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South Korea

By: Group 2, Michelle, Kezia, James, and Frentzen 6A


In ancient Korean many of the city were covered by rocks, and is only a few of the city were covered by dirt, like Jeju island and Mt. Sorak.The famous road in Jeju island is known as Mysterious Road because of an optical illusion that makes the downwardsloping road appear to rise uphill. Cars stopped on the road and left out of gear appear to roll uphill, terrain that creates the optical illusion.

There is a mountain, that many people called the new 7 wonder of the world because is look like a bowl and its located in Jeju Island.Is called Halla Mountain.There is also a rock near the sea called Dragon Head Rock.


About The Dragon Head Rock

When in old times there is a snake. He is 999 years old, and 1 days a gain he already 1000 years old. When he was walking he saw a temple that the dragon ball was in that temple, so he try to go in but there is a guard, so he try to sneak, but the guard knows it. But the snake got the dragon ball first, then the snake become a dragon, but the guard kill the dragon using lance, then the dragon fell down, he died and become into rock.

About The Kingdom

People in ancient Korea believe that if a pot of ketchup or anything that inside shelter that fell down or broken is the sign that bad things will come.

About the people

In Jeju island many of the men were died because of the Mongolian pirates, so the population of the men is less then the women, so in Jeju island in the villages many of the boys were have 3 wives and above. So the boys in Jeju Island are doing nothing so sleeping, reading newspapers, but the girls is always working.


Common court dances are Jeong jaemu Dance performed at banquet(perjamuan), performed at Korean. Confucian rituals. (ritual konghuchu)

The types of Hanbok

There are many types of hanbok like: Minister Nobles Judgments Kings Queen Prince Princess Villager

When in the old times of Korea people in Korea didnt speak Korean language but they were using Chinese sentences, then a smart king named Sejong, he the one who created Hangul. But North Korea not called it hangul but chosongul( coh soh nggul)

There is a unique set of handicrafts produced in Korea. Most of the handicrafts are created for a particular everyday use.

The main crops in Korea are rice, barley, and beans, but many supplementary crops are used. Fish and other seafood are also important because Korea is a peninsula.

The traditional Korean calendar was based on the lunisolar calendar. Dates are calculated from Korea meridian,and observances and festivals are rooted in Korean culture.

Social System & Political Systems

The Yangban were part of the traditional ruling class or nobles during Joseon Dynasty The chungin is also jungin, were the middle class of the Joseon Dynasty of Korea. The name chungin literally mean middle people. Cheonmin were the lowest caste of commoners in dynastical of Korea.

When the kings came from his castle all the villager need to bow, if they were not bow the king will ask the guard and chop his head.

The Economic

South Korea economy. Korea peninsula was divided into north and south after the Korean War in 1950. After it, South Korea has developed its economy and nation.

Today, South Korea has become a world leader in science and technological development, and is recognized as one of the "Four Asian Tigers," a group of four highly developed industrialized economies in Asia (the other three being Hong Kong, Singapore, and Taiwan). Home to a welleducated and highly-skilled work force, South Korea has a strong culture of technological adoption, boasting some of the fastest residential internet connections available, and is home to industry leaders Samsung and LG, two of the largest mobile phone manufacturers in the world.

Emillie Bell

A Little About Emillie Bell

We can find the bell in South Korea. Some people call this bell The Divine Bell of King Seongdeok, people also called this bell Emille Bell. It was the largest bell in Korea.

Some Legand about Emillie Bell

Some people said that the baby, Emillie was melted into bronze. So, the bell has a sound like a baby crying for its mother. You can hear the bell ring for 3 minutes.

In wich Place in Korea is The Bell in?

We can find this bell in the Bongdeoksa Temple.

When did The Bell was Build?

The bell was finish on the771 AD

Fun facts about Korea

Korean independence day is before our independence day, 2 days below, so its 15 August. Japan is colonized Korea for 35 years. The North Korea president is more famous than the South Korean president. South Korean have 600.000 army, but North Korea have 1,000,000 army!! Almost all the South Korean people is have their operation with their face!

Bibliography _1_1.jsp?cid=804389 ongdeok 3/17/national-treasure-file-29-emille-bell/ .php

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