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Summary Development Of Characters & Story

Description Of Scenario
Striking Lines Pictures

As the final chapter of the novel readers find it to be like an epilogue, even though the siege on Leningrad is not yet over. The chapter opens in the month of May during summer with the information that there is no more drastic shortage of food, thanks to the ice road of lake Ladoga. Leningrad also has a new military leader called Govorov who fills citizens with hope. The main focus of the chapter is that the previous winter of terror is over and now things dont seem to be so bad because now there are more supplies in hand and fewer mouths to feed, due to high number of deaths and evacuations. The midsummer sunshine fills everyone with hope of survival.

Next, Anna meets Zina and a weakened Fedya who is thin and not muscular like he used to be. Anna then notifies them that their father and Marina Petrovna died while Kolya survived without any sadness at all. Annas resourcefulness is seen when she finds a plot of land behind the hospital to grow vegetables and employs Kolya to look for dandelions and leaves. Following this Anna and Andrei have a moment, followed by a description of Mikhail and Marinas corpses in the graveyard and an insight to the future where a memorial stone will be built to commemorate the victims of the war. Dunmore then concludes Evgenias character when she works on vegetable plots inside the city. Finally, Dunmore ends the story with Anna, Andrei and Kolya walking on a bridge in the May sunshine with the light covering them, making them look like a family, but then again they are not, once again giving insight to the terrifying rule of fear in the coming years.


The majority of this chapter is a general description of what happens after the horrendous winter before. The story mainly concludes all the characters by briefly describing their lives, such as Evgenia who still works, but in gardens and not in a factory. The chapter also involves Zina and Fedya who are still alive, but Fedya is extremely ill and can barely stand. Dunmore, at the end of the novel portrays Anna, Andrei and Kolya as a family as they walk in the afternoon sun. Andrei still works at the hospital, Anna is still fighting to survive and Kolya happily plays with his friends, but sadly Marina and Mikhail die of starvation, without much dismay to Anna. Govorov and Pavlov fill Leningrad with hope with the additional resources and the new and improved military tactics to fight the Germans. Therefore, the novel has a more or less happy ending, even though the war is not over yet.

Like the beginning of the book, this chapter is also set in summer, with the war not yet over. The people have now stopped dying because there are additional resources and there is more hope in people now and faith in their leaders. There is now less fear of Stalin than before. The city is converted to a garden where people grow food to survive and now, there are more people in the streets, making Leningrad the beautiful city it once was. The subsequent insight to the future about a memorial stone to remember those war victims also is made part of the scene. Also, the places of the city are all empty, as many have either died or have been evacuated to other parts of the country.

Underfed, but not starving anymore. Pg 281 Guns talking a bit louder Pg 281

Terror of nothingness that gripped Leningrad that winter. Pg 282

There are fewer mouths to feed now. Pg 283 Poems that will not be written, Operations that will fail to be performed Pg 283 Powerful body has disappeared. Pg 284 They know what grown-ups can do, and what they cant do. Pg 285 Shes too important where she is. Pg 285 It isnt history and it never will be. Pg 286

Well find them space in Russian earth. Pg 286 A shade of lightness crosses his face. Pg 286 Talking to old friends, is the most exhausting thing of all. Pg 287 The graveyard smell of starvation had left them. Pg 288

The taste is sharp and peppery: the taste of life and not of death. Pg 289
The memorial stone will swear that they will never be forgotten, and this may be true. Pg 289 It is sour, fermenting, full of promise Pg 290 The sun is behind her, and it turns her red hair into a blazing halo. Pg 290 But, of course, they are not. Pg 291



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