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Table of Contents

Topic Page no.

Executive summery 02
Advertising and its importance 03
Advertising agency 04
Types of ad agency 05
Agency clients 05
How agency lose and gain clients 06
BENCHMARK’S evaluation of effectiveness of an ad 06
Different parts of an add(aktel power) 07
Agency compensation 09
Recommendation 10
Bibliography 11

Advertising and Public Relation 1

Executive summery

Today advertising environment are cluttered as all the company make

advertising for customer attention. Customer is facing thousand of ad and that
brings negative effect on their mind. Thus for turning customers attention
toward a brand needs well planned and well designed ad. For performing this
task marketer of product and service heavily depend on different ad agency that
provides the service with unique association.

Here we focus on how agency performs their task regarding to making

and communicating advertisement to its audience. Here we briefly explain:

 Advertising

 Advertising agency

 Types of ad agency

 Different parts of an ad

 Evaluation of effectiveness of an ad

 Agency compensation

Thus this report focus mainly the different task involves in advertising
agency and how they perform as well whether their performance effective or

Advertising and Public Relation 2

Advertising is any paid form of non personal presentation and
promotion of ideas, goods or services by an identified sponsor.

Thus advertising includes any activity or job that has a direct or indirect
purpose of turning someone’s attention to a product, service or a brand.

Importance of Advertising:
Each and every organization needs to take advertising and promotional
activities for turning customer’s attention toward their brand. For introducing a
new product, services or ideas marketer needs to make a well planned
advertising so that it attracts customer attention. In this competitive business
environment customer has to face lots of advertising so for gaining customer
attention it is important to make a well designed and informative advertising.
The main purpose of advertising is:

 To inform
 To remind
 To persuade the target customer

Who will make the advertising?

The task of advertising can be performed by the organization itself or
may hire an outside agency and assigning all the task of advertising and
promotion to that firm. There are so many advertising agencies to take these

Advertising and Public Relation 3

Advertising agency:
Advertising agency is an outside firm that specializes in the creation,
production and placement of the communication message and that may provide
other services to facilitate the marketing and promotion process.

Ad Agency is a kind of institution who is dedicated to establish a brand

name. For that it has to develop promotional activities like
 TVC (Television Commercial),
 RDC (Radio Commercial),
 Billboard,
 Poster,
 Leaflet etc for all specific products.
These are the communication channels. The ultimate target is to
establish the brand name in the mind of the target audience.

This report is prepared based on information provided by an ad agency

namely “BENCHMARK”. According to them Benchmark is a creative agency
in providing all those services.

Why ad agencies are used?

Company may use outside agencies for different purposes probably the
main reason is that they provide the service with highly skilled individuals who
are specialist in their chosen fields.

An ad agency may include:

 Artists: who perform the advertisement.

 Writers: who write the message and other parts of an advertisement.

 Media analyst: who chose the form of media.

 Researcher: The individuals who collect necessary information

about customer expectation and their perception to inspire them.

Advertising and Public Relation 4

Types of ad agency:

Theoretically there are two types of ad agency,

1. Full service ad agency: Full service ad agency is that which offer its
clients full range of marketing, communications and promotion services
including planning, creating and producing the advertising with
performing research and selecting media. An full service agencies may
also offer:

 Strategic market planning

 Sales promotion
 Direct marketing
 Interactive capabilities
 Package design
 Public relation and publicity

2. Account service agency: Account service agency is the link between

the ad agency and its clients where accounting service executives have
knowledge about the advertiser’s products and promotional activities.
This people coordinate the creating of the ad.

Benchmark as an ad agency provides both full service and account service

support to their clients with creative association.

How many Ad agencies:

In Bangladesh near about 24 ad agencies are in operation.

Which agencies deserve the leadership?

Asiatic Marketing Communication Ltd deserves the leadership in

Who are the clients?

Mostly the corporate houses who manufactures product or services but
need creative promotional ideas to reach the product exactly to the target
audience are the clients of ad agency.

Advertising and Public Relation 5

Benchmark has: AKTEL, Standard Chartered Bank, Etihad Airways,
Shark Energy Drink, Westecs, Pizza Hut, KFC, ABC Radio(not on air yet),
Basis, Marks Milk Powder

Reason for losing client:

According to Benchmark the reason for which it lose its clients are:
 Corruption
 Not providing up to mark job
 Different perception of advertiser
 Lack of communication
 Higher rate of commission charging
 Discrimination between agency marketing policy and clients
marketing policy.
 Lack of association between different departments

Agency Gains Clients by:

Generally when a corporate house wants to communicate their product
through an ad agency they call for Pitch (its like tender ship) where a number
of agencies participate and submit their jobs on a particular product given by
the client. After submission the client makes a short list and call for pitch
presentation. The client chooses their agency seeing their work on that.

Benchmark gains its agency by:

 Its reputation of creating creative and innovative advertisement.
 Good communication with clients
 Good association in a campaign
 Better research about the market

How Benchmark Evaluate the effectiveness of its ad:

First to know what Customer Insight is: Customer insight is a strong

habit of a customer that he strongly holds and that plays the most important
role in purchase a product...

Advertising and Public Relation 6

When the agency sees the reflection of customer insight about the
product in its ad then they can consider it as a good campaign.
For this purpose Benchmark collect information about customer reaction
toward an ad and evaluate whether it is satisfactory or not. If the customer
reacts toward the ad favorably then they consider the ad as an effective ad. But
client often evaluate the ad to see the effect in the sell though its not fair cause
sells can be affected many other reasons.

Different parts of an advertisement:

As we know an advertisement has six different parts. For better

understanding about that here we point out different parts involved in an ad.

Aktel Power Pack:

This campaign of Benchmark launched to announce the new tariff plan

of Aktel power. As a product Aktel power is the most powerful package. It had
5 fnf numbers including 2 off net numbers that was maximum at that time, tnt
incoming, free talk time at night and some other features. As the product was
considered as a powerful pack so in the visual we see a set of batteries.
Batteries can be considered as the source of power. There were 4 batteries to
announce 4 special kinds of features of Aktel Power. As a set it means that it is
a package that is full of power.

Head Line

Body Copy



Advertising and Public Relation 7

1. Headlines :

The headlines contain the word in the leading position in the

advertisement- the words that will be read first and are situated to draw more
attention. Headlines are usually appearing in larger type then other parts of the

2. Body copy:

Copy is the word message of advertising which is the most important and
assume the heart of ad message. In this printed advertisement it consist printed
word as shown by the arrow. So copy is the written word said about a product
saying into a few relevant points. For making a good copy copywriter must
know what he is advertising, to whom it targeted, how it will be sold and how it
will be used.

3. Illustration:

Illustration is the visual or sketch in which the theme of the advertisement is

highlighted. In this advertisement as the product was considered as a powerful
pack so in the visual we see a set of batteries. Batteries can be considered as the
source of power. There were 4 batteries to announce 4 special kinds of features
of Aktel Power. As a set it means that it is a package that is full of power.

As the primary functions of the illustration are to attract favorable attention

and to stimulate the interest of prospects to read the entire advertisement the
Benchmark agency illustrates it on a relevant visual theme.

4. Layout:

As we know a layout is orderly information of al the parts of an

advertisement. So in this ad it refers to the arrangement of the headlines, body
copy, illustration trademark and slogan. Thus layout is an important part of an

Is every part necessary?

Advertising and Public Relation 8

All the part associate with an advertisement is important to form a well
designed effective advertising.

Can any part be omitted?

Layout is the base of an advertisement. It’s the whole thing containing

body copy, head, sub head, illustration etc.

Each and every part has different purpose but sometimes some of those
parts can be omitted as per demand of the product or promotion style. Like
subhead may not be there. Or only a visual can be a layout, even only some
copy may be a press layout. But this scenario is rare. But it may happen.

Agency compensation:

Benchmark calculates its compensation program by following:

When a client places an order for making an ad or any promotional

activities the ad agency calculate an estimation of total cost along with an
agency commission. If the client approves the charge then the order has been
taken and agency starts to its activities and send the bill to the client for

Agency place the bill to the clients that include all the cost incurred for
that task and with an agency commission. Agency commission is the core
benefit for that agency.

Advertising and Public Relation 9


Today advertising is an obvious part of the business for gaining

customer attention toward a brand. As advertising environment is cluttered with
the emergence of different media and new form of advertising it is important to
make distinctive ad to inform, remind and persuade customer. Ad agency is
specialize organization that has creative and innovative idea for creating and
placing an ad. Thus marketer needs to select an agency that could match with
organizational strategy with customer perception. For effective advertising and
other promotional activities the following recommendation we made for an
effective ad agency (benchmark):

 The advertising agency should have expertise work people for each

 Having good intimacy with different types of media.

 Having good relation with media artist.

 Understanding the marketing program of the marketer.

 Effective research capabilities.

 Good communication with clients.

 Providing customize service to each clients.

 Charging fair charges to its clients.

 Effectiveness measuring capabilities of a campaign and if possible

alter the campaign if not effective.

 Providing security about confidential information of its clients.

From an ad agency marketer expect the above services when they

appoint agency for promotional activities.

Advertising and Public Relation 10


This report will provide good understanding about task involve in a ad

agency and how they perform each task. For better arrangement of this report
we gather information from the following sources:

 Benchmark ad agency

 Text book

 Teachers guidance

 Internet

Advertising and Public Relation 11

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