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Conservation: Presentation Notes A Quick Summary of The Tale: The Universe, contrary to popular belief, Did not start

t With a Big Bang, instead there was only the smallest of Quarks that popped into existence (Quote #1). Smaller than even an atom this Quark sat alone in the empty void for millennia with nothing and no one to show for all that time alone. Then, one day, the Quark figures out that it can move. The Quark races across space and time and finds that it has left a single line. Racing again across space and time, the Quark begins to draw: a picture, a masterpiece, us. Drawing the mountains, rivers, making stories that move, creating plots and intricate tales to entertain and enjoy. However, eventually, the Quark begins to run out of energy and soon has to conserve his energy in-order to keep up with his masterpiece. The Quark begins conservation by only drawing things when there is someone there to see it. The bottom of the ocean is empty and blank unless someone goes down there to see it. But then even that is not enough, even then the Quark will have to stop drawing the universe, slowly the world will be erased like a painting done in reverse. Humanity will watch the world around us fade away, ourselves along with it. But the Quark loves us and our stories too much to leave us to this fate; so instead, the Quark draws us all into sleep so that we wont have to witness our own ending. In this, there is no afterlife, we all exist in the memories of the Quark, who waits until it has the energy to start to draw again. Gut reaction: I loved this story and was really excited when no one else had picked it to do. I love art and I like the idea that the creator of the universe is an artist, storyteller and composer. I think that there is a link between the idea of memories and the afterlife (waiting room). I love that something so small can be considered a god.(expectations of god: Apelike creatures, married couple) Quotations: 1). Instead of a Big Bang, the genesis of the universe consisted of the uneventful, accidental, hushed production of a single quark Pg. 54 2). Known by our Physicists as the Day of Decline, the Quark suffered an epiphany. It realized it had reached the limit of its energy. (Have any of you ever really wanted something, but just could not? No energy left?) Pg.85 3). The Physicists have slightly miscalculated. Missing from their equations in the fact that the Quark loves us too much to allow this to happenPg.86 (To me, this is one of the more loving gods in these stories, Does anyone else have an idea why a quark would love this creation so much?) 4). How do you feel about being nothing but a memory? What does this story tell us?The creation of the universe can be small: Great things can start off small and become something great. Love, memory and art.

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