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Dating Tips: From Teenage Wetdream Lovey Krista. Vol.

4 Written by Lovey Krista and Guy Guillermo Published by bsession !ystems at !mash"ords #opyright $%&' bsession !ystems

(magine this: #ollege level )nglish* "e passed that +lass. #ould,ve done better i- "e tried* "e .ust don,t have the time be+ause "e,re +onstantly studying the s+ien+e and the psy+hology o- sedu+tion. The psy+hology o- sedu+tion +lass is our reason -or getting up in the morning* -or eating* sleeping* breathing.... !o "hile "e +an,t e/a+tly a--ord a multi0million dollar editor* We are ahead o- 1LL o- our peers in the areas o- +utting0edge resear+h and dis+overies o- ho" to sedu+e "omen. Thin2 3i+hael 4ordan* the guy is so "ell0versed "ith a bas2etball that "here someone else sees a huge barrier* he sees an opportunity. .. 1lthough he is one o- the "orld5s most in-amous ball hogs in the league* eh* "e really don5t +are that mu+h. 6e5s good at "hat he does and he5s entertaining. 1ny"ays* "hile you5re en.oying this boo2* 2eep that in mind. 7ou "ould still love your -avorite boo2* even more... even unedited. 1L! * Teenage Wetdream Lovey Krista is &8 in the +over photo and "as &8 "hen she "rote this boo2 series. 4ust +onsider me lu+2y -or s+ooping her up so young. Grate-ul to have her as an integral part o- the bsession !ystems team. 9:

How Obsession Systems Was Born

( "as at (6 P ;(nternational 6ouse o- Pan+a2es: in 1naheim #ali-ornia* right a+ross the street -rom Disneyland at about 'am about < years ago and it da"ned on me that ( 2no" more about the sub.e+t o- sedu+tion than .ust about anyone in the "orld. 6o" do ( 2no" this= (5ll give you a >ui+2 +he+2list: 3y mentor 3ar2 4. ?yan studied hypnosis and neuro0linguisti+ programming -or $< years. Their mentors are young* attra+tive egomania+s "ho thin2 it is the psy+hology that gets them laid* "hen really it is their loo2s and status. 3y mentor 2no"s "hat the hell he is tal2ing about* so his e/amples are really easy to "rap your head around. Their m*entors ma2e absolutely no sense be+ause they tend to ignore a lot ologi+* .ust to ma2e their models o- persuasion appear as valid. 3y tea+her isn5t a premadonna. (n one intervie"* he +alls himsel- @a little on the heavyset sideA he5s in his 4%5s plus* he5s got a mar2 that 2ids teased him on all throughout this "hole li-e on his -a+e... 7et* although he has laid do"n the tor+h* his reputation pre+edes him. B( 2no" my mentor 3ar2 4. ?yan5s persuasion and in-luen+e style inside and out be+ause ( have listened to +lose to &*%%% hours o- o- his stu--. When you +ombine his tea+hings and philosophies "ith the tea+hings o- Kevin 6ogan Psy.D* "ho sells in-ormation produ+ts that +ost an up"ards o- '*%%% dollars and most o- "hat he sells* ( have pur+hased and 2no" inside and out... 7ou have a -or+e to be re+2oned "ith. These guys have -amilies* ma2e millions and live real ni+e lives and ( "as in my $%5s... ( +ould get a"ay "ith being ultra0e/perimental "here they ma2e a

+ons+ious +hoi+e not to ;or not to advertiCe their underground e/periments: be+ause ( am "aaay outside their -anbase norm. These are ni+e* +onservative* suburban guys and ( am the street savvy* dar2* dirty se/ual* eroti+ hypnotist. ( dedi+ate this boo2 to them*. 1lthough ( am a blip on these guys radar and "e are so di--erent -rom ea+hother* they are the absolute best at "hat they do. ( loo2 at them li2e D3W. D3W doesn5t ma2e +ars -or bad boys... They ma2e +ars -or +orporate e/e+s "ith an @edge*A yet* i- a street0savvy guy has the money to buy any +ar* he is going to buy the best. 1lthough indire+t* (5d li2e to than2 them -or the +ontributions they5ve made to my "or2. !pe+ial than2s to Lovey #rista and her +ountless hours o- slaving over these boo2s and in-ormation. !he is "ise beyond her years and a very good girl. !he should -eel very proud o- hersel-. The idea -or bsession !ystems "as +on+eived at an (6 P restaurant < years ago in the spur o- the moment.* no" "ith our intervie"s o- over <% dating instru+tors* our E% hour produ+t @The Drain"ashing DiariesA plus over '%B premium produ+ts in+luding !ubliminal !edu+tion* "e are +loser than ever to ma2ing our dreams +ome true to having the most advan+ed and innovative sedu+tion +oa+hing pra+ti+es in the "orld. To dis+over more about Guy Guillermo and 3odel Lovey Krista visit and https:FF""".-a+eboo2.+omFlovely2ristaa respe+tively.

(magine this: #ollege level english* "e passed that +lass. #ould do better i- "e tried* "e .ust didn5t +are. The psy+hology o- sedu+tion +lass is our reason -or getting up in the morning* -or eating* sleeping* breathing.... !o "hile this boo2 gets ran2ed a # in >uality o- editing* We are ahead o- 1LL o- our peers in the areas o- +utting0edge resear+h and dis+overies o- ho" to sedu+e "omen. Thin2 3i+hael 4ordan* the guy is so "ell0versed "ith a bas2etball that "here someone else sees a huge barrier* he sees an opportunity. .. 1lthough he is one o- the "orld5s most in-amous ball hogs in the league* eh* "e really don5t +are that mu+h. 6e5s good at "hat he does and he5s entertaining. 1ny"ays* "hile you5re en.oying this boo2* 2eep that in mind. 7ou "ould still love your -avorite boo2* even more... even unedited.

Long-Distance Relationshi s Well* ( personally thin2 that long0distan+e relationships are great. While you might not get to hang out "ith the person physi+ally* you have more a++ess to them on a mental and emotional level. This is "here the real po"er is "eilded "hen you are sedu+ing "omen. This is a realm that so many people dis+ard on+e they a+tually get "hat they "ant -rom a "oman or have se/ "ith her. ( remember "hen ( "as &G* ( "ould tal2 on the phone -or hours and hours and hours to my girl-riend. We "ould tal2 so mu+h that "e literally began to -all in love. ( had not met her be-ore. Ho"* on+e "e -inally met* "e -ell in love* the ma2ing out and se/ is really great* everything "as "onder-ul. This is "hat "as the start o- my se/ li-e. When it +omes do"n to it* it "as the +onversation that "e had and ho" deep he "ent "ith our +onversations that gained the rapport that "e had that drove us in love. (t "as the rapport that "e had to ma2e our relationship to -eel better than a+tual se/. (n the human mind* the se/ matters alot* yet* it is all about the rapport. ?apport in itsel- +an be se/ual*. Deing in se/ual rapport "ith someone is li2e be+oming their best se/ -riend. (- ( "ant to be her best se/ -riend than ( "ant to gain as mu+h rapport "ith her as possible in the area o- se/ and se/ -antasies that ( +an so that ( +an ma2e her -all in love "ith me and be her best se/ -riend simultaneusly. There are many people "ho have se/* yet* ho" many guys a+tually be+ome a girls best se/ -riend= (- this is "hat you "ant to be+ome* you have a great opportunity i- you are in a long0distan+e relationship. (- you have a proper long0 distan+e relationship* you guys "ill tal2 on the phone or !2ype as mu+h is you "ould i- you are in person. (- you do this* ( +an guarantee you that you guys "ill +reate a bond that is absolutely brea2able "hen you guys get ba+2 together. People thin2 that the body is the root o- "ho she is or even her se/uality "hen really begins in her mind. This is "hy bsession !ystems puts more emphasis

on her mind that "e do her body be+ause the more you +an ro+2 her mind* the more that you5ll have her body. ( "ant to sho" you ho" to ma2e her -eel se/ier and more alive than she5s ever -elt in her li-e* ( do not "ant to tea+h you ho" to -u+2 her. Trust me* i- you ma2e her -eel se/ier than she ever has in her li-e and you are her -riend and you guys .o2e and there is a physi+al es+alation as "ell is you guys hang out "ith ea+h other* se/ "ill happen. 7ou should not be this theme that you5re -o+used on* it should be something that happens naturally* it should be an es+alation that happens naturally. (t should be an es+alation that you +reate through rapport and lust that you +reate "ith a "oman. That is "hat it "ill lead you to se/* yet* "hy is se/ the main ob.e+tive= #an5t it be a +onne+tion "ith another person= (- all you "ant it "as se/ then you +an visit a brothel. !he R"les o# Being $ic%y 3y philosophy is that it5s o2ay to have a high standards -or yoursel-* yet* it is not o2ay to be a prissy little bit+h. There are a lot o- guys out there "ho are prissy little bit+hes and they absolute su+2 at sedu+tion. For e/ample* ( "as "at+hing TV sho" "here this guys roommates pran2ed him by sending this +ougar to hang out "ith him. (nstead o- being +ool about it and having a good time "ith the +ougar* he a+ted li2e he "as grossed out and disgusted. This is being a little bit+h. This is the type o- behavior that you should avoid all +osts. Does that mean that you have to marry that girl= Does that mean that you have to be that girls best -riend and hang out "ith her every "ee2= 1bsolutely not allI it means is that you should be polite and respe+t-ul "hen you5re dealing "ith people in general. There is a real la+2 o- respe+t "hen it +omes to dating in this day in this day and time. !ome girl "ho is over"eight approa+hes them and says that they are interested in them* they are running a"ay -rom this that girl and being a little pussy instead o- being very -riendly "ith them. (5m pretty sure that i- this same* e/a+t Girl "ere to +ome into his room "hen he "as alone* pull do"n his pants

and give him a blo" .ob* he "ill be +ompletely o2ay "ith it* yet* this guy is su+h a little girl that he is a-raid o- "hat his -riends is going to say than the guy gets no respe+t in my boo2. Ho"* is it o2ay to have high standards= 1bsolutely. (n -a+t* in order to be+ome a very astute and "ell respe+ted pi+2 up artist* you have to have high standards. 7ou have to be that guy that goes and sedu+es "omen that other people are too a-raid to sedu+e. 7ou have to be the guy that is hanging out "ith the girl "ho is the hottest -rea2ing girl in the room. 7ou have to go -or the girl "ith the greatest personality. 7ou have to have the total pa+2age* .ust be+ause a girl has loo2s* does not mean that she has the greatest personality and "orld. This is "hat standards is all about. 6ave high standards -or yoursel-* yet* .ust be+ause you have high standards -or yoursel- doesn5t mean that you +an5t be ni+e to all girls. (magine this: you are at a +lub and literally there are no girls there that are your idea o- "hat a &% is* yet* you de+ide to have a drin2 and you see this girl has a really +ute -a+e* "hat do you do= Well* "hat you do is you go a-ter the girl. !o -u+2ing "hat i- people don5t li2e "ho you are or tal2 about you the ne/t day. !o -u+2ing "hat i- she is in a per-e+t &%* she5s +ute and she turns you on so have at it "ith her. (t is not li2e you have to marry her -or the rest o- your li-e* you5re .ust having -un. Ho"* i- a girl "as super hot* yet* she had a really a bit+h "ith a shitty attitude* yet* there "as another girl "ho "as maybe a seven* an average girl* yet* she has a really great attitude* ( go to the girl "ith the great attitude. 6o" about you= How &o 'o" (eel Abo"t Her Se)"al $ast* Does her se/ual past bother you= This is something that every pi+2 up artist should +onsider and have a good understanding o- "hen they are in the game sedu+ing "omen. Literally* she is going to be se/ually "hat she "ants to be. (she tells you anything* you should be prepared -or it. There are so many guys "ho -eel li2e their big shots be+ause they have slept "ith prostitutes and +all girls -or -ree* yet* these girls have slept "ith literally thousands upon thousands o- guys.

Ho"* i- a girl "al2s up to you and tells you that she is slept "ith thousands and thousands o- guys* "hile she is in -ront o- your -riends* most guys "ill a+t o--ended or grossed out at "hat she5s saying* yet* i- she tells you that she is a high0+lass +all girl in +on-iden+e* more than li2ely* you "ill brag about it to your -riends. This is "here most guys are "hen it +omes to the logi+ that they have "hen dealing "ith "omen. Ho" suppose you "ith the beauti-ul girl* you love her and she loves you. 7ou thin2 that she slept "ith -ive guys* yet* you -ind out that she slept "ith &%%% guys* "hat is going to be your response= 3ost guys "ould have the response ohorror and disgust* yet* "hat are you going to do= Ho"* "hat i- your girl-riend tells you out o- the blue that she "as a high0+lass +all girl "ho slept "ith some o- the ri+hest and most po"er-ul men in the "orld= 7ou5d probably go ba+2 and run and tell your -riends* right= 1bsolutely. This is "hy instead o- having her build the -rame -or you* "hy don5t you be a man and build your o"n -rames= (nstead o- having so+iety di+tate "hat you are supposed to be and not supposed to be* "hy don5t you manipulate so+iety li2e you have allo"ed so+iety to manipulate you= This is something that a lot o- guys do not +onsider "hen they are in the game sedu+ing "omen. This is something that a lot o- guys are a-raid o- doing be+ause they haven5t even thought that deeply. (n -a+t* most people "ho are in the "orld thin2 deeply only to a +ertain e/tent. They typi+ally only thin2 as deep as the deepest thin2er in their group. (- ( am a pun2 ro+2er* then typi+ally* i- ( am not the lead pun2 ro+2er* and ( "ill typi+ally thin2 less deeply about ho" things really "or2 and literally have less +on-iden+e in o"n belie-s than this pun2 ro+2er. This is "hat +reates alphas and betas. (t is the alpha people that re+ogniCe that very -e" people a+tually 2no" "hat they5re tal2ing about in li-e* so* i- they "ere to have deeper thoughts then other people* sure* they might not have &%%J othe people support them* yet* i- there ideas ma2e enough sense* and there delivered in the right "ay i.e. the intense level o- advan+ed -raming that you5ll -ind in !e/ Kitten Programming* they "ill be re+eived "ell and this person "ill automati+ally .ump to the level o- alpha* at least in levels o- +ommon sense and logi+.

These are the -a+ts that guys are missing out on. This is one o- the reasons that my program Lolita 6ypnosis and !e/ Kitten Programming are so po"er-ul. (- she has not thought o- the things that you have thought up* then you +an enlighten her and that automati+ally puts you in a position o- po"er. (- you +an thin2 othings that your -riends haven5t thought o- and ma2e per-e+t logi+al sense as "ell as enhan+e their lives and deliver it in the right vei+hle ;so they are re+eptive to the in-ormation "ith Cero resistan+e: then you "ill be seen as somebody that is very important to the group and people "ill go to you -or your ideas* instead o- you going to other people -or your ideas* "hy don5t you be+ome the go to person that the people go to instead o- the sideline +hump= The ?ules ?e"ritten: #an <%07ear0 ld Divor+ed Guys Get 7ounger Women #an the <% year old guy have an amaCing se/ li-e "ith amaCing "omen in his li-e= This is something that a lot o- people as2 themselves. This is probably one o- man5s greatest -antasies. 1+tually* i- you really "ant to be te+hni+al about it* this is a "oman5s greatest -antasy as "ell. Women li2e being admired* so i- (5m a <% romanti+* (5m going to appre+iate her a lot more than i- (5m some $% year old guy "ho +an sleep "ith any $% year old girl. (- ( am <% years old* ( +an provide more se+urity in the -orm o- money and -eelings -or "oman that your average $% year old guy +annot provide provide. This is important to re+ogniCe* i- you are a <%0year0old guy sedu+ing younger "omen. When it +omes to sedu+ing young girls* one o- the most valuable tools that you +ould have under your belt is an amaCing 2na+2 -or having enlightening +onversations "ith the people in your li-e. (- you are someone "ho +an give her the the -eelings that +ome along "ith +onversation that she "ants* then the li2elihood that she5ll -all in love "ith you is a lot higher. 1 lot o- $% year old doesn5t have to depend on their ability to +onversate "ith a "oman* "hen all they have to use al+ohol* mari.uana and a party setting to sleep "ith beauti-ul* young girls "ith -it bodies. This is "hat lots o- guys do not get it* so "hat happens is they short+hange

themselves and believe they +annot be very su++ess-ul sedu+ing girls that are >uite young in age and vulnerable in e/perien+e. ( "ill be the -irst to tell you that that is absolutely "rong. This is one o- the reasons that !e/ Kitten Programming is su+h a po"er-ul program. (- you have a program that allo"s you to be someone "ho +an ma2e her -eel more se/ual then she is ever -elt in her li-e on a +ompletely +overt level* eventually "ill happen is her de-enses to your advan+es "ill "ither a"ay and she "ill be turned on to levels that are absolutely amaCing. (- she a+tually let5s hersel- go* you "ill ruin her -or all other guys. 1 lot o- times* +onversation is the greatest aphrodisia+ that a "oman +ould ever have. #onversation is a really amaCing aphrodisia+* espe+ially "hen +overt hypnosis at "or2 behind the s+enes. #overt hypnosis a+tually gets a person thin2ing* on+e a person is thin2ing* "hat happens is it ta2es a lot o- their +ons+ious minds resour+es. Literally* "e only have so many +ons+ious mind resour+e points every day to use be-ore our sub+ons+ious mind begins to ta2e over. For e/ample: i- ( am a -at guy* it a+tually ta2es +ons+ious mind points to not eat as mu+h as ( eat. (- ( am doing tons o- really di--i+ult "or2 every single day* "hat "ill happen is ( "ill "aste all o- my +ons+ious mind points doing this really di--i+ult past* instead o- on my "eight loss* so the +han+e5s is that ( "ill eat more -re>uently then ( set out to eat on my diet are dramati+ally in+reased. (n the similar "ay* "omen +an be su+2ed in by a person "ho "as master hypnotist "ho t"ists her mind up so mu+h that she allo"s her un+ons+ious mind to steer her se/ual ship. With a program li2e !e/ Kitten Programming and Lolita 6ypnosis* you are an e/pert at thin2ing on di--erent levels. This is the reason that it is so po"er-ul. 7ou are -or+ed to thin2 on all o- these di--erent* ne" levels*. 1t -irst* it "ill seem very di--i+ult and -rustrating* yet* the more advan+ed you get at this stu--* the easier that you +an ta+2le the tough >uestions "ith greater ease. For e/ample* i- ( "as the guy "ho "as -at* then* ( stu+2 to my diet -or over &% years* even though ( have lots o- "or2 my plate and my +ons+ious mind is driving me +raCy* ( +an still resist. This is "hy you have to be able to go "ay deeper than the "omen that you5re sedu+ing to drive her +raCy "ith se/ual tension. There are lots o- things that a $% year old girl .ust does not thin2 o-. This is one

o- the reasons that it is easiest to sedu+e them i- you have tools li2e +overt hypnosis* Lolita 6ypnosis and !e/ Kitten Programming under your belt. (lirting With Marrie& Women (- you do not 2no" that married "omen typi+ally* she "ill de-initely -lirt "ith you and be very se/ual "ith you very easily* then you are not human. )ven you have not been in the game very long. This is something that you5ve got to pay attention to be+ause -ran2ly* most married "omen are bored and .ust "ant to have a little -un* so they are a great sour+e o- meaningless se/. They 2no" that their husbands +heat on them* they 2no" that there a husbands -lirt on "ith other girls* they 2no" that the relationship is getting stale and they .ust "ant to have a good time. !o they "ill go right ahead and -lirt "ith you and potentially sleep "ith you. This is something that you should not -eel guilty about. !in+e all girls do it* this means that there is a huge gap in "omen being happy. ( thin2 that "omen deserve to be happy* even i- that means that she has the -lirt "ith a ne" guy to -eel a little happiness and .oy in her li-e* instead o- stress and anguish. (- you are going to -lirt "ith the girl "ho is married* ( "ould de-initely suggest !e/ Kitten Programming and Lolita 6ypnosis. These programs ma2e it so easy to +onvert +overtly send se/ual messages that even i- her husband "ere to loo2 at the messages that you sent her* he +annot say -or sure that you "ere being se/ual "ith her. 7et* it "ill be this -eeling o- se/uality that is going to possess the +onversation. !he +ould al"ays play as i- she "as an inno+ent person. !he +an paint me as the bad guy "ho might5ve been being se/ual "ith her yet* she "as very ni+e to me be+ause she heard that ( "as abused as a +hild and i- her husband is in-atuated "ith her enough* he "ill +ompletely believe her and be mad at me. That is my -irst priority "hen dealing "ith "omen. ( do not "ant "omen to ta2e the -all -or me -lirting "ith them me being se/ual "ith them. ( "ould mu+h rather ta2e the -all -or her indis+repan+ies. This gives me an all a++ess pass to her heart. There are a lot o- guys "ho "ould blame the girl-riend -or her

indis+repan+ies* yet* by me ta2ing the blame* she 2no"s that ( am an alpha guy "ho +an ta2e +are o- mysel- and doesn5t have to loo2 li2e he5s right all the time in order to -eel some type o- happiness* satis-a+tion or +ontentment. When you are -lirting "ith a married "oman* although you get se/ual pleasure out o- it* is e/tremely important to understand that you are being ni+e to her. 7ou are ultimately serving her. 7ou are giving her a glimmer o- hope in this saddened and dar2ened "orld "here she -eels as i- her boy-riend or husband does not +are -or her anymore. !in+e ( am serving her* ( "ant to do it in the "ay that is going to ma2e her -eel the most se/ual arousal as "ell as a "ay that is going to be e/tremely +overt* so i- she ever has to ba+2 a"ay -rom our se/ual +onversation* she +an very easily. !he +an easily blame the entire intera+tion on me* a+ting as i- she did not 2no" that ( "as being se/ual at all. This is the ideal situation -or her to be in. 7ou are ultimately the ideal guy -or her to -lirt "ith* be+ause -irst o- all* you really good at it and se+ond o- all* you 2no" ho" to handle the situation "hen things get hot. She Wants An O en Relationshi 3y philosophy is the open relationships are the absolute spi+e o- li-e. Where else +an you get to have se/ "ith multiple girls and ea+h one o- them are +ompletely -ine about it= When you get into an open relationship* you have to intend on being open be+ause i- you intend on being +losed* you "ill hit snags and the relationship might be too mu+h -or you or her to handle. For e/ample* you agree to have an open relationship "ith this beauti-ul girl that you are "ith* yet* she is seeing other guys* you are not seeing other girls= When she "ants to hang out "ith her ne" boy-riend over you on Friday or !aturday night* you be+ome a sitting du+2. (t is almost as i- she +ould leave the relationship anytime she "ants be+ause you are in at open relationship "ith her. !o your -eelings are @the she still "ant to be "ith me=A 1nd @i- she "ants to brea2 up "ith me* "hy doesn5t she .ust say so=A ( +an be pretty terrible. This is one o- the dangers and pit-alls o- open relationships. !imilarly* i- you are the one "ho re>uest open relationship* yet* she does not "ant to settle do"n "ith you* it +an +ause a similar s+enario -or her.

Ho"* i- you "ant a healthy open relationship* both o- you have to realiCe that you have to be mature adults about the out+ome o- the relationship bet"een you and the girl you having the relationship "ith. 7ou have to be +ompletely open to losing her any time to any guy in the "orld. (- you are not open to losing this girl then you "ill put too mu+h strain on the relationship and her duties to you and that it "ill brea2 the +ode o- the open relationship and +ause you to say things that you don5t "ant to say and a+t in "ays that you don5t "ant to a+t. ne day* something +ould -eel li2e +omplete disrespe+t* the ne/t day* you realiCe that she "as in a position to ma2e the de+isions that she made. 1nd that you are the one that "as a+ting out o- +hara+ter. (5ll give you the per-e+t e/ample: there "as a girl that ( met in Portland* ( got her number and Fa+eboo2 and "e (n +onta+t* even though ( "as in #ali-ornia. The -irst +ouple "ee2s* "e had amaCing +yberse/. 1-ter that* she pretty mu+h disappeared. ( hadn5t heard -rom this girl in three months. ( "ould literally hit her up on+e a "ee2 .ust to see ho" she is doing so that ( +ould +an +ontinue the relationship "ith her and see i- "e 2id go ba+2 to the "ay things "ere. Then "hat happened is she began to +ome into my li-e. (- ( "ould had dropped the +onne+tion "ith her* ( "ould not had been able to re+onne+t "ith her* so that "as de-initely a plus on my part. !o* "e re+onne+t* "e have +yberse/ again* she tells me ho" she is "as presented "ith an opportunity to have a three some "ith some o- her -riends and she "as a little apprehensive* so ( +onvin+ed her that she should have it "ith my hypnoti+ sedu+tion abilities. Then* she -alls o-- the -a+e o- the earth and stops +onta+ting me +ompletely. For me* ( -elt li2e +rap. ( had invested "ay more into her that she invested into me* ( -elt that there "as some type o- validity to us possibly having a relationship in the -uture* so "hen she didn5t +onta+t me -or t"o "ee2s* ( literally ended the relationship* never spea2ing to her again. ( had to do it -or my o"n sanity. Ho"* i- ( "as more o- a player* ( "ould had been o2ay "ith the "ay things "ere in our relationship to the point -or "here ( +an appre+iate that "e had a spe+ial bond* yet* she is "ith other people right no" and she has relationship issues and he goes beyond mine that she has to attend to. 7et* ( "as immature and ( didn5t 2no" ho" to handle the situation. This is natural. People are not born

per-e+t. This game is li2e a martial art and "hen "ere in the game playing against a bla+2 belt* you5re bound to lose* yet* you5re bound to learn a lot. !o 2eep playing in the you5ll eventually beat the bla+2 beltI Literally a lot better than more people. Is $ossible to be !oo Coc%y* there su+h thing as being too +o+2y= This is one o- the age0old >uestions that anybody is a pi+2 up artist have to as2 themselves. The more that you a+t li2e a dou+hebag* the less she is going to the attra+ted to you. 7et* it .ust so happens that guys "ho a+t li2e dou+hebags are a+tually very proa+tive about be+oming su++ess-ul in their lives. The a+tually 2no" "hat they "ant and they go a-ter it relentlessly. 1nother thing that you "ill -ind about people "ho are dou+hebags is that they tend to ma2e up a lot o- e/+uses -or themselves. 7et* "hen a girl meets a guy "ho does not ma2e up e/+uses -or himsel- and he a+tually -ollo"s "hat he "ants in li-e and is able to ma2e mista2es and go through the ups and do"ns that it ta2es to be really su++ess-ul in li-e* she is more attra+ted to him than the guy "ho is a dou+hebag* by -ar. This is something that guys de-initely have to pay attention to "hen they are dealing "ith "omen. (t is one thing to be +o+2y* it is another thing to be a dou+hebag. (- a person is .ust having -un and they are being +o+2y* that is -ine* yet* "hen someone is .ust being -lat out rude* it is something that people "ill deal "ith -or a"hile* yet* i- they have any +on-iden+e about themselves* they "ill ultimately +ut that person o--. ne thing that dou+hebags have is the ability to 2eep & -oot in the door o- a lot o- "omen5s lives. This enables them to have lots o- @semiA0relationships "ith "omen. Kltimately* they have the tenden+y to be -u+2 buddies "ith plenty o"omen. For you to have su++ess "ith beauti-ul "omen* it is not ne+essary to be +o+2y or a dou+hebag* the only thing that is really ne+essary is -or you to have the ability

to mi/ in "ith as many girls as possible and to be a man o- the "orld. 7ou do not have to be some guy "ho a+ts li2e he 2no"s everything under the sun to be su++ess-ul "ith "omen. (- you really loo2 at history* you "ill see that the guy "ho is "orldly is the type o- guy that really has e/treme su++ess "ith "omen over the long haul. (- there is an ar+hetype that you "ant to -ollo" and +opy* the best ar+hetype "ould be a person "ho is "orldly* instead o- a person "ho is overly +o+2y. #o+2y "ill get you -ar in li-e* yet* there is typi+ally a +eiling "hen it +omes to the +o+2y attitude "hen it +omes to dating and sedu+ing "omen. (- you "ant to surpass that +eiling and go -ar above and beyond the limits that are set up -or people "ho are dou+he bags* you "ill de-initely model the ar+hetype o- a "orldly man instead o- the many other ar+hetypes that +ause you to be an asshole. ( "as .ust dealing "ith this pi+2 up artist a +ouple days ago* he is someone "ho is more +o+2y and arrogant than anyone (5ve ever met my li-e. 6e is literally so +o+2y and arrogant that he is a+tually detrimental to himsel-. 6e ma2es himselloo2 li2e an angry idiot liar. 6e believed that my sel-0depre+iation "as a "ea2ness* so he atta+2ed it "ith -ull -or+e. Little did he 2no" that ( "ould a+tually +ome out on top be+ause my level o- logi+ is a lot higher than his. 6e is still dealing "ith the instru+tion o- blindly -ollo"ing the age0old pi+2 up artist logi+ that says that the +o+2y asshole is "ho get5s the girls. (t5s a+tually 2ind o- sad really be+ause he blindly -ollo"s instead o- using logi+ o- to +ome out ahead in the game sedu+ing "omen. +reasing !he Right $eo le O,er Fran2ly* anything is possible i- you +an open the right doors. This is the mentality that ( "ant you have "hen you are sedu+ing "omen. ( "ant you to loo2 at drug +artels* drug +artels 2no" that there is a "ay to get anyone to do anything. They are +onstantly loo2ing -or the ne/t* ne" innovative "ay to snea2 in under the radar. This is "hat gives these people lots o- po"er. These people never give up* they .ust -ind another "ay to get the same results. This is ho" you "ant to be in li-e. 7ou al"ays "ant to as2 yoursel- "hat people really mean by "hat they say. The better that you +an get i- a parti+ular s2ill* the

better that she "ill be "ith +omes to sedu+ing beauti-ul "omen. (magine this: you are a gee2 at a strip +lub. Literally* the girl that is dan+ing -or you +ould really thin2 you are +ute* yet* she sees no "ay to ma2e it so+ially a++eptable to be "ith you. Ho"* it is your .ob to ma2e it so+ially a++eptable to be "ith you. ( have a -riend "ho runs a pi+2 up artist +ompany. 3y -riend is ultimately one o- the best pi+2 up artists in the "orld* yet* one o- the "ays that he ma2es is so+ially a++eptable -or "omen to be in his li-e is the -a+t that he runs a modeling agen+y. (- he did not run a modeling agen+y* it "ill not be as easy -or these girls to +ome into his li-e. 6e also runs a "oman5s gym* so it is really easy -or him to get the so+ial proo- that it ta2es to ma2e "omen -eel +om-ortable hanging around him. (n -a+t* -or these girls* it is an honor and a privilege to hang around him. What he is doing is he is greasing these "omen the right "ay. For e/ample* ( "ill e/pose "omen to a -e" +raCy se/ual -a+ts be-ore ( as2 them to open themselves up to having se/ "ith me. What this does is ma2es them loo2 inno+ent in +omparison to "hat other "omen do and ho" other "omen a+t. (- ( +an sho" her that "omen that are more beauti-ul than her are "illing to do even more se/ual things than her* then the underlying message is that the more beauti-ul "omen is* the more li2ely to do se/ual things. This is "hat ( +all rapport. ( "ant her to get rapport "ith +ertain sides o- li-e so that she is more open to opening hersel- up to me. 6aving little pie+es oleverage li2e this is "hat ma2es it o2ay -or +ertain people to do +ertain things. (- you loo2 at your ne/t0door neighbors &G0year0old 2id* you are li2ely to believe that this 2id "ould not 2ill anyone in his li-e* 7et* i- you put him in 1-ghanistan* the li2elihood that he "ould 2ill someone has .ust been in+reased by $%*%%%J. 7ou "ill -ind many tools* tri+2s and te+hni>ues to in+rease the "heels osedu+tion in my program !e/ Kitten Programming. Trust me* the more o- these tips that you have in your li-e* the easier it "ill be -or you to sedu+e beauti-ul "omen. Trust

ne o- the >uestions that guys as2 the most to themselves is +an they trust the girls that there "ith. The -a+t is: you +an trust her -or "hat she is good -or. ( 2no" a girl that ( +annot trust "hen it +omes to -inishing pro.e+ts* yet* i- ( "ant someone to support me so+ially and ma2e me loo2 good* she is de-initely the one. There are other girls* "here all ( have to do is tell them a situation and they -i/ it* yet* they "ill not stay -aith-ul be+ause it is not in their blood. Fa+t is: you +annot ma2e a person into something that they are not. The more that you attempt to ma2e her "hat she is a sense* the more that you "ill push her a"ay. (- you are persistent in "ho you are and go a-ter "hat you "ant* you "ill ultimately and al"ays a+hieve e/tremely good results "ith +omes to sedu+ing "omen. 7et* you +annot trust someone to do something that does not +ome naturally to them* unless you are mi+romanaging them. !ome girls* are the s"eetest girls in the "orld. They "ould literally be the best "hy that you +ould ever pi+2 in the "orld i- you ever "ere to get married. 7et* they "ill not stand up -or you i- they are +on-ronted "ith in-ormation that doesn5t ma2e you loo2 good. 1 lot o- times ( say to mysel- @+ome on* you have got to be 2idding me. 7ou5re telling me that you +annot ma2e a +ommon sense de+ision be+ause someone in your -amily told you that it "asn5t a good idea=A (t is ultimately pri+e that you pay -or having a girl li2e that. !uppose you are in a relationship "ith a girl "ho is not stand up -or hersel- at all. 7ou "ould never have to "orry about a girl "ho is e/tremely argumentative -or a girl "ho had trouble putting out "hen you "anted it. 7ou "ould not have any trouble sti+2ing out as an alpha male and you have no +ompetition in the department o- some +hi+2 "anting to +ompete "ith you all the time -or the alpha spot. This is de-initely ho" you should loo2 at the "omen that you deal "ith. For e/ample: i- ( "ere to have a se+retary* ( "ould "ant a girl "ho is very sensual. ( +an pretty mu+h guarantee that ( +an sleep "ith her as "ell as guarantee that she "ould be able to +harm my +ustomers and the people that ( did business "ith* yet* ( +an never have her as a "i-e be+ause the li2elihood that she "ill +heat is e/tremely high. 1lso* ( +ould never give her a very boring .ob* li2e someone "ho -iles papers all day and "rites letters be+ause she "ould do it

very slo" and she "ill probably hate her .ob* yet* ( +ould have a girl "ho is a per-e+tionist do this .ob and she "ould do a remar2able .ob* yet* she is probably more li2ely to get pissed o-- i- ( hit on her and she is married* "hereas the girl "ho is the sensualist* is a little more easy0going and .ust all around easier to +ommuni+ate "ith as a -riend* yet* there are things that she "ould .ust -lat out su+2 at. These are de-initely things that you should loo2 out -or "hen you are dealing "ith "omen. 3a2e sure that i- you put yoursel- in a position "ith a "oman that you +an trust her -or the .ob. There are some "omen that ( +an as2 advi+e about other "omen "ith and she "ould tell you e/a+tly "hat "as going on* yet* she hersel- is not a relationship person at all. Signs She-ll Ma%e A Ba& Wi#e When it +omes to "omen* you de-initely have to loo2 at her personality be-ore you loo2 at her loo2s. Loo2s really so de+eiving* espe+ially "hen it +omes to dating and sedu+ing "omen. !he +ould loo2 absolutely amaCing* se/y and all othe things that you ever "anted to "omen* yet* she +an be +ompletely +raCy. Dasi+ally* "ith the "ay that her li-e is been so -ar* her being +raCy is probably the best "ay that she +an thin2 o- to get "hat she "ants at the moment. ( believe that is the biggest issue right there* she has basi+ally been spoiled her "hole li-e and you5re the one guy that is not going to spoil her. That is a rude a"a2ening to a lot o- girls. 1 lot o- girls +an handle the -a+t that guy is nuts going to spoil them and a lot ogirls +annot. This is "here ho" a girl "as raised is so important. ( +an pretty mu+h guarantee that a girl that had a really good dad "ho "as there -or her to punish her "hen she needed it and to re"ard her "hat she deserved it is de-initely going to have a better personality than the girl "ho has not had a proper upbringing* or* a girl "ho has basi+ally depended on her loo2s all her li-e to get "hat she "ants. What you "ant to be able to do is sort out the girls "ho are going to be good -or you -rom the ones that are going to be bad -or you. 1 lot o- times* you +an pretty mu+h loo2 at a girls -a+e and tell her she is going to be a girl are not. There are

a lot o- girls "ho "ere not super submissive "ho absolutely great. These girls tend to be more sensual than submissive. These girls go a-ter things be+ause it loo2s good* -eels good* taste good et+. (- you get a girl li2e this* you have to +onstantly loo2 -or the ne/t step up in the latter o- sensuality to please her. ( thin2 this is a really great thing that she should do any"ay* "hether your girl is a sensual girl or i- she is submissive. ( am a strong believer that a girl "ho says that she does not "ant se/ is a liar. This is typi+ally the position that a girl li2e an e/trovert typi+ally ta2es. !ee the thing is: it is impossible -or girl to be e/troverted* yet* submissive unless she allo"s hersel- to be. (- she allo"s hersel- to be* then that means that she sensual be+ause she appre+iates ho" it -eels to be more submissive* "hi+h is a+tually the opposite o- her personality. ( believe that a girl "ho is a true e/trovert is less li2ely to admit her se/uality than a girl "ho is an introvert or a sensualist. The reason behind this is probably be+ause she is loo2ing to impress others "ith her opinions as opposed to satis-y hersel- sensually. (- you -ind a girl li2e this* the best thing to do a sensualiCe her. (- you +annot sensualiCe her then leave her be+ause there are mu+h better "omen that you +ould +hoose -or a partner then this girl. Some Essential Dating A&,ice #or Men ne thing you have to be is very strong i- you "ant to su++eed in this game. 7ou "ill literally -eel and -a+e every a motion under the sun. The most important thing to 2no" is that i- you "ant to get ahead o- the game* you have to -ight -or your position. (magine this: i- you are at a shipyard and you are a s+ientist* you might -eel pretty beta. 1ll o- the girls are going -or the big* burly alpha males that she sees in a parti+ular +onte/t. 7ou might -eel as i- you do not belong in this +onte/t -or you are someho" a loser in li-e. (t is up to you to see ho" you are valuable in this "orld. There are lots o- times "hen* no matter "hat "ho you are you "ill not loo2 li2e the alpha male o- the group. (n -a+t* attempting to loo2 li2e the alpha

male o- the group ma2es you loo2 more li2e an idiot than anything be+ause literally* there is no "ay that you are not. ( 2no" guys that are absolutely good "ith "omen* yet* ( 2no" that ( +an ma2e them better. There are guys "ith very shortsighted game and ( 2no" that ( +an e/pand their minds "hen it +omes to the art o- sedu+tion. Fran2ly* i- ( "ere to a+t li2e ( "as the guy "ho got more "omen than some o- my -riends* ( "ould loo2 li2e an idiot. Fran2ly* ( "ant a very lo" maintenan+e li-estyle be+ause ( run several businesses* so there are a lot o- things that ( pass up on so+ially that a lot o- my -riends indulge in. 7et* i- they "ere to a+t li2e they 2no" more than ( 2no" about -emale psy+hology "ere even dating psy+hology -or integrating psy+hology and se/uality they "ill be lying and they "ill loo2 very beta. ( 2no" "ho ( am and they 2no" "ho they are. ( have some asso+iates "ho have attempted to 13 G me. Wo". They "ant to prove that they are better pi+2 up artists than me be+ause they go sarging all the time. That is absolutely ridi+ulous. !o "hat* ( am automati+ally validated "hat ( +an put my arms around the ne+2s o- t"o beauti-ul girls and shoot a pi+ture o- mysel-= !o* ( am supposed to prove mysel- to the pi+2up artist +ommunity by dressing really "ell and plo"ing= This is someho" supposed to validate me as an a++urate pi+2 up artist 2no"s tons o- psy+hology to put millions o- guys ahead o- the game= (t5s absolutely ridi+ulous. 1 lot o- times* people "ill attempt to ta2e a"ay your po"er i- you do not 2no" "here it is. (- you 2no" "here your po"er is* then they +annot ta2e a"ay your po"er* they .ust loo2 li2e idiots. !o* .ust be+ause a pi+2 up artist gets married* doesn5t mean that he -orget the game that he learned and developed= 1 lot o- times* the smartest thing you +an do is 2no" ho" to loo2 at li-e in a more logi+al "ay than your -riends and -amily. 4ust be+ause they are in and out oposition in a parti+ular +onte/t does not mean that they are alpha in all +onte/ts. 4ust be+ause they are -airly good "ith one type o- "omen* doesn5t mean that

they 2no" everything to get you ahead in the game o- sedu+tion. L"sting A#ter 'o"r Best (rien&s E)* (t is very easy to get +aught o- in the game o- "anting your -riends girl-riend. (t is something that a lot o- guys do and is almost a trap in a "ay* be+ause you "ant to see i- you +an be a better lover than your -riend "as. (t is almost some type o+ompetition o- the male ego that you might not intend to parti+ipate in* yet* you almost are -or+ed to. 7ou thin2 you might be a better lover than your -riend and you might even thin2 o- as2ing her i- you are a better lover thin2 he "as. 1lso* i- you are less o- a good lover and he "as then you are more li2ely to leave her. 3y personal advi+e is to allo" other guys and your other -riends to sleep "ith your e/es. (t is not as i- you +annot -ind other "omen to have se/ "ith or to have a hot and steamy relationship "ith. ( thin2 that it is very gra+eless to deal your best -riends girl-riend* unless* as he is part o- some type o- alternative li-estyle "here he sleeps "ith multiple "omen at the same time that he is in a relationship and vi+e versa. r* he has spe+i-i+ally as2ed you to get into a relationship "ith her. (- he hasn5t* then "hat "ill happen is he "ill be angry at you underneith the sur-a+e be+ause you are sleeping "ith someone that he slept "ith and he has very traditional values* "hether he goes to +hur+h or not. There are so many guys out there that "ill .ust go ahead and sleep "ith their -riends girl-riends and they "ill -eel terrible about it. They "ill hide it and lie to their -riends -or years be-ore the ugly truth +omes out in some angry rant that they never intended to have. 3aybe* you might even -eel guilty -or sleeping "ith your best -riends girl-riend and "ant to tell him a-ter -ive years o- having a really good relationship "ith him. ( thin2 that it is a lot easier -or "omen to share guys than it is -or guys to share "omen. Women sleep "ith their best -riends boy-riend all the time and the "omen -ind out that they slept "ith the same guy* they "ill dump the guy to the

+urb and remain -riends. Does that mean that you should try to do the same thing= ( "ould highly suggest against it. (t is .ust a smarter "ay to live your li-e and to be loyal to your -riends. Ho"* i- you and your -riends are not -riends anymore* ( thin2 it is +ompletely o2ay i- you sleep "ith your e/ best -riends girl-riend* .ust don5t do it "hile you are still best -riends "ith him. (- he is sleeping "ith one o- your e/es then it is o2ay -or you to sleep "ith one ohis. (t is only -air. (- he "ants to sleep "ith one o- your e/es* unless you are still pursuing her* then go right ahead and allo" him to sleep "ith her. (t is a good e/er+ise in being a good -riend and someone "ho does not rely on the past to predi+t his -uture. (- he is a better lover then you* then that means that you have some "or2 to do in the bedroom department and you should really ta2e up some +lasses in Karma !utra or lovema2ing. .iews on Materialism Women being materialisti+ is something that all guys are +on+erned about. 1 lot o- guys -eel a lot o- -ear "hen it +omes to trusting "oman "ith their hard0earned money and e/posing themselves to the potential dangers o- dating a gold digger. Preventing you -rom getting ta2en advantage o- by a gold digger is something that bsession !ystems ta2es e/tremely seriously. When it +omes do"n to it* ultimately* you "ant to be able to do is pay attention to her behavior and ho" she a+ts out in +ertain situations to see i- she e/hibits a similar behavior that a girl "ho is a gold digger "ould e/hibit. ne o- the main behaviors o- the elusive gold digger that +an de-initely see right o-- hand is her as2ing >uestions about your -inan+ial situation. The more that she is +on+erned about your -inan+es and "hat you +an provide -or her* the more that she is "ith you -or materialisti+ reasons. When she prods into your -inan+ial "ealth* it doesn5t have to be super dire+t li2e @( "ant to 2no" ho" mu+h money you ma2e at your "or2A or @let5s me see your ban2 statementsA literally* the >uestions +ould be as vague as @Wo"* you must ma2e so mu+h money in your position at your .obA et+. to ultimately attempt to "easel in-ormation out oyou about ho" mu+h money you ma2e.

The best thing that you +an do to 2eep "omen out o- your -inan+es is to hide any hint o- any type o- su++ess that you have above the average man unless it is blaringly obvious. (t5s almost li2e people "ho o"n Pors+hes. 1 person "ho o"ns a Pors+he +ould buy a Pors+he -or L'%*%%% or he +ould buy a Pors+he the loo2s e/a+tly the same -or &$8 thousand dollars or he +ould buy an even more e/pensive Pors+he -or L$%% thousand dollars and the di--eren+e bet"een the "ay the Pors+he5s loo2 is very small. This is sort o- ho" you "ant to 2eep your -inan+es. (- you are super ri+h* based on your +ar alone it loo2s li2e you are upper0middle +lass. (- you are super poor* you have a Pors+he that ma2es you loo2 upper0 middle +lass. (t5s all about blending in so that you +an get the results that you "ant "ithout having someone "as a gold digger in your "ay. The more that you are able to separate her -rom your -inan+es* the more that you +an allo" her to get to 2no" you -or the real you* as opposed to ho" mu+h money you ma2e or "hat you +an do -or her. This is ultimately an e/tremely attra+tive trait be+ause* literally all girls are not golddiggers. (- you do not share your -inan+es "hen she is digging around* she is mu+h more intrigued about you and ultimately impressed by ho" humble you are about 2eeping your -inan+ial situation under "raps. (t ultimately ma2es you loo2 more alpha and more po"er-ul that i- you sho" her your ban2 statements and ho" mu+h your +ar +osts. Let other people read about you and ho" mu+h o- +ar +osts. Let other people marvel over ho" e/pensive your +lothing is more and ho" mu+h you are "orth. This is ultimately a lot more attra+tive to "omen and it sho"s her that you +an sedu+e beauti-ul "omen in your li-e "hether you have money or not. Fa+t is: all "omen are materialisti+* .ust li2e all guys are loo2ing -or girls "ith great bodies. 7et* i- your "i-e "as to gain < pounds* probably "ouldn5t leave her* espe+ially a-ter you5ve gotten to 2no" her and love her. 1 similar rule is true -or your -inan+ial situation as "ell* typi+ally* "ith most "omen. Are High Maintenance Women Worth It

1 high maintenan+e "omen "orth it= This >uestion a lot o- guys have. (t all depends on "hat your values are i- you "ould li2e to date a high maintenan+e "omen or not. 6igh maintenan+e "omen are typi+ally good -or status. The thing is* their status +an drop very >ui+2ly. 6igh maintenan+e "omen typi+ally age very >ui+2ly and typi+ally have very little going -or them e/+ept -or the loo2s or status. (- you "ant a girl that has more going -or her that her loo2s or status* then it is best to go -or the good girl. 1 girl "ho is a good girl is a lot more li2ely to give you the attention that you deserve. Do you "ant a girl "ho +oo2s and +leans= Do you "ant a girl "ho is beauti-ul and +an give you status as "ell as a girl "ho is "orth the money= Do you "ant to get your bang -or your bu+2 "hen it +omes to dating= (- this is you* and ( "ould de-initely go -or a girl "ho is ?ussian. 7ou +an also go -or a ni+e #olombian girl be+ause seven out o- &% #olombian girls loo2 absolutely stunning. (n this "orld* there are so many absolutely gorgeous "omen that are lo" maintenan+e that ( "ould thin2 that it is absolutely a "aste o- time and money to get a girl "ho is high maintenan+e* yet has no value besides her loo2s. Loo2 around the "orld: you +ould go to #olumbia or you +ould also go to pla+es li2e ?ussia "here beauti-ul "omen are in abundan+e and they 2no" e/a+tly ho" to treat you. There are other pla+es in the "orld "here "omen have a lot less se/ual hangups than 1meri+a or the KK. (- you "ant to get a girl "ho is not a ni+e girl* then it is best to get someone "ho is e/tremely independent. 1 girl "ho is independent is a lot more li2ely to ta2e +ontrol o- her se/uality and a lot more li2ely to ma2e hersel- happy "ith you. ( have al"ays said that i- the se/ su+2s* then you are doing something "rong. ( thin2 ( should as2 themselves this >uestion: i- the se/ su+2s* then that means that ( am not ma2ing it interesting enough. The same thing goes -or "omen. The se/ su+2s -or "omen* than that means they are not ma2ing it interesting. ( "ould -ind a girl "ho ta2es the time to value her se/uality as opposed to a girl "ho .ust values status and money.

(- you are a smart man* you "ill de-initely loo2 outside o- 1meri+a or the KK -or beauti-ul "omen. (- you are smart* you "ill loo2 all over the "orld be+ause beauti-ul "omen "ith di--erent +ultures that are +omplementary "ith your se/ drive and attitudes live all over the "orld and are absolutely stunning loo2ing. 6ave +on-iden+e in yoursel- and go traveling all over the "orld to -ind your "i-e. (n this "orld* there are literally thousands o- substan+es that +an be used as drugs to ma2e you high. (t is not .ust the ones that are popular that e/ists* there are plenty other. There are drugs that are &% times better than the ones that you "ill +ommonly -ound in 1meri+a. Things that give you the high o- an opioid &%%% times over. (- you thin2 they "ould is +ommer+ial is the only thing that e/ists* then you need to travel the "orld or ta2e the time to e/plore many types o"omen in depth. Are 'o" A Smooth-!al%er When it +omes do"n to it* it really helps to be a good tal2er "hen you are dealing "ith the -airer se/. There are so many guys "ho depend on manuals and boo2s* pi+2up lines and pre0+anned material that they -ind on (nternet that they never really get a good grasp o- ho" to +ommuni+ate "ell "ith "omen. !ee* the thing about the pi+2up artist +ommunity is this: you "ill +onstantly get in-ormation -rom people "ho are getting results and don5t 2no" "hy they5re getting those results. Then* these guys "ho "ere better +ommuni+ators +opy and dupli+ate "hat these guys did "ho are really good "ith "omen and their results "aver. (t is be+ause they are doing random things that have no psy+hologi+al veri-i+ation to ba+2 it and they thin2 this is "hy they are getting the results o- their getting. The people here at obsession systems 2no" that having a good psy+hologi+al understanding o- "hat "or2s and "hy it "or2s is a+tually the best "ay to dupli+ate the really good results that you "ant be+ause it is not a guessing game. 7ou are not believing in some -alse God "here i- you 2iss his ass he "ill rain do"n mira+les. 7ou "ere dealing "ith psy+hology "here the odds are that iyou treat people "ell that others "ill treat you "ell and i- you -u+2 others over* others "ill -u+2 you over. Psy+hology that a+tually ma2es sense to you.

There is a lot o- psy+hology that a lot o- people do not understand be+ause they are never taught it. ( have intervie"ed +ountless gurus and "hy most o- +ool* there are a lot o- gurus "ho thin2 that all you have to do is give great eye +onta+t and listen to "ith a girl is saying to a+hieve the results that they "ant* the results that you "ant. There "as his guru "ho had a really good loo2ing -riend* his -riend told him to sit at a ben+h* read a ne"spaper and "omen "ill -lo+2 to you. The good0loo2ing guy did it and he got e/+ellent results. The ugly loo2ing guy did it and he got no results. The good0loo2ing guy did not 2no" that it "as his loo2s that are attra+ting "omen* not his a+tual s2ill at gaming "omen. ne o- the best and most -air "ays that you +an .udge ho" good a man is "ith "omen is to loo2 at the other guys in this guy5s +lass. 6ere is a great "ay to evaluate ho" good you are "ith game: loo2 at other guys "ith your height and "eight as "ell as loo2s* money* so+ial status and resour+es. (- you -ind that you are &% times better a sedu+er or pi+2 up artists "ith the guy in your +lass then you 2no" that you are truly good. That does not mean that you do not have some things to "or2 on* li2e getting a better .ob or dressing better to give yoursel- an advantage in the game overall. ne o- the "ays that you +an easily be+ome one o- the best pi+2 up artists in your +lass is to be an e/pert at psy+hology* +onversation and tal2ing to "omen. (- you are an e/pert at these things* the s2y5s the limit* yet* there are very -e" pi+2 up artist +ompanies that sho" you ho" to get the advantage and edge in a sedu+tion by understanding a "oman psy+hology. Let5s put it to you this "ay: i- that good0loo2ing guy had the psy+hologi+al 2no"ledge o- a guy "ho "as a therapist -or $% years* he "ould have a great advantage over the rest o- the guys "ho are e>ually as good loo2ing* by leaps and bounds.

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