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Spotted topics for Chemistry SPM 2013 Paper 2 1. Empirical formula(using hydrogen gas) 2. Acid-base + dilution 3.

Periodic table + chemical bond 4. Heat of neutralization/precipitation 5. Soap + Detergen + food additives 6. Effect of total surface area on rate of reaction 7. Determining melting point and freezing point of naphthalene Essay 1. Haber process, selecting a better fertilizer, alloy and hardness 2. Redox reaction using iron(II) solution and iron(III) solution + reactivity series 3. Characteristics of homologous series + chemical properties of alkene + isomers and naming 4. Preparation of insoluble salt(Zinc carbonate/ Copper carbonate) + test for anion 5. Constructing electrochemical series based on potential difference Paper 3 1. Effect of concentration on rate of reaction 2. Comparing electrolysis of a dilute and concentrated solution using carbon electrodes 3. Effect of other metals on rusting of iron / elasticity of rubber

Chemistry Paper 2 Q1. Alloy, glass, contact, haber process. Q2. Periodic table, atomic size, electronegativity, explain Q3. Determine type of salt, copper salts, heating Q4. Rate of reaction, factors, sketch graph, calculation Q5. Heat of precipitation, definition, calculation Q6. Redox, oxidising agent + KI, test, rusting Q7. Electrolytic cell, type of electrodes, arrange ecs Q8. Ionic, covalent compound, empirical formula, calculation Q9. Flow chart for carbon compound, ester, polymer, latex Q10. Acid and base, pH reading vs concentration, neutralisation, Paper 3 Q1. Ror, temperature or concentration Q2. Voltaic cell, more electropositive metal in ecs Q3. i. Rusting + metals ii. solubility of salt iii. purity of liquid

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