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Amanda Anderson Chapter 13 Mainstreaming Chapter 13: Description of Disabilities and Mainstreaming

Description of Mental Disabilites Borderline, Intellectually Subnomal-slow learners o General I.Q. for this group is 70-85. o Classed as slow learners. o Often found in regular classrooms and may need extra help. o May be placed in separate opportunity classes or developmental classes in the later grades. o Generally capable of assimilating up to grade 7-9 work. Mildly Retarded-Educationally Mentally Retarded (EMR) o I.Q. 50-55 and 70 o Will probably attain a top level of about grade 5 or 6. o Can expect to become fully functioning adults and to achieve social competence. o Holds jobs that do no demand a high level of intellectual ability. Moderately Retarded-Trainably Mentally Retarded (TMR) o I.Q. of 35-40 to 50-55 o May rath a top level of about grade 2. o Can become semi-independent bt function best when in sheltered workshops and a group-home type of living environment. Severely Retarded (SMR) o I.Q of 20-25 or 35-40 o Taought basic self-help and language skills. o Many are non-verbal. o Many have other handicaps. o Almost always live in developmental ceners. Profoundly Retarded o I.Q. below 20-25 o Often have multiple handicaps. o Require total nursing care. Most often bedridden.

Causes of mental disability 90% from o poor nutrition before and/or after birth o Poor stimulaton in the home. o Neglect

o Crowded/unhealthy living conditions Prenatal o Genetic-Downs Syndrome (47 chromosomes instead of 46) o Drugs/alcohol during pregnancy Meningitis or other disease that have high fevers.

Characteristics of slow learners, mildy and moderately mentally retarded 1. Can acquire knowledge in the same order and sequence as other children but at a slower pace. Material should be given in small chunks and presented slowly and methodically. 2. Their short-term and long-term memories are poor. Repeat. 3. Language skills are often poor or non-existent. Find other wayas to present information: sign language, picturs, songs. 4. Developmentally disabled children are easily distracted and have short attention spans that cause them to lose focus and wander off physically as well as mentally. They say what they mean and dont mask their feelings.

How music can help Slow learners, and the Mildly Retarded Music can bring comfort and joy. Can teach movement/listening skills, ays of the week, months, colors, numbers, etc. Movement skills o Disabled often are clumsy and uncoordinated. o Use creative movement-move to records, singing, dancing. o

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