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$30 Million Blueprint

1. #1 Job of every marketer? a. No such thing as a traffic problem b. Your job is not to get as much traffic as possible. c. There are only offers problem d. You need a fully optimized offer e. If you focus on the traffic strategy, you will be on a hamster wheel and your results will NOT be amazing f. Declare independence from affiliates and joint ventures g. Able to win in multiple markets 2. Methodology a. Lead magnet i. Ethical bribe something to make people opt-in ii. Bad lead magnet 7 days newsletter, but it takes 7 days to get value? iii. Calls out to target market iv. Great example: Eben Page (Double Your Dating) you got the kiss test Im going to show you if a girl is ready to be kissed v. A specific result was achieved vi. It changed the state of the person who is using it vii. Use language of the market e.g. for golfers, how to drive the ball ten miles further viii. Titles matter e.g. how to satisfy a woman every time. And have her beg for more ix. BIG LESSON: Speak to the desired end result x. Case study #1: Rapid Filter 6 new prospects per month, no lead magnet, added a wholesale catalog and price list to 6 per day (20x increase in qualified leads) xi. Sometimes less is more (short form copy convert higher than long form copy) xii. Case Study #2: How to sell 100 books a day on Amazon Kindle xiii. When you have people on the page, make sure you have them looking at the picture 1. Girl next door 2. Girl in a bikini 3. Colored 4. Robin Hood Blue White performed the best! xiv. Other tips: Button Text

b. Tripwire i. A low cost high value offer to turn a user into a buyer ii. E.g. 13 records for only $1.00

iii. Cheese and a mouse ask ourselves where is the cheese? Make it all about the cheese iv. E.g. black Friday offer v. Case #2: Survival Life 1. Pepper cheese 2. How to purify water. vi. Physical product can be used as a tripwire 1. E.g. free survival business card 2. Sell a pedometer before a product 3. Did it in the trade show vii. Case #3: Marketing Agency 1. 2000 attendees 2. 603 people approached booth 3. 87 people bought the trip wire converted to $500 per month 4. 23 more converted via phone after results (become monthly customers) 5. 42 new clients at $500 per month 6. Plus 87 trip wire clients they can follow up with 7. Tripwire covered the cost

viii. Tests 1. Name 2. Headline 3. Price-point 4. Bundled versus standalone 5. Digital versus physical ix. Even if you take a loss on the tripwire, you will be able to make another sale later

c. Core Offer i. Conversion is not about from a lousy number to a slightly better number loser marketers mentality ii. The goal is to optimize the overall revenue iii. Big Tips (25 things) 1. Sequence is everything a. Think about it as talking to a real person b. 21 step sales letter - 2. Nothing converts like proof video of a guy driving a board 3. Optimize your order forms clickable a. Use Crazy Egg e.g. people are clicking on some parts of the order form iv. Tested 1. Price-point 2. Single party versus multi-party 3. Trial versus no trial 4. What else? d. Profit Maximizer i. Our goal is to find out what is the average customer value? ii. Our immediate goal is to double the revenue of the company iii. Need to understand psychology of sales 1. Dopamine pathways 2. Serotonin pathways iv. You need to optimize the dopamine pathways v. Types: 1. Immediate e.g. $0.50 upgrade 2. Cross sell 3. Slack adjusters a. 3 words that doubled our business i. Want some help? individual get the best results, sell additional consulting 4. Bundles and kits a. Package products together 5. Value buckets a. Take more quantities offering more products 6. Line extensions a. Offering more products e.g. 7. Premium membership a. E.g. added a survival newsletter vi. Ultimate formula 1. Speed 2. Automation 3. E.g. eliminate any work from them

e. Return Path i. 4 ways to increase buyer frequency 1. Constant communication 2. Reminders 3. Banner retargeting retargeter 4. Facebook custom audiences ii. Funnel optimization

Consulting 1. Read the manual 2. Show me how 3. Do it for me

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