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Copyright Solid Iris Technologies

Thea for SketchUp is an integrated version of Thea Render. This allows a creation of stunning images right inside SketchUp and an interactive work with cameras materials and lights. There is an option of saving a complete Thea scene with all associated files for utili!ing advanced tools present in Thea Studio. Thea "or SketchUp supports SketchUp #ersions $ % & 'oth "ree and (ro on 'oth systems) *indows + ,S -.


(lease use provided installer. It is advised to install Thea Render first and enter Thea.SU license /SketchUp plugin0 inside Thea. (lease make sure you have administrator rights while installing the plugin. 1 default SketchUp installation folder is) C)2(rogram "iles /3&$024oogle24oogle Sketchup 5version num'er62(lugins The folder will 'e automatically found in case of SketchU( versions $ % and &.

"igure @) <icense Input "orm A (lugins Ta'

(lease use supplied 7I( archive. ,S - installer will 'e availa'le soon. It is advised to install Thea Render first and enter Thea.SU license /SketchUp plugin0 inside Thea. 1 default plugin installation folder is) 8acintosh 9:;<i'rary;1pplication Support;4oogle Sketchup 5version num'er6;Sketchup;(lugins (lease unpack2copy all files and folders into a Sketchup2(lugins folder 55 Sketchup2(lugins2Thea.SU=loader.r' 55 Sketchup2(lugins2Thea.SU=files2 ,verwrite all older files.


*hile plugin is not licensed rendered image resolution will 'e limited and watermarks will 'e added. :emo version doesn>t save rendered scene into a Thea Scene file.

Copyright Solid Iris Technologies


,nce the plugin is installed correctly a new item in the (lugins menu will appear /see "igure ?0. Bou can also have an access to Thea for SketchUp through tools palette. Select CShow Thea tool'arD from the plugin menu. 1 tool'ar as seen in "igure 3 will appear on the screen.

"igure ?) (lugins 8enu

"igure 3) Thea Render Tool'ar

User interface of the plugin is divided into two windows) 8ain *indow The main window displays currently rendered image provides controls over the displayed rendering and environment settings. Thea Tool *indow It allows setting up cameras editing materials placing and editing lights and inserting e3ternal models as simplified components A pro3ies.


"igure .) Control Guttons of 8ain *indow Save) it allows to save nonEinteractive render as an image and also a currently 'eing rendered model as F.thea.pack file which can 'e opened in Thea Studio. Refresh) it forces a refresh of a current view of the rendering. It is usually 'eing used when one wants to see immediately the progress of the rendering 'eing done. The plugin refreshes the view automatically at some intervals. Start) this 'utton makes Thea collect all necessary data from SketchUp and start the rendering process. Pause) it pauses the rendering. Stop) it stops the rendering and makes Thea refresh the main window so it displays the final image.
3 Copyright Solid Iris Technologies


"igure H) Rendering Ta' E Interactive 8ode

"igure $) Rendering Ta' A Un'iased 8ode Rendering Modes The control provides a selection of a rendering modes. There are several options that allow also an interactive type of rendering. "or Interactive rendering engines as seen in "igure H user can specify several settings for the selected engine as it is analytically descri'ed later. Server Server option is availa'le for the IonEInteractive modes /1daptive /GS:0 Un'iased TR@ and TR?0 and helps user perform a network rendering with the use of client machines. Super-sampling This corresponds to the superEsampling used for the image output i.e. internal resolution multiplier for antiEaliasing enhancement. Ione corresponds to no superEsampling Iormal to ?3? and 9igh to 333. 1uto corresponds to no superEsampling for 'iased engine and ?3? for un'iased engines. Setting superEsampling to a higher level will generally improve antiEaliasing of the output 'ut will increase memory demands for storing the image /. times in Iormal level and J times in 9igh level0. The time needed to render the scene will also 'e increased for 'iased engine. Gut for the un'iased engines the e3tra time needed to render the higher resolution image is usually amorti!ed 'y the reduced noise visi'le in the visuali!ed /downEsampled0 image. It is usually suggested for un'iased rendering to change superEsampling to Ione for high resolution output
. Copyright Solid Iris Technologies

and 9igh when there is persisting noise. Additional Settings Threads This is the entry for the render worker threads that will 'e used during rendering /not all application process threads0. The special value K same like 8a3 corresponds to the num'er of logical cores on your machine. L3ceeding this value /shown e3plicitly as the last value in the dropE down list0 will have no 'enefit and actually an impact on performance. Limits Time/min0 This is a parameter used to terminate the un'iased render process /it is only used 'y un'iased render engines0. It is given in minutes and K is a special value corresponding to no time limit at all. Samples;p3 This allows to terminate an un'iased rendering when each pi3el in a rendered image will 'e sampled given num'er of times. In simple cases when no much caustics is present in a model a value of 3KK is sufficient. In more comple3 scenes higher values may 'e needed. Interactive Modes Those modes allow not only render the model as a static image 'ut also let interactively move a camera around a model or adMust Sun position and see the rendering view 'eing updated. IRE(rogressive/GS:0 IREUn'iasedF/8C0 and IRE1daptive/18C0 are names of availa'le methods. 8ost ro'ust is 1daptive/18C0 method which works very well with multiple lights and comple3 lighting conditions. 8ost important parameter is the >Tracing :epth> which defines how many times light 'ounced in a model. #alues starting from . give good results in simple conditions while higher num'er is needed when there are many highly reflective surfaces in a model. "or detailed description of parameters of rendering methods please refer to Thea Render manual. Non-Interactive Modes There are three nonEInteractive high Nuality modes availa'le) Adaptive (BS !) in many cases the fastest method 'ased on preEsets 'ut it reNuires some e3perience when a certain setEup is advantageous.

"igure %) 1daptive /GS:0 (resets T"o #n$iased methods) they don>t reNuire any settings and deliver renderings of the highest
H Copyright Solid Iris Technologies

Nuality. These are) #n$iased (TR%! engine) it is preferred in e3terior renders and interiors where direct lighting is the most dominant in the scene. #n$iased (TR&! mode) it is preferred when difficult indirect lighting is dominant in the render or heavy caustics are present /such as a pool sun caustics0. DISPLAY TAB

"igure &) :isplay Ta' :isplay Ta' is a space where you can manipulate your rendered image and apply any postE processing. "irst two sections are related to a render e3posure and the following three to a filtering. "or a detailed description of all options please refer to Thea Render :arkroom tutorial A Section ?1. ENVIRONMENT TAB

"igure J) Lnvironment Ta' 'nvironment #se S() It tells Thea to create a 'ackground for a rendered scene in a form of (hysical Sky. It will look as a clear sky which will 'e automatically adMusted to a position of the Sun. Turning this on makes plugin disa'le the 'ackground image if it is 'eing used. #se Sun It tells Thea to create the Sun that will give same shadows as those present in a SketchUp model. Image Based Lighting ImageE'ased lighting is a convenient way to add illumination to your scene coming from captured photos of the surrounding environment. Since a photo of a real scene can 'e used the lighting is highly convincing and enhances the realism of your renders. In most cases the images used for this kind of lighting need to 'e of high dynamic range in order to provide enough lighting for a scene.
$ Copyright Solid Iris Technologies

,ne can use an image for illuminating the scene nevertheless he can also set up different images for 'ackground reflections and refractions. This makes possi'le to use different source for lighting and for reflections;'ackground which in most cases need more details in the image. This is actually a usual render optimi!ation where the illumination source is relatively lowEdetailed te3ture in order for the image to Nuickly CconvergeD while 'ackground and reflections use a detailed map for visually enhanced results. To add one of image types select proper type and press >Growse> 'utton to select a desired image. *hen proper 'itmap selected its path will 'e displayed in the adMacent hori!ontal input 'o3. ,ne can control intensity rotation and a way the image is wrapped around a model. CHANNELS TAB

"igure @K) Channels Ta' This ta' is 'eing used when an additional image is 'eing reNuired other than a standard rendering. This is mostly used when a postEprocessing is intended using e3ternal image manipulation program. 1vaila'le channels are) Color /standard rendering0 Iormal :epth 1lpha ,'Mect Id 8aterial Id and channels specific to 1daptive/GS:0 rendering mode) :irect 1m'ient ,cclusion 4lo'al Illumination Su'ESurface Scattering Reflection Refraction Transparency and Irradiance. <uminance 1nalysis descri'e the luminance and illuminance distri'ution. Thea Render can compute 'oth of them. <uminance is computed out of the 'o3 for any image that you have already rendered and for any render settings. Illuminance can 'e computed 'y the 1daptive GS: engine. To view the analysis of a rendered image select >(hotometric> from the drop down menu. >8in Il A <um> and >8a3 Il A <um> parameters control a range of illumination the analysis is performed on. CONSOLE TAB

Thea "or SketchUp uses the console to send you messages informing you a'out current state of rendering time in which rendering was finished and warnings. In general visiting the console is recommended if something doesn>t work as e3pected. It can help you finding a source of pro'lem E no light in a model or missing te3ture.

Copyright Solid Iris Technologies


Resolution The >*idth> and >9eight> settings control resolution of a rendered image. (lease note that interactive rendering modes use full area of plugin>s main window and render e3actly at same resolution. The (lus + 8inus 'uttons increase or decrease current resolution two fold. /90ori!ontal 2/#0ertical toggle 'utton changes orientation of the rendered image. Aspect ratio This setting control proportions of a final rendered image. *hen OSU *indowO option is selected the resolution of a rendered image will 'e adMusted to 'e same aspect ratio as model view in SketchUp. *hen OThea *indowO is selected the resolution is adMusted to reflect current proportions of main render view. 1 typical proportions of .)3 is characteristic for old type of monitors with resolutions of &KK3$KK @K?.3%$& @$KK3@?KK. *ide screen proportions of @$)J is more common in new monitors with resolution of @$KK3JKK @J?K3@K&K. *hen creating a panoramic spherical or hemispherical image a correct ratio is ?)@. Lens Thea can proMect a rendered image on the screen in a standard manner A perspective or orthogonal depending on a current view in SketchUp or using Spherical or Cylindrical proMection. The spherical proMection allows creating renderings of virtual panoramas that can 'e viewed in e3ternal programs. Correct aspect ratio of such an image is ?)@. Shutter speed controls a motion 'lur which appears in an animated scene. Thea gives you control over a diaphragm of a camera. It can 'e circular or polygonal defined 'y a num'er of 'lades. This influences a look of a >depth of field> effect and a motion 'lur.

"igure @@) Thea Tool A Camera Ta'

epth of *ield The depth of field can 'e controlled in the plugin in two ways. Lither 'y >fEnum'er> of camera

Copyright Solid Iris Technologies

lenses or 'y percentage of a O'lurrinessO of a rendered image. *hen 1uto "ocus is ena'led plugin automatically adMusts focus distance to keep what is visi'le in a camera >in focus> when possi'le. "ocus distance displays a manual distance at which a camera is focused at. To set that value click >Set> 'utton and select a point in a model. The distance will 'e calculated automatically. The value is disregarded when >1uto "ocus> is ena'led. Level +amera This 'utton levels camera without changing its> position. It is helpful especially when settingEup a camera for a panoramic shot. Scene Settings This section allows associating Thea Render settings with SketchUp scenes;pages. It works same way as it is done in SketchUp with scene settings e3cept they are not loaded automatically when a scene is selected 'ut it has to 'e done manually 'y clicking O<oad> 'utton. To save settings select a scene name from the list mark setting types you want to store and press >Save> 'utton 1vaila'le options are) Camera Settings :isplay Settings Sky;IG< Settings Render Settings.


8aterial ta' displays a name of a currently edited material and a preview of Thea material if the material has 'een already edited in Thea. To edit a material one has to open Thea Tool and while the tool is active dou'le click on an already painted face in SketchUp. Thea Tool is active when a cursor changes it>s appearance as seen in "igure @3. *hen you dou'leEclick the face Thea 8at <a' window will

"igure @3) Thea Tool Cursor appear allowing you to modify the material properties or apply another material from a li'rary. *hen user clicks Must once the material ta' will display the name and a preview /currently *indows only0 of a Thea 8aterial if the material has 'een already edited. CReset Thea 8aterial> removes all Thea material settings

"igure @?) Thea Tool A 8aterial Ta'

associated with SketchUp material. Gelow is a screenshot of the Thea 8aterial <a' /"igure @.0. "or a detailed information on it please refer to Thea Render 8anual.

Copyright Solid Iris Technologies

"igure @.) Thea 8aterial <a'


SketchUp doesn>t have its> native light sources. Thea for SketchUp uses components with a special names to define position and orientation of lights. There are thee light types availa'le in the plugE in) (oint <ight) a regular omnidirectional spherical light. Spot <ight) a directional light that allows focusing of a light cone on a chosen area in a model. ILS <ight) a light 'ased on scientifically measured real life values provided 'y lightE'ul's and fi3ture manufacturers in a form of F.ies files. ,ne can also paint a face with a material using emittance and in this way create an area light. "ront side of the face will 'e emitting light.


Copyright Solid Iris Technologies

+reating Lights <ight ta' allows a creation and editing properties of light components. To create a light open Thea Tool *idnow and select ><ight> ta'. 1t the 'ottom there are three 'uttons responsi'le for creation of three types of lights. ,n the start of light placing tool user "igure @H) Create <ights ,ptions is asked to show in SketchUp model a location of a source of light 'y right clicking and su'seNuently a >target> of the light. In case of a pointElight only the distance from the source to target is 'eing used to calculate a sufficient light power to reach the target. It is important to place light sources in a distance to an adMacent geometry higher than a radius of the light. "ailing to comply with that rule may produce undesired OnoiseO in the final image. ,nce light component is created its name and properties will 'e displayed in the <ight ta'. 'diting Lights <ight properties can 'e invoked 'y selecting a light component or clicking a component while Thea Tool is active. ,n a top of the <ight ta' a name of currently edited light component is 'eing displayed. Pointlight , Spotlight properties (ointElights and spotElights share several properties) 'mittance 1 colour of a light is controlled 'y a color of material the light component is painted with. *hen a temperature is ena'led it will 'e used instead of the color. 1ll lights have flowing parameters) (ower e3pressed in multiple units efficacy /lm;*0 attenuation and light temperature /P0.

"igure @$) Lmittance (roperties Spotlight properties SpotElights have additional 9ot Spot and "all ,ff values that control a shape of light cone. >9ot Spot> descri'es the inner angle where the light is emitted at a full intensity and >"all ,ff> is and angle the light fades completely at.

"igure @%) Spotlight (roperties


Copyright Solid Iris Technologies

I'S Light properties Gy default an ILS light have a sample.ies file loaded into it. It is possi'le to load a different description of light distri'ution 'y selecting it from a dropdown menu and pressing ><oad> 'utton. To use an ILS file not present in Thea Studio ILS files folder select from the list >,ther file> and press ><oad>. Bou will 'e asked to select a file you want to save into the light component.

"igure @&) ILS <ight (roperties -eneral Properties 1 light component can 'e >Lna'led> which means it will 'e casting light. >Shadow> controls whether the light will 'e casting shadows. >Soft Shadow> specifies whether the shadow will 'e soft 'ased on a imaginary radius of the light source e3pressed in meters. >8in Rays> and >8a3 Rays> parameters are used only 'y the 1daptive/GS:0 engine. Those are used rarely. "or a detailed description please refer to Thea Render 8anual. >Container> lets you assign a containerEmaterial in which the light is placed. Setting this material is valid only for a situations when a light is su'merged in a water or placed inside a material congaing properties of a medium. It can 'e also used to force a light to show a volumetric proMection of light.


Copyright Solid Iris Technologies


'.ternal Model Thea "or SketchUp allows an insertion of comple3 e3ternal Thea models in a form of a 'ounding 'o3 which will 'e replaced 'y the original detailed model inside Thea rendering window when a rendering starts. To insert a model press CGrowseD 'utton and select a F.mod.thea file from a <i'rary or from your own collection. ,nce the model file selected a preview of the model will 'e displayed right 'elow the 'utton. (ress CInsert 8odel as (ro3yD 'utton to insert the model into SketchUp. If the folder where the file is located contains more then one model then all models names will 'e added to a selection 'o3. Scene Save Saves model as Thea scene in F.pack.thea format. Preferences Gy clicking on (references 'utton a new window appears as seen in "igure ?K. "rom here you can change the <anguage of the plugin. In order to do so you need to follow the ne3t steps) There is a Thea"orSketchUp.po file in the folder) Thea.SU=file;languages; This file needs to 'e translated using (oedit program. The program will generate a Thea" file that has to 'e copied to the corresponding folder of the selected translation language. "igure ?K) (lugin (references If the language is already set in the system then it will 'e *indow automatically used when SketchUp starts. If it has not 'een set automatically user can open Thea Tool;Tools;(references and select the language manually. The language modification will 'e active after SketchUp will restart. If for e3ample you have placed the Thea" file at the folder with name es /Spanish0 at the drop down list of the <anguage window you will see the Spanish language too. Typical Country Codes are) de /4erman0 es /Spanish0 fr /"rench0 "igure ?@) Selecting another it /Italian0 Ma /Qapanese0 pt /(ortuguese0 pt=GR /Gra!ilian (ortuguese0 ru /Russian0 !h=CI /Chinese Simplified0 !h=T* <anguage /Chinese Traditional0

"igure @J) Thea Tools Ta'


Copyright Solid Iris Technologies


Solid Iris grants to Bou a personal nonEtransfera'le and nonEe3clusive license to download install and use CThea for SketchUpD and associated printed and;or electronic documentation accompanying the Software in accordance with this agreement. This license does not under any circumstances grant ownership of the Software to Bou. 1 single copy of the program can 'e installed and used 'y Bou on one machine. Bou can install the application on up to two more machines provided that the plugin is not used or e3ecuted simultaneously on any machines. If Bou wish to install the Software or use the Software concurrently on additional machines Bou must purchase additional licenses. :emo version is provided for evaluation only and its use for commercial purposes is prohi'ited.

CThea for SketchUpD is provided OasEisO and without warranty of any kind e3press implied or otherwise including without limitation any warranty of merchanta'ility or fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall the author of this software 'e held lia'le for data loss damages loss of profits or any other kind of loss while using or misusing this software. The software must not 'e modified you may not decompile disassem'le. 1ny kind of reverse engineering of the software is prohi'ited.


Copyright Solid Iris Technologies

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