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Collection of Report Card Comments for Elementary Teachers

General Comments and Phrases to Assist in the Grading Process

By Janelle Cox, Guide

You !e completed the dauntin" tas# of "radin" your elementary students$, no% it s time to thin# of uni&ue report card comments for each student in your class.

'se the follo%in" phrases and statements to help you tailor your comments for each specific student. Remember to try and pro!ide specific comments %hene!er you can.

You can t%ea# any of the phrases belo% to indicate a need of impro!ement by addin" the %ord ()eeds to.( *or a more positi!e spin on a ne"ati!e comment, list it under "oals to %or# on. *or example, if the student rushes throu"h their %or#, %rite the follo%in" under the section (Goals to %or# on.(+ Al%ays do best %or# %ithout rushin" and ha!in" to be first one finished.

Attitude & Personality


,as a "ood attitude to%ard school. -s an enthusiastic learner %ho seems to en.oy school. /tri!es to reach his 0or her1 full potential. /ho%s initiati!e and thin#s thin"s throu"h for himself. Exhibits a positi!e outloo# and attitude in the classroom. -s a s%eet and cooperati!e child. -s self2confident and has excellent manners. -s honest and trust%orthy in dealin"s %ith others. -s de!elopin" a better attitude to%ard 333 "rade. )eeds to impro!e classroom attitude.


333333 continues to ma#e nice pro"ress this year concernin"... As %e discussed in our last parent2teacher conference4, 33333333 s attitude to%ard the basic s#ills is... - %ill continue to need your help and support in order for33333 to o!ercome his5her attitude and social difficulties. ,e5she %ill find school a much more pleasant place if he5she can ma#e a positi!e effort in this area.

333333 s attitude has continued to impro!e. Than# you for your support and cooperation.

333333 has sho%n a "ood attitude about tryin" to impro!e in 333. - am hopin" this recent interest and impro!ement %ill continue throu"hout the school year.

Participation & Behavior

Remains an acti!e learner throu"hout the school day. -s enthusiastic about participatin". Ta#es an acti!e role in discussions. )eeds to acti!ely participate in classroom discussion. 6istens attenti!ely to the responses of others. -s courteous and sho%s "ood manners in the classroom. Consistently cooperates %ith the teacher and other students. -s #ind and helpful to e!eryone in the classroom. Carin", #ind and ea"er to please. )eeds to listen to directions.

Time Management & Work Habits

-s %ell2prepared for class each day. Rushes throu"h %or#, does not %or# at an appropriate pace. )e!er completes assi"nments in the allotted time. Comprehends %ell, but needs to %or# more &uic#ly. puts his 0or her1 best effort into home%or# assi"nments. stays on tas# %ith little super!ision. -s a self2moti!ated student. /acrificin" accuracy for unnecessary speed in his %ritten %or#. Completes assi"nments in the time allotted. A!oids careless errors throu"h attention to detail. 'ses class time %isely.

General earning & !ocial !kills

)eeds to be acceptin" and %illin" to ma#e ne% friends. Responds %ell to positi!e praise and clear expectations. -s learnin" to be careful, cooperati!e, and fair. 7or#s %ell in "roups, plannin" and carryin" out acti!ities. 7or#s democratically %ith peers. 8a#es little effort %hen not under direct super!ision. )eeds a lot of repetition and practice in order to retain information "i!en. /ho%s self confidence in... 'ses a !ariety of learnin" strate"ies9 to help %ith... Applies #no%led"e of... )eeds more opportunities to...

7rites clearly and %ith purpose. /ee#s responsibilities and follo%s throu"h.

Help"ul Words

,ere are some helpful %ords to include in your report card comment section+

a""ressi!e, ambitious, anxious, confident, cooperati!e, dependable, determined, de!elopin", ener"etic, emer"in", friendly, "enerous, happy, helpful, ima"inati!e, impro!in", neat, obser!ant, pleasant, polite, prompt, &uiet, recepti!e, reliant, resourceful.

-t is important to stress the positi!e attributes and list ("oals to %or# on( to notify the parents about the ne"ati!es. 'se %ords such as, re&uires, stru""les, or seldom, to sho% %hen a child needs extra help.

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