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PHARMACEUTICAL LICENSE AGREEMENT This AGREEMENT dated as of ____________, 1996 is made b a!d bet"ee! #$%& Com'a! , I!

() a _____________________________ (o$'o$atio!, ha*i!& its '$i!(i'a+ '+a(e of b%si!ess at ___________________________________ ,#$%&- a!d Pha$ma(e%ti(a+ Labo$ato$ies, I!(), a ___________ (o$'o$atio!, ha*i!& its '$i!(i'a+ '+a(e of b%si!ess at ___________________________________ ,Lab I!*e!to$-) I!t$od%(tio! Lab I!*e!to$ has de*e+o'ed a!d obtai!ed 'ate!t $i&hts to (e$tai! #$%& Te(h!o+o& ,as defi!ed be+o"-) #$%& desi$es to +i(e!se f$om Lab I!*e!to$ the $i&ht to de*e+o', ma$.et, ma.e, %se, a!d se++ (e$tai! d$%& fo$m%+atio!s "hi(h a$e a''+ied to h%ma!s th$o%&h the %se of the #$%& Te(h!o+o& ) I! (o!side$atio! of the m%t%a+ (o*e!a!ts a!d '$omises (o!tai!ed i! this A&$eeme!t a!d othe$ &ood a!d *a+%ab+e (o!side$atio!, the $e(ei't a!d s%ffi(ie!( of "hi(h a$e he$eb a(.!o"+ed&ed, #$%& a!d Lab I!*e!to$ a&$ee as fo++o"s/ I) #efi!itio!s As %sed i! this A&$eeme!t, the fo++o"i!& te$ms, "hethe$ %sed i! the si!&%+a$ o$ '+%$a+, sha++ ha*e the fo++o"i!& mea!i!&s/ I)1) 0#$%& Te(h!o+o& 0 mea!s a! te(h!o+o& o"!ed o$ +i(e!sab+e b Lab I!*e!to$ "hi(h $e+ates to de*i(es o$ (om'ositio!s fo$ the to'i(a+ a''+i(atio! of oi!tme!t) I)1) 0Lab I!*e!to$ Pate!t Ri&hts0 mea!s a++ 'ate!ts a!d 'ate!t a''+i(atio!s ,"hi(h fo$ a++ '%$'oses of this A&$eeme!t sha++ be deemed to i!(+%de (e$tifi(ates of i!*e!tio!, a''+i(atio!s fo$ (e$tifi(ates of i!*e!tio!, a!d %ti+it mode+s- th$o%&ho%t the "o$+d, (o*e$i!& o$ $e+ati!& to the #$%& Te(h!o+o& , i!(+%di!& a! s%bstit%tio!s, e2te!sio!s, $eiss%es, $ee2ami!atio!s, $e!e"a+s, di*isio!s, (o!ti!%atio!s, o$ (o!ti!%atio!s3i!3'a$t, "hi(h Lab I!*e!to$ o"!s o$ (o!t$o+s, a!d %!de$ "hi(h Lab I!*e!to$ has the $i&ht to &$a!t s%b+i(e!ses to #$%&, as of the date of this A&$eeme!t a!d the$eafte$ i!(+%di!&, b%t !ot +imited to, U)S) Pate!t No) 1) A++ (%$$e!t 'ate!ts a!d 'ate!t a''+i(atio!s i! the Lab I!*e!to$ Pate!t Ri&hts a$e +isted i! S(hed%+e A) I)4) 0Lab I!*e!to$ Te(h!o+o& Ri&hts0 mea!s a++ te(h!i(a+ i!fo$matio! o"!ed o$ 'ossessed b Lab I!*e!to$ as of the date of this A&$eeme!t a!d the$eafte$, "hethe$ 'ate!tab+e o$ othe$"ise, $e+ati!& to the #$%& Te(h!o+o& , "hi(h i!fo$matio! is !e(essa$ o$ %sef%+ fo$ #$%& a!d its s%b+i(e!sees to de*e+o', ma!%fa(t%$e, %se, a!d5o$ se++ Li(e!sed P$od%(ts he$e%!de$) I)6) 0Co!fide!tia+ I!fo$matio!0 mea!s a++ mate$ia+s, t$ade se($ets, o$ othe$ i!fo$matio!, i!(+%di!&, "itho%t +imitatio!, '$o'$ieta$ i!fo$matio! a!d mate$ia+s ,"hethe$ o$ !ot 'ate!tab+e- $e&a$di!& a Pa$t 7s te(h!o+o& , '$od%(ts, b%si!ess i!fo$matio!, o$ ob8e(ti*es, "hi(h is desi&!ated as (o!fide!tia+ i! "$iti!& b the dis(+osi!& Pa$t , "hethe$ b +ette$ o$ b the %se of a! a''$o'$iate stam' o$ +e&e!d, '$io$ to o$ at the time a! s%(h mate$ia+, t$ade se($et, o$ othe$ i!fo$matio! is dis(+osed b the dis(+osi!& Pa$t to the othe$ Pa$t ) Not"ithsta!di!& the fo$e&oi!& to the (o!t$a$ , mate$ia+s, t$ade se($ets, o$ othe$ i!fo$matio! "hi(h is o$a++ o$ *is%a++ dis(+osed b a Pa$t , o$ is dis(+osed i! "$iti!& "itho%t a! a''$o'$iate +ette$, stam', o$ +e&e!d, sha++ (o!stit%te Co!fide!tia+ I!fo$matio! if the dis(+osi!& Pa$t , "ithi! thi$t ,49da s afte$ s%(h dis(+os%$e, de+i*e$s to the othe$ Pa$t a "$itte! do(%me!t o$

do(%me!ts des($ibi!& the mate$ia+s, t$ade se($ets, o$ othe$ i!fo$matio! a!d $efe$e!(i!& the '+a(e a!d date of s%(h o$a+, *is%a+, o$ "$itte! dis(+os%$e a!d the !ames of the 'e$so!s to "hom s%(h dis(+os%$e "as made) I):) 0;ie+d0 mea!s the h%ma! to'i(a+ de+i*e$ of oi!tme!t fo$m%+atio!s, i!(+%di!& b%t !ot +imited to h%ma! to'i(a+ de+i*e$ to the s.i!, i!t$a!asa+ (a*ities, a!d ea$s, b%t e2(+%di!& o$a+ (a*it ) I)6) 0Li(e!sed P$od%(ts0 mea!s a '$od%(t "hi(h, o$ the ma!%fa(t%$e, %se, o$ sa+e of "hi(h, is (o*e$ed b a <a+id C+aim of a! of the Lab I!*e!to$ Pate!t Ri&hts i! the (o%!t$ "he$e the '$od%(t is ma!%fa(t%$ed, %sed o$ so+d a!d5o$ embodies a! Lab I!*e!to$ Te(h!o+o& Ri&hts) I)=) 0Net Sa+es0 sha++ mea! the &$oss amo%!t a(t%a++ $e(ei*ed b #$%& o! sa+es of Li(e!sed P$od%(ts, +ess/ ,a- ($edits o$ a++o"a!(es, if a! , a(t%a++ &$a!ted> ,b- dis(o%!ts a(t%a++ a++o"ed> ,(- f$ei&ht, 'osta&e, a!d i!s%$a!(e (ha$&es a!d additio!a+ s'e(ia+ 'a(.a&i!& (ha$&es> a!d ,d- (%stoms d%ties, a!d e2(ises, sa+es, ta2es, d%ties o$ othe$ ta2ed im'osed %'o! a!d 'aid "ith $es'e(t to s%(h sa+es ,e2(+%di!& "hat is (ommo!+ .!o"! as i!(ome ta2es-) I! the (ase of a! Li(e!sed P$od%(ts s%''+ied to #$%& b Lab I!*e!to$, 0Net Sa+es0 sha++ mea! the amo%!t as defi!ed i! the '$e(edi!& se!te!(e, +ess the amo%!t 'aid b #$%& to Lab I!*e!to$ fo$ Lab I!*e!to$ to s%''+ the Li(e!sed P$od%(ts) I)?) 0Pa$t 0 mea!s #$%& o$ Lab I!*e!to$> 0Pa$ties0 mea!s #$%& a!d Lab I!*e!to$) I)9) 0<a+id C+aim0 mea!s a (+aim of a! %!e2'i$ed U!ited States o$ fo$ei&! 'ate!t o$ 'ate!t a''+i(atio! "hi(h sha++ !ot ha*e bee! "ithd$a"!, (a!(e+ed, o$ dis(+aimed, !o$ he+d i!*a+id b a (o%$t of (om'ete!t 8%$isdi(tio! i! a! %!a''ea+ed o$ %!a''ea+ab+e de(isio!) II) Li(e!se II)1) Li(e!se) S%b8e(t to the 'a me!t of the $o a+ties '$o*ided i! A$ti(+e III a!d the f%+fi++me!t of the othe$ te$ms a!d (o!ditio!s of this A&$eeme!t, Lab I!*e!to$ he$eb &$a!ts to #$%& a "o$+d"ide, e2(+%si*e +i(e!se %!de$ a++ of the Lab I!*e!to$ Pate!t Ri&hts a!d Lab I!*e!to$ Te(h!o+o& Ri&hts, i!(+%di!& the $i&ht to s%b+i(e!se a! o$ a++ of s%(h $i&hts, to ma.e, ha*e made, %se, ha*e %sed, se++, a!d ha*e so+d the #$%& Te(h!o+o& i! the ;ie+d) II)1) Assista!(e) Lab I!*e!to$ sha++ '$o*ide #$%& "ith a++ i!fo$matio! $e+ated to the Lab I!*e!to$ Pate!t Ri&hts a!d Lab I!*e!to$ Te(h!o+o& Ri&hts as ma be .!o"! o$ 'ossessed b Lab I!*e!to$ a!d as ma be $easo!ab+ !e(essa$ fo$ #$%& to e2'+oit the +i(e!ses &$a!ted i! Se(tio! 1)1), i!(+%di!& a! mate$ia+s $e+ated to the a(@%isitio! of a! &o*e$!me!t a''$o*a+s fo$ the Li(e!sed P$od%(ts) Lab I!*e!to$ sha++ '$o*ide #$%& "ith $easo!ab+e te(h!i(a+ assista!(e i! (o!!e(tio! "ith s%(h t$a!sfe$ of the i!fo$matio! $e+ated to the Lab I!*e!to$ Pate!t Ri&hts a!d Lab I!*e!to$ Te(h!o+o& Ri&hts) III) Li(e!se ;ees a!d Ro a+ties III)1) Ro a+ties) ,a- #$%& sha++ 'a to Lab I!*e!to$, d%$i!& the a''+i(ab+e te$m des($ibed i! Se(tio! 4)1,b- be+o", a $o a+t of 4 'e$(e!t o! a++ Net Sa+es b #$%& of Li(e!sed P$od%(ts (o*e$ed b a <a+id C+aim of a 'ate!t o$ 'ate!t a''+i(atio! of the Lab I!*e!to$ Pate!t Ri&hts) ,b- The ob+i&atio! of #$%& to 'a $o a+ties o! sa+es of Li(e!sed P$od%(ts (o*e$ed b a <a+id C+aim of a 'ate!t of the Lab I!*e!to$ Pate!t Ri&hts sha++ te$mi!ate o! a (o%!t$ 3b 3(o%!t$ basis (o!(%$$e!t+ "ith the e2'i$atio! o$

te$mi!atio! of the a''+i(ab+e <a+id C+aim %!de$ the Lab I!*e!to$ Pate!t Ri&hts i! the (o%!t$ i! "hi(h the '$od%(t is ma!%fa(t%$ed, %sed, o$ so+d) The ob+i&atio! of #$%& to 'a $o a+ties o! sa+es of Li(e!sed P$od%(ts (o*e$ed b a <a+id C+aim of a 'ate!t a''+i(atio! of the Lab I!*e!to$ Pate!t Ri&hts sha++ te$mi!ate o! a (o%!t$ 3b 3(o%!t$ basis (o!(%$$e!t+ "ith the "ithd$a"a+, (a!(e++atio!, o$ dis(+aimi!& of the a''+i(ab+e <a+id C+aim %!de$ the Lab I!*e!to$ Pate!t Ri&hts i! the (o%!t$ i! "hi(h the '$od%(t is ma!%fa(t%$ed, %sed, o$ so+d) ,(- I! !o e*e!t sha++ mo$e tha! o!e $o a+t be d%e Lab I!*e!to$ fo$ a! Li(e!sed P$od%(t so+d b #$%&) ,d- U'o! the e2'i$atio! of the $o a+t ob+i&atio!s of Se(tio! 4)1,a- i! a((o$da!(e "ith Se(tio! 4)1,b- fo$ a++ o$ a! 'o$tio! of the Lab I!*e!to$ Pate!t Ri&hts, the +i(e!ses &$a!ted '%$s%a!t to Se(tio! 1)1 sha++ be(ome, "ith $es'e(t to s%(h Lab I!*e!to$ Pate!t Ri&hts a!d the Lab I!*e!to$ Te(h!o+o& Ri&hts, o$ 'o$tio! the$eof, f%++ 'aid) III)1) S%b+i(e!se ;ees) #$%& sha++ 'a to Lab I!*e!to$ fo$t 'e$(e!t ,69A- of a++ $o a+ties a!d s%b+i(e!se fees 'aid to #$%& o! a((o%!t of s%b+i(e!ses %!de$ the Lab I!*e!to$ Pate!t Ri&hts a!d Lab I!*e!to$ Te(h!o+o& Ri&hts +ess a++ a''$o'$iate e2'e!ses ,i!(+%di!& atto$!e s7 fees- asso(iated "ith s%(h s%b+i(e!ses i!(%$$ed b #$%&) Ho"e*e$, if Lab I!*e!to$ s%''+ies Li(e!sed P$od%(ts to s%b+i(e!sees of #$%& '%$s%a!t to s%(h s%b+i(e!ses, Lab I!*e!to$ sha++ s%''+ s%(h Li(e!sed P$od%(ts at its (ost) I<) Re'$ese!tatio!s, Ba$$a!ties, a!d Co*e!a!ts I<)1) Re'$ese!tatio!s a!d Ba$$a!ties of Lab I!*e!to$) Lab I!*e!to$ he$eb $e'$ese!ts a!d "a$$a!ts that/ ,i- Lab I!*e!to$ has the a%tho$it to &$a!t to #$%& a++ of the $i&hts &$a!ted he$e%!de$> ,ii- Lab I!*e!to$ o"!s o$ (o!t$o+s a++ $i&hts to the Lab I!*e!to$ Pate!t Ri&hts a!d the Lab I!*e!to$ Te(h!o+o& Ri&hts> a!d ,iii- Lab I!*e!to$ is %!a"a$e of a! $i&hts s%'e$io$ to Lab I!*e!to$7s i! the #$%& Te(h!o+o& "hi(h "o%+d '$e*e!t #$%& f$om f%++ e2e$(isi!& the $i&hts +i(e!sed to it he$ei!) I<)1) Co*e!a!t of #$%&) #$%& he$eb (o*e!a!ts a!d a&$ees to %se $easo!ab+e effo$ts to de*e+o', a!d obtai! a++ !e(essa$ $e&%+ato$ a''$o*a+s fo$, a!d (omme$(ia+iCe (e$tai! fo$m%+atio!s "hi(h (a! be de+i*e$ed to h%ma!s th$o%&h Li(e!sed P$od%(ts) I! the e*e!t that #$%& b$ea(hes its ob+i&atio!s %!de$ this Se(tio! 6)1, #$%& sha++ !ot be +iab+e fo$ a! dama&es o$ othe$ (om'e!satio! as a $es%+t the$eof, a!d Lab I!*e!to$7 so+e a!d e2(+%si*e $emed sha++ be the te$mi!atio! of this A&$eeme!t '%$s%a!t to Se(tio! =)1) <) I!te++e(t%a+ P$o'e$t Ri&hts

<)1) D"!e$shi') Lab I!*e!to$ sha++ o"! the e!ti$e $i&ht, tit+e, a!d i!te$est i! a!d to a++ Lab I!*e!to$ Pate!t Ri&hts a!d Lab I!*e!to$ Te(h!o+o& Ri&hts) <)1) Ri&ht of #$%& to P$ose(%te A''+i(atio!s) Lab I!*e!to$ a&$ees that d%$i!& the te$m of this A&$eeme!t, Lab I!*e!to$ sha++ '$o*ide #$%& "ith (o'ies of a++ s%bsta!ti*e (omm%!i(atio!s to a!d f$om 'ate!t offi(es $e&a$di!& a''+i(atio!s o$ 'ate!ts $e+ati!& to the #$%& Te(h!o+o& '$om't+ afte$ the $e(ei't the$eof) Co'ies of '$o'osed s%bsta!ti*e (omm%!i(atio!s to s%(h 'ate!t offi(es sha++ be '$o*ided to #$%& i! s%ffi(ie!t time befo$e the d%e date i! o$de$ to e!ab+e Lab I!*e!to$ a! o''o$t%!it to (omme!t o! the (o!te!t the$eof) Lab I!*e!to$ sha++ %se $easo!ab+e effo$ts to i!(o$'o$ate #$%&7s (omme!ts i!to a! s%bsta!ti*e (omm%!i(atio!s) Lab I!*e!to$ sha++ time+ !otif #$%& ,b%t i! !o e*e!t +ess tha! 49 da s '$io$ to the e2'i$atio! of a! '$io$it $i&hts 'e$iod- if it i!te!ds !ot

to see. 'ate!t '$ote(tio! o! the #$%& Te(h!o+o& i! a! (o%!t$ , a!d #$%& sha++ ha*e the $i&ht, at its e2'e!se a!d i! Lab I!*e!to$7 !ame, to fi+e, '$ose(%te, mai!tai!, a!d e!fo$(e i! s%(h (o%!t$ 'ate!ts $e+ati!& to the #$%& Te(h!o+o& ) <)4) Assista!(e) Lab I!*e!to$ sha++ '$o*ide to #$%& o$ #$%&7s a%tho$iCed atto$!e s, a&e!ts, o$ $e'$ese!tati*es $easo!ab+e assista!(e as !e(essa$ fo$ #$%& to e2'+oit its $i&ht %!de$ Se(tio! :)1 to fi+e, '$ose(%te, mai!tai! a!d e!fo$(e 'ate!t a''+i(atio!s a!d 'ate!ts) Lab I!*e!to$ sha++ %se its best effo$ts to ha*e si&!ed a++ +e&a+ do(%me!ts !e(essa$ to fi+e, '$ose(%te, mai!tai!, a!d e!fo$(e 'ate!t a''+i(atio!s o$ 'ate!ts at !o (ha$&e to #$%&) <)6) I!f$i!&eme!t/ ,a- Ea(h Pa$t sha++ '$om't+ $e'o$t i! "$iti!& to ea(h othe$ Pa$t d%$i!& the te$m of this A&$eeme!t a! / ,i- .!o"! i!f$i!&eme!t o$ s%s'e(ted i!f$i!&eme!t of a! of the Lab I!*e!to$ Pate!t Ri&hts i! the ;ie+d> o$ ,ii- %!a%tho$iCed %se o$ misa''$o'$iatio! of the Lab I!*e!to$ Te(h!o+o& Ri&hts i! the ;ie+d b a thi$d 'a$t of "hi(h it be(omes a"a$e, a!d sha++ '$o*ide ea(h othe$ Pa$t "ith a++ a*ai+ab+e e*ide!(e s%''o$ti!& said i!f$i!&eme!t, s%s'e(ted i!f$i!&eme!t o$ %!a%tho$iCed %se o$ misa''$o'$iatio!) Bithi! 49 da s afte$ Lab I!*e!to$ be(omes, o$ is made, a"a$e of a! of the fo$e&oi!&, it sha++ de(ide "hethe$ o$ !ot to i!itiate a! i!f$i!&eme!t o$ othe$ a''$o'$iate s%it a!d sha++ ad*ise #$%& of its de(isio! i! "$iti!&) The i!abi+it of Lab I!*e!to$ to de(ide o! a (o%$se of a(tio! "ithi! s%(h 49 da 'e$iod sha++ fo$ '%$'oses of this A&$eeme!t be deemed a de(isio! !ot to i!itiate a! i!f$i!&eme!t o$ othe$ a''$o'$iate s%it) ,b- Bithi! si2t ,69- da s afte$ Lab I!*e!to$ be(omes, o$ is made, a"a$e of a! i!f$i!&eme!t, s%s'e(ted i!f$i!&eme!t o$ %!a%tho$iCed %se o$ misa''$o'$iatio! b a thi$d 'a$t i! the ;ie+d, as '$o*ided i! 'a$a&$a'h ,aabo*e, a!d '$o*ided that Lab I!*e!to$ sha++ ha*e ad*ised #$%& of its de(isio! to fi+e s%it "ithi! the 49 da 'e$iod '$o*ided i! 'a$a&$a'h ,a- abo*e, Lab I!*e!to$ sha++ ha*e the $i&ht to i!itiate a! i!f$i!&eme!t o$ othe$ a''$o'$iate s%it a! "he$e i! the "o$+d a&ai!st s%(h thi$d 'a$t ) Lab I!*e!to$ sha++ '$o*ide #$%& "ith a! o''o$t%!it to ma.e s%&&estio!s a!d (omme!ts $e&a$di!& s%(h s%it a!d sha++ '$om't+ !otif #$%& of the (omme!(eme!t of s%(h s%it) Lab I!*e!to$ sha++ .ee' #$%& '$om't+ i!fo$med of, a!d sha++ f$om time to time (o!s%+t "ith #$%& $e&a$di!&, the stat%s of a! s%(h s%it a!d sha++ '$o*ide #$%& "ith (o'ies of a++ do(%me!ts fi+ed i!, a!d a++ "$itte! (omm%!i(atio!s $e+ati!& to, s%(h s%it) ,(- Lab I!*e!to$ sha++ se+e(t (o%!se+ fo$ a! s%it $efe$$ed to i! 'a$a&$a'h ,b- abo*e "ho sha++ be $easo!ab+ a((e'tab+e to #$%&) Lab I!*e!to$ sha++, e2(e't as '$o*ided be+o", 'a a++ e2'e!ses of the s%it, i!(+%di!&, "itho%t +imitatio!, atto$!e s7 fees a!d (o%$t (osts) #$%&, i! its so+e dis($etio!, ma e+e(t, "ithi! 69 da s afte$ the $e(ei't b #$%& f$om Lab I!*e!to$ of !oti(e of the (omme!(eme!t of s%(h +iti&atio!, to (o!t$ib%te to the (osts i!(%$$ed b Lab I!*e!to$ i! (o!!e(tio! "ith s%(h +iti&atio! i! a! amo%!t !ot to e2(eed :9 'e$(e!t of s%(h (osts) A! dama&es, sett+eme!t fees o$ othe$ (o!side$atio! fo$ 'ast i!f$i!&eme!t $e(ei*ed as a $es%+t of s%(h +iti&atio! sha++ be sha$ed b Lab I!*e!to$ a!d #$%& '$o $ata based o! thei$ $es'e(ti*e sha$i!& of the (osts of s%(h +iti&atio!) If !e(essa$ #$%& sha++ 8oi! as a 'a$t to the s%it b%t sha++ be %!de$ !o ob+i&atio! to 'a$ti(i'ate e2(e't to the e2te!t that s%(h 'a$ti(i'atio! is $e@%i$ed as the $es%+t of bei!& a !amed 'a$t to the s%it) #$%& sha++ ha*e the $i&ht to 'a$ti(i'ate a!d be $e'$ese!ted i! a! s%it b its o"! (o%!se+ at its o"! e2'e!se) Lab I!*e!to$ sha++ !ot sett+e a! s%(h s%it i!*o+*i!& $i&hts of #$%& "itho%t obtai!i!& the '$io$ "$itte! (o!se!t of #$%&, "hi(h (o!se!t sha++ !ot be %!$easo!ab+ "ithhe+d) ,d- I! the e*e!t that Lab I!*e!to$ does !ot i!fo$m #$%& of its i!te!t to i!itiate a! i!f$i!&eme!t o$ othe$ a''$o'$iate s%it "ithi! the 493da 'e$iod '$o*ided i! 'a$a&$a'h ,a- abo*e, o$ does !ot i!itiate s%(h a! i!f$i!&eme!t othe$ a''$o'$iate a(tio! "ithi! the 693da 'e$iod '$o*ided i! 'a$a&$a'h ,b- abo*e,

#$%& sha++ ha*e the $i&ht, at its e2'e!se, to i!itiate a! i!f$i!&eme!t o$ othe$ a''$o'$iate s%it) I! e2e$(isi!& its $i&hts '%$s%a!t to this 'a$a&$a'h ,d-, #$%& sha++ ha*e the so+e a!d e2(+%si*e $i&ht to se+e(t (o%!se+ a!d sha++ 'a a++ e2'e!ses of the s%it i!(+%di!& "itho%t +imitatio! atto$!e s7 fees a!d (o%$t (osts) If !e(essa$ , Lab I!*e!to$ sha++ 8oi! as a 'a$t to the s%it a!d sha++ 'a$ti(i'ate o!+ to the e2te!t that s%(h 'a$ti(i'atio! is $e@%i$ed as a $es%+t of its bei!& a !amed 'a$t to the s%it o$ bei!& the ho+de$ of a! 'ate!t at iss%e o$ bei!& the o"!e$ of a! Lab I!*e!to$ Te(h!o+o& Ri&hts at iss%e) At #$%&7s $e@%est, Lab I!*e!to$ sha++ offe$ $easo!ab+e assista!(e to #$%& i! (o!!e(tio! the$e"ith at !o (ha$&e to #$%& e2(e't fo$ $eimb%$seme!t of $easo!ab+e o%t3of3'o(.et e2'e!ses i!(%$$ed i! $e!de$i!& s%(h assista!(e) Bitho%t +imiti!& the &e!e$a+it of the '$e(edi!& se!te!(e, Lab I!*e!to$ sha++ (oo'e$ate f%++ i! o$de$ to e!ab+e #$%& to i!stit%te a! a(tio! he$e%!de$) Lab I!*e!to$ sha++ ha*e the $i&ht to be $e'$ese!ted i! a! s%(h s%it b its o"! (o%!se+ at its o"! e2'e!se) <):) C+aimed I!f$i!&eme!t/ ,a- I! the e*e!t that a thi$d 'a$t at a! time '$o*ides "$itte! !oti(e of a (+aim to, o$ b$i!&s a! a(tio!, s%it o$ '$o(eedi!& a&ai!st, a! Pa$t o$ a! of thei$ $es'e(ti*e affi+iates o$ s%b+i(e!sees, (+aimi!& i!f$i!&eme!t of its 'ate!t $i&hts o$ (o' $i&hts o$ %!a%tho$iCed %se o$ misa''$o'$iatio! of its te(h!o+o& , based %'o! a! asse$tio! o$ (+aim a$isi!& o%t of the de*e+o'me!t, ma!%fa(t%$e, %se o$ sa+e of Li(e!sed P$od%(ts, s%(h Pa$t sha++ '$om't+ !otif ea(h othe$ Pa$t of the (+aim o$ the (omme!(eme!t of s%(h a(tio!, s%it o$ '$o(eedi!&, e!(+osi!& a (o' of the (+aim a!d5o$ a++ 'a'e$s se$*ed) At the $e@%est of #$%&, Lab I!*e!to$ sha++ '$o*ide to #$%& ad*i(e $e&a$di!& the te(h!i(a+ me$its of a! s%(h (+aim) ,b- Lab I!*e!to$ sha++ defe!d #$%& at Lab I!*e!to$7 (ost a!d e2'e!se, a!d "i++ i!dem!if a!d ho+d ha$m+ess #$%&, f$om a!d a&ai!st a! a!d a++ (+aims, +osses, (osts, dama&es, fees a!d e2'e!ses a$isi!& o%t of o$ i! (o!!e(tio! "ith the i!f$i!&eme!t o$ a++e&ed i!f$i!&eme!t b a Li(e!sed P$od%(t of a! U!ited States o$ fo$ei&! 'ate!t, (o' $i&ht, t$ade se($et o$ othe$ i!te++e(t%a+ '$o'e$t $i&ht of a! thi$d 'a$t a!d a! sett+eme!ts $e+ati!& the$eto, '$o*ided that Lab I!*e!to$ sha++ ha*e so+e (o!t$o+ a!d a%tho$it "ith $es'e(t to the defe!se o$ sett+eme!t of a! s%(h (+aim o$ a(tio! a!d #$%& sha++ (oo'e$ate f%++ "ith Lab I!*e!to$ i! the defe!se o$ sett+eme!t of a! s%(h (+aim o$ a(tio!) I! the e*e!t that a! Li(e!sed P$od%(t be(omes, o$ i! Lab I!*e!to$7s o'i!io! is +i.e+ to be(ome, the s%b8e(t of a (+aim of i!f$i!&eme!t of a! U!ited States o$ fo$ei&! 'ate!t, (o' $i&ht, t$ade se($et o$ othe$ i!te++e(t%a+ '$o'e$t $i&ht of a! thi$d 'a$t , Lab I!*e!to$ ma at its o'tio! eithe$ se(%$e fo$ #$%& the $i&ht to (o!ti!%e %si!& the Li(e!sed P$od%(t, $e'+a(e o$ modif the Li(e!sed P$od%(t to ma.e it !o!3i!f$i!&i!& "itho%t im'ai$me!t of f%!(tio! o$ if !eithe$ of the fo$e&oi!& a+te$!ati*es is $easo!ab+ a*ai+ab+e to Lab I!*e!to$, te$mi!ate #$%&7s $i&hts a!d +i(e!ses to the Li(e!sed P$od%(t %!de$ this A&$eeme!t a!d $ef%!d to #$%& a++ amo%!ts 'aid b #$%& to Lab I!*e!to$ de'$e(iated o! a fi*e ea$ st$ai&ht +i!e basis) ,(- The '$o*isio!s of Se(tio! :):,b- !ot"ithsta!di!&, Lab I!*e!to$ sha++ !ot ha*e a! +iabi+it %!de$ Se(tio! :):,b- to the e2te!t that a! i!f$i!&eme!t o$ (+aim $es%+ts f$om/ ,i- %se of the Li(e!sed P$od%(t i! (ombi!atio! "ith some othe$ '$od%(t o$ 'ha$ma(e%ti(a+ fo$m%+atio! !ot s%''+ied b Lab I!*e!to$ "he$e the Li(e!sed P$od%(t itse+f "o%+d !ot be i!f$i!&i!&> o$ ,ii- modifi(atio!s of the Li(e!sed P$od%(t "he$e the Li(e!sed P$od%(t, if !ot modified b o$ fo$ #$%&, "o%+d !ot be i!f$i!&i!&) ,d- E2(e't as othe$"ise '$o*ided i! this 'a$a&$a'h ,d-, if #$%& o$ a! of its s%b+i(e!sees, i! o$de$ to o'e$ate %!de$ o$ e2'+oit the +i(e!se &$a!ted %!de$ A$ti(+e II of this A&$eeme!t i! a! (o%!t$ , m%st, i! #$%&7s o$ its s%b+i(e!see7s $easo!ab+e 8%d&me!t, ma.e 'a me!ts to o!e o$ mo$e thi$d 'a$ties to

obtai! a +i(e!se o$ simi+a$ $i&ht %!de$ a 'ate!t o$ othe$ te(h!o+o& i! the abse!(e of "hi(h Li(e!sed P$od%(ts (o%+d !ot +e&a++ be de*e+o'ed, ma!%fa(t%$ed, %sed, ma$.eted o$ so+d i! s%(h (o%!t$ , s%(h thi$d 'a$t 'a me!ts sha++ $ed%(e a!d be set off a&ai!st the $o a+t 'a me!ts o$ s%b+i(e!se fees othe$"ise d%e to Lab I!*e!to$ i! s%(h (o%!t$ ) A! 'a me!ts b #$%& o$ a! of its s%b+i(e!sees to o!e o$ mo$e thi$d 'a$ties to obtai! a +i(e!se o$ simi+a$ $i&ht %!de$ a 'ate!t o$ othe$ te(h!o+o& 'e$tai!i!& to a 'ha$ma(e%ti(a+ fo$m%+atio! bei!& de+i*e$ed b Li(e!sed P$od%(ts sha++ !ot $ed%(e o$ be set off a&ai!st the $o a+t 'a me!ts o$ s%b+i(e!se fees d%e to Lab I!*e!to$) #%$i!& the (o%$se of !e&otiatio!s bet"ee! #$%& o$ a! of its s%b+i(e!sees a!d s%(h thi$d 'a$t , Lab I!*e!to$ sha++ $e!de$ to #$%& a!d A&e!t7s s%b+i(e!sees $easo!ab+e assista!(e as !e(essa$ fo$ #$%& o$ a! of its s%b+i(e!sees to se(%$e s%(h +i(e!se o$ simi+a$ $i&ht) The !e&otiatio! a!d fi!a+ te$ms of s%(h +i(e!se o$ simi+a$ $i&ht sha++ be i! the so+e dis($etio! of #$%& a!d its s%b+i(e!sees) ,e- This Se(tio! :): states the e!ti$e $es'o!sibi+it of Lab I!*e!to$ %!de$ this A&$eeme!t i! the (ase of a! (+aimed i!f$i!&eme!t o$ *io+atio! of a! thi$d 'a$t 7s $i&hts o$ %!a%tho$iCed %se o$ misa''$o'$iatio! of a! thi$d 'a$t 7s te(h!o+o& ) <I) Co!fide!tia+ I!fo$matio! <I)1) T$eatme!t of Co!fide!tia+ I!fo$matio!) Ea(h Pa$t he$eto sha++ mai!tai! the Co!fide!tia+ I!fo$matio! of the othe$ 'a$t i! (o!fide!(e, a!d sha++ !ot dis(+ose, di*%+&e o$ othe$"ise (omm%!i(ate s%(h Co!fide!tia+ I!fo$matio! to othe$s, o$ %se it fo$ a! '%$'ose, e2(e't '%$s%a!t to, a!d i! o$de$ to (a$$ o%t, the te$ms a!d ob8e(ti*es of this A&$eeme!t, a!d he$eb a&$ees to e2e$(ise e*e$ $easo!ab+e '$e(a%tio! to '$e*e!t a!d $est$ai! the %!a%tho$iCed dis(+os%$e ,e2(e't to the e2te!t $e@%i$ed to %se o$ dist$ib%te Li(e!sed P$od%(ts- of s%(h Co!fide!tia+ I!fo$matio! b a! of its di$e(to$s, offi(e$s, em'+o ees, (o!s%+ta!ts, s%b(o!t$a(to$s, s%b+i(e!sees, o$ a&e!ts) <I)1) Re+ease f$om Rest$i(tio!s) The '$o*isio!s of Se(tio! 6)1 sha++ !ot a''+ to a! Co!fide!tia+ I!fo$matio! dis(+osed he$e%!de$ "hi(h/ ,a- "as .!o"! o$ %sed b the $e(ei*i!& Pa$t '$io$ to its date of dis(+os%$e to the $e(ei*i!& Pa$t , as e*ide!(ed b the '$io$ "$itte! $e(o$ds of the $e(ei*i!& Pa$t > o$ ,b- eithe$ befo$e o$ afte$ the date of the dis(+os%$e to the $e(ei*i!& Pa$t is +a"f%++ dis(+osed to the $e(ei*i!& Pa$t b so%$(es othe$ tha! the dis(+osi!& Pa$t $i&htf%++ i! 'ossessio! of the Co!fide!tia+ I!fo$matio!> o$ ,(- eithe$ befo$e o$ afte$ the date of the dis(+os%$e to the $e(ei*i!& Pa$t be(omes '%b+ished o$ &e!e$a++ .!o"! to the '%b+i(, othe$ tha! th$o%&h the sa+e of Li(e!sed P$od%(ts i! the o$di!a$ (o%$se, th$o%&h !o fa%+t o$ omissio! o! the 'a$t of the $e(ei*i!& Pa$t o$ a! affi+iated 'a$t > o$ ,d- is i!de'e!de!t+ de*e+o'ed b o$ fo$ the $e(ei*i!& Pa$t "itho%t $efe$e!(e to o$ $e+ia!(e %'o! the Co!fide!tia+ I!fo$matio!> o$ ,e- is $e@%i$ed to be dis(+osed b the $e(ei*i!& Pa$t to (om'+ "ith a''+i(ab+e +a"s, to defe!d o$ '$ose(%te +iti&atio! o$ to (om'+ "ith &o*e$!me!ta+ $e&%+atio!s, '$o*ided that the $e(ei*i!& Pa$t '$o*ides '$io$ "$itte! !oti(e of s%(h dis(+os%$e to the othe$ 'a$t a!d $easo!ab+e a!d +a"f%+ a(tio!s to a*oid a!d5o$ mi!imiCe the de&$ee of s%(h dis(+os%$e) <II) Te$mi!atio! <II)1) Te$m) This A&$eeme!t sha++ $emai! i! effe(t %!ti+ te$mi!ated i! a((o$da!(e "ith the '$o*isio!s of this A$ti(+e <II) <II)1) Te$mi!atio! fo$ E$ea(h) #$%& sha++ be e!tit+ed to te$mi!ate this A&$eeme!t b "$itte! !oti(e to Lab I!*e!to$ i! the e*e!t that Lab I!*e!to$ sha++

be i! defa%+t of a! of its ob+i&atio!s he$e%!de$ a!d sha++ fai+ to $emed a! s%(h defa%+t "ithi! 69 da s afte$ !oti(e the$eof b #$%&) Lab I!*e!to$ sha++ be e!tit+ed to te$mi!ate this A&$eeme!t b "$itte! !oti(e to #$%& i! the e*e!t that #$%& sha++ be i! defa%+t of a! of its ob+i&atio!s he$e%!de$ a!d sha++ fai+ to $emed a! s%(h defa%+t "ithi! 69 da s afte$ !oti(e the$eof b Lab I!*e!to$) U'o! te$mi!atio! of this A&$eeme!t '%$s%a!t to this Se(tio! =)1, !o Pa$t sha++ be $e+ie*ed of a! ob+i&atio!s i!(%$$ed '$io$ to s%(h te$mi!atio!) <II)4) S%$*i*a+ of Db+i&atio!s> Ret%$! of Co!fide!tia+ I!fo$matio!) Not"ithsta!di!& a! te$mi!atio! of this A&$eeme!t, the ob+i&atio!s of the Pa$ties "ith $es'e(t to the '$ote(tio! a!d !o!dis(+os%$e of Co!fide!tia+ I!fo$matio! ,A$ti(+e <I- a!d '$od%(t +iabi+it i!dem!ifi(atio! ,Se(tio! ?)1-, as "e++ as a! othe$ '$o*isio!s "hi(h b thei$ !at%$e a$e i!te!ded to s%$*i*e a! s%(h te$mi!atio!, sha++ s%$*i*e a!d (o!ti!%e to be e!fo$(eab+e) U'o! a! te$mi!atio! b #$%& '%$s%a!t to Se(tio! =)1, the +i(e!se &$a!ted '%$s%a!t to Se(tio! 1)1 sha++ s%$*i*e a!d sha++ be deemed f%++ 'aid) U'o! a! te$mi!atio! of this A&$eeme!t '%$s%a!t to Se(tio! =)1, ea(h Pa$t sha++ '$om't+ $et%$! to ea(h othe$ Pa$t a++ "$itte! Co!fide!tia+ I!fo$matio!, a!d a++ (o'ies the$eof, of s%(h othe$ Pa$t ) <III) Mis(e++a!eo%s <III)1) P$od%(t Liabi+it I!dem!ifi(atio!) The Pa$t ma!%fa(t%$i!& the Li(e!sed P$od%(ts %!de$ this A&$eeme!t ,the 0Ma!%fa(t%$i!& Pa$t 0 o$ 0I!dem!if i!& Pa$t 0- sha++ defe!d the othe$ Pa$t ,the 0I!dem!ified Pa$t 0- at the Ma!%fa(t%$i!& Pa$t 7s (ost a!d e2'e!se, a!d "i++ i!dem!if a!d ho+d ha$m+ess the I!dem!ified Pa$t , f$om a!d a&ai!st a! a!d a++ (+aims, +osses, (osts, dama&es, fees, o$ e2'e!ses a$isi!& o%t of o$ i! (o!!e(tio! "ith the ma!%fa(t%$e o$ desi&! of the Li(e!sed P$od%(ts ,othe$ tha! (+aims based o! i!f$i!&eme!t o$ misa''$o'$iatio!-, i!(+%di!&, b%t !ot +imited to, a! a(t%a+ o$ a++e&ed i!8%$ , dama&e, death, o$ othe$ (o!se@%e!(e o((%$$i!& to a! +e&a+ o$ !at%$a+ 'e$so! o$ '$o'e$t , as a $es%+t, di$e(t+ o$ i!di$e(t+ , of the 'ossessio!, %se o$ (o!s%m'tio! of a! Li(e!sed P$od%(ts, (+aimed b $easo! of b$ea(h of "a$$a!t , !e&+i&e!(e, '$od%(t defe(t, o$ othe$ simi+a$ (a%se of a(tio!, $e&a$d+ess of the fo$m i! "hi(h a! s%(h (+aim is made) The Pa$t dist$ib%ti!& the Li(e!sed P$od%(ts %!de$ this A&$eeme!t ,the 0#ist$ib%ti!& Pa$t 0 o$ 0I!dem!if i!& Pa$t 0sha++ defe!d the othe$ Pa$t ,the 0I!dem!ified Pa$t 0- at the #ist$ib%ti!& Pa$t 7s (ost a!d e2'e!se, a!d "i++ i!dem!if a!d ho+d ha$m+ess the I!dem!ified Pa$t , f$om a!d a&ai!st a! a!d a++ (+aims, +osses, (osts, dama&es, fees, o$ e2'e!ses a$isi!& o%t of o$ i! (o!!e(tio! "ith the (omme$(ia+iCatio!, ma$.eti!& o$ sa+e of the Li(e!sed P$od%(ts ,othe$ tha! (+aims based o! i!f$i!&eme!t o$ misa''$o'$iatio!-, i!(+%di!&, b%t !ot +imited to, a! a(t%a+ o$ a++e&ed i!8%$ , dama&e, death, o$ othe$ (o!se@%e!(e o((%$$i!& to a! +e&a+ o$ !at%$a+ 'e$so! o$ '$o'e$t , as a $es%+t, di$e(t+ o$ i!di$e(t+ , of the 'ossessio!, %se o$ (o!s%m'tio! of a! Li(e!sed P$od%(ts, (+aimed b $easo! of b$ea(h of "a$$a!t , !e&+i&e!(e, '$od%(t defe(t o$ othe$ simi+a$ (a%se of a(tio!, $e&a$d+ess of the fo$m i! "hi(h a! s%(h (+aim is made) I! the e*e!t of a! s%(h (+aim a&ai!st a! I!dem!ified Pa$t , s%(h I!dem!ified Pa$t sha++ '$om't+ !otif the I!dem!if i!& Pa$t i! "$iti!& of the (+aim a!d the I!dem!if i!& Pa$t sha++ ma!a&e a!d (o!t$o+, at its so+e e2'e!se, the defe!se of the (+aim a!d its sett+eme!t) The I!dem!ified Pa$t sha++ (oo'e$ate "ith the I!dem!if i!& Pa$t a!d ma , at its o'tio! a!d e2'e!se, be $e'$ese!ted i! a! s%(h a(tio! o$ '$o(eedi!&) The I!dem!if i!& Pa$t sha++ !ot be +iab+e fo$ a! +iti&atio! (osts o$ e2'e!ses i!(%$$ed b the I!dem!ified Pa$t "itho%t the I!dem!if i!& Pa$t 7s "$itte! a%tho$iCatio!)

<III)1) Re'o$ts a!d Pa me!ts) #$%& sha++ de+i*e$ to Lab I!*e!to$ "ithi! 69 da s afte$ the e!d of ea(h (a+e!da$ @%a$te$ a "$itte! $e'o$t sho"i!& its (om'%tatio! of $o a+ties a!d s%b+i(e!se fees d%e %!de$ this A&$eeme!t fo$ s%(h (a+e!da$ @%a$te$) Sim%+ta!eo%s+ "ith the de+i*e$ of ea(h s%(h $e'o$t, #$%& sha++ te!de$ 'a me!t of a++ amo%!ts sho"! to be d%e the$eo!) The $o a+t 'a me!ts a!d s%b+i(e!se fees d%e o! sa+es i! (%$$e!(ies othe$ tha! U)S) do++a$s sha++ be (a+(%+ated %si!& the a''$o'$iate e2(ha!&e $ate fo$ s%(h (%$$e!( @%oted b the Citiba!. fo$ei&! e2(ha!&e des. o! the (+ose of b%si!ess o! the b%si!ess da immediate+ '$e(edi!& the date of s%(h $e'o$t) A++ amo%!ts d%e %!de$ this A&$eeme!t sha++ be 'aid to Lab I!*e!to$ i! U!ited States do++a$s ,U)S) F- b "i$e t$a!sfe$ to a! a((o%!t i! a U!ited States ba!. desi&!ated b Lab I!*e!to$, o$ i! s%(h othe$ fo$m a!d5o$ ma!!e$ as Lab I!*e!to$ ma $easo!ab+ $e@%est) #%$i!& the te$m of this A&$eeme!t, Lab I!*e!to$ sha++ ha*e the $i&ht f$om time to time ,!ot to e2(eed o!(e d%$i!& ea(h (a+e!da$ ea$- to ha*e a! i!de'e!de!t (e$tified '%b+i( a((o%!ta!t i!s'e(t, d%$i!& !o$ma+ b%si!ess ho%$s, a!d %'o! $easo!ab+e ad*a!(e !oti(e ,!ot +ess tha! =1 ho%$s-, s%(h boo.s, $e(o$ds a!d othe$ s%''o$ti!& data of #$%& as ma be !e(essa$ to *e$if #$%&7s (om'%tatio! of $o a+ties a!d s%b+i(e!se fees d%e %!de$ this A&$eeme!t) <III)4) Go*e$!i!& La") This A&$eeme!t sha++ be &o*e$!ed b a!d i!te$'$eted i! a((o$da!(e "ith the +a"s of the Commo!"ea+th of Massa(h%setts) <III)6) Bai*e$) The "ai*e$ b a! Pa$t of a b$ea(h o$ a defa%+t of a! '$o*isio! of this A&$eeme!t b a! othe$ Pa$t sha++ !ot be (o!st$%ed as a "ai*e$ of a! s%((eedi!& b$ea(h of the same o$ a! othe$ '$o*isio!, !o$ sha++ a! de+a o$ omissio! o! the 'a$t of a Pa$t to e2e$(ise o$ a*ai+ itse+f of a! $i&ht, 'o"e$ o$ '$i*i+e&e that it has o$ ma ha*e he$e%!de$ o'e$ate as a "ai*e$ of a! $i&ht, 'o"e$ o$ '$i*i+e&e b s%(h Pa$t ) <III):) Noti(es) A! !oti(e o$ othe$ (omm%!i(atio! i! (o!!e(tio! "ith this A&$eeme!t m%st be i! "$iti!& a!d if b mai+, b (e$tified mai+, $et%$! $e(ei't $e@%ested, a!d sha++ be effe(ti*e "he! de+i*e$ed to the add$essee at the add$ess +isted be+o" o$ s%(h othe$ add$ess as the add$essee sha++ ha*e s'e(ified i! a !oti(e a(t%a++ $e(ei*ed b the add$esso$) If to #$%&/ If to Lab I!*e!to$/ Att!/ Att!/

<III)6) No A&e!( ) Nothi!& he$ei! sha++ be deemed to (o!stit%te #$%&, o! the o!e ha!d, o$ Lab I!*e!to$, o! the othe$ ha!d, as the a&e!t o$ $e'$ese!tati*e of the othe$, o$ as 8oi!t *e!t%$e$s o$ 'a$t!e$s fo$ a! '%$'ose) Neithe$ #$%&, o! the o!e ha!d, !o$ Lab I!*e!to$, o! the othe$ ha!d, sha++ be $es'o!sib+e fo$ the a(ts o$ omissio!s of the othe$) No Pa$t "i++ ha*e a%tho$it to s'ea. fo$, $e'$ese!t o$ ob+i&ate the othe$ Pa$t i! a! "a "itho%t '$io$ "$itte! a%tho$it f$om s%(h othe$ Pa$t ) <III)=) E!ti$e A&$eeme!t) This A&$eeme!t a!d the S(hed%+es he$eto ,"hi(h S(hed%+es a$e deemed to be a 'a$t of this A&$eeme!t fo$ a++ '%$'oses- (o!tai! the f%++ %!de$sta!di!& of the Pa$ties "ith $es'e(t to the s%b8e(t matte$ he$eof a!d s%'e$sede a++ '$io$ %!de$sta!di!&s a!d "$iti!&s $e+ati!& the$eto) No "ai*e$, a+te$atio! o$ modifi(atio! of a! of the '$o*isio!s he$eof sha++ be bi!di!& %!+ess made i! "$iti!& a!d si&!ed b the Pa$ties) <III)?) Headi!&s) The headi!&s (o!tai!ed i! this A&$eeme!t a$e fo$ (o!*e!ie!(e of $efe$e!(e o!+ a!d sha++ !ot be (o!side$ed i! (o!st$%i!& this A&$eeme!t)

<III)9) Se*e$abi+it ) I! the e*e!t that a! '$o*isio! of this A&$eeme!t is he+d b a (o%$t of (om'ete!t 8%$isdi(tio! to be %!e!fo$(eab+e be(a%se it is i!*a+id o$ i! (o!f+i(t "ith a! +a" of a! $e+e*a!t 8%$isdi(tio!, the *a+idit of the $emai!i!& '$o*isio!s sha++ !ot be affe(ted) <III)19) Assi&!me!t) No Pa$t to this A&$eeme!t ma assi&! its $i&hts o$ ob+i&atio!s he$e%!de$ "itho%t the '$io$ "$itte! (o!se!t of ea(h othe$ Pa$t > '$o*ided, ho"e*e$, that ea(h Pa$t ma assi&! its $i&hts a!d ob+i&atio!s he$e%!de$ "itho%t the '$io$ "$itte! (o!se!t of the othe$ Pa$t i! (o!!e(tio! "ith the sa+e of a++ o$ s%bsta!tia++ a++ of the b%si!ess o$ assets of the assi&!i!& Pa$t $e+ati!& to the de*e+o'me!t, ma!%fa(t%$e, %se, o$ sa+e of Li(e!sed P$od%(ts) <III)11) S%((esso$s a!d Assi&!s) This A&$eeme!t sha++ be bi!di!& %'o! a!d i!%$e to the be!efit of the Pa$ties he$eto a!d thei$ s%((esso$s a!d 'e$mitted assi&!s) <III)11) Co%!te$'a$ts) This A&$eeme!t ma be e2e(%ted i! a! !%mbe$ of (o%!te$'a$ts, ea(h of "hi(h sha++ be deemed a! o$i&i!a+ b%t a++ of s%(h to&ethe$ sha++ (o!stit%te o!e a!d the same i!st$%me!t) <III)14) ;o$(e Ma8e%$e) No Pa$t to this A&$eeme!t sha++ be $es'o!sib+e to the othe$ Pa$t fo$ !o!'e$fo$ma!(e o$ de+a i! 'e$fo$ma!(e of the te$ms o$ (o!ditio!s of this A&$eeme!t d%e to a(ts of God, a(ts of &o*e$!me!ts, "a$, $iots, st$, a((ide!ts i! t$a!s'o$tatio!, o$ othe$ (a%ses be o!d the $easo!ab+e (o!t$o+ of s%(h Pa$t ) IN BITNESS BHERED;, the Pa$ties he$eto ha*e (a%sed this A&$eeme!t to be e2e(%ted i! thei$ !ames b thei$ '$o'e$+ a!d d%+ a%tho$iCed offi(e$s o$ $e'$ese!tati*es as of the date fi$st abo*e "$itte!) #RUG E / Chai$ma! LAE IN<ENTDR E / P$eside!t

S(hed%+e A Pate!ts a!d Pate!t A''+i(atio!s S(hed%+e E The fo++o"i!& %ses a$e e2(+%ded f$om the defi!itio! of 0;ie+d0 i! Se(tio! 1):/ 'e$iodo!ta+ disease a!d stomatitis)

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