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Science teaching, as a cut-off within the study, provided a shorten viewpoint to view beginning teachers conversion during the

switch from student teaching to full time teaching. A number of themes were listed in the event of developing these teachers representation of self as teacher of science. Under the subject matter Safe Activities were Underta en we tensed on the activities were seen as safe for the beginning teachers. !his is due to the activities did not re"uire them to ta e ris s and beyond their comfort #one as a science teacher. !his ind of activities was chosen due to it is being identified as having predictable outcomes due to having past e$perience on teaching or that of their colleagues. !hey have a tendency to ma e sure that there would be no une$pected difficulty actions to turn out during the process. !his is to ma e sure that both of the teachers and the pupils will not felt confuse on it. Safe activities were also seen as being convenient so that they can obtain class control through all of the activity. !his operates as groundwor to be ta en during the observation being done by their lecturers during the observation period. !eachers with greater e$perience were more willing to try teaching science by means of less safe activities as being compared with apprentice teachers who more are paying attention first on their own classroom practice. %t is also being discovered that there rise up an awareness of the educational needs of their children and their responsibilities as teachers. %f we loo at the findings under the subject matter &ersonal 'hoice in the

'urriculum it is found that the science curriculum taught was determined by personal choice, with little persuade from the prearranged syllabus, recommended content provided in the sourceboo s or school policy. !hey thought that this action would help them and the sourceboo was not seen as dependable source of these activities. %t was also being distinguished that a number of the teachers tend to use a high percentage of many types of learning e$periences which they used in teaching other subjects, rather than practical types of activities that are more suitable to science and supported in the

syllabus. (ands-on activities are commonly used by the teachers who have most assurance about teaching science. !he probability within the science syllabus and sourceboo s was that teachers would choose a number of topics over the year, in line with the school policy. %t was founded that in number of the schools there was no clear school policy available. !his shows that teachers were free to decide whatever they wished. !his may results in teacher choosing safe activities during teaching. %t would be natural for teachers who are a little cautious to teach science to begin with teaching strategies which are well- nown and safe as being practiced by many of the teachers. !his may be due to the findings stated that beginning teachers primary focus on themselves. !he lac of a clear and easy to understand school policy for selection of science topic in each grade and also no specified guideline in monitoring or recording what was taught provided the teachers with large freedom in their choices of what to teach. )y loo ing at the third theme that is Science has a *ow &riority in Schooling, many teachers regard science as a second order curriculum priority as compared to subjects li e language and mathematics being positioned at the top priority. &lacing science at the lowest priority was not just as a personal notion, but was rooted in the teachers opinion of many aspects of the school system. +ue to the findings that there was no clear school policy available, it allows the teachers to ta e control over what and how they taught. As a result, science is given the lowest priority by the school system. ,rom one side of a prospective, this will permit the teachers professional responsibilities as curriculum designers but in another, this enables them an opportunity to avoid if possible regular teaching of science. -n the other hand, some of the other teachers who were dedicated to teach science proactively ensured that it was integrated in their curriculum. -ther than stating that they wanted to ma e sure their pupils to perform well in language and mathematics, school events that were often imposed upon a class by the administrator or other organi#ation is also one of the factor being mentioned as

the reason for placing science at the lowest priority. !his ind of priority permitted their image of self as teacher based around other subjects than science. !hey will consider teaching science as a must when something triggered further professional development as teacher such as delay of their development as teachers. A conse"uence of science avoidance would be delayed development of their own science teaching e$pertise would give conse"uent effect on their development as teachers. !he ne$t theme being considered is .esource availability. !his matter is being considered as an issue that affected their perception of science teaching. %t also affected their perceptions of themselves as science teacher. .esource also indirectly revealed the priority afforded science by other teachers. Among them are other teachers, school and school system. Another matter is that the resources for the science lessons were inade"uate/ the notion refers to both teaching ideas and activities matter and e"uipment. 0"uipment resources refer to the time necessary to find and organi#e it. !his was despite the condition of the science sourceboo s and in some schools a practical storage area of science e"uipment. %t was noticeable that resource ability as an issue was not just about whether or not the materials were voluntarily at hand. 0ven if the teacher had every intention to teach science, they may have to rearrange the lesson due to materials related to the lesson were not been gathered in time. -nce the lesson being postponed, it is not impossible that it will be postpone again in the future or otherwise, the teacher will have to find an option learning e$perience which was not resource intensive. %t is being highlighted in this theme the considerable pressure over teachers science teaching e$erted by the school conte$t !he collegiality present in the school has put some effect on the science curriculum. 0ncouraging colleagues allow some of the teachers to slot in the practices they may not have attempted in isolation. !he support of such teachers seemed to be an important element of the beginning teachers establishing their own set of teaching practices, but also provided them with a source of information about school and system procedures.

'onse"uently, collegial interaction being considered as an important element of the beginning teachers founding of early teaching practices including those teaching science. Social and conte$tual factors was seen as what have influenced the development of beginning teachers image of self as teacher. 0ven though the beginning teachers had all succeeded academically during their preserve science teaching as beginning teachers still these factor participate in the development. %t is unrealistic to hope to have all teacher education graduates highly motivated to teach science, it is also seem serious for ongoing support to be available for beginning teachers during their first year of teaching. %n small rural schools it may be challenging to introduce such scheme in any organi#ed way. !he unspo en messages about science portrayed through the school policy and the scheduling of e$tra-curriculum events will shape the view of beginning teachers towards their role as teachers of science. !hose with strong commitment to teaching science persisted through the difficulties created by the school conte$t to develop a clear image of themselves as teachers of science. %t is the other way around for the other that tends to ta e it as difficult to develop such image. A major element of the time ta en by the beginning teachers to establish these identities may be related to personal uni"ueness and their individual commitment towards teaching science. 'onte$t also played a critical role in these teachers sociali#ation and was a major factor in helping some teachers to move beyond the 1self as teacher2 phrase. 3e would reflect on these vital professional development stimuli or incidents which encouraged the teachers to move from their comfort #ones and try teaching science or maybe try teaching it differently. ,or some of the senior teachers, teaching science using hands-on analytical techni"ues was redundant and demanding on both the teacher and pupils. A person who had e$perienced the thrill and wonder of developing or seeing children develop-new science understandings from hands-on science activities would be more li ely to see such actions as safe.

Some of the findings being carried out point out that these results duplicate what has been reported in other studies. !he idea of the activities that wor and their importance to the teachers when they teach science was not something we would have predicted due to we have at our fingertips a large collection of prospective activities. 0venthough our data were constant with the identity of self as teacher phase for beginning teachers, progress ahead of that was less clear. )eginning teachers had a very limited collection and did not find the main storage area of goings-on ideas, the sourceboo s as helpful. !his may be due to either they are lac ed of e$perience to get used to the activities to their own classroom or the activities did not fit well with their preferred teaching strategies and thus were not helpful. !he range of potential science topics this seems an awesome and not viable tas . %n order to clarify some of these ideas, we needed to understand more about this concept of activities that wor and how more s illed teachers loo at them. 'onnected to activities that wor in broad grouping which are safe for the teachers. (ighly convinced beginning teachers may be able to wor with small groups of children involved in hands-on activities, for most at the beginning of their teaching careers/ this is a high-ris teaching strategy. !eachers therefore need the chance to develop self confidence using these strategies during their preservices program. !he final perspective that has implications for teacher tutoring is the positive effect that a significant occurrence had in some of the teachers professional improvement in science training. Such a vital incident ta ing place would be a hit and miss affair, totally dependent on the teachers character and the teaching conte$t. %f the education system too teacher development as part of its

responsibility, a mentoring or similar program which would provide teachers with suitable speciali#ed stimuli to assist their improvement as teachers could be instituted. As a conclusion, teaching science for these beginning teachers was not just an addition of their feelings of assurance in teaching science or how much science they

had studied at school or university. !eaching science was also very much rooted in their own progress as teachers. !hose teachers with clear self-perceptions of themselves as teachers and sciences teacher more "uic ly recogni#ed wor able teaching practices in science. !hey were able to steps forward to thin ing about their pupils and the learning in which they were engaging. !hose teacher who have less clear self-perceptions tended to edge their early teaching practices to a few subjects and strategies which they consider to be safe.

4ang ni di translate dari assg. +i atas, Along tolong chec betul a da no5 terima asih

6enurut Arti el 7 , sebagai satu titi

guru yang mengajar matapelajaran sains, boleh dilihat

mula dalam proses pembelajaran, ia menyedia an satu sudut

pandang untu mengu ur eupayaan seorang 8uru &elatih dalam proses peralihan menjadi 8uru Sepenuh 6asa. 9ajian telah dijalan an di bawah beberapa tema untu mengenalpasti fa tor-fa tor yang boleh menjadi pemang in yang a an bertinda sebagai )lue &rint untu menambah bai e urangan yang ada di dalam proses ini. mene an an untu

+i bawah fa tor Safe Activities were Underta en telah

mengenalpasti a tiviti-a tiviti yang patut dijalan an dan dilihat sebagai selamat untu guru-guru baru.%ni adalah disebab an a tiviti-a tiviti yang dijalan an eti a pra ti um ta memerlu an mere a untu mengambil risi o dan juga berada di luar daripada #on selesa sebagai seorang guru yang mengajar matapelajaran sains. Antara sebab a tiviti ini dipilih adalah erana ianya telah di enalpasti sebagai fa tor yang mempunyai hasil yang dapat dijang a an erana calon mempunyai pengalaman mengajar ataupun erana fa tor ra an sejawat. 6ere a mempunyai emung inan dalam memasti an tida a an timbul per ara-per ara yang tida diingini eti a berlangsungnya proses tersebut. %ni adalah demi untu memasti an edua-dua piha yang terlibat iaitu guru dan pelajar tida a an merasa eliru tentangnya. Safe activities ini juga dilihat sebagai boleh satu emudahan erana dengan cara ini mudah bagi mere a untu mengawal eadaan di dalam elas semasa a tiviti sedang dijalan an. A tiviti ini dijalan an sebagai pra ti al yang dijalan an eti a proses pemantauan yang dijalan an oleh pensyarah. :i a ita melihat pada dapatan yang di umpul an dibawah taju &ersonal

'hoice in the 'urriculum adalah di enalpasti bahawa uri ulum sains yang diajar an adalah bergantung epada pilihan calon sendiri, dengan sedi it ruju an daripada silibus yang telah sedia ada, bahan cadangan yang disedia an telah tersedia di dalam polisi se olah atau juga dari sumber ruju an. 6ere a merasa an bahawa sumber ruju an ini a an dapat membantu mere a . Antara yang dapat di enal pasti adalah terdapat sebilangan guru yang mengguna an pengalaman belajar dan mere a guna an dalam proses mengajar subje -subje lain, berbanding dengan mengguna an jenis a tiviti

yang lebih pra ti al yang lebih sesuai untu mata pelajaran sains dan dapat membantu

dalam pengajaran. &enggunaan hands-on activities perlu di guna an dalam mengajar subje sains. +alam su atan sains , bahan ruju an yang di guna an adalah untu

membantu guru-guru memilih beberapa topi sepanjang tahun, sejajar dengan polisi se olah. !erdapat juga beberapa buah se olah yang tida yang digaris an secara rasmi. %ni menunju mempunyai polisi se olah an bahawa guru-guru adalah bebas untu

memilih apa sahaja yang mere a ingin an. 8uru a an membuat pemilihan a tiviti yang lebih mudah dan selamat semasa a tiviti mengajar. 9ebiasaannya guru-guru menjadi lebih sains , dipra ti banya berhati-hati eti a mengajar subje

bermula dengan strategi mengajar yang selamat sebagaimana yang telah an oleh guru-guru. %ni mung in erana dapatan yang menyata an bahawa elonggaran dalam menggaris an pilihan dalam mengajar disebab an oleh

guru-guru baru banya memfo us an epada diri mere a sendiri. 8uru-guru mendapat urangnya penjelasan tentang polisi se olah dan tida ada petunju yang spesifi . !ema yang etiga pula bertaju Science has a *ow &riority in Schooling, telah di ata an sebagai uri ulum ting at yang edua ji a dibanding an dengan subje an subje subje bahasa dan matemati yang ditempat an di las yang tinggi. 6eleta

sains di aras yang terbawah bu an sahaja disebab an oleh pilihan peribadi, tetapi ianya bera ar umbi di dalam banya aspe pemilihan guru dalam sudut pandang se olah dan juga sistem se olah. +isebab an inilah ma a tida ada polisi se olah yang jelas, ia membenar an guru untu mengawal eatas apa yang mere a ingin ajar an epada pelajar. -leh erana itulah ma a subje sains diberi an ting at yang terbawah di dalam system

se olah. :i a dilihat dari satu perspe tif, ini a an membenar an guru-guru ini tanggungjawab professional sebagai penggubal uri ulum tetapi ji a dilihat dari satu sudut lagi, ini membu a peluang epada mere a untu mengela an emung inan untu mengajar subje sains sebagai ebiasaan. +alam masa yang sama, guru-guru lain yang ingin an sains diajar secara berdedi asi a an memasti an bahawa ianya a an dimasu an edalam uri ulum mere a.

Selain daripada menyata an yang mere a ingin memasti an pelajar-pelajar mere a berjaya di dalam subje bahasa dan matemati , acara-acara di se olah yang selalunya dijalan an eti a elas oleh pentadbir ataupun organisasi luar adalah salah satu fa tor yang di ata an sebagai penyebab mengapa mata pelajaran sains dileta an di tahap yang paling rendah. +isebab an inilah ma a penonjolan imej mere a selalunya a an menonjol an mere a bu an seperti seorang guru matapelajaran sains. 6ere a a an meleta an tugas mengajar matapelajaran sains ini sebagai wajib bilamana emajuan secara professional di dalam tugas mere a enai an pang at mere a itu a an sesuatu yang memerlu an

sebagai guru yang mana boleh menyebab an

ditangguh an. Satu penyebab epada enapa guru mengela daripada mengajar an subje sains adalah penangguhan epada emajuan di dalam arier mere a yang boleh memberi an esan epada emajuan erjaya mere a sebagai seorang guru. !ema seterusnya yang diambil ira adalah .esource availability. (al ini diambil ira sebagai satu isu yang boleh memberi esan epada persepsi mere a epada pengajaran matapelajaran sains. %a juga memberi esan epada persepsi mere a e atas diri mere a sendiri sebagai seorang guru sains. Sumber juga secara tida langsung menunju an epentingan yang didu ung oleh subje sains oleh guru-guru lain. Antaranya adalah guru-guru lain, se olah itu sendiri dan juga system yang dijalan an oleh se olah itu. (al lain yang berbang it adalah sumber untu subje sains adlah tida mencu upi/ ia meruju alatan. Sumber peralatan meruju epada masa yang sepatutnya untu mencari dan epada idea untu mengajar dan juga a tviti serta

mengatur annya. %ni adalah erana eadaan sumber bacaan subje sains itu sndiri dan di sesetengah se olah, tempat simpanan untu peralatan sains yang pra ti al. Antara yang menjadi isu juga adalah eberadaan sumber adalah sama ada bahan-bahan itu wujud ataupun tida . 3alaupun ji a guru itu mempunyai minat untu mengajar sains, mere a mung in perlu mengatur semula pengajaran disebab an oleh pengumpulan bahan yang ber aitan dengan subje itu tida dapat di umpul an dalam masa yang diperlu an. Apabila pengajaran itu ditunda se ali, adalah tida mustahil yang ia a an

ditunda lagi pada masa yang a an dating ataupun, guru itu prlu mencari alternatif lain yang tida mengguna an alat bantuan mengajar. 9olaborasi dan erjasama antara ra an sejawat di dalam se olah telah memberi esan epada uri ulum sains. .a an yang memberi semangat a an merangsang an . So ongan dari sesetengah guru untu menambah an apa yang mere a pra ti

guru-guru seperti ini dilihat sebagai elemen yang penting pada guru-guru pelatih utnu membina set pengajaran mere a sendiri, tetapi juga mnyedia an mere a dengan sumber informasi tentang se olah dan juga prosedur se olah. %ntera si dari ra an se erja adalah di ira sebagai elemen yang penting untu latihan mengajar termasu mere a yang mengajar an sains. ,a tor social juga dilihat sebagai sesuatu yang merangsang pembentu an imej sebagai seorang guru pada diri guru-guru yang baru. 3alaupun guru-guru baru ini semuanya telah berjaya secara a ademi nya semasa praservis sebagai guru sains, fa tor-fa tor ini masih diperlu an di dalam pembangunan diri mere a. Adalah tida relisti ji a mengharap an semua guru baru mempunyai motivasi yang tinggi untu mengajar subje sains. Selain itu , so ongan juga perlu di beri an oelh guru-guru yang berpengalaman epada guru baru ini dalam tahun pertama arier mere a. 8uru-guru yang mengajar subje sains perlu berusaha dengan lebih gigih untu menterjemah an mesej-mesej tentang subje sains yang dilempar an oleh sesetengah piha . 8uru-guru yang ber omitmen tinggi untu mengajar an sains a an sabar melalui epayahan yang dicipta oleh se olah dalam onte s membentu imej yang jelas sebagai seorang guru subje sains. %a bertujuan supaya obje tif yang dihasrat an oleh piha se olah terhadap subje sains tercapai. guru-guru baru membina


.eferences; 7. -$ford Advanced *earners +ictionary %nternational Student 0dition < th 0dition, -$ford University &ress =>>?. =. 3ebsters @ew +ictionary A !hesaurus. B. .eaders +igest (ow to 3rite and Spea )etter, @ew 4or , USA =>>>.


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