assessments determined that 'ross %anopy de%line had o%%#rred b#t that Marri &as the spe%ies affe%ted. "andoo %anopy in this reserve is healthy. =n%orre%t re%ord or mappin' of fire events. =f not mapped1 fire s%ars are ass#med to be a de%line. *his o%%#rred at one site in 3#limar. Bo#ndaries bet&een ve'etation %omm#nities. =n%orre%t predi%tions of %anopy loss o%%#rred at several sites in Dryandra at bo#ndaries bet&een mallet plantation and nat#ral ve'etation1 and also at one bo#ndary bet&een an E. accedens and E. wandoo %omm#nity.

Gross %han'es to %anopy are a%%#rately identified #sin' this te%hni(#e. 2o&ever1 predi%tions of %han'es that are related to parti%#lar tree spe%ies rely on a%%#rate delineation of ve'etation %omm#nities &ithin the s#rvey areas.

C%$CLU I%$ A$& &I CU


Any form of ve'etation monitorin' re(#ires meas#rements to be repeatable1 %onsistent and reliable. *he spatial1 spe%tral and temporal resol#tions of the +andsat series of satellites are at s%ales parti%#larly relevant1 for &hi%h these on)'ro#nd meas#rements %an be a%%#rately made1 and so are &ell pla%ed to provide ne%essary and #pdated information for land mana'ers. *he methodolo'y des%ribed here provides a so#nd basis for rapid1 a%%#rate mappin' tree %over trends a%ross lar'e areas &here the #se of %onventional aerial photo'raphy %annot be e%onomi%ally $#stified. 5elevant information on ve'etation %over trends has dire%t links to health1 %ondition and %han'e and are of 'reat interest from a variety of perspe%tives. :atellite ima'ery1 primarily d#e to its synopti% vie&s of lands%apes and m#lti)temporal sensin'1 is s#ited for monitorin' this ve'etation information. 7ne of the benefits of %ontin#ed %olle%tion of satellite ima'ery1 by pro'rams like +andsat1 is the ability to st#dy

1> %han'es in lands%apes over time1 &ith %han'es in ve'etation %over bein' amon' the most %ommon feat#res sort. :idmore et al 2002! states1 the histori%al ar%hive of satellite ima'ery for st#dyin' lands%ape %han'e %ontin#es to 'ro& and its d#ration no& %overs almost a third of a %ent#ry. =t is #nmat%hed in (#ality1 detail1 %overa'e and importan%e. *his dramati% in%rease in st#dies #sin' this ar%hive of histori%al satellite ima'ery indi%ates the 'ro&in' val#e of ima'ery and points to a f#t#re &here remote sensin' data &ill play a key role in o#r #nderstandin' of ho& lands%apes are %han'in' and ho& h#mans are infl#en%in' the health of ve'etation. *his ar%hive of ima'ery is a val#able tool for s%ientists and resear%hers as they &ork to 'ain a better #nderstandin' of %omple6ity of o#r environmental systems. +on') term monitorin' information is %riti%al for maintainin' the health and safety of o#r %omm#nities1 o#r e%onomy and o#r environment. :atellite ima'ery has been #sed to provide val#able monitorin' information of %han'es in ve'etation a%ross the pro$e%t area from 19<<)2009. *he information is derived from an ar%hive &hich is %ointly supported $y state agencies& C'()*& and +ederal ,epartment of Climate Change. *he information is provided as maps and di'ital data &hi%h indi%ate &here and &hen %han'es in ve'etation have o%%#rred. *his information provides a means to prod#%e a %omprehensive assessment of the problem1 to dire%t 'ro#nd &ork and site sele%tion1 to e6trapolate from limited field observations1 and to lo%ate sites for detailed resear%h &ork. Eno&in' the lo%ation and timin' of affe%ted and #naffe%ted areas may assist in identifyin' %a#ses of the problem.

1. *he pro$e%t demonstrated that #sin' a time se(#en%e of satellite ima'ery to lo%ate trends in ve'etation %over a%ross fo#r nominated lo%ations of "andoo &oodlands! is an e-tremely useful tool for both lon')term monitorin' trends in ve'etation %over and for s#rveillan%e monitorin' a%ross the lands%ape. 2. *he "andoo 5e%overy Gro#p has three lar'e sites 2elena %at%hment1 3#limar :tate forest and Dryandra &oodland! and one remnant 5e%overy Cat%hment Dr#mmond 4at#re 5eserve! that have 'eo)referen%e points established at appro6imately 1D0 %ro&n %over validation sites. *he ve'etation %over trend te%hni(#es %an be repeated at these sites and %o#ld be #sed to test %han'e spatially and in time se(#en%e. Altho#'h 'ro#nd)tr#thin' validated the satellite ima'ery interpretation on ,0H of sites1 there &ere three ma$or %a#ses for dis%repan%y identifiedF Ae'etation %omm#nity in this %ase "andoo &oodland! bo#ndary not perfe%t1 so another ve'etation %omm#nity &ron'ly in%l#ded. Bo#ndaries bet&een distin%tly different ve'etation %omm#nities e.'. plantationG"andoo or "andoo &oodland and heathland! %an sho& &ron' res#lts d#e perhaps to refle%tion iss#es. =n pra%ti%e therefore1 do not have referen%e sites &ithin .0 m of s#%h bo#ndaries.

1D B#rnin' from #nmapped fire events.

>. *he b#lk of the "andoo &oodland a%ross the fo#r s#rvey sites has been @stable9 over the period 199, to 200. *able 2 and > sho& "andoo o%%#rren%e @stable9 .9H at Dryandra1 <2H at 2elena and <9H at 3#limar!. /er%enta'e de%line is relatively #niform at 1<H a%ross the three sites. D. As a periodi% &arnin' system1 re)eval#ate #sin' these te%hni(#es the time se(#en%e of satellite ima'ery for trends in ve'etation %over a%ross these sites at DG. year intervals ne6t assessment 2009 or 1010! to a! monitor trends in ve'etation %over and b! for s#rveillan%e monitorin' a%ross the broader lands%ape. 8#estionF =s there a %han'e in the proportion of ima'ery de%linin'1 in%reasin' and stableL *ar'et ;0)<0H of lands%ape @stable9.

?aynes@ A; ;@ 200D! -sing +C, .apper software and /andsat images to detect $rea0s in forest canopies in landscapes in #ustralia and Philippines . /ro%eedin's from the AC=A5 pro$e%t plannin' &orkshop1 7rmo%1 the /hilippines1 1.)1< 0ebr#ary 200.1 pp. 1.1)1.,. ?ehn@ );A;@ !cBinnell@ 0;(;@ Caccetta@ .;@ Vernes@ T; 2001! .apping forest cover& 1im$erley region of Western #ustralia. A#stralian 0orestry Aol. ;D1 ,0),<. ?ehn@ );@ ?ardon@ A;@ "audino@ A; C toneman@ );L. 200>! .apping of +orest Cover in the .idwest& 2oldfields and 'outh Coast )egions of Western #ustralia. Department of Environment and Conservation and internal report! ?ouma@ );A@ and Bo*ryn@ (;T;@ 200D! Change in vegetation cover in East 3imor& 4565 4555. 4at#ral 5eso#r%es 0or#m 2,1 1)12. ?ruce@ C;!@ and (il*ert@ &;W;@ 200;!. Pre Processing .ethodology for #pplication to /andsat 3.7E3.+ (magery of the Wet 3ropics . Cooperative 5esear%h Centre for *ropi%al 5ainforest E%olo'y and Mana'ement. 5ainforest C5C1 Cairns1 8#eensland1 A#stralia. Catling@ .;C@ Coops@ $;C;@ 200D8 (dentification of species and functional groups that give early warning of ma%or environmental change 9indicator 4.!c !. /art BF report on the effi%a%y of video'raphy and other hi'h spatial resol#tion ima'ery! for habitat mappin'. 5eport for the 0orest and "ood /rod#%ts 5esear%h and Development Corporation1 A#stralian Government1 Canberra. 1> pp. Catling@ .;C; Coops@ $;C;@ C ?urt@ ";A;@ 2001!. 3he distri$ution and a$undance of ground dwelling mammals in relation to time since wildfire and vegetation structure in south eastern #ustralia. Wildlife )esearch. 2,F...).;D. Coops@ $;C;@ Catling@ .;C;@ 2000! Prediction of historical forest ha$itat patterns using $inomial distri$ution and simple :oolean logic from high spatial resolution remote sensing. Comp#ters and Geos%ien%es 2< 2001! /a'es 9<.),0.. &raper@ $; ". and mith; (; 19,1!. #pplied )egression #nalysis. 4e& Mork. "iley

&a1is@ A;";@ .a1eD@ A;A;@ and Corsini@ &;L;@ 2002! Potato genotypes& a tool for managing soil$orne pathogens a summary . IIA= =nternational 2orti%#lt#ral Con'ressF Mana'in' :oil)Borne /atho'ensF A :o#nd 5hiBosphere to =mprove /rod#%tivity in =ntensive 2orti%#lt#ral :ystems 0ur*y@ ; L;1 "enEullo@ L; A;1 Chia@ A; and Wallace@ A; 0; 200D!1 3he -se of 'pectral (ndices and 'patially ;arying 3hreshold 'urfaces for .apping the E<tent of Perennial ;egetation over 3ime1 *he 12th A#stralasian 5emote :ensin' and /hoto'rammetry Conferen%e /ro%eedin's1 0remantle1 "estern A#stralia1 1,)22 7%tober. )i*son@ L;A;@ Wilson@ ?;A;@ and A*erton@ A;); 200D!1 /andscape characteristics associated with species richness and occurrence of snall nayive mammals inha$iting a coastal heathland= a spatial modelling approach . Biolo'i%al Conservation 120 200D! /a'es <.),9. )il*ert@ ) ;@ 2002! Evolutionary ecology of plant diseases in natural ecosystems . Ann# 5ev /hytopathol D0F1>-D>. (oldenrieder@ %.1 .autasso@ !;@ Weis*erg@ .;A;@ and Lonsdale@ &; 200D!1 3ree diseases and landscape processes= the challenge of landscape pathology . *rends in E%olo'y K Evol#tion1 Aol#me 191 =ss#e ,1 1 A#'#st 200D1 /a'es DD;)D.2. Barfs ";A;@ &aly C;@ ?eutel T; ;@ .eel L; and Wallace A;0 200D! /ro%eedin' of 12th A5:/C1 0remantle1 "A. !c&onald@ ";C;@ Is*ell@ ";0;@ peight@ A;);@ WalDer@ A;@ (opDins@ !; . 1990!. #ustralian 'oil and /and 'urvey +ield >and$oo0. :e%ond Edition. =nkata /ress1 Melbo#rne :ydney "iEEo@ &; !;@ )ar*elotto@ !;@ &a1idson@ A; !;@ laughter@ ); W; and BoiDe;@ . 2002a!. Phytophthora ramorum as the %a#se of e6tensive mortality of ?uercus spp. and /ithocarpus densiflorus in California. /lant Disease. ,;F 20.)21D.. Didmore@ A;@ .rins@ (;@ 2002! C5C /ress Environmental .odelling with 2(' and )emote 'ensing tone@ C;@ and (ayFood@ A;@ 200;! #ssessing canopy health of native eucalypt forests . E%olo'i%al Mana'ement and 5estoration <F :2D):>0. Wallace@ A; 0;@ ?ehn@ ); and 0ur*y@ ; L; 200;!1 ;egetation condition assessment and monitoring from se@uences of satellite imagery. E%olo'i%al Mana'ement and 5estoration1 Aol. <1 :#p 11 pp >>)>;. Wallace@ A; 0; and Thomas@ .; T; 1999!1 .onitoring and summarising rangeland changes using se@uences of /andsat data. /ro%eedin's :eventh =nternational 5an'eland Conferen%e.

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