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Dating Tips: From Teenage Wetdream Lovey Krista. vol.

7 Written by Lovey Krista and Guy Guillermo Published by Obsession ystems at mash!ords "opyright #$%& Obsession ystems

'magine this: "ollege level (nglish) !e passed that *lass. "ould+ve done better i, !e tried) !e -ust don+t have the time be*ause !e+re *onstantly studying the s*ien*e and the psy*hology o, sedu*tion. The psy*hology o, sedu*tion *lass is our reason ,or getting up in the morning) ,or eating) sleeping) breathing.... o !hile !e *an+t e.a*tly a,,ord a multi/million dollar editor) We are ahead o, 0LL o, our peers in the areas o, *utting/edge resear*h and dis*overies o, ho! to sedu*e !omen. Thin1 2i*hael 3ordan) the guy is so !ell/versed !ith a bas1etball that !here someone else sees a huge barrier) he sees an opportunity. .. 0lthough he is one o, the !orld4s most in,amous ball hogs in the league) eh) !e really don4t *are that mu*h. 5e4s good at !hat he does and he4s entertaining. 0ny!ays) !hile you4re en-oying this boo1) 1eep that in mind. 6ou !ould still love your ,avorite boo1) even more... even unedited. 0L O) Teenage Wetdream Lovey Krista is %7 in the *over photo and !as %7 !hen she !rote this boo1 series. 3ust *onsider me lu*1y ,or s*ooping her up so young. Grate,ul to have her as an integral part o, the Obsession ystems team. 89

Seduction: It is a Gentlemans Game First o, all) you !ant to be able to you !ant to be able to ma1e sure that you are not a -er1. 't is one thing to be sel,/assured and it is another thing to be a -er1. :eing sel,/assured means that you have a desire to go some!here and you are going to get there) regardless o, ho! mu*h you have to ris1. :eing a -er1 means that you -ust !ant to have *ontrol over people) simply ,or the desire to have *ontrol over people. 6ou must be smart in your intera*tions !ith !omen and ma1e sure that she is not ta1ing advantage o, you. There are lots o, guys !ho *onstantly get ta1en advantage o,. 'n a lot o, *ases) some o, the most po!er,ul man in the !orld get ta1en advantage o,. This is -ust a ,a*t. 6our goal is to very politely ma1e sure that things in your li,e are set right. There are t!o types o, people in the !orld: people !ho *ause things to happen and people !ho are a,,e*ted by !hat happens. 0n alpha male is a guy !ho ma1es things happen. 5e ma1es them happen be*ause he 1no!s that he has to su**eed in his li,e. 5o! else is a person supposed to su**eed; 5o! else is a person supposed to ta1e *are o, their ,amilies; 5o! else is a person supposed to have a ni*e mansion !ith ya*hts and pretty !omen all around himsel,; o !ho is more alpha; The guy !ith the ya*ht or the guy !ith the big < . < tru*1; Well) the guy !ith the big trun1 is alpha be*ause he is strong and rugged. The guy !ith the ya*ht is alpha be*ause he is ri*h and po!er,ul. 0t one point) the guy !ith the tru*1 is going to need the guy in the ya*ht to help them !ith something and it some point the guy in the ya*ht is going to need help o, the guy !ith the big tru*1. =o!) the >uestion is: !hi*h alpha do you !ant to be; The guy in the tru*1 or the guy !ith the ya*ht; 0 lot o, guys thin1 that being an alpha male means being the biggest asshole and -er1 on the planet !hen really being the alpha male means that you are at *ause as opposed to -ust being a,,e*ted by others. Challenges That Most Men Have

' got o, guys have problems !ith inner game. 't is e.tremely natural ,or guys to ,all deep into the trap o, approval. (ven guys in the pi*1up artist *ommunity ,all deeper into the trap o, approval. (ven though they are not as1ing ,or approval ,rom tons and tons o, !omen) they still !ant to get approval ,rom their ,riends. Them !anting approval ,rom their ,riends ta1es a!ay ,rom their alpha state. 0 lot o, guys *ould easily be*ome the alpha male) yet) they give up their po!er be*ause they are *onstantly as1ing other people i, they are doing things !rong or right. "he*1 this out: ' emailed about %$ o, the o, the top pi*1 up artists yesterday to as1 them !hat they ,eel about eye *onta*t. ' got literally seven di,,erent ans!ers ,rom %$ di,,erent people. (a*h one o, these pi*1 up artists had a di,,erent opinion about the same e.a*t topi*. What this tells me is that it is up to me to ma1e the de*ision on !hether ' am giving enough eye *onta*t. %$ di,,erent guys !ho get laid li1e ro*1 stars tell me %$ di,,erent ans!ers about ho! mu*h eye *onta*t they ,eel they should give !omen. Truth is: one o, these pi*1 up artists has better rules about the eye *onta*t that they give to !omen and some o, them probably su*1 at eye *onta*t. ', ' !ant to be better than them at giving the right amount o, eye *onta*t) ' have to ma1e the de*ision to pra*ti*e ea*h type and ma1e up my o!n rules about ho! mu*h eye *onta*t ' should give !omen. ' ,eel that this is !hat most guys are la*1ing in the art o, sedu*tion. 0ll o, these gurus tea*h inner game) yet) they leave out the most important rule. The most important rule is to ultimately ma1e the de*isions about your li,e that you !ant to. This right here is probably one o, the biggest inner/game issues that plagues people in the pi*1up artist *ommunity today. This is one o, those things that you de,initely !ant to handled i, !ant to be seen as one o, the best pi*1 up artists in the !orld. The ,irst step o, being a master sedu*er is 1no!ing that all pi*1 up artists) in*luding me are ,allible. 0 lot o, pi*1

up artists are less li1ely to tell you this be*ause they ,eel as i, there ego is on the line. ', you !ant a *ompany that loo1s ni*e and glossy than you may be sub-e*t to shit tons o, ego. 0t this point) a,ter you ,inish dealing !ith their ego) you a*tually have to be brave and ,igure out ho! this stu,, !or1s yoursel,. 6ou !ant to have your o!n understanding o, ho! this stu,, !or1s) so that you *an internali?e it in a !ay that ma1es sense to you. The Top Things that Women otice A!out "ou

When !omen loo1 at you) !hat they should see is a guy !ho really *ares about his li,e. 0 guy !ho is passionate about his li,e and su**ess !ill de,initely pi*1 up lots !omen in his li,e. 't is about li1ing !hat you li1e a staying true to yoursel,. Women are loo1ing ,or e.perien*es and the more e.perien*es that you *an give them) the more that they !ill ,all in love !ith the e.perien*e o, being !ith you. ', you open yoursel, up and really loo1 deep inside) you !ill noti*e that you are passionate about many things. What my psy*hology sho!s you ho! to do is ho! to easily *onvey !ho you are to her emotionally as !ell as se.ually. These are the t!o areas that !omen loo1 ,or guys !ho are really advan*ed. The more that you 1no! about your !orld) the easier it is ,or you to help her to navigate through her li,e. (ven i, you are not the alpha in the group) you *an de,initely sho! her that you are important and that you have !hat it ta1es to get ahead in li,e and su**eed. ' !ant you to loo1 at this: suppose the alpha o, your group is very po!er,ul. This guy !ill get many !omen and have many girls by his side. 6et) i, you are strong and *ourageous and thin1ing they alpha >ualities as !ell as sho! >ualities that may be alpha is missing) you !ill ,ill a va*uum in a lot o, girls lives that they do not have ta1en *are o,. :y ,illing this va*uum) !hat you are doing is *reating value that she *annot ,ind any!here else. This ma1es you alpha and i, she ,eels as i, she *annot do !ithout your good >ualities then !hat !ill happen is she !ill be*ome reliant on you and you *an trade her relian*e on you ,or se.. Do you ma1e her ,eel as i, she is the most beauti,ul girl in the !orld; ', you *an do this) then it !as se. is something that many girls are *ompletely open to. ', they !ant to hear your 1ind !ords) then the se.ual that you do is

something that she !ill be*ome not only open to) she !ill be happy to give you be*ause you are 1illing t!o birds !ith one stone. This right here is !hat the game is all about. 't is about *onveying >ualities that are attra*tive to !omen that other guys are not *onveying. ', ' am hitting on the girl that is *onstantly around other pi*1 up artists) !hat !ill happen is a lot o, them !ill play the same e.a*t game. ', my game is di,,erent and i, those a void in her li,e) be she !ill be*ome reliant upon me to ,ill a void that she has. The great thing about this game is that !omen !ant great se. as !ell is a great ,riendship. 2ore than li1ely) she has a void in the male ,riendship department as !ell as a void in her li,e ,or really good se.. The >ui*1er that you *an ,ill these voids) the easier she !ill be yours. 's !eing Ag#eea!le Att#active$ The last thing a person !ants to do i, you !ants to be in,luential is be very -udgmental. People have enough people that are pointing the ,inger and -udging them) so you being -udgmental puts you in a *ategory o, -ust another person. 6et) i, you *an -ust be *ool and let people do !hatever they !ant to do) !ithout -udging them) you !ill be*ome a he*1 o, a lot more li1able in your sphere o, in,luen*e. ', they have not a,,e*ted me in some negative !ay and '4m still re*eiving positive results in my li,e) living produ*tively and gro!ing !ith every step that ' ta1e) !hy !ould ' !ant to -udge; ' *an simply sho! up and say @5ey) '4m here) and '4m here to lend a hand to you i, you !ant one.A This type o, behavior is -ust e.tremely attra*tive to people) espe*ially beauti,ul !omen. Women are -udged *onstantly in our so*iety e.tremely harshly. 't is almost as i, !omen *an ever do anything right. (ither she4s labeled a !hore be*ause she !ants to give her body to some guy !ith money or she is labeled a slut be*ause she is sleeping !ith someone be*ause she really !ants to. Why !ould ' !ant to -udge a !oman !ho is been -udged her !hole li,e i, ' !ant to standout as a man !ho is !orldly and smart) *on,ident and po!er,ul; ', ' am

po!er,ul) ' have probably seen everything under the sun and there is very little that *an surprise me. ', ' am small minded) ' !ill probably be o,,ended very easily by something that someone else is doing or saying in their li,e that has nothing to do !ith me. Give !omen the gi,t o, love and a**eptan*e in a !ay that most people !on4t ever give her. This !ill earn you lots o, ,riends as !ell is lots o, lovers. @Why; 5o! *ome;A you as1... :e*ause they trust you. Se%ting e. thing is absolutely !onder,ul and is something that pretty mu*h every girl !ould do !ith you i, you have the game to persuade her. 0 lot o, times) -ust as1ing her the right >uestions !ill *ause her to as1 the >uestion to hersel, @!hy am ' not having se. !ith him on some type o, level;A The only thing that you !ant ,rom this !oman is a good time and some se.. o !hy not do it over the 'nternet or in te.t; The most important part about te.ting and se.ting is that it is all about your language. The better grasp that you have o, language) the easier it !ill be to sedu*e the !omen into your bed or to *ause her to get really se.ual !ith you in te.t. Bnderstanding the gray areas o, language bet!een normal and se.ual !ill give you the advantage that it ta1es to get a girl to open hersel, up into a very se.ual !ay. 6ou should de,initely ta1e *are o, yoursel, as a pi*1 up artist or sedu*er. Bnderstand all o, the nuan*es that people go through in their mind) so that you *an get her to go in the dire*tion that you !ant to go) -ust be*ause it seems very natural. 0 lot o, guys game seems very ,a1e and plasti*. 's sort o, li1e @hey baby) !ant to have se.;A When !omen are really loo1ing ,or something that is more along the lines o, ha1espeare !hen they are tal1ing you in te.t. :eing very gentle !ith your language and understanding the art o, the *omplement is one o, the easiest and >ui*1est !ays that you *an get a girl to go ,rom regular *onversation into se.ual *onversation very easily. 'n ,a*t) one o, the

best !ays to sedu*e !omen overall is to get her to be the initiator o, the se.ual *onversation. ', the girl is the initiator o, the se.ual *onversation) !hen it !as her idea to have se. !ith you) not the other !ay around. This says a lot to a !oman. 't gives her the appearan*e o, someone !ho has invested a lot into the relationship !hen all she had to do is ,ollo! the la!s o, *ommon sense that she agrees to buy into a se.ual *onversation that she ,eels very *om,ortable in. ', you !ant to master the art o, sedu*tive language) there is no better program on earth then e. Kitten Programming ,or it. Give yoursel, the advantage that you deserve at his deep level as you deserve it. ' 1no! so many guys !ho have ordered produ*ts that are purely shallo!. 't is li1e the only value that they have is the !ay that the produ*t is mar1eted. When they get the produ*t) they are sorely disappointed) yet) they do not !ant to lose ,aith in their ,avorite pi*1 up artist) so they ignore the ,a*t that the produ*t is *rap and pur*hased the ne.t one. With our produ*ts) you !ill understand psy*hology more deeply than any o, these other pi*1 up artists *an ever tea*h you be*ause none o, these other pi*1 up artists 1no!the stu,, that !e 1no! unless they have studied !ith Obsession ystems be,ore. "ou# &iggest Enem' is Insecu#it' and eediness

The real enemy is inse*urity. 'nse*urity is a very terrible thing to have in your li,e. 6ou must ,ight inse*urity at all *ost. The thing is: you have no *hoi*e e.*ept to have inse*urities. People have inse*urities be*ause they are human. 'n ,a*t) all people aboard !ith inse*urities. 0nd sin*e all people have inse*urities and !e are all human) !e !ant to get past our inse*urities and have some type o, po!er,ul status in li,e. 0 lot o, people go about *reating this ,or themselves in !ays that most people don4t understand. They eventually get over the inse*urities and they have lots o, su**ess. =o!) there4s some people !ho get lost in their inse*urities and they stay

inse*ure be*ause they never really give themselves a *han*e to play out the rest o, the movie. 'magine this: you rent a movie) you !at*h the movie three >uarters o, the !ay) yet you are too a,raid to !at*h the ending. 6ou do not 1no! i, the ending o, the movie is going to be good or bad. uppose the goal is to !at*h as many movies as possible) ho! are you going to get past the ,irst movie or the ,i,th movie or the hundred movie or the thousand movie or the millionth movie i, you never !at*h the ending o, the ,irst. 6ou *an4t s1ip. Keep in mind this is li,e) you have to !at*h the !hole movie. 6ou *annot avoid living and having a li,e. This is -ust a !ay that li,e is. The tri*1 to it all is this: everyone has inse*urities) the smart people !ho are e.tremely e,,e*tive) potent and e,,i*ient 1no!s that everyone else has inse*urities as !ell) so !hat they4ll do is ,a*e their inse*urities 1no!ing that i, a person is blaming them ,or being inse*ure) they are being a hypo*rite and not being very ,air). De,initely not the type o, people that you !ant to trust. =eediness is ,unny be*ause neediness is saying that you rely on the results that you get. 6ou rely on this one movie ,inishing out the !ay you !ant it to ,inish out and i, it doesn4t you are literally going to go bananas. :eing needy is saying you4ll be stu*1 ,or li,e i, that movie is not ,inished the !ay that you !ant to. Go into your li,e) be smart and !or1 hard to get past your goals and ma1e ne! goals) better and bigger goals that ma1e the last bun*h loo1 piti,ul and !ea1. The less that you depend on money) *ars) !omen and po!er) the more that you *an a*tually a*hieve ma1ing the money) having the *ars and all o, the po!er. 0t any point in :ill Gates early *areer) he *ould have *ashed in 2i*roso,t ,or a ni*e and s!eet hundred thousand dollar *he*1. 5e de*ided that he !as not needy. 5e de*ided that he !anted to be *alm and su**ess,ul and he gambled on himsel, instead o, Ferrari. 5e is e.tremely su**ess,ul in the area o, ma1ing money) yet he had to depend on 5' on ideas to be*ome su**ess,ul) not anyone else4s. 6our o!n ideas are !hat gives you po!er. 't4s o1ay ,or :ill Gates to buy a Ferrari) yet) i, he does) it is his *hoi*e. 5e doesn4t ,eel as i, he needs these material things) so he is not glued to any one ,ate. 5( ' T5( 20 T(C OF 5' OW= D( T'=6. "ou# Mind is the Most Impo#tant Tool

O1ay) so you have t!o 1ids) one 1id is playing in the !ater on the shoreline he gets 1no*1ed do!n by a !ave and he laughs) both 1ids are the same age) they are both t!ins. The other *ame into the !ater) get s!ept up by a !ave and *ries. Why is there a di,,eren*e bet!een these t!o *hildren; The reason that there is a di,,eren*e bet!een these t!o 1ids is be*ause o, !hat4s going to their mind. That is the determining ,a*tor to !hether these 1ids su**eed or don4t su**eed. 't is the same !ith you and your game !ith !omen. ', you give up too soon) you !ill a*hieve very little and i, you *ontinue to push on) even though the naysayers say you *an4t do it) you4ll have e.treme su**ess !ith !omen. 6ou have to be ruthless ,or your o!n team. People tal1 about ta1ing one ,or the team) '4m as1ing you to ta1e one ,or 6OBC team) team 6OB. 5o! many people out there have teams that they !ould *ompletely ba*1stab i, things !eren4t going per,e*tly ,or them; 't is your -ob as a man to be smart enough to go into the !orld and *ra,t your o!n mind !hat you !ant it to be. 6our mind is similar to a art pro-e*t... 6OBC 20 T(CP'("(. 0s your mind is a pro-e*t. 6our -ob is to *reate the most beauti,ul and most impa*t,ul masterpie*e that you *ould possibly ever imagined !ith it. Dand right no!) the tools that you are !or1ing !ith is Obsession ystmes/brand9 Part o, that masterpie*e *omes in to play !hen you order some o, these pi*1 up artist programs out there. The ne.t bat*h *omes into play !hen you reali?e that sel,/help is a li,estyle) not something that you do on*e and you4re mira*ulously *ured. What you !ill ,ind is that a lot o, them are very basi* and have a lot o, the same in,ormation in them. 0nd the in,ormation is regurgitated and e.tremely tedious and boring. (very on*e in a !hile) you !ill ,ind a *ompany that has absolutely golden) top/not*h in,ormation that you *an use to sedu*e !omen and ma1e them insatiably heart and ,ill e.tremely se.y. The !ay that you thin1 about situations and !ho you are is based on your ,rame o, re,eren*e. ', you ,ail to get over a*1no!ledge a *ru*ial pie*e o, in,ormation) that is not anyone else4s ,ault e.*ept ,or your o!n. 't is truly your -ob to ma1e li,e e.a*tly !hat you !ant to ma1e it. 0 lot o, times) it is very di,,i*ult and you !ill have to ,a*e lots o, *hallenges -ust to get to the level !here you have a stronger) more logi*al ,rame o, re,eren*e than most people in the !orld *ould even

pro*ess !ith their *ons*ious mind in a day. The things that you !ill be able to do are absolutely in*redible and you !ill have !omen lining up to be !ith you be*ause they have never ,ound a man !ho !as as brilliant as you and has as mu*h style or po!er is you) yet) this -ourney all starts no!. 2ost people are going to simply negle*t this important in,ormation. ome people) the rare person) '4m praying it4s you) is going to be smart enough to say @5ey) ' am going to ta1e this in,ormation) no matter !hat) and ' am going to use it be*ause there is no one !ho *an validate my ,eelings li1e ' *an validate my ,eelings and ' ,eel that this !ill help me.A 5ope,ully) you !ill also as1 yoursel, @Why am ' !aiting ,or some shiny sales page to do !hat ' need to do !hen ' *an do it mysel,;A The Li(e Span )( Romantic Gestu#es Comanti* gestures are great i, you !ant to sedu*e !omen. The thing about romanti* gestures is: they only really !or1 i, the girl respe*ts you. 0 lot o, times) ' may ta1e a lot o, shit -ust a pull and reel a girl in) yet) !hen she is reeled in) you !ant to be able to ma1e her ,eel ama?ing) yet) gain her respe*t. ', you are smart) you4ll reali?e that it is better to give a little romanti* gesture every day than it is to ,ra*tionating bet!een romanti* gestures ,or months at a time. 0 lot o, times) a romanti* gesture is about ho! !hat you4re doing ,eels and sounds to her. They has a lot less do !ith !hat you doing itsel,. What 1ind o, message does is send to only give a girl things that *ost a lot o, money; ', you give a girl something that she *an truly appre*iate and thin1s is absolutely !onder,ul and *omes ,rom the bottom o, your heart) then she is a lot more li1ely to a**epted the !ay that !as meant to be a**epted. That right there is really the name o, the game. Giving her something and ma1ing sure that it is a**epted in the !ay that it is meant to be a**epted is really the reason that you doing the romanti* gesture in the ,irst pla*e) isn4t it; ', ' buy my girl a ,ive *arat diamond ring) and she does not ta1e it the !ay that ' intended her to ta1e it) then ultimately ' did not give her the gi,t that ' meant to give her) did '; That is the !hole point o, gi,tgiving isn4t it; This is one o, the reasons the guys do not buy drin1s !ho are pi*1 up artists ,or !omen that they

-ust meet) it is be*ause they are a,raid that she is not going to ta1e it the !ay that it !as intended to be ta1en. ', ' !ere to buy a drin1 ,or an old guy as !ell is beauti,ul !omen) the !ay that it !ould be ta1en is that ' !ould buy a drin1 ,or anyone. ', ' buy her a ,ive *arat ring and ' tell her that ' !ill not be able to do this all the time) yet) ' thought that she !ould li1e it) then she 1no!s that ' !ould do anything ,or her) as long as it is in my pri*e range. This is a mu*h higher >uality message then sending her the message that ' am attempting to buy her !ith e.pensive things. 't is o1ay to *are ,or !omen) even i, she has done you !rong. ', a girl has done me !rong) ' !ill let her 1no! in no un*ertain terms that ' still *are about her) yet) ' am unable to have a relationship !ith her in the !ay that she !ants be*ause she is un!illing to respe*t me the !ay that ' !ant to be respe*ted. This is a message that she has to respe*t i, she !ants to be in your li,e even little bit. Keep putting yoursel, out there and see ho! you gestures are being per*eived. :eing an e.pert ,or someone !ho4s really good at sedu*tion ultimately means that you have a pretty good idea about ho! !hat you are doing is being ta1en. ', !hat you are doing is being ta1en in the !ay that you intend) then your game is ultimately good and you are sedu*ing the pants o,, her as opposed to your *ompetition) !ho is doing things be*ause they heard that they !ere supposed to. This is one o, the reasons that !omen do not love pi*1 up artists today. The reason that !omen do not love pi*1 up artist today is be*ause they ,eel as i, everything a guy is doing is a te*hni>ue) so i, she has any genuine ,eelings) they !ere planned on. This is one o, the reasons that you !ant to be able to symboli*ally sho! her that you are di,,erent than the other pi*1 up artists and master sedu*ers out there. The Sec#et )( Sta#ting )ve# Guys get ,u*1ed over all the time in li,e. 0 lot o, times) you get into a relationship that is not so good and you have to divor*e the girl that you have been !ith ,or

,ive or si. years. 2aybe) you ,ound out that your girl,riend !as *heating !ith your best ,riend and that is very hard to deal !ith. ', there ever !as a hard pill to s!allo!) that !ould be the one. Cight; tarting over deals !ith 1no!ing or re*ogni?ing that not all !omen are terrible) bad people. 0 lot o, times) you get a !oman !ho has a good heart) yet) she -ust *an4t do !hat you !ant her to do or be !ho you !ant her to be. ' -ust got over a relationship !ith a girl li1e this. he !as very attra*tive) she had a good heart) yet) !hen it *ame to having a *ertain level o, responsibility about the de*isions that she made) she did not. he had a very lo! sense o, *ommon sense and she*ted me to ,ollo! along in her bullshit. 't !ould have !or1ed out -ust ,ine i, ' had ,ollo!ed along !ith her bullshit) yet ' did not. in*e ' did not ,ollo! along !ith her games) !e had to separate and !e do not tal1 to ea*h other anymore. 't is very important ,or you to re*ogni?e and understand that !omen are -ust human. 6ou are -ust human and you ma1e mista1es as !ell. That is not to say that you !ill not have another si./month relationship !ith a girl !ho is a *omplete nut-ob) yet) i, you have a ,ilter that ,ilters out ,or nut -obs then the li1elihood that you !ill get in a relationship !ith a nut-ob geometri*ally de*reases. That does not mean that a girl *annot play li1e she has a high level o, *ommon sense and that she is spiritual and has a good attitude about li,e et*. be*ause a lot o, times she *an. he has loo1ed at this ar*hetype and ,eels that this is something that she *an do) yet) a lot o, guys be*ome vulnerable on*e she has gone so deep and she de*ides that she !ants to ta1e advantage o, the situation that is so easily handed to her and her lap. This type o, girl never really develops her personality to really high levels) so you may ,ind that she !ill be great and have the most a!esome *onversation and be intelligent and spiritual and smart and all o, the things you !ant) then one day) she attempts to go over your head !ith some bullshit and i, you a**ept it) you are opening up a gate!ay that may be very detrimental ,or your li,e. This is !hy it is very important to have a good grasp o, ho! to start over. 6ou

may run into one o, these !omen and it is not your ,ault) yet) i, you do not *ontinue to improve your li,e) you !ill *ontinue to be open and vulnerable to !asting your time !ith !omen !ho do not have the intelligen*e to deal !ith a brilliant guy li1e you. 0 lot o, people say to themselves @ho! am ' brilliant; What have ' ever done to be *alled brilliant;A Well) the thing is) you should either ,eel that you are important or be going to!ards something that you ,eel is very brilliant in li,e. The most important thing should never be a !oman) it should be about bettering yoursel,. The better you ma1e yoursel, and the more *ommon sense that you use !hen you pi*1 and *hoose !omen) the less that you !ill get ,u*1ed over and the better >uality !omen you !ill attra*t. =o matter !ho you are and ho! good you are !ith !omen) you !ill get ,u*1ed over at some time in your li,e. That4s o1ay) the thing is) are you going to *ontinue to allo! yoursel, to get ,u*1ed over time and time again or are you ta1ing this ne*essary steps to be*ome better at understanding and reading the signs so that it happens less and less in your li,e; Ho* Can "ou Tell Whethe# o# ot She+s Inte#ested 5aving an abundan*e mindset is !hat really separates the !inners ,rom the losers in this game. There are so many people in the !orld they ,eel as i, they lose their girl,riend that there !ill not be another one ,rom a *orner. 5o! do you thin1 that ma1es that girl ,eel; 't ma1es her ,eel as i, she pi*1 the ultimate loser. When you go out into the !orld) you should al!ays ma1e her ,eel is i, she made a very smart *hoi*e in *hoosing you. The !orld is a very shady pla*e a lot o, times. (very) single day) someone *omes up !ith an idea to ma1e themselves multimillionaires yet) ho! many o, them a*tually ,ollo! through; 2ost do not ,ollo! through be*ause it is di,,i*ult) more di,,i*ult than one !ould*t sometimes to be*ome a millionaire. ', you !ere to go against the grain) !hy all your ,riends !ere hanging out and you !ere to !or1 -ust a little harder) a lot o, people !ould thin1 that you are *ra?y. @5o! is this guy ever going to ma1e E% million;A 2ost people *an4t see themselves being su**ess,ul ,ar out side o, the mainstream) so ho! *an you*t them to see ho! you *an be su**ess,ul ,ar out o, the mainstream; This reason and this reason alone is !hy having an abundan*e mindset is so po!er,ul. Fran1ly) !omen rarely *lose the door !hen they ,eel that there might be some value still le,t behind the door. ', you lose her today) *han*es are that you *ould get her ba*1 tomorro!. he is going to see ho! you are strong !here others a !ea1 and she !ill have no other *hoi*e e.*ept to admire you. The tri*1 to this entire game and su**ess in general is to not get *aught up in it. 's it the *ar that ma1es me su**ess,ul or is it me ma1es the *ar su**ess,ul; :ill Gates !as a poor student at one point. 0t #&) 2i*roso,t is !orth about E%$$)$$$. 5e *ould4ve easily sold and bought a *ar so that he *an attra*t the girl that he li1es. 5e 1ne! that his idea !as more valuable than that) more valu able than the *ar) so he too1 a *han*e on himsel, and he eventually !on. 5e !as smart enough to 1no! that there are % million *ars out there) yet) only one 2i*roso,t. There are % million potential 2i*roso,t4s) yet) only one :ill Gates. This is the abundan*e mindset that allo!s him to have all o, the po!er that he has today. This po!er is very into.i*ating be*ause it *hallenges !omen to their *ore. ', you *an see something that they *an4t see and you are !illing to let them go to ma1e your dream *ome true then it4s going to drive her *ra?y. he is going to !ant to see the brillian*e that you see and that is !here you !ant her. What Ma,es An -ic,up E%pe#t First o, all) the name o, the game is being able to get the best results !ith the least resour*es. There are a lot o, guys out there ,eel li1e they are e.pert pi*1 up artists be*ause they dress the best and they already loo1 good. 0ny guy *an learn ho! to -ust !ell and any guy *an ma1e money) yet) it is a person !ho *an leverage these things to give the best results !ith the least e,,ort. ' !ant you to loo1 at the situation) there is a guy !ho loo1s absolutely !onder,ul and he pi*1s up lots o, girls. =e.t) there is a guy !ho loo1s medio*re yet he pi*1s up a lot o, girls. 's the guy !ho loo1s really good a*tually the best pi*1 up artist;

0bsolutely. There is no reason ,or the guy !ho loo1s less good to be -ealous o, the guy loo1s ama?ing. 5is -ob is to get as many !omen as he !ants. ', he is not doing that than he is not as good as he should be. There are some guys to !or1 a little bit harder than other guys) and that is o1ay. =o one said this game is going to be easy and you !ere going to get a ,ree lun*h. One day) to the guy !ho !or1ed the hardest !hen it *ame to pi*1ing up !omen) he !ill have more !omen that he 1no!s !hat to do !ith and he !ill 1no! more *utting edge pie*es o, leverage than any other pi*1 up artists out there. 5e !ill have an un,air advantage. 's he supposed to ,eel guilty about the ,a*t that he !or1ed hard and earned more money than the other guy did; When you are in this game) the most important thing that you *an do is stay humble. 6ou al!ays !ant to *hallenge yoursel, and you never !ant to assume that you are the best. 6ou al!ays !ant to assume that there is going to be a better pi*1 up artist than you out there and you !ant to *onstantly prepare to be better than him. Do you really !ant to be the best pi*1 up artist in the !orld; ' 1no! ,or sure that ' don4t !ant to be the best pi*1 up artists in the !orld be*ause that !ould detra*t ,rom the sedu*tion pro*ess that ' li1e to apply to !omen on a long/term basis. ' !ant to ,ind a *ombination that is right ,or me !hen sedu*ing !omen. There might be a girl !ho is absolutely gorgeous and she is not very smart) yet there might be a girl !ho has a slightly bigger nose !ho is absolutely lovely to you be*ause she is very smart and that is !hat you loo1 ,or in !omen. ', you go ,or her) are you not as good o, a pi*1 up artist; The real goal is to be as ,le.ible as you possibly *an) i, you !ere to luger a!esome loo1s right no!) !hi*h you be really good !ith !omen; ', you !ere to loose you money) !ould you be really good !ith !omen; 't is better to depend on internal resour*es !hen sedu*ing !omen than the e.ternal ones. ' guess the real >uestion is: do you have the best internal resour*es in the game ,or sedu*ing !omen; Only you *an ans!er that honestly.

Whe#e )u# Se%ual Desi#es Come .#om Our desires stem ,rom *hildhood. Bltimately) ea*h person born is built !ith ,our basi* instin*ts: the instin*t to eat) the instin*t to ,ight danger or run a!ay ,rom danger and instin*ts to have se.. ' *an remember being three years old) and my ,ather4s room loo1ing at pornography. ' *ould4ve done anything else) any number o, things that !ere set up in his room) yet) ' *hose the thing that made me ,eel good. What happens is !e use those instin*ts at our most base and animalisti* levels until our parents *urb our appetites. Our se.ual desires then be*ome the *hanneled through so*ially a**eptable a*tivities) li1e *ertain types o, athleti*s) reading *ertain types o, material and !at*hing *ertain types o, television programs et*. ,or some people) their se.ual desires !ere to be e.tremely !ell hidden. For e.ample: the prea*her4s daughter. The prea*her4s daughter is not supposed to have any type o, se.ual desire at all) !hatsoever. o happens is she put on t!o ,a*es. One ,a*e is the one that she sho!s her parents. :y high s*hool) she is obviously very smart) so getting good grades is e.tremely easy ,or her. 5er status as prea*hers daughter as !ell as the ,a*t that she is very *lever puts her at an automati* alpha status. The prea*her4s daughter4s usually ta1e a more e.treme route to her se.uality !hen she is given an opportunity be*ause God 1no!s she *annot display this type o, open se.uality) or any se.uality ,or that matter to) ,or or around her parents. 0nother girl may -ust read stories that have se.uality embedded in it and ,ind the great es*ape in e.hibiting an e.ploding her se.uality in dreams. in*e our se.uality stems ,rom our *hildhood) the a*tivities that !e did to e.hibit our se.uality tends to be*ome !hat !e li1e to *all ,etish. uppose the only !ay that ' got any type o, se.ual allo!an*e in my li,e !as !hen ' !as allo!ed to s!im) and hang out !ith other people my age) that !ould

eventually be*ome my ,etish FF out o, %$$ times. '4m sure there are some e.*eptions to the rule) there -ust aren4t that many. o i, you !ant to understand !hat turns her on) you have to loo1 no ,urther than your girl,riends *hildhood. Are Women REALLY Attracted To Jerks? 't4s not that !omen li1e -er1s) is that !omen li1e sel,/assured men 1no! ho! to ma1e their o!n de*isions. ', you loo1 at guys li1e 5ugh 5e,ner) the very easily ma1es the de*isions in his li,e that ma1e him the happiest. 'n ,a*t) guys !ho are -er1s typi*ally miss out on a lot o, opportunities in li,e. There is typi*ally a huge glass *eiling set in pla*e ,or guys !ho are -er1s be*ause they *reate very little rapport !ith people. ' *ould be as attra*tive as ' !ant to) yet) a person that *reates rapport !ith another person at very deep levels is literally irresistible. ' *annot resist someone that ' have a lot o, rapport !ith. ' am going to ,eel e.tremely *onne*ted to them in !ays that ' do not ,eel *onne*ted to other people. There are a lot o, guys do ,riends ?one to do >uite !ell !ith being irresistible in the girls li,e) is -ust that they don4t 1no! ho! to smoothly es*alate ,rom ,riends ?one to lovers ?one. The smoother that a guy is) the less that he has to use the rules that are set in pla*e by the pi*1up artist *ommunity. Fran1ly) the pi*1up artist *ommunity is a bun*h o, guys thin1 they have the right ans!ers. 0s1 yoursel, this >uestion: ho! many guys have a*tually tested this out side o, the pi*1up artist *ommunity; Pi*1 up artist *ompanies are great. (a*h pi*1 up artist *ompany is li1e a group o, rogue psy*hologists) *onstantly testing things out) et*. 6et) i, the pi*1 up artist *ompany -ust *opying psy*hology that another *ompany has *opied) ,or the levels o, psy*hology that they are using is limited) they are doing a lot o, people out there a mis/-usti*e. Forget about all o, the stupid rules and *ome up !ith something that a*tually ma1es sense to you. There are things to you that ma1e per,e*t *ommon sense and there are other things that ma1e absolutely no *ommon sense and all. ' *an pretty mu*h assume that a person !ho is ra*ist is going to su*1 at playing po1er) it is logi*al. This person *annot even ,ollo! the logi* o, -udging a person by their *hara*ter as opposed to ho! they loo1) ho! *an they tell i, someone is

blu,,ing; Do you see my train o, thought; Please do me a ,avor and this year) dis*ard all o, the pre,abri*ated ideas that you have about sedu*tion and >uestion every single pie*e o, in,ormation that you re*eive. "onstantly as1 yoursel, !hy you are getting the results that you are getting in your li,e. 0 very smart man told me on*e that they genius *an ta1e t!o opposing ideas and hold them in their mind !eighing them out ,or pros and *ons until they ,ind the ans!er that ma1es the most sense out o, the t!o. ' thin1 this is ho! people should live their lives and !eigh out all o, the situations that they en*ounter on a daily basis. Mone'+s Role in Seducing Women ' !ant should tea*h you a ne! ha*1) this right here is something that is e.tremely po!er,ul that all men !ould do very !ell to understand. The ,a*t is) you do not need to be some really ri*h guy or some really attra*tive guy to date and sedu*e !omen. The 1ey is) to have a *ompatible ar*hetype. ', ' am a s1ater and she is a s1ater4s girl,riend) her ar*hetype is her being *ool and do!n to earth) maybe a little bit o, a hippie) -ust a lot o, ,un to hang around) maybe a little bit >uiet) et*. 2y ar*hetype is the s1ater) ' li1e to have ,un !ith my ,riends and that is ultimately !hat means the most to the s1ater. ' *ould be some guy !ho loo1s li1e 3ohnny Depp and ma1es a lot o, money) yet) she !ould never allo! hersel, to get *lose to a guy li1e that. The reason is be*ause she is so attra*ted to the ar*hetype o, the s1ater that she might not !ant to *hange. o literally) the s1ater guy) !ho does not ma1e a lot o, money a*tually !ins the *ompetition o, being attra*tive to that parti*ular !omen. This is su*h an important ,a*tor to re*ogni?e. 3ust be*ause it does not ta1e loo1s and money to attra*t !omen does not mean that ' *an -ust hoo1 up !ith any type o, ar*hetype -ust be*ause you don4t have loo1s or money) "onversely) -ust be*ause ' have loo1s and money does not mean that ' *an hoo1 up !ith any !omen at all.

Loo1s de,initely help. ', you really thin1 about it though) is it :rad Pitt4s loo1s that are so attra*tive or is it his ar*hetype that is attra*tive; 's it the ,a*t that he is an a*tor that is so attra*tive or is it the ,a*t that he has an attra*tive ar*hetype that is so attra*tive; ', you really loo1 at it) as1 yoursel, this >uestion) @!as :rad Pitt a lady1iller be,ore he a*tually be*ame a star;A =o) not at all) at least not as mu*h is he is today. =o!) loo1 at Tom "ruise) he used to be the guy !ho !as *onsidered the most attra*tive guy in the !orld. 5e had a very attra*tive ar*hetype) so a lot o, guys !ould say to themselves @5ey) ' am no Tom "ruiseA li1e they !ould say @5ey) ' am no (instein.A 5e !as literally the poster boy ,or most attra*tive guy in the !orld. Tom "ruise ultimately lost his ar*hetypi*al po!er !hen he !ent on Oprah and started boun*ing all over the *ou*h. 5e !as then type*ast as a guy !ho is *ompletely *ra?y and he lost his po!erully sensuality and his poll !ith the ladies. =o!) :rad Pitt and George "looney have ta1en over. 's it the age o, the man that is so attra*tive; Or is it the ar*hetype that he has; George "looney is G< years old) he has the ,ame o, being one o, the most attra*ti*ve men in the !orld) yet) there are a lot o, younger guys out there !ith better loo1s than him that have less su**ess !ith the ladies Loo1 at Orlando :loom) he is probably one o, the most attra*tive guys in 5olly!ood) probably more attra*tive than :rad Pitt) yet) he is the poster boy ,or a *ertain ar*hetype. 3ust li1e George "looney is) that is !hy he gets so many !omen. Te*hni*ally) it is not George "looney that is so attra*tive) it is the ar*hetype is he ,it into that ma1es him so attra*tive. George "looney is a man o, the !orld) that is the ar*hetype that he ,it into. :rad Pitt is the lovable bad boy) that is !hy he is so attra*tive. For e.ample: :ill Gates is the ar*hetype o, a guy is a!1!ard and not very se.ually potent. 5e does not ,it the mold o, the guy !ho gives !omen multiple orgasms) yet) he has the money. 2ore money than anyone else in the !orld.

6et) !omen don4t go around ,antasi?ing se.ually about4s :ill Gates) !hy; Te*hni*ally) all :ill Gates !ould have to do is be slightly more se.ual and he !ould have !omen s!arming him publi*ally) li1e George "looney instead o, privately) li1e Ton "ruise. What i( "ou+#e Alot &ette# Than "ou Thin, "ou A#e 'n li,e) one o, the things that you must reali?e is that you *annot believe the stereotypes o, the !orld !hen it *omes to yoursel,. ', you ,it in some !eird ar*hetype in that !oman4s eyes and she does not li1e it) that does not mean that you give up on yoursel, and thin1 that you are some type o, !eirdo be*ause you are not su**ess,ul !ith sedu*ing and dating that parti*ular !omen. 6ou must be smarter than that. 6ou must al!ays 1no! in the ba*1 o, your mind that ultimately your li,e is all about building and *ra,ting your ar*hetype. On*e you have your ar*hetype right) is all about the psy*hology o, human behaviour that you atta*h to your ar*hetype. ', the psy*hology that you atta*h to your ar*hetype is a*tually absolutely brilliant) then it is almost li1e you are >ui*1silver. Hui*1silver is something that is smooth beyond *omparison) something that *an e.*eed the la!s o, the typi*al man. 6ou *annot ever really ,ail you are >ui*1silver be*ause you are dealing !ith s*ien*e and not spe*ulation. This is !hat ' !ant to get you to understand !ith my produ*ts and servi*es. When you order my produ*ts and servi*es) you are re*eiving the psy*hology that allo!s yoursel, to be one o, the smoothest men alive. There is not mu*h that one *an do to someone as smooth as someone !ho is a psy*hologist. Do you 1no! !hy psy*hologists don4t have all the !omen in the !orld; They don4t have all the !omen in the !orld be*ause they do not ,it the ar*hetype. =OW) i, you have the ar*hetype o, someone !ho did very su**ess,ul !ith !omen and you had the intelligen*e o, someone !ho is a psy*hologist and understoods ho! people4s minds !or1 the same !ay that a psy*hologist understands) that person !ould be absolutely insatiable to beauti,ul !omen. Bnderstand this. Do not buy all o, the things that you see on TI and hear in the

media. 0s1 yoursel,: do you have the ar*hetype o, a guy !ho is e.tremely good !ith !omen; ', you don4t then ma1e yoursel, into the ar*hetype o, the guy !ho is e.tremely su**ess,ul !ith beauti,ul !omen. When you ma1e yoursel, into the guy that is e.tremely su**ess,ul !ith !omen) the po!er that you have !ill be absolutely insane) yet) i, you are dealing !ith the psy*hology o, ar*hetypes) yet) you do not understand psy*hology as !ell as someone else) someone !ith the same e.a*t ar*hetype as you... they *an pretty mu*h blo! you a!ay !hen it *omes to sedu*ing !omen. 't !ill be rare) yet it !ill happen. =aturals are great be*ause they ta1e advantage o, their ar*hetypi*al advantages. They ,it in !ith the ar*hetype o, the girls they are sedu*ing. 0 guy !ho is a gee1 is not. 6et) i, the guy !ho is a gee1 ,it into the ar*hetype that is attra*tive to her) and he had all o, the game o, imma*ulate psy*hology) he !ould attra*t !omen that this natural and his ar*hetype !ould not ever attra*t. The guy !ho understands ar*hetypes as mu*h is a psy*hologist understands psy*hology is the guy !ho is going to have more ,le.ibility and *oolness than a spy. =ot literally spying on people Dunless he !anted to9 yet) have the street smarts and the brillian*e to pull o,, things that most people *annot pull o,,. This is !here ' !ant you to be and this is !here !e are ,o*using our attention in our produ*ts. This is our sour*e o, po!er and this is !hat you get !hen you order produ*ts ,rom Obsession ystems. 0bsolute brillian*e. The Sec#et Rules o( Dating 6ou should al!ays 1no! that you have to be able to ma1e your o!n rules !hen it *omes to dating and sedu*tion. There are a lot o, people !ho attempt to tell you that you have to ,ollo! someone else4s rules) yet that is ludi*rous. :eing a sedu*er is not li1e math) it is more li1e art. 0nd artist *an *reate anything that he !ants to be*ause he has the tools too. 'n math) there is a right ans!er and a !rong ans!er and that is it. ' ,eel that a lot o, sedu*tion is mathemati*al. Bnderstanding the psy*hology o, ho! *ertain situations !or1 and !ill !ould typi*ally happen i, a person ,eels this !ay as opposed to that !ay is sort o, mathemati*al. =o!) there are a lot o,

variables that you must be able to estimate be,ore you *an ma1e proper assumption. This is one o, the reasons that it is not some simple tas1 to sedu*e !omen) there are a*tually a lot o, di,,erent elements to this game you must understand be,ore you *all yoursel, a master sedu*er. The more elements that you understand) the easier it !ill be to sedu*e beauti,ul !omen into your li,e and into your bedroom. 2y *ompany is not here to attempt to tea*h you to sedu*e !omen) my *ompany4s here to sho! you that there are a lot o, pie*es o, the pu??le that are missing !ith a lot o, other *ompanies and the more that you 1no! the missing pie*es o, the pu??le) the easier it is to get the results you !ant. ' am a strong believer that in any situation) you *an get e.a*tly the results you !ant to a*hieve i, you 1no! !hat you doing. 6ou 1no! e.a*tly !hat someone is thin1ing and ,eeling is something that ta1es a li,etime to ,ully *omprehend. ' really attempt to *ut ego out o, the e>uation. There are a lot o, *ompanies out there !ho tea*h you there methods based on ego. The message that they serve to you is basi*ally that their method is only !ay that !or1s in other methods are ,aulty. They do not really get into the s*ien*e o, !hy other methods o, ,aulty) they -ust say that they are ,aulty. With the stu,, that ' have) ' de,initely sho! you ho! a lot o, people stu,, is ,aulty as !ell as ho! to *orre*t pie*es there are ,aulty. The best thing that you *ould ever do as a master sedu*er is a*tually thin1 ,or yoursel,. ' seriously thin1 that this one o, the lessons that they should tea*h you ,irst instead o, sho!ing you ho! to use these tips) te*hni>ues and tools blindly. What i, ' told you to say e.a*tly !hat ' say and do e.a*tly !hat ' do) !ouldn4t that leave you basi*ally a slave to my tea*hings; 's that !hat you !ant; Do you thin1 that you deserve to be a slave to someone else4s tea*hings) even i, they do !or1; 2y method basi*ally sho!s you ho! to go out there and be able to ta1e the hits that is ne*essary ,or you to ta1e i, you !ant to be an e.pert *ommuni*ator. Then) the ne.t step is to apply all o, the psy*hology that is ne*essary to read the situations that you get into a**urately so that you *an more easily get the results you !ant.

The ne.t step is a*tually 1no!ing !hat you !ant. The more that you 1no! !hat you !ant) the easier that it is to ma1e the *hoi*es that it ta1es to get the same results that you desire. &uilding "ou# -h'sical Att#activeness With Women The ,irst the magi*ian 1no! about physi*al attra*tiveness is that !omen absolutely !ant to have you be physi*ally attra*tive i, they are going to open themselves up to you. To !omen) this is one o, the most important trait that you *ould ever ta1e *are o,. 6ou must ta1e *are o, yoursel, in this game i, you ever*t to su**eed. edu*ing !omen is one o, the most easy things in the !orld i, you have a great loo1 about yoursel, an e.treme pride in your physi*al attra*tiveness. 0 lot o, times) all it ta1es is a ni*e shopping spree and you !ill have the honey that it is ta1es to attra*t beauti,ul !omen. 0lthough the !ay that you dress is very important) the !ay that you smell has a very po!er,ul a,,e*t on a !oman on a deep sub*ons*ious level. 'magine this) you smell -ust li1e a millionaire be*ause you !here the same *ologne that the millionaire !ears. Little things li1e this gives you the advantage !hen you are sedu*ing in gaming !omen. 6ou must de,initely 1no! them and be very a!are o, them) that is !hy my site is so help,ul. Our entire mission is to give you the advantage over other men. What you thin1 you deserve that; ', a !oman puts a lot o, time into her physi*al attra*tion and don4t you believe that you deserve to sho! her the same *ourtesy; Physi*al attra*tiveness and the !ay that you dress de,initely separates the men ,rom the boys. The better you loo1) the easier it is going to be to sedu*ing game absolutely gorgeous !omen ,rom all over the !orld. 0 lot o, guys get *aught up in the !orld o, physi*al attra*tion and they ,eel is i, this is the only !ay that they *an su**eed !ith !omen. 0 lot o, guys ,eel absolutely blo! and i, they lose all o, their money) the very thing that attra*ted to !omen to them in the ,irst pla*e. 't is very important to understand that loo1ing that is very attra*tive) yet) it is also good to understand that i, a !oman does not understand you and *are about you !ere not to be able to loo1 past the little

minor imper,e*tions that you may have) then she is de,initely not good enough ,or you and you de,initely deserve better. There are a lot o, guys in this !orld that absolutely drive themselves and saying to 1eep their money -ust so they *an have lots o, beauti,ul !omen in their lives. They !ould literally s*re! over their ,riends and business partners -ust so they *an 1eep the money that they attra*ted so many !omen !ith in the past. 't is a*tually a *rying shame. To be *on,ident !ith yoursel, enough to be able to let !omen go is one o, the most po!er,ul things that you *an do as a master sedu*er or pi*1 up artist in the game o, sedu*tion pi*1ing up !omen. The ability to be able to let go is very attra*tive and alpha to !omen on a very deep in spiritual level. Don4t you believe that you deserve to give respe*t ,rom all o, the !omen that *ome into your li,e to date you and be sedu*ed by you; 5aving the ability to be very multi/,a*eted is one o, the most po!er,ul tools that are pi*1 up artist *an have in their belt. This is one o, the reasons that ' have so mu*h material on my !ebsite) it is be*ause ' !ant you to be more multi,a*eted than the ne.t guy. Seducing the Most &eauti(ul Women in the Wo#ld :e,ore you *an tal1 about approa*hing %$4s) you have to as1 yoursel, @!hat is a %$;A We you as1 this >uestion to yoursel,) the best thing to do is be honest. Fran1ly) there is no su*h thing as a %$ be*ause ,or most guys *all a %$ is -ust a girl in a short s1irt !ith her hair and nails done. Guys should be very a!are o, ho! silly they are !hen they are ma1ing the de*isions that they are ma1ing. Fran1ly) girls probably 1no! that in *ertain departments) they are not %$4s) even though you say they are. This is the thing that guys should de,initely reali?e i, they !ant to be su**ess,ul !ith beauti,ul !omen. Fran1ly) one guys %$ is another guy 7. Please be a!are o, this be*ause it !ill save you a lot o, hassle and unneeded ,ear !hen it *omes to approa*hing and sedu*ing !omen.

Pay attention to this story very *losely: some o, the most beauti,ul girls ' have met in my li,e are some o, the s!eetest girls ' have met in my li,e. They are *ompletely approa*hable. They are not stu*1 up or -er1s or anything li1e that) they are a*tually really ni*e. 6et) you get a girl !ho is a 7 on the s*ale and she *ould have the !orst attitude in the !orld. This is something that guys to pay very *lose attention to be*ause) you 1no! !hat) i, a girl is i, the girl) then !ith a little ,a*t) you should be able to open her right up. The more that you re*ogni?e this ,a*t and internali?e it) the better o,, you !ill be !hen it *omes to sedu*ing and dating beauti,ul !omen. 5ere4s !hat ' !ant you to do: ' !hat you tal1 to every type o, !omen that you *ould even thin1 o,. ' !hat you hear on s1inny girls and ,at girls) ' !ant you to hit on short girls and tall girls. ' !ant you to tal1 to every girl that you *an possibly tal1 to and see !here the di,,eren*es lie in their personalities. ' !ant you to -o*1 some girls and ' !ant you to be *ompletely aloo, !ith others. What ' !ant to test is a girl4s personality. ' !ant you to be able to see *ommonalities and di,,eren*es bet!een di,,erent !omen4s personalities. :e*ause the more *ommonalities and di,,eren*es that you *an see) the easier it !ill be !hen it *omes to sedu*ing and dating !omen be*ause you !ill 1no! !hat to say to !hat type o, girls. ' !ant you to loo1 at other people4s relationships to see i, there are any *ommonalities and di,,eren*es bet!een the !omen that you are sedu*ing. ' !ant you to see !hat guys a*tually getting the girls. ' !ant you to really pay attention to !hat they loo1 li1e. ' !ant you to see i, there are guys out there !ho have girls !ho are hot !ho loo1 -ust li1e you) e.*ept maybe better dressed or maybe a little bit more *on,ident. ' !ant you to really be honest !ith yoursel, and as1 yoursel,: !hy does he get the girls he4s getting; Does he tal1 to more girls than you; 's your better *ommuni*ator than you; Does he have a ni*er *ar; 0ll o, these >uestions !ill allo! you to see !hat things you should !or1 on in your personality and game to get to !omen. This is one o, the reasons that my produ*ts are so po!er,ul. ',

you order e. 5idden Programming or Lolita 5ypnosis) you !ill have an advantage over FF.FJ o, guys !hen it *omes to the *ommuni*ation aspe*ts o, the game. ', you are great *ommuni*ator) it de,initely ma1es it easier to sedu*e more !omen be*ause you *an have a girl absolutely love you) yet) i, you *annot lead) yet be so*ially a**eptable) yet se.ually enthralling) yet) you have a ni*e *ar or you loo1 good) you may be su**ess,ul in a lot o, areas o, sedu*ing !omen) yet) yet *ommuni*ation average !ill be dull instead o, sharp. The thing that people have to reali?e about approa*hing tens is that they4re humans. 't4s almost as i, these guys put these girls on pedalstools and it4s do!nright embarrassing. Literally) the easier it is ,or you to go through the pro*ess o, dealing !ith tens) the easier as !ill be to tal1 to and sedu*e other girls. o many guys are a,raid o, a*tually allo!ing themselves to be su**ess,ul !ith !omen. The thing that people have to reali?e is that in order to be*ome su**ess,ul !ith !omen) you have to deal !ith the dra!ba*1s and the potential re-e*tion that *omes along !ith the pro*ess o, sedu*ing !omen. o many guys !ant to get it right on the ,irst time. ' thin1 it is great to !ant to get it right ,irst time) yet) you are not in s*hool. *hool basi*ally tea*hes you to get everything right and be a per,e*tionist. :eing a per,e*tionist is not going to !in you the respe*t that you !ant in art s*hool) neither is it going to give you the edge that you !ant as a pi*1 up artist or sedu*er. Literally) the more di,,i*ult your pursuit o, !omen is in the beginning) the easier your li,e !ill be as you gro! as a sedu*er. ' a*tually read something !here it said that people !ith large *hins have a harder time earlier in their li,e as ,ar as ma1ing ,riends and being po!er,ul in li,e. Then) as they get older) !hat happens is they @gro! into their *hinsA and then all o, a sudden) a lot o, !omen !ant them and they are more su**ess,ul in li,e than people !ith smaller *hins. =o!) ' believe that this is a ,ol1 myth) yet) ' believe that this is also ho! sedu*tion !or1s. 6ou !ant to be able to ta*1le the di,,i*ult *hallenges in the

beginning) so in the end) you *an have the edge that you really !ant in li,e. ', you go out there and sedu*e !omen !hen you are dressed li1e absolute *rap) your *han*es o, having the same su**ess as a master sedu*er is slim) yet) !hen you a*tually get the *lothes and the appearan*e part o, your game do!n) the su**ess that you *an have is e.ponential to the guy !ho relies stri*tly his *lothes) *ar) house and not enough on the psy*hology o, sedu*tion. This is a*tually one o, the reasons that my program e. Kitten Programming is so po!er,ul) literally) it allo!s you to understand !hat4s really going on beyond the sur,a*e) so you *an have enormous amounts o, su**ess that most guys do not have as lo!er level pi*1 up artists. 't also allo!s you to gro! as a person !ho is more su**ess,ul than the rest. (ven i, you believe that you are the most su**ess,ul person in the !orld and it *omes to sedu*ing and dating !omen) you *an al!ays get better. 0 lot o, the stu,, that you !ill dis*over in my program e. Kitten Programming is e.tremely po!er,ul and *an even give people an edge !ho are e.tremely su**ess,ul !ith sedu*ing and dating !omen. 0n edge that they never thought *are ever When you are dealing !ith psy*hology) there are basi*ally three tiers: you have ,irst/tier) !hi*h is the smallest tier. This is the stu,, that you read in maga?ines li1e Psy*hology Today and "osmopolitan 2aga?ine. The se*ond tier is something along the lines o, very advan*ed ,or the average person. This is typi*ally the stu,, that you read about in more advan*ed boo1s that are typi*ally hard*overs ,rom brilliant) unorthodo. authors. Then) you have psy*hology that is !ay beyond the grasp o, most human beings. There is literally psy*hology that most people never 1ne! e.isted and on*e they understand the psy*hology) they have an advantage in li,e that FFJ o, people in the !orld *ould never even imagine. This is !here !e !ant you to be at. A#e "ou A(#aid )( Women The main thing that prevents guys ,rom being very su**ess,ul !ith !omen is the ,a*t that they are a,raid o, them. This is something that has to be eliminated e.tremely >ui*1ly in order to be >uite su**ess,ul !ith !omen on a mass level. :eing ,earless and having *ourage are t!o traits that !omen absolutely have to

have in their lives. ' !ant you to thin1 o, this: some guy goes through lots o, stress and hearta*he to be*ome e.tremely su**ess,ul in li,e. 5e is going to get stress lines) and his hair may begin to go gray) he !ill have to harden himsel, emotionally. ', !omen did the same things as guys then they !ould be hardened to. 's this really the behavior o, time you !ant ,rom your !omen; 0re these really the traits that you are loo1ing ,or !hen you are sear*hing ,or !omen; The more ,or!ard a girl is) the more that she is going to be*ome hardened. This is the reason that you have to be very ,o!ard !hen you are sedu*ing beauti,ul !omen. he !ants to 1no! i, you *an handle the things that she *annot handle. ', you *an than you !ill be seen as e.tremely attra*tive to the beauti,ul !omen that you are sedu*ing. ', you really !ant to be someone !ho is e.tremely su**ess,ul !ith !omen) you must 1eep in mind that ultimately you !ant to having the ability to tal1 to anyone in the !orld that you !ant to be a very basi* trait in your arsenal. ', you *annot ma1e tal1ing to !omen the most basi* traits in your arsenal then you !ill attra*t !omen !ith game that is very spe*i,i* to you) yet) you !ill ultimately lose a little bit o, her respe*t be*ause you are not as tough as some other guys she has been !ith. 6our *ore is not as sturdy as a lot o, other people4s. he !ill begin to see this and she !ill ultimately ,eel as i, you are not the guy that you painted yoursel, out to be. 't is one thing to be e.tremely good !ith !omen) it is another thing to have a mastery o, *ommuni*ation and a level o, *om,ort !ithin the !orld that is so s*ary to other people. A#t )( .latte#' ' love ,lattering !omen. To me) ma1ing a !oman ,eels good is the best part about sedu*tion. ' love this part o, sedu*tion be*ause !hen ' ma1e her ,eel good) she is automati*ally going to have a deep do!n desire to ma1e me ,eel

good as !ell. 'magine this: you ,ind that something really ni*e ,or you) do you not ,eel *ompelled in some !ays to return the ,avor i, you !ant to 1eep the ,riendship; This is !hat good ,lattery does. ', a !oman ,eels as i, she is only appre*iated ,or her body) then it *an piss her o,,. 6et) i, you don4t pay attention to a girl4s body !hen she !ants you to) it *an piss her o,, as !ell. ', someone gives you a gi,t o, something that you have %$$$ o, already) it doesn4t ne*essarily ,eel is great as i, someone gives you a gi,t that is original. This is something that she should de,initely pay attention to. There are so many guys that give !omen gi,ts and *omplements that ultimately they are burnt out on it all. 0 lot o, people *omplements are very empty) so i, you ma1e a !oman ,eel not so ,lattered. 6et) the 1ey to her heart is giving her a *omplement that is very detailed and that has a lot o, meaning. For e.ample) ' *an give !omen a *omplement about her body that is normal or something that absolutely blo!s her mind. ' *an tell Kim Kardashian @' absolutely love your bodyA yet !hat does it mean; (very maga?ine ra*1) every guy and every ne!s sho! tal1s about ho! ama?ing she loo1s. 6et) i, ' say to her @you have *hanged the !orld !ith ho! beauti,ul you are. Literally) you have the ,emale !orld sha1en up be*ause not only do you have the most ama?ing *urves in the !orld) you are in ama?ing shape as !ell. (ven i, a man !anted to resist you) he *ould not resist you at allK =o matter ho! hard he tried. Li1e) right no!) you are ma1ing me shudder. Do you 1no! that you ma1e me ,eel;A he is going to ta1e that as a sin*ere *omplement be*ause she *an ,eel ho! mu*h lust and adoration ' ,eel inside o, my body. The art o, giving a stellar *omplement a some!hat a lost art in the sedu*tion *ommunity. o many guys are *aught up on their image and loo1ing li1e they4re alpha males that they don4t trust any other types o, *ommuni*ation !ith !omen other than the s*ripts that they are told to re*ite to !omen. There are guys that are literally sha1ing in their boots to ma1e any mista1e that all in a *ommuni*ation !ith !omen) yet) they don4t even li1e the *ommuni*ation that their giving. They are a,raid o, the little su**ess o, their have gained in this game

!ill ultimately vanish be*ause they veered o,, the s*ript a little bit. ', anything is important) this is important. 2a1e sure that you ma1e the girl that you are !ith ,eel absolutely ama?ing. What happens is a lot o, pi*1 up artists have been hurt in the past by !omen) so they ,eel as i, they are ni*e) they are giving !omen ammunition to de,eat them !ith. What they don4t reali?e is that !omen and men on the same team. Can "ou Handle He# Se%' Side 0 lot o, guys -ust *annot handle their !omen being se.ually overt *reatures) so they get very de,ensive !hen their !oman ma1es the de*isions that she !ants ,or hersel,) ,or e.ample) i, she does not !ant to settle do!n !ith you right no! be*ause she has other partners that she !ants to be !ith and sleep !ith. 0 lot o, times) guys have this idea in their mind that !omen are supposed to be these per,e*t *reatures that do not li1e giving head or do not li1e having multiple partners in their li,e. This is probably one o, the things that most guys !ho are nerds su,,er ,rom. 0 lot o, guys thin1 that girls do not have se. drives at all and they do the things that they do se.ually be*ause they !ere ,or*ed into it or tri*1ed into it. That is one o, the stupidest things that you *ould ever imagine. 0 lot o, guys thin1 that !omen are these per,e*t *reatures and let me tell you) you are in ,or one big surprise be*ause i, you thin1 this she is per,e*t) she !ill sho! you that she is not per,e*t and typi*ally) you !ill blame someone or something else ,or her se.ual imper,e*tions. :e,ore you ,inally ,ind out that she is not per,e*t) you are already stu*1 in a relationship !ith this !oman and i, you get out o, the relationship) you !ill be ,or*ed to pay alimony and *hild support. This is not the li,e that you plan ,or yoursel, ' imagine; ' thin1 that it is very important to understand the psy*hology o, ,emale se.uality by reading a boo1 li1e Lolita 5ypnosis or maybe some o, the manuals and things that David hade has online be*ause to understand ,emale se.uality is to

have the ultimate po!er over most pi*1 up artists. ' have a ,riend !ho is a pi*1 up artist and literally) he is probably one o, the best lovers that most o, these !omen have ever had in their lives. This ma1es !omen !ant to *ome ba*1 to him. Fran1ly) his game is o1ay) he is not one o, the best pi*1 up artists and the !orld) yet) !hen it *omes to 1no!ing !hat !omen really !ant and !ho they are deep inside) he 1no!s it4s so !ell that he literally is one o, the sour*es) or even only sour*e that a girl *an ,ind to a*hieve the levels o, se.ual satis,a*tion that they ,eel !hen they are !ith this guy. For !omen) it is very ,rustrating ,or them be*ause it is almost as i, they depend on him. 2ean!hile) he is sleeping !ith three or ,our !omen at the same time... 6ou *an hear the audio pod*ast ' have o, him tal1ing about his se.uality and se. li,e and the game he plays in the @intervie!s !ith the mastersA se*tion on my !ebsite. Do as Much as "ou Can to Imp#ove "ou#sel( 0 very important role ,or me sho! guys to do as sedu*ers is to al!ays and *onstantly upgrade their game. 6ou !ant to be light/years ahead o, other people. 0nyone *an be su**ess,ul) anyone at sedu*tion and sleep !ith plenty o, !omen) yet it ta1es a very spe*ial person to a*hieve the high levels o, su**ess that the guys ,rom my *ompany a*hieve. 2ost people !ould thin1 '4m tooting my o!n horn and ' guess ' am) yet) i, this is not something you *on*erned about then ho! *an you really be an e.pert at it or even get better at it. o many people themselves ba*1 in this game be*ause a lot o, people pi*1 sides. 't really ta1es an e.pert to logi*ally brea1 do!n another4s e.perts advi*e and prove !here they are right and !rong. 2ost people !ho ,ollo! people4s advi*e in this small *ommunity do so be*ause o, the image o, the pi*1 up artists they are ,ollo!ing. ' personally thin1 that is a great !ay to understand the person4s personality that is giving the advi*e) yet) to ta1e everything that someone says to hearts !ithout analy?ing it ,irst is a ,ool4s game that hope,ully you are smart enough to avoid.

One >ui*1 !ay that you *an ma1e sure they you have e.treme su**ess !ith !omen is to al!ays loo1 ,or an idol. 'dols are great be*ause they give you something to loo1 up to. ', you !ant to travel than loo1 up to people that travel. 5ang around them and see !hat they are doing that is allo!ing them to travel. 'magine i, ' !ent another language ho! many !omen !ould absolutely ,all head over heels in love !ith me; Girls ,rom pain and 2e.i*o) Cussia even. 2y philosophy is no matter ho! good you thin1 you are at something) there is al!ays something you *an do in this !orld to *hallenge yoursel,. Keep li,e interesting and al!ays be e.tremely humble about any a**omplishments that you ma1e in li,e be*ause o, the ,a*t that there is al!ays another level to go. 6ou al!ays !ant to *hallenge yoursel, be*ause no matter ho! mu*h money you have you *an al!ays have more. =o matter ho! mu*h su**ess you have you al!ays deserve more) so give yoursel, the gi,t o, putting yoursel, in the seat o, a student. That is one o, the smartest things a man *an do. Ho* to Ma,e He# .all In Love *ith "ou 0s you are in-e*ting li1ing and attra*tion in !omen) a lot o, guys !ill ponder to themselves the best !ay to amp up the attra*tion and desire that a girl ,eels ,or him. First o, all) the most important thing !hen it *omes to attra*tion is respe*t. ', she does not respe*t you as a man) ho! *an she trust you to open her up se.ually and ma1e her ,eel li1e a million bu*1s; 5o! *an she allo! you to open her up at levels that she has never been opened up to i, she *annot respe*t you; ', you *annot ma1e up your o!n mind about !ho you are and sti*1 to it; ', you are truly po!er,ul) you !ill ma1e that !omen ,eel li1e a million bu*1s by sti*1ing very po!er,ul in your belie,s. 6ou do not have to be some guy that is rude and loud or mean and *rass or something li1e that) you *an simply state your opinions and have your vie!s and hold your position !hile at the same time art,ully enti*ing her to your opinions and !ays o, thin1ing. Love does not have to be this !ar !here one person is ,ighting ,or the *ro!n and another person is ,ighting ,or the same *ro!n o, dominan*e) that is a relationship doomed to ,ail. This relationship !ill ,ail) espe*ially i, she does not !ant to give up the role as the lead. ' am not saying that you have to do it the hard !ay be*ause she is suggesting the easy !ay. ', she has great ideas then

go ,or it. Follo! her and ,ollo! her lead. ', she a*tually has something ama?ing to o,,er and she is brilliant then go right ahead and ,ollo! !hat she has to say. eriously. 0ny person !ith any level o, brain po!er !ill tell you that. 6et) !hat i, you assert your dominan*e over her se.ually and she is resistant or she !on4t loosen up; Well) rela. and ration things out logi*ally. ', her values do not meet yours than you are !asting your time !ith her. This is a point o, *on,li*t and a point !here you guys might not be on the same level. 2aybe she -ust needs a day or t!o to evaluate her o!n bad de*ision ,or not opening up to you se.ually. ', she does) then that is great. ', she doesn4t) then *ontinue to be !ith other !omen and 1eep her on the sideline as a ,riend. 2e personally) '4ve really love it !hen !omen submit to everything that ' say. This is the !ay ' li1e my relationships. ' li1e a very simple) *lutter ,ree and easy li,e be*ause ' run multiple businesses and ' have to !or1 ,ast and be as e,,i*ient as possible in my li,e. 2e having a !oman that is very problemati* is not *ondu*ive to >ui*1 su**ess. 't -ust isn4t. =either is having a !oman !ho is *onstantly ,ighting ,or the *ro!n o, the person in *harge. Or i, there is a *ro!n) it should be !ell deserved in a battle o, honest and *ommon sense logi*. ', she is arguing about something that ma1es absolutely no *ommon sense and she *ontinues to do this even a,ter you have pointed out the path o, right,ul *ommon sense then you are dealing !ith a dud. The ne.t level is to ta1e her to pla*es se.ually that she has never been be,ore be*ause that right there is !here Obsession ystems really shines) and you !ill shine as !ell i, you stay tuned.

-#oducts (#om )!session S'stems .#ee &oo,s

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Audio -#oducts
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