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Submitted in the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTERS OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (2011-13)
Submi !" T#$

D!%&' m!( #) M&(&*!m!( S u"i!+

Submi !" B,$

JSS ACADEMY OF TECH !CA" ED#CAT!O O!DA $ %&'(&' Mahama)a Te*hni*al #ni+ersit), oida -%&''.%&'(/


CERTIFICATE This is to *ertif) that A+.i+. Kum&' Si(*./ has su**essfull) *ompleted the 0esear*h 1ro2e*t 0eport titled 3 MARKET ANALYSIS OF LG CONSUMER DURABLES under the super+ision of M'0 R&1!+. B.& (A++ 0 P'#)0) as the partial

fulfillment of the requirement for the a4ard of degree of M&+ !'+ #) Bu+i(!++ A"mi(i+ '& i#( (M0B0A0) b) Mahama)a Te*hni*al #ni+ersit) during bat*h -2011-2013/5
1rof5 -Dr5/ Mano2 6umar Sharma -!&"2 D!%&' m!( #) M&(&*!m!( S u"i!+2



To the best of m) 7no4ledge and belief, this Summer training 1ro2e*t 0eport is m) o4n 4or7, all sour*es ha+e been properl) a*7no4ledged, and the report *ontains no plagiarism5 ! ha+e not pre+iousl) submitted this 4or7 or an) +ersion in full or part of it, for assessment in an) other #ni+ersit) or institution for an) degree or diploma program5 ! a*7no4ledge that this Summer Training 1ro2e*t 0eport ma) be transferred and stored in a database for the purposes of data.mat*hing to help dete*t plagiarism5

S u"!( 4+ Si*(& u'!$ 555555555555555555555555555555555555 D& ! #) +i*(i(*8 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999

ACKNO63EDGEMENT ! 4ould li7e to a*7no4ledge and than7 from the deepest portion of m) heart to all the people 4ho 4ere al4a)s behind me, 4hene+er ! needed an) help for su**essful *ompetition of m) resear*h pro2e*t report5 To start 4ith ! 4ould li7e to than7 m) JSS ACADEM7 OF TEC-NICA3 EDUCATION2NOIDA for pro+iding me this opportunit)5 ! 4ould li7e to than7 m) Super+isor2 M'0 R&1!+. B.& (A++ 0 P'#)0)2 4ho not onl) ga+e me +aluable inputs but also helped me as mu*h as she *ould do during this pro2e*t5 ! 4ould li7e to than7 P'#)0 (D'0) M&(#8 Kum&' S.&'m&2 -#D2 D!%&' m!( #) M&(&*!m!( S u"i!+2 4ho ga+e me his +aluable inputs so that ! *ould start m) pro2e*ts from the right dire*tion5 He ga+e me +aluable tips of 4riting resear*h pro2e*t5 5 ! 4ould li7e to than7 all m) professor being helpful to me5 :ithout their support ! 4ouldn;t be able to perform as fine as ! ha+e done no45 "ast but not the least< ! 4ould li7e to than7 m) parents for supporting me to a*hie+e this le+el5

(A+.i+. Kum&' Si(*.)

PREFACE The importan*e of an a*ademi* *ourse 4ould gain ad+antage and a**eptan*e of the true form, onl) through pra*ti*al e>perien*e5 Hen*e it is quite ne*essar) to put the theories into tal75 !t is rigidl) a**epted that the theor) 4idens one;s thin7ing hori?ons +i?5 Con*epts of training philosophies, but pra*ti*e indi*ates the modern training and helps the emplo)ees in *ustomi?ing themsel+es5 0esear*h 1ro2e*t is designed to gi+e the future managers hands.on e>perien*e of e>e*uting resear*h5 These real life situations are

designed so that the managers tomorro4 do not feel out of 4ater 4hen the time *omes to shoulder problem.sol+ing responsibilities5 1ra*ti*al e>posure for the M@A students is +er) ne*essar) be*ause 4hat the) stud) in the *lassroom is not the realit), 4hi*h is made possible 4ith

the summer training underta7en 4ith the organi?ation as 4ell as resear*h pro2e*t5

S90(#0 Numb!' P&*!

10 !ntrodu*tion %5Ob2e*ti+e of stud) (50esear*h Methodolog) = S*ope of stud) :0 !ndustr) 1rofile ;5 Compan) 1rofile C0 Data anal)sis <0 Findings =5 Con*lusion 100 "imitation of the stud) 110 Appendi*es &) Euestionnaires b) Eualit) Model >) Organi?ational Stru*ture

C '& '% 'C 'D %C =( == C& C% C( CC CF

120 @ibliograph) CD

A comparative marketing study of LG Electronics vis--vis competitors(Samsung, Haier, Videocon, Godre ! in t"e area of #oida and $el"i%%%%% 3All progress is born of inquir)5 Doubt is often better than o+er*onfiden*e, for it leads to inquir) and inquir) leads to in+estigationG 0esear*h in*ul*ates s*ientifi* and indu*ti+e thin7ing and it promotes the de+elopment of logi*al habits of thin7ing and organi?ation5 Research is a common parlance refer to a search of knowledge. The advanced learners Dictionary of current English lays down the meaning of research as a careful investigation or inquiry specially through search for new facts in any branch of Knowledge. &"at is comparative 'arketing study( !n *omparati+e mar7eting resear*h 4e ta7e our *ompetitor;s produ*ts and ma7e *omparison through *onsumer 4ith our o4n produ*ts5 &"y )omparative 'arketing study( omparati+e mar7eting stud)Hresear*h

*omprise one of the most important and fas*inating tas7 of mar7eting5 !t pro+ides

information for mar7eting de*ision ma7ing, an) problem that are identified and in+estigated further b) using problem sol+ing te*hniques 4ith the ob2e*ti+e of arri+ing at solution5 The most important inno+ation in the ne4 approa*h is to stud) simultaneousl) different organi?ational forms of business interest representation5 "I Ele*troni*s !ndia "td5 -"IE!"/ is the )oungest and fastest gro4ing *onsumer durable brand5 Toda), "IE!" is an #SJ '=AB million behemoth, 4ith a spra4ling produ*t range, and mar7et leadership in nearl) all produ*t *ategories5

The stud) 4ill also in*lude the sur+e) 4hi*h 4ill be targeting about %& dealers and around '&& *onsumer in the C0 5 The main emphasis in the sur+e) 4ill be gi+en on the sales of "I in *omparison to its *ompetitors in CT?2 6AS-ING MAC-INE2 REFRIGRATOR @ AC +!*m!( , the *onsumer per*eption about the brand 4ill also be ta7en into *onsideration 4hile *ondu*ting this sur+e)5

The anal)sis of the bu)ing beha+ior in respe*t to CTK, :ASH! I MACH! E, 0EF0!IE0ATO0 L AC 4ill be another important *omponent of m) stud)5 @u)ing beha+ior of the *onsumer is a stud) of ho4 indi+iduals ma7e de*isions to spend their a+ailable resour*es - time, mone) L effort / on *onsumption related items-4hat the) bu), 4h) the) bu), 4here the) bu) , ho4 often the) bu) and use a produ*t or ser+i*e/5

The heterogeneit) among people a*ross the 4orld ma7es understanding *onsumer bu)ing beha+ior an intri*ate and *hallenging tas75 The *onsumers; identit), his beliefs, spe*ifi* needs, attitudes and the 7ind of produ*t and brand a+ailable in that produ*t *ategor) influen*e his bu)ing beha+ior5

The mar7eting efforts of a firm ha+e a profound impa*t on the bu)ing de*isions of *ustomers5 Therefore the attempt of m) sur+e) 4ill be to obtain an in. depth 7no4ledge of the *ustomers bu)ing beha+ior5

The effe*t of e>ternal +ariables on pur*hasing pattern of *ustomer 4ill also be *onsidered here the e>ternal +ariables refer to all those fa*tors 4hi*h 4ill be affe*ting the *onsumer pur*hasing de*isions, these *an be pri*e of the goods and on its attitude to respond to fun*tional needs5 The *riti*al +ariable under this approa*h is the a+ailabilit) of adequate information about pur*hase alternati+es -pri*e, produ*t fun*tionalities/ to support the de*isional pro*ess 5



'5 %5 (5 =5 A5 B5

To manufa*ture and sell ele*troni* ma*hiner) and applian*es< To manufa*ture and sell *ommuni*ations ma*hiner) and applian*es< To manufa*ture and sell ele*tri* ma*hiner) and applian*es< To manufa*ture and sell other ma*hiner) and applian*es< To manufa*ture, pro*ess and sell plasti*s< To manufa*ture, sell, lease and fran*hise multimedia hard4are and soft4are< To manufa*ture and sell 4ires and *ables for ele*tri* po4ers and *ommuni*ations< To manufa*ture and sell ele*troni* s4it*hing s)stems and their *omponents< To manufa*ture and sell transmission equipment, satellite *ommuni*ation equipment, other transmission.related equipment and their *omponents< To manufa*ture and sell information net4or7, tele*ommuni*ation net4or7, audioH+ideo net4or7, mar7eting net4or7, *ontrol net4or7 and their *omponents<





''5 To manufa*ture and sell information L *ommuni*ation terminals and their *omponents< '%5 '(5 To operate and sell information< To *arr) out businesses for the tele*ommuni*ation ser+i*e *ompan)<


To de+elop and sell soft4are related to the produ*ts 5


To *arr) out ser+i*es and installation businesses required for performan*e of the ob2e*ti+es 5


P'#%#+!" M! .#"#9#*,$ &0 R!+!&'>. D!+i*(8 E>plorator) resear*h stud) A resear*h design is the arrangement of *onditions for *olle*tion and anal)sis of data in a manner that aims to *ombine rele+an*e to the resear*h purpose 4ith e*onom) in pro*edure5 The method of resear*h utili?e in e>plorator) resear*h are sur+e) methods of all 7inds, in*luding *omparati+e and *o relational methods5 M) resear*h is *omparati+e in nature so ! am using e>plorator) resear*h stud) b0 M! .#" #) D& & >#99!> i#($ !n order to stud) the *onsumer per*eption regarding the uses of "I 1rodu*ts 4ith respe*t to other *ompanies 8. Samsung, Kideo*on, Haier in primar) and se*ondar) data has been *olle*ted5 The stud) proposed to *olle*t 1rimar) data through questionnaire using sur+e) method5 So as to gi+e a pre*ise, a**urate, realisti* and rele+ant data5 The +!>#("&', "& & as it has al4a)s been important for the *ompletion of an) report pro+ides a reliable, suitable, equate and spe*ifi* 7no4ledge5 The data is *olle*ted from +arious maga?ines, fa*t sheets ne4spapers and 4ebsites published b) the *ompan)5 C0, both


>0 S&m%9i(* T!>.(iAu!$ The stud) proposed to use *on+enien*e sampling5This sampling methods in+ol+es purposi+e or deliberate sele*tion of parti*ular unit of the uni+erse for *onstituting a sample 4hi*h represents the uni+erse5 !n this resear*h ! 4ill se*ure data from *onsumer durable bu)ers 4hi*h are homogeneous in nature5 "0 S&m%9! A'!&$ I( order to stud) the *onsumer per*eption as 4ell as dealer per*eption of "I produ*ts 4ith respe*t to its *ompetitor, the data for the stud) has been *olle*ted through a sur+e) of people residing in C05 !0 S&m%9! SiB!$ Consumer sample si?e8 '&& Dealer sample si?e8 %&

)0 S & i+ i>&9 T!>.(iAu!$ The data is anal)?ed uses per*entage, 0an7ing and anal)sis of +arian*e -A OKA/ method and finall) sho4n 4ith the help of @CI metri*s5 The respondent in Consumer questionnaire 4as as7ed to indi*ate their preferen*es on a fi+e point .3i1!' S>&9!0 The) 4ere as7ed to *hoose among the option E>*ellent, Ker) Iood, Iood, 1oor and Ker) 1oor regarding +arious statement5 The data 4as pro*essed and anal)?ed using means, standard de+iation and f.+alue to present the result of the stud)5

*5 P'#%#+!" Cu!+ i#((&i'!$


*uestionnaire for )onsumer! !t *onsists of data pertaining to the a*ti+ities, interests and opinions relating to pur*hase beha+ior, so*iali?ation, brand opinion and the li7e5 A fi+e.point s*ale ranging from ' $ strongl) disagrees to A strongl) agree is used5 1arameters measuring the *onsumer per*eption are 1ri*e 1a*7aging 1rodu*t Features @rand name Eualit) Design Durabilit) After sales ser+i*e *uestionnaire for $ealer+ The questionnaire for dealer has been used to find out follo4ing fa*ts Ho4 man) brands produ*ts a dealer is selling5 Ho4 man) models of ea*h brand the) are displa)ing5 Highest selling brand of ea*h *ompan) "e+el of preferen*e of "I 4ith respe*t to other brands5 !s *ustomer is read) to pa) premium pri*e or not5 The parameters on 4hi*h *onsumer ma7es his pur*hase de*ision

Annual estimated sales Dose *ustomer *ome 4ith prior 7no4ledgeHinformation about the produ*t or not :hat is the most a**eptable si?e of these produ*ts CTK, AC, 0efrigerator and :ashing Ma*hine :hat are the different *omplaints fa*ed b) the *onsumer

R!Di!E #) 3i !'& u'! :hile 0esear*h on *onsumer durable is e>tensi+e in de+eloped *ountries, "ittle has been done in this area in de+eloping e*onomies5 Consumer durable se*tor in !ndia is not mature enough and its ha+ing huge opportunities so *ompanies are *on*entrating on ad+ertising and promotion5 0esear*h 4hi*h has been *ondu*ted b) @usiness 4orld at national le+el in )ear-%&&C/ in ma2or Cities i5e5 @omba), @angalore, Cal*utta, Chennai and Delhi5 The aim of the sur+e) 4as to find out the mar7et leader in CTK, :ashing Ma*hine, 0efrigerator and AC Segment5 The sur+e) 4as *ondu*ted through stru*tured questionnaire follo4ed b) personal inter+ie45 The 0esear*h brings out one point +er) sharpl)8 there is no single brand that has managed to delight *ustomers in all the *ategories5 A brand ma) e>*el in, sa), refrigerators, but turn in a sub.par performan*e in another *atagor) li7e air.*onditioners5 The se*ond important finding is that the differen*e bet4een the best and the also.rans has narro4ed e+en more5 The differen*e bet4een the topper and the number four or fi+e in an) *ategor) is mostl) in single digit per*entage points5

Finall), the sur+e) also brings out ho4 *ompanies ha+e e>*elled in one area of produ*t or ser+i*e deli+er), onl) to falter in another5 There are brands 4hi*h s*ore e>tremel) high on produ*t qualit) . but fall 4a) behind in *omplaint management5 And +i*e +ersa5 Che*7 out the *ategor) tables -page =F to AC/ to get a handle on ho4 ea*h brand fares on ea*h parameter5 And no4 for some of the other findings5 Almost t4o.thirds of the *ustomers rate the durable brands the) o4n as e>*ellent or +er) good5 This phenomenon is *ommon a*ross all *ategories5 @) and large, *ustomers in Mumbai and Chennai gi+e high ratings to the brands the) o4n5 Ho4e+er, *ustomers from @angalore are signifi*antl) more *ir*umspe*t5



As far as the topi* Comparati+e Mar7eting Stud) of "I Ele*troni*s +is.M.+is its *ompetitor is *on*erned, The pro2e*t stud) follo4 Consumer as 4ell as Dealer per*eption -attitude/ To4ard "I produ*ts -CTK, 0efrigerator, AC, :ashing Ma*hine/ 4ith respe*t to other *ompetitor produ*ts5 I( this stud) the resear*h 4or7 is to find out the Strengths, :ea7ness, Opportunities and Threats -S:OT/ Anal)sis of "IE!" and this 4ill help "I to impro+e its 4ea7 areas5 These are mention blo4. ,- $isplay S"are .racking+ Displa) share tra*7ing helps us to find out these information '5' !t helps to re+eale potential demand of ea*h produ*t5 '5% :ith the help of displa) tra*7ing 4e *an find out the highest selling produ*t and lo4est selling produ*t in the mar7et5 '5( pruning5 !t helps in ta*7ing de*ision during the line e>pansion and line

/- )onsumer perception 8 This is done 4ith the aim of *apturing the true 4ords and emotions of *onsumer, and in turn using this information to


impro+e or de+eloped produ*ts or to determine people attitude to4ard the produ*ts5

%5' !t helps *ompan) to get feedba*7 from *onsumer5 %5% !t pre+ents the under+aluation of *ompetitor and 4e *an find the strength and :ea7ness of our produ*ts %5( This helps us to sta) ahead in *ompetition 5 %5= !t en*ourage +alue *reating in+estment5 %5A !t help in ma>imi?ing the *onsisten*) of +alue *reation5 %5B5 Measuring performan*e %5C !t helps us for mar7et share anal)sis5

So as to *on*lude ! *an sa) this stud) is more suitable for "I to *ompete and sur+i+e in global mar7et5


10 -ISTOR7


1958GoldStar (today's LG Electronics) established 1959Korea's first radio produced

Radio exported to the US and Hong Kong as Korea's first 1965Korea's first refrigerator produced 1966Korea's first blac ! "hite #$ produced 1968Korea's first air conditioner produced 1969Korea's first "ashing %achine produced 1962

1974GoldStar &o%%unications "ent public 1977&olor #$ produced 1978Exports surpassed US'()) %illion as Korea's first in the electronics industry


*irst EU sales subsidiary in Ger%any (LGE+G) established &olor #$ plant in Hunts,ille in the US 1982 established 1984Sales surpassed one trillion "on 1986European-standard $&R plant in Ger%any established 1989Sales subsidiary and a .oint production subsidiary in #hailand established 1980

/reland-based design technology center established 1993+ith the establish%ent of Hui0hou subsidiary in &hina(LGEH1)2 %ar eting in &hina too full s"ing 1995&o%pany na%e changed to LG Electronics and the US-based 1enith ac3uired 19974)-inch 565 #$ and the "orld's first /& set for 6#$s de,eloped7 /ndia production subsidiary (LGE/L) established 1998+orld's first 8)-inch 565 #$ de,eloped 1999LG95hilips L&62 a .oint ,enture "ith 5hilips2 established 1990


2008LG /nfor%ation ! &o%%unications %erged #he "orld's first /nternet-enabled refrigerator launched Global sales of refrigerators reached no (

2009 :synchronous /;#-<))) e3uip%ent co%%erciali0ed7 the "orld's first /nternetenabled "ashing %achine2 air conditioner2 and %icro"a,e o,en launched7 LG95hilips 6isplays2 a .oint ,enture "ith 5hilips established 2010Under the LG Holding &o%pany syste%2 the &o%pany spun off to LG Electronics (LGE) and LG Electronics /n,est%ent (LGE/)7 the first ho%e net"or syste% co%%erciali0ed in the global %ar et 2011+orld's first synchronous-asynchronous /;#<))) %obile phone de,eloped7 the "orld's first =8-inch 565 #$ de,eloped7 &6;: %obile handsets too the largest share in the US ! "orld &6;: %ar et 2012E$S>2 the next-generation 6#$ trans%ission technology chosen to be the US?&anada 6#$ trans%ission standard by the US :#S& :ll-inone LG @@A L&6 #$2 the "orldBs first and largest a%ong L&6 #$s2 co%%erciali0ed #he "orldBs largest and first LG =(A plas%a #$ co%%erciali0ed #he "orldBs first terrestrial 6;> phone de,eloped


A0 OD!'Di!E #) .! C#(+um!' Du'&b9! S!> #' @a*7ground8 1rior to liberalisation, the Consumer Durables se*tor in !ndia 4as restri*ted to a handful of domesti* pla)ers li7e Iodre2, All4)n, 6el+inator and Koltas5 Together, the) *ontrolled nearl) D&N of the mar7et5 The) 4ere first super*eded b) pla)ers li7e @1" and Kideo*on in the earl) 'DD&s, 4ho in+ested in brand.building and in enhan*ing distribution and ser+i*e *hannels5 Then, 4ith liberalisation *ame a spate of foreign pla)ers from "I Ele*troni*s to Son) to Ai4a5 The graph of top three *onsumer durable giant is sho4n blo4,


@oth rising li+ing standards, espe*iall) in urban !ndia, and eas) a**ess to *onsumer finan*e ha+e fuelled the demand for *onsumer durables in the *ountr)5 Also, the entr) of a large number of foreign pla)ers means the *onsumer is no longer star+ed for *hoi*e5 @ut this has also resulted in an o+er.suppl) situation in re*ent times as gro4th le+els ha+e tapered off5

Ma2or 1la)ers$ The ma2or pla)ers in the *onsumer durables industr), operating in different se*tors su*h as air *onditioners, 4ashing ma*hines, refrigerators L tele+ision in*lude8 @lue Star "td5, :hirlpool of !ndia "td5, 1hilips -!ndia/ "td5, @1" "td5, Son) Corporation "td5, Samsung !ndia "td5, "I Ele*troni*s !ndia "td5, Kideo*on !nternational "td5 L Thomson "td5 DemandHSuppl)$ The *olour tele+ision -CTK/ segment of the *onsumer durables industr) has been hit b) stagnant demand in re*ent times5 CTK manufa*turers li7e @1" and Kideo*on ha+e effe*ted pri*e *uts 4hile others ha+e lo4ered produ*tion le+els in the fa*e of rising in+entories5 The) ha+e also initiated dri+es to *lear old sto*7s5 The results are mi>ed5 For instan*e, demand for '*h CTKs 4as hit b) the redu*tion in the pri*es of %&.in*h CTKs5 Demand for larger sets -%A L %D in*h/

has also slo4ed be*ause of the pri*e fa*tor5 So *ompanies li7e "I and Samsung are no4 e>pe*ted to redu*e pri*es in the premium *ategories5 As for the other segments, air *onditioner demand 4as up in re*ent months5 !n the *ase of refrigerators, a *hun7 of the sales are still in the dire*t *ool segment as against the one, @ut repla*ement bu)ers tend to go for te*hnologi*all) impro+ed models5 Hen*e, sales of refrigerators ha+e gro4n steadil) o+er a period of time5 The 4ashing ma*hine mar7et *onsists of t4o broad segments . semi.automati* and full) automati*5 The first a**ounts for a *hun7 of the mar7et5 !n terms of loading t)pe, top loading ma*hines sell in greater numbers than front.loading ones5 CO S#ME0 D#0A@"ES MA06ET 1!E ! FY&B

The "I Iroup 4as a merger of t4o 6orean *ompanies, "u*7) and Iold Star, from4hi*h the abbre+iation of "# 4as deri+ed5 The *urrent O"ifePs goodO slogan

is a ba*7ron)m5 @efore the *orporate ame *hange to "#, household produ*ts 4ere sold under the @rand name of "ucky, 4hile ele*troni* produ*ts 4ere sold under the brand name of #old $tar5 The Iold Star brand is still per*ei+ed as a dis*ount brand5 !n 'DDA, Iold Star 4as renamed "I Ele*troni*s, and a*quired Qenith Ele*troni*s of the #nited States5 G9#b&9 O%!'& i#($ "I Ele*troni*s is pla)ing an a*ti+e role in the 4orld mar7et 4ith its asserti+e global business poli*)5 As a result, "I Ele*troni*s *ontrols ''& lo*al subsidiaries in the 4orld 4ith around F%,&&& e>e*uti+e and emplo)ees5 "I Iroup '5 "I51hilips "CD %5 "I Chemi*al (5 "I Tele*om =5 "I 1o4er*om A5 "I T4ins B5 "I Da*om @usiness areas and main produ*ts Mobile *ommuni*ations -a/ CDMA Handsets, -b/ISM Handsets, -*/ (I Handsets, -d/ Cellular 1hones Digital applian*e a/ Air Conditioners, b/ 0efrigerators, */ Mi*ro4a+e O+ens, d/ :ashing Ma*hines, e/ Ka*uum Cleaners, f/ Home et, g/ Compressors for Air Conditioners and 0efrigerators Digital displa) a/ 1lasma TKs,

b/ "CD TKs, */ Mi*ro Displa) 1anel TKs, d/ Monitors, e/ 1D1 Modules, f/ O"ED 1anels, g/ #S@ Memor), h/ Flat 1anel Computer Monitors Digital media a/ Home Theater S)stems, b/ DKD 0e*orders, */ Super Multi DKD 0e4riters, d/ CDR0:, e/ oteboo7 1Cs, f/ Des7top 1Cs, g/ 1DAs, h/ 1DA 1hones, i/ M1( 1la)ers, 2/ e4 6arao7e S)stems, 7/ Car !nfotainment



3G E9!> '#(i>+$ C#m%&(, P'#)i9!

Corporate Io+ernan*e Follo4ing the laun*h of the holding *ompan), "I Ele*troni*s operates under an ad+an*ed *orporate go+ernan*e stru*ture that *omprises a professional administrator and a @oard of Dire*tors5 This stru*ture helps us deplo) more transparent, +alue *reating management a*ti+ities that help in*rease *orporate and shareholder +alue5 Management S)stem :hen "I Ele*troni*s remo+ed the SCir*ulating !n+estment Stru*ture; of its affiliated *ompanies through the laun*h of a holding *ompan) s)stem, this enabled the holding *ompan) to ta7e full *harge of in+estments5 Consequentl), "I Ele*troni*s has been able to fo*us on its o4n businesses 4hile in*reasing the o+erall +alue of the Compan)5 This *orporate go+ernan*e stru*ture has laid the ground4or7 for in*reasing managerial transparen*)5 Through a responsible management s)stem *omprising the CEO of "I Ele*troni*s and a @oard of Dire*tors, 4e are ta7ing huge steps in strengthening our *ompetiti+eness at

domesti* and international le+el in order to ma>imi?e *orporate and shareholder +alue5 @oard of Dire*tors "I Ele*troni*sP @oard of Dire*tors maintains independen*e from its management and ma2or shareholders5 Currentl) the @oard has a total of se+en dire*tors, four of 4hom are outside dire*tors5 To ensure that e>ternal dire*tors are appointed fairl) and independentl), the OE>ternal Dire*tor 0e*ommendation Committee,O *omprising one dire*tor and one e>ternal dire*tor, nominates e>ternal dire*tors follo4ing *lose e>amination of their qualifi*ations5 These outside dire*tors are then +oted on at the ne>t shareholdersP meeting5 Outside dire*tors are al4a)s 4ell qualified indi+iduals 4ith professional 7no4ledge and e>perien*e in 7e) areas5 Their main role is to *arr) out *he*7 and balan*e fun*tions, as 4ell as monitor the Compan)Ps o+erall management a*ti+ities5 The) also a*t as ob2e*ti+e ad+isors to the Compan)5 The @oard meetings ta7e pla*e e+er) month, and e+er) member is required to parti*ipate in the meeting5The board members re+ie4 the meeting agenda pro+ided b) the Compan) management prior to the board meeting, e+aluate and super+ise the Compan) managementPs performan*e and business transa*tions 4ith affiliated *ompanies, and other important management issues5 Sin*e %&&A, "I Ele*troni*s has gi+en the board members an opportunit) to a*ti+el) parti*ipate in the Compan)Ps management a*ti+ities b) offering an POn.The.Spot Management 1rogramP that allo4s the members to dire*tl) +isit Compan) business +enues based both lo*all) and abroad5 The Compan) also en*ourages parti*ipation in outside dire*tor training programs that are hosted b) the 6orean Dire*tors Asso*iation5 !nternal

7#(* N&m Ki*e Chairman and CEO, "I Ele*troni*s


Read ;ore

D&Di" Ju(* CFO of "I Ele*troni*s-E>e*uti+e Ki*e 1resident/ Dire*tor

Read ;ore

7u-Si* K&(* CEO of "I Corp5 -Ki*e Chairman/ Dire*tor E>ternal

Su1-J!&( K&(* Chairman of CEO Consulting Iroup Outside Dire*tor

I( Ki J## 1rofessor of Yonsei #ni+ersit) Outside Dire*tor


Su1 C.&! 3!! Consultant of Taep)oung)ang "a4firm -@ae, 6im L "ee/ Outside Dire*tor

Su(*-6#( -#(* 1resident of Jeollanamdo !nno+ation Agen*) for Strategi* !ndustr) Outside Dire*tor Audit Committee To ensure *omplete independen*e from the *ompan);s management and ma2or shareholders, the Audit Committee is *omposed of three outside dire*tors5 The CommitteePs role is to e>amine +arious finan*ial reports and enhan*e managerial transparen*) and fairness as super+isors5 !n addition, the *ommittee members appro+e the appointment of outside auditors after *areful re+ie4 of the *andidatesP professionalism, independen*e, reputation, *apability2 ability to audit international businesses2 as "ell as possibilities of conflict of interest associated "ith the &o%pany9

In Ki Joo 1rofessor of Yonsei #ni+ersit) Outside Dire*tor


Suk Chae Lee Consultant of Taep)oung)ang "a4 firm -@ae, 6im L "ee/ Outside Dire*tor

Suk Jean Kan! Chairman of CEO Consulting Iroup Outside Dire*tor E"e#u$i%e& #a e a loo at LG's corporate business and organi0ation9 Co'(o'a$e Vi&ion LG ai%s to beco%e a global leader2 pro,iding happiness for custo%ers "orld"ide9

!t started as a big dream in small to4n of the north !ndian state of #tter 1radesh .....a to4nship b) the name of Ireater oida5 @a*7 in 'DDC, it 4as 2ust a pie*e of 4ilderness5 obod), least of all the o4ner of a fortune A&& *ompan) 4ould ha+e dared to *hoose it as a *an+as to s*ript a transnational *orporation;s su**ess stor) in !ndia, but, then, "I, if )ou go into the histor) of the seoul.based *ompan) that has footprints in nearl) all parts of the glo+e, is a different 7ind of an entit) altogether5

"I!" has *ompetition )et it has managed to be*ome one of the most admired *ompanies in !ndia though inno+ation5 -The e*onomi* times '% 2an %&&'/


"I!" is )oungest

and fastest gro4ing *onsumer durable brand5 "I at the no5 one slot is targeted to end the )ear 4ith a turno+er of usJ '5A billion5 After China, "I plans to ma7e !ndia its se*ond largest manufa*turing hub5 Toda), "I!" is an #SJ '=AB million behemouth, 4ith a spra4ling produ*t range, and mar7et leadership in all produ*t *ategories5 The !ndian operation of "I Ele*troni*s in fa*t ran7 among the best three in "I Ele*troni*s 4orld.4ide5 To be sure, life 4as not al4a)s this good for "IE!"5 The mud trail that led us to plot no5A',#)d)og Kihar, Sura2pur 6asna 0oad in Ireater 4ith massi+e potholes and road blo*7s @efore 'DDC, "I had made t4o *on*erted attempts at penetrating the !ndian mar7et5 #nfortunatel), both met 4ith miserable failure5 The first 4as in the form of a 2oint Kenture 4ith @esta+ision and se*ond a JK 4ith a @irla Iroup *ompan)5 For se+eral una**ountable reasons, both the attempts *ame to a naught and tal7s petered off as qui*7l) as the) had started5 The) *ame a +ital poli*) shift5 The Io+ernment of !ndia liberali?ed its e*onomi* poli*) and allo4ed transnational *orporations to set up shop in !ndia5 One of the first to respond to this in+itation 4as "I.6orea, a *orporation that strait too7 the di+e and this time made the strategi* de*ision of setting up a '&& per *ent oida 4as stre4n


subsidiar) of the 6orean *ompan) in !ndia5 This time, it did not need the support of an) partners5 !n Mar*h,'DDC, 6 0 6im 4ho 4as the ser+ing in panama 4as *alled to !ndia to spearhead the !ndian operations5 Ho4e+er no sooner 4as the announ*ement made that the business maga?ine and ne4spapers in !ndia started to 4rite us off predi*ting a blea7 future for the *ompan)5 Some 4ent started to 4rite us off predi*ting a blea7 future for the *ompan)5 Some 4ent so far as to fore*ast our premature demise mainl) be*ause of our earlier, failed attempts at brea*hing the !ndian turf5 A fe4 industr) 4at*hers also felt that our timing 4as bad, as the *onsumer durable mar7et in !ndia 4as alread) saturated 4ith indigenous and global pla)ers, lea+ing no room for another entit)< 4orst a foreign one at that5


8 The un*hallenged trend

those da)s at most transnational *orporations 4as that e>patriates manned all *ru*ial fun*tions5 All the poli*ies 4ere formulated at the headquarter and then unquestioningl) e>e*uted at the +arious bran*h offi*e5 This left +er) little elbo4 room for lo*al managers to maneu+er things at their end5 Consequentl), none of these initiati+e fa*tored in lo*al *onsiderations leading to huge dis*onne*t bet4een 4hat the lo*al *onsumer 4anted and 4hat the *orporate offi*e though the) 4antedT !n *ontrast, the "I!" stor) in !ndia got s*ripted +er) differentl) from this, as it bore a strong lo*al imprint5 !n retrospe*t, ! thin7, it must ha+e made for a bold, *ultural strateg) implemented 4ith lot of internal *on+i*tion5 The strateg) got +ested in three *ru*ial de*isions, 4hi*h ha+e no4 entered into the +er) fabri* of our organi?ational *ultural5 @riefl), the three de*ision 4ere8

'5 !ndian emplo)ees 4ould be appointed as the 7e) de*ision ma7ers at "IE!"5 The role of the Foreign Ser+i*e Emplo)ees -FESs/ 4ould at best remain limited to that of fa*ilitators, 4hi*h implied that the) 4ould *o.ordinate 4ith "I 7orea and pro+ide e>pertise, 4here needed5 %5 The head of Human 0esour*es di+ision and the head of Sales L Mar7eting di+ision 4ould al4a)s be !ndians5 (5 The Head of Manufa*turing and the Head of Finan*e and A**ounts 4ould be FSEs but e+en the) 4ould be assisted b) !ndian managers8 4ho 4ould pro+ide 7e) support to these fun*tions5 These de*ision be*ame the *ornerstone of "I;s operational strength in !ndia the e+ident of 4hi*h *an be found in the follo4ing statisti*s 8 From a turno+er of #SJ (' million in 'DDC, it 4ent to #SJ AF( million in %&&% and further to #SJ '=AB million in the last finan*ial )ear %&&A Our head*ount, mean4hile has gro4n from =&% in 'DDC to %D&& in %&&A !n 2ust o+er> )ears, 4e ha+e shot to OU' in the rerfrigrators -%D,= per *ent mar7et share/< and oU' in 4ashing ma*hine -(&N mar7et share/ oU' in mi*ro4a+e o+en-(B5CN mar7et share / produ*ts *ategor) and oU' in the air *onditioner -(=N mar7et share /


Ho4 a 6orean *ompan)

managed to outsmart its foreign and !ndian ri+als is a stor) about *ulture *hange5 "i7e the other 6orean *ompanies that ha+e been su**essful in


!ndia. Samsung and H)undai, !ndia;s no .% *ar produ*er5 "I had good produ*ts and smart mar7eting5 @ut "I 4ent further b) *hallenging !ndian 4or7 habitsVVnegati+e management traits, su*h as du*7ing *hallenges and tolerating e>*uses, !ndian 4or7 habitsV55 negati+e management traits su*h as du*7ling *hallenges and tolerating e>*uses, are o+er*ome 4ith bonus s*hemes that *an add F&N to salaries Emplo)ee are assessed against pre*ise targets5


Around this

time, 4e had also begun to reali?e that an) e>er*ise at setting up a 61! s)stem 4as in*omplete 4ithout ben*hmar7ing our parameters against the best in the industr)5 :e also dis*o+ered that most *ompanies hired e>ternal-read foreign / *onsultant to handle this 2ob that not 2ust *harged an e>orbitant fee, but also too7 si>.se+en months; timeframe to a**omplish ) tas7, ne>t )ear, use WH% resour*es to a**omplish ), or better still %) tas7s5 Sounds impossibleX @ut 4e 7no4 the s)stem 4or7s5



the 4ord go, "I!" has had a +er) strong *ustomer and sales.dri+en ideolog)5 Dub is as a strategi* balan*e of the push and pull fa*tors5 The push *ame from the lo)al *ustomers5 To reinfor*e this +ision, 4e made it a *ustomar) pra*ti*e that an) "IE!" e>e*uti+e, +isiting an) *it) or bran*h had to first do field +isit of the lo*al mar7et and e>perien*e the mar7et first hand5 There 4ere no t4o 4a)s about it5 The feedba*7 had to *ome straight, honest and deli+ered dire*t to ea*h one of us5 This requires that e+er) "I brands ambassador had to meet a fe4 lo*al dealersHdistributors and sell one or t4o produ*ts o+er a dire*t interfa*e 4ith the *ustomers5 "ater at the *orporate managers meeting, the) had to ma7e a presentation

and be qui??ed on 4hat +alues *ustomers loo7ed for in "IE!" produ*ts *ould be sent ba*7 to the 0LD5

PO3IC7 ON PRICE CUT8 "I has also sha7en things up on the

mar7eting side5 !t has dri+en pri*es do4n b) 'FN to %&N5 O+er the past t4o )ears "I has steadil) in*reased distribution outlets and the breadth of produ*ts ranges


$ "IE!" had a strong portfolio of produ*ts,

+i? CTK, air *onditioners, 4ashing ma*hines, refrigerators and mi*ro4a+e o+ens, to name 2ust a fe4 , from the +er) beginning, 4e 4ere among the fe4 , front. running *onsumer durable *ompanies in !ndia to *ommand su*h a +ast arra) of produ*ts5 The benefits is that e+en if one or t4o are not performing +er) 4ell in the mar7et there are others to tide us through5 !n fa*t, there is al4a)s one produ*t that remains on at an) point of time in the )ear, so there 4as ne+er a rain) season5


$ @) the )ear %&&&.%&&', "IE!" had a

strong presen*e through the length and breadth of the *ountr)5 :e 4ere dong e4ll in almost all metropolitan *ities, espe*iall) in the northern and eastern belts of the *ountr) although 4e still had some *at*hing up to do in the south and 4est This 4as a*hie+ed in %&&%.%&&(, 4hen "IE!" emerged as the undisputed mar7et leader5 Yet, it 4as hardl) the reason to sit on our laurels5 The problem of further gro4th had to be addressed and there 4as this pressing need to e>plore and find ne4 mar7ets5 !n the metros, although 4e 4ere doing prett) 4ell the *ost of selling 4as too steep to enable us to *ut good profits as our *ompetitors 4ere also fo*used on de+eloping 2ust these mar7ets5

DUA3 MARKETING$ As 4ould be *lear from the pre*eding dis*ussion, so far, 4e had onl) in*urred *ost and made little profit in e>e*uting all these e>pansion plans so no4 4as the time to reap the fruits of our earlier labour and the onl) a**eptable 4a) of doing that 4as 4ithout *ompromising on the qualit) fa*tor5 That left 2ust one option nip *orner at the *ost end5 Sin*e this 4as also the onl) route that 4ould not ha+e diluted the per*eption of the premium of the premium brand, the *orporation started ma7ing serious efforts

STRONG EMP3O7EE FOUNDATION 8 the enormous speed at

4hi*h "IE!" gre4 in those da)s 4ould possible 4ithout logi*al and rational s)stem5 The management 7ne4 the) had to do something remar7able different from *ompetition5 So 4e set about re*ruiting people, 4ho among other things, 4ere per*ei+ed to be high on8 1h)si*al energ) Emotional energ) e>t, the) 4ere pro+ided 4ith8 '5 a big +ision %5 Melt.ins so that all de*isions *ould be made b) *onsensus and nothing got unilaterall) imposed on an) one (5 ea*h 4as gi+en absolute freedom 4ithin *ertain pre.defined parameters and held a**ountable for results5 Mean4hile, the tools that the emplo)ees 4ere en*ouraged to use mainl) *omprised of<

'5 %5 (5 =5 A5

*reating total transparen*) relating

to the *ompan);s performan*e

in*luding a dis*ussion of sensiti+e issue , su*h as profitabilit) Sharing 4ith them ne4s and details of the future line.up of our produ*ts Sho4ing genuine respe*t and a**eptan*e of e+er)bod) ideas and suggestions 0esposing total trust and faith in their intention endea+ours and *apabilities @uilding strong *ommuni*ation lin7s -these details are dis*ussed in a later *hapter /

3G E9!> '#(i>+ $ Di+i#(

"I Ele*troni*s +ision for the %'st *entur) is to be*ome a true global digital leader through fast gro4th and fast inno+ation and to be 7no4n as a *ompan) 4ho *an ma7e its 4orld4ide *ustomers happ) through its inno+ati+e digital produ*ts and ser+i*es5 "I Ele*troni*s has set its mid.term and long.term goal to ran7 among the top ( ele*troni*s, information, and tele*ommuni*ation firms in the 4orld b) %&'&5 :e aim to utili?e our *ore *apabilities of produ*t leadership, mar7et leadership and people leadership and enhan*e our *orporate *ulture of team 4or7 and fun 4or7pla*e to a*hie+e our mission of be*oming O% b) '&O, that is, double our sales +olume and profit b) )ear %&'&5

3GEI3 G P'#"u> P#' )#9i#


1anel ISM

!T 1rodu*ts





Air Mi*ro4a+e Ka*uum Conditioner O+ens Cleaner !nternal Culture

Digital Audio Kideo

As 4e all 7no4 requirement of trained and e>perien*ed 1rofessional 4ith the desired mindset is the need of the hour for an) Organi?ation to Sur+i+e and Iro4 in this *ompetiti+e en+ironment5 To *ope 4ith the gro4ing e>pe*tations of business and in order to gi+e the organi?ation a *ompetiti+e edge to the business 4e in "I ha+e streamlined the 4hole s)stem b) integrating the H0 fundamentals 4ith !nformation Te*hnolog) and ha+e adopted some pra*ti*es unique to "I5 "I as a brand and a mar7et leader in !ndia attra*ts *andidates in hordes and its !ndustr) leadership status ser+es as a ma2or fa*tor in attra*ting emplo)ees5 Therefore "I has the abilit) to hire the best in the industr)5 On*e these *andidates are hired, the) undergo and e>hausti+e indu*tion programmed for duration of '= da)s under 4hi*h the *andidate is a*quainted 4hi*h ea*h and e+er) aspe*t of the organi?ation5 A thorough integration 4ith H0 L @usiness 1ro*esses ta7es pla*e and the formulation of a 61! is done 4ithin three da)s of ta7ing the *andidate onboard5 Customer DepartmentHKendor Department intera*tion also ta7es pla*e5


"I as an organi?ation ta7es pride in the fa*t that the) ha+e the highest manpo4er produ*ti+it) and the lo4est manpo4er *ost in *omparison to the industr)5 !nfe*t "I is ben*hmar7ed in terms of manpo4er *osting5 Emplo)ees are gi+en a *han*e to +isit 6orea on *ompletion of555)ears in "I5 Apart from this "I also has a famil) ambassador programme 4here a dedi*ated mentor goes to the 4or7ers house and tal7s to his famil), their problems et*5 and tries to ma7e their Situation better5 All 4or7ers are ser+ed lun*h along 4ith the other senior emplo)ees so that no demar*ation is made5 !nfe*t lun*h is first ser+ed to 4or7ers and then to the 4hite *ollar emplo)ees5 On the first Monda) of e+er) month the 4or7ers meet the MD and A& 4or7ers amongst of them get a4ards for outstanding performan*e5

C#'%#'& ! S#>i&9 R!+%#(+ibi9i , (CSR)$

:ith the ad+ent of globali?ation in !ndia, the *on*ept of Corporate So*ial 0esponsibilit) has emerged as one of the most important aspe*ts of *orporate beha+ior5 A*7no4ledging this responsibilit) is *ru*ial for an organi?ationPs

sustainable de+elopment and future a**ess to the global mar7et5 A definite *orporate so*ial responsibilit)-CS0/ plan has therefore not onl) be*ome an integral part of an organi?ationPs brand building strateg), but has also emerged as an important tool to enhan*e the organi?ationPs *redibilit), attra*t potential in+estors and *lients and emplo) the best of industr) talent5

As a leading *orporate in !ndia, 4e at "I belie+e that *orporate *ontribution to so*iet) 4hen guided b) self.interest results in long term good4ill building, and ha+e therefore endea+ored to assume responsibilit) for the needs of its people, the en+ironment and the so*iet)5 :e ha+e *onsistentl) loo7ed be)ond its immediate business en+ironment to address larger so*ietal issues5 This *on*ern springs from the belief that a true *orporate +ision must embra*e the 4ider *ommunit) rather than 2ust shareholders, *ustomers and suppliers5 At the same time, there is nothing idealisti* about "IPs CS0 +ision, nor is it in *onfli*t 4ith hard.headed business sense5 !t is purel) an understanding on "IPs part that the time, resour*es and professional e>pertise in+ested in so*ial de+elopment pro2e*ts pa) ri*h di+idends to the *ompan) and the *ommunities in 4hi*h it operates5 Therefore at "I the message is *lear8 *reating profits *an and should go 4ith generating good4ill5


A sle4 of numerous initiati+es ha+e been underta7en b) "I e+er sin*e its in*eption in !ndia5 The *ompan) has been a*ti+el) in+ol+ed in pro+iding so*ial benefits to the disad+antaged se*tions of the so*iet)5 :e also ha+e a fo*used plan for pro+iding health ser+i*es to the under pri+ileged *hildren, underta7e animal health *are and enhan*e professional s7ills of the unemplo)ed )outh5

"I !ndia has 4or7ed 2ointl) 4ith 1ra)as, a Delhi.based

IO b) underta7ing

*ampaigns H a*ti+ities for the 4elfare and upliftment of #nderpri+ileged Street

and slum *hildren and pro+iding those ser+i*es in the field of edu*ation, health *are, shelter, +o*ational training and other rehabilitation programmes5 The *ompan) also tied up 4ith HE"1AIE !ndia, the *ountr)Ps largest +oluntar) organi?ation 4or7ing for the *ause and *are of disad+antaged older people5 "IE!" also ta7es *are of %= +illages around Ireater oida out of 4hi*h si> ha+e been adopted formall)5 The *ompan) has on its pa) roll three do*tors 4ho +isit

these +illages dail) and offer Free Medi*al Care, 4hi*h *omprises of free *he*7 ups and a free distribution of medi*ines5 "IPs *ommitment to *ontribute substantiall) to the *ommunit) led to the formation of the PTin7ha,P a *ommunit) de+elopment *lub *onsisting of '& people5 !t re*entl) organi?ed @lood Donation Camp 4here 'C% emplo)ees donated blood in one da)5



An attempt has been made to *ompare the four *onsumer durable brands namel) "I, Samsung, Kideo*on and Haier, ! had pi*7ed up four different produ*t *ategories . refrigerators, Colour tele+isions of %'O or bigger si?e, air. *onditioners, and 4ashing ma*hines, b) understanding the per*eption of '&& Consumers and B& Dealers, So as to *on*lude 4hi*h *onsumer durable brand is more suitable to *ompete and sur+i+e in the global mar7et5

The sur+e) hasnPt merel) measured the *ustomer satisfa*tion for different brands but has a*tuall) ran7ed brands on the basis of *ustomer delight5 The differen*e is simple5 Almost e+er) big brand in the mar7et toda) meets a *ertain threshold le+el of produ*t and ser+i*e performan*e5 @ut *ertain brands e>*eed *ustomer e>pe*tations5 These are the brands 4hi*h delight the *ustomer, not merel) satisf) him DEA3ERS SUR?E7 A


!n order to understand dealers; per*eption about *onsumer beha+ior to4ards pur*hase of refrigerators, *t+, 4ashing ma*hine and a* a sur+e) 4as on dealers5 The sur+e) 4as *ondu*ted on small s*ale5 Due to time *onstraint, sur+e) 4as *ondu*ted on 'A dealers of ea*h produ*ts5rs5 The data *olle*tion instrument 4as a questionnaire 4hi*h *onsisted of B questions on ea*h produ*t and 4hi*h measured different attributes5

0- 1nalysis of Survey23efrigerators4

b10 -#E 9#(* &'! >u+ #m!'+ i( .! '! &i9i(* #) '!)'i*!'& #'+H (5lease .ick)


Y ' Year ' Y % Year % Y ( Year (Years Abo+e



< E 4

F ( Gear

( F < Gear

< F H Gear

HGears or :bo,e

This *hart tells us about the 4or7 e>perien*e of dealers i5e5 for ho4 long ha+e the) been in retailing of refrigerators5 As *an be seen from the pie *hart that B&N of the dealers ha+e been in retailing of refrigerators for than ( )ears and =&N ha+e an e>perien*e more than % )rs but less than ()rs same i5e5 the) ha+e been into this business for more than % )rs but less than ()rs5 Similar %&N of respondents fall in the *ategor) of more than ')rs but less than %)rs5 :hile '&N of the total respondents ha+e been in the retailing of refrigerators for less than ')rs5 This parti*ular aspe*t 4as *onsidered in the resear*h be*ause after 7no4ing about the 4or7 e>perien*e of different dealers 4e *an interpret the 7ind of per*eption about *ustomer beha+iors B200 6.i>. #) .! )#99#Ei(* b'&("+ #) '!)'i*!'& #'+2 7#u &'! "!&9i(* i(H (5lease .ick) R!+%#(+!$ BRAND NO0 #) RESPONDENTS

I &*! #) '!+%#("!( +

"I Haier Samsung Kideo*on A(, O .!'

1= 11 1K 13 10

=3033 K;0;K <;0;K K;0;K 3;0;K

The abo+e gi+en graph tells us ho4 frequentl) respondents -dealers/ deals in abo+e gi+en brands of refrigerators5 D(5((N of dealers are preferred to deal "I brand 4hile (CN of dealers are preferred to deal 4ith other brand -@1", All4)n et*5/5 Samsung is se*ond most brand preferred b) dealers5 As 4e *an see from the graph that Samsung, "I, Kideo*on are most li7el) brand among the dealers 4hereas Iodre2, @1", All4)n are less preferred b) dealers than other brands5 B300 T# E.& !L !( +2 )#99#Ei(* b'&("+ #) '!)'i*!'& #'+ &'! %'!)!''!" b, >u+ #m!'+H -Mar7 the appropriate preferen*e le+el b) ti*7ing against respe*ti+e brand/ R!+%#(+!$

?!', -i*. -J2 -i*. G 32 3#E G 22 ?!', 3#E G 12 Ni9 G 0

ATTRIBUTES "I Samsung Haier ?i"!#>#(


PREFERANCE 3E?E3 30:; 30JK 20K0 301K

Br !"# $% R&%r'(&r )$r *r&%&r&" +, -.#)$/&r

<@ <) (@ () @ ) LG Sa%sung RES5DCSE Haier 5reference LE,el $ideocon

The abo+e gi+en graph gi+es us the information regarding the preferen*e le+el gi+en to different brands b) *ustomers 4ith preferen*e le+el of S&; for the brand that is not preferred, S'; standing for the brand that is preferred b) less *ustomers 4hile S=; and S(; standing for that brands 4hi*h are most li7el) b) *ustomers5 As 4e *an see from the graph that "I is first preferen*e b) the *ustomers follo4ed b) Samsung that is se*ond most preferred b) *ustomers5 :hile Haier is less preferred b) *ustomers5


P9!&+! '&(1 !&>. #) .! )#99#Ei(* )!& u'!+ )'#m 1 # : #( .! b&+i+ #) .!i' im%#' &(>! # >u+ #m!'+0 Rank %& the most importance feature Rank '&the least important feature R&(1 O'"!' 999999999 999999999 999999999 999999999 999999999

F!& u'! a/ Spa*e b/ Front Door Design */ Cooling Effe*t d/ Colour e/ @rand ame R!+%#(+!$

ATTRIBUTES Spa*e Front Door Design Cooling Effe*t Colour B'&(" N&m!

R&(1 #'"!' 2 : 3 J 1

This helps *ompan) to *on*entrate on the most important fa*tor so that the) *ompan) *ould get the *ompetiti+d edge o+er *ompetitor5

B:00 I( E.i>. +!&+#(2 >u+ #m!' m#+ 9, %u'>.&+! '!)'i*!'& #'H (5lease .ick) R!+%#(+!$


A))r'+.)&# Dff Season Su%%er Season :ny Dther

N$0 $% D& 1&r# 16 84 00

S& #$! '! 23'-3 C.#)$/&r M$#)1, 4.r-3 #& R&%r'(&r )$r




Dff Season

Su%%er Season

:ny Dther

As abo+e pie.*hart tells us about in 4hi*h season *ustomer mostl) pur*hase refrigerator i5e5 in 4hi*h season most of the sales happen5 As 4e *an be seen from the pie *hart that F=N of dealers sa) that *ustomers pur*hase refrigerators in summer 4hile 'BN of dealers sa) that *ustomers pur*hase refrigerators in off season5


A E.i>. Di+i 2 >u+ #m!' *!(!'&99, )i(&9iB! .i+M.!' "!>i+i#( )#' bu,i(* & '!)'i*!'& #'H R!+%#(+!$ A))r'+.)&# :t *ist $isit

N$0 $% DEALERS 60

:t Second $isit :t #hird $isit :ny Dther

33033 06067 00

5'#') I! 23'-3 C.#)$/&r F'! 1'6& )3&'r D&-'#'$!

=I )I



:t *irst $isit

:t Second $isit

:t #hird $isit

:ny Dther

This *hart tells us about the *ustomers; 4illingness to4ards pur*hase of refrigerators5 As *an be seen from the pie *hart that B&N of the dealers said that *ustomers finali?e that their de*ision to4ards pur*hase of refrigerators in first +isit to sho4room and ((N of dealers said *ustomer does se*ond +isit 4hile CN of dealers said *ustomers need third +isit to finali?e their de*ision5

c- 1nalysis of Survey2)olor .elevision4

>10 -#E 9#(* &'! D!&9!' i( .! '! &i9i(* #) CT?H (5lease .ick) R!+%#(+!$




Y ' Year ' Y % Year % Y ( Year (Years Abo+e or



< E 4

F ( Gear

( F < Gear

< F H Gear

HGears or :bo,e

This *hart tells us about the 4or7 e>perien*e of dealers i5e5 for ho4 long ha+e the) been in retailing of CTK5 As *an be seen from the pie *hart that B&N of the dealers ha+e been in retailing of CTK for than ( )ears and =&N ha+e an e>perien*e more than % )rs but less than ()rs same i5e5 the) ha+e been into this business for more than % )rs but less than ()rs5 Similar %&N of respondents fall in the *ategor) of more than ')rs but less than %)rs5 :hile '&N of the total respondents ha+e been in the retailing of CTK for less than ')rs5

This parti*ular aspe*t 4as *onsidered in the resear*h be*ause after 7no4ing about the 4or7 e>perien*e of different dealers 4e *an interpret the 7ind of per*eption about *ustomer beha+iors


T# E.& !L !( +2 )#99#Ei(* b'&("+ #) CT? &'! %'!)!''!" b, >u+ #m!'+H -Mar7 the appropriate preferen*e le+el b) ti*7ing against respe*ti+e brand/ R!+%#(+!$ ?!', -i*. -J2 -i*. G 32 3#E G 22 ?!', 3#E G 12 Ni9 G 0

ATTRIBUTES RESPONSE PREFERENCE 3E?E3 "I 1J 30:; Samsung 1K 30=< Kideo*on 12 301K Haier = 20;K







The abo+e gi+en graph gi+es us the information regarding the preferen*e le+el gi+en to different brands b) *ustomers 4ith preferen*e le+el of S&; for the brand that is not preferred, S'; standing for the brand that is preferred b) less *ustomers 4hile S=; and S(; standing for that brands 4hi*h are most li7el) b) *ustomers5 As 4e *an see from the graph that Samsung is first preferen*e b) the *ustomers follo4ed b) "I that is se*ond most preferred b) *ustomers5 :hile Haier is less preferred b) *ustomers

C30 6.& &'! .! %&'&m! !'+ #( E.i>. >#(+um!' m&1!+ .i+ %u'>.&+! "!>i+i#(H P&'&m! !'+ o o o o o o 1ri*e 1a*7aging 1rodu*t Features @rand ame 1rodu*t Eualit) 1rodu*t Design 4 r /&)&r# 5rice 5ac aging 5roduct *eatures >rand Ca%e 5roduct Juality 5roduct 6esign R&(1 VV55 5VV5 VV5 VV5 VV5 5 VV R !7 $r"&r 1 6 4 3 2 5


A E.i>. Di+i 2 >u+ #m!' *!(!'&99, )i(&9iB! .i+M.!' "!>i+i#( )#' bu,i(* & CT?H

R!+%#(+!$ A))r'+.)&# :t *ist $isit :t Second $isit :t #hird $isit :ny Dther N$0 $% DEALERS 60 33033 06067 00

5'#') I! 23'-3 C.#)$/&r F'! 1'6& )3&'r D&-'#'$!

=I )I



:t *irst $isit

:t Second $isit

:t #hird $isit

:ny Dther

This *hart tells us about the *ustomers; 4illingness to4ards pur*hase of CTK5 As *an be seen from the pie *hart that B&N of the dealers said that *ustomers finali?e that their de*ision to4ards pur*hase of CTK in first +isit to sho4room and ((N of dealers said *ustomer does se*ond +isit 4hile CN of dealers said *ustomers need third +isit to finali?e their de*ision5 C;0 D#!+ >u+ #m!' >#m! Ei . %'i#' 1(#E9!"*!Mi()#'m& i#( &b#u %&' i>u9&'+ b'&("+ #) CT?H

a/ Yes R!+%#(+!$



8 (& $% DEALERS 54 46

4r'$r K!$91&"(&:I!%$r/ )'$!#





As abo+e pie.*hart tells us about prior 7no4ledge about CTK among the *ustomers5 As 4e *an be seen from the pie *hart that A=N of dealers sa) that *ustomers *ome 4ith some information or 7no4ledge about CTK 4hile =BN of dealers sa) that *ustomers doesn;t ha+e prior 7no4ledge about CTK5

d- 1nalysis of Survey21)4
"010 -#E 9#(* &'! D!&9!' i( .! '! &i9i(* #) ACH (5lease .ick)

R!+%#(+!$ ATTRIBUTE S Y ' Year ' Y % Year % Y ( Year (Years Abo+e NO0 OF I AGE OF RESPONDENT RESPONDENT S S 2 10 J 20 ; 30 or < J0


< E 4

F ( Gear

( F < Gear

< F H Gear

HGears or :bo,e

This *hart tells us about the 4or7 e>perien*e of dealers i5e5 for ho4 long ha+e the) been in retailing of AC5 As *an be seen from the pie *hart that B&N of the dealers ha+e been in retailing of AC for than ( )ears and =&N ha+e an e>perien*e more than % )rs but less than ()rs same i5e5 the) ha+e been into this business for more than % )rs but less than ()rs5 Similar %&N of respondents fall in the *ategor) of more than ')rs but less than %)rs5 :hile '&N of the total respondents ha+e been in the retailing of AC for less than ')rs5 This parti*ular aspe*t 4as *onsidered in the resear*h be*ause after 7no4ing about the 4or7 e>perien*e of different dealers 4e *an interpret the 7ind of per*eption about *ustomer beha+iors

D200 T# E.& !L !( +2 )#99#Ei(* b'&("+ #) AC &'! %'!)!''!" b, >u+ #m!'+H -Mar7 the appropriate preferen*e le+el b) ti*7ing against respe*ti+e brand/ R!+%#(+!$ ?!', -i*. -J2 -i*. G 32 3#E G 22 ?!', 3#E G 12 Ni9 G 0

ATTRIBUTES RESPONSE PREFERENCE 3E?E3 "I 1K 30<: Samsung 1J 30JK Haier 12 20K Kideo*on 1K 301K





S /#.!(

The abo+e gi+en graph gi+es us the information regarding the preferen*e le+el gi+en to different brands b) *ustomers 4ith preferen*e le+el of S&; for the brand that is not preferred, S'; standing for the brand that is preferred b) less *ustomers 4hile S=; and S(; standing for that brands 4hi*h are most li7el) b) *ustomers5 As

4e *an see from the graph that "I is first preferen*e b) the *ustomers follo4ed b) Samsung that is se*ond most preferred b) *ustomers5 :hile Haier is less preferred b) *ustomers D30 6.& &'! .! %&'&m! !'+ #( E.i>. >#(+um!' m&1!+ .i+ %u'>.&+! "!>i+i#(H P&'&m! !'+ o o o o o o 1ri*e 1a*7aging 1rodu*t Features @rand ame 1rodu*t Eualit) 1rodu*t Design 4 r /&)&r# 5rice 5ac aging 5roduct *eatures >rand Ca%e 5roduct Juality 5roduct 6esign DJ0 R&(1 VV55 5VV5 VV5 VV5 VV5 5 VV R !7 $r"&r 1 6 4 3 2 5

A E.i>. Di+i 2 >u+ #m!' *!(!'&99, )i(&9iB! .i+M.!' "!>i+i#( )#' bu,i(* & ACH R!+%#(+!$ A))r'+.)&# :t *ist $isit :t Second $isit :t #hird $isit :ny Dther N$0 $% DEALERS 60 33033 06067 00


5'#') I! 23'-3 C.#)$/&r F'! 1'6& )3&'r D&-'#'$!

=I )I



:t *irst $isit

:t Second $isit

:t #hird $isit

:ny Dther

This *hart tells us about the *ustomers; 4illingness to4ards pur*hase of AC5 As *an be seen from the pie *hart that B&N of the dealers said that *ustomers finali?e that their de*ision to4ards pur*hase of AC in first +isit to sho4room and ((N of dealers said *ustomer does se*ond +isit 4hile CN of dealers said *ustomers need third +isit to finali?e their de*ision5 D:0 D#!+ >u+ #m!' >#m! Ei . %'i#' 1(#E9!"*!Mi()#'m& i#( &b#u %&' i>u9&'+ b'&("+ #) ACH b/ Yes b/ o R!+%#(+!$ ATTRIBUTES Y&# N$ 8 (& $% DEALERS 54 46


4r'$r K!$91&"(&:I!%$r/ )'$!#





As abo+e pie.*hart tells us about prior 7no4ledge about ACamong the *ustomers5 As 4e *an be seen from the pie *hart that A=N of dealers sa) that *ustomers *ome 4ith some information or 7no4ledge about AC 4hile =BN of dealers sa) that *ustomers doesn;t ha+e prior 7no4ledge about AC


D;00 I( E.i>. +!&+#(2 >u+ #m!' m#+ 9, %u'>.&+! ACH (5lease .ick) R!+%#(+!$ A))r'+.)&# Dff Season Su%%er Season :ny Dther N$0 $% D& 1&r# 16 84 00

S& #$! '! 23'-3 C.#)$/&r M$#)1, 4.r-3 #& R&%r'(&r )$r




Dff Season

Su%%er Season

:ny Dther

As abo+e pie.*hart tells us about in 4hi*h season *ustomer mostl) pur*hase AC i5e5 in 4hi*h season most of the sales happen5 As 4e *an be seen from the pie *hart that F=N of dealers sa) that *ustomers pur*hase AC in summer 4hile 'BN of dealers sa) that *ustomers pur*hase refrigerators in off season5


e 1nalysis of Survey2&as"ing 'ac"ine4

!10 -#E 9#(* &'! D!&9!' i( .! '! &i9i(* #) 6&+.i(* M&>.i(!H (5lease .ick) R!+%#(+!$ ATTRIBUTES Y ' Year ' Y % Year % Y ( Year (Years Abo+e NO0 OF I AGE OF RESPONDENTS RESPONDENTS 2 10 J 20 ; 30 or < J0


< E 4

F ( Gear

( F < Gear

< F H Gear

HGears or :bo,e

This *hart tells us about the 4or7 e>perien*e of dealers i5e5 for ho4 long ha+e the) been in retailing of :ashing Ma*hine5 As *an be seen from the pie *hart that B&N of the dealers ha+e been in retailing of :ashing Ma*hine for than ( )ears and =&N ha+e an e>perien*e more than % )rs but less than ()rs same i5e5 the) ha+e been into this business for more than % )rs but less than ()rs5 Similar

%&N of respondents fall in the *ategor) of more than ')rs but less than %)rs5 :hile '&N of the total respondents ha+e been in the retailing of :ashing Ma*hine for less than ')rs5 This parti*ular aspe*t 4as *onsidered in the resear*h be*ause after 7no4ing about the 4or7 e>perien*e of different dealers 4e *an interpret the 7ind of per*eption about *ustomer beha+iors !020 T# E.& !L !( +2 )#99#Ei(* b'&("+ #) 6&+.i(* M&>.i(! &'! %'!)!''!" b, >u+ #m!'+H -Mar7 the appropriate preferen*e le+el b) ti*7ing against respe*ti+e brand/ R!+%#(+!$ ?!', -i*. -J2 -i*. G 32 3#E G 22 ?!', 3#E G 12 Ni9 G 0 ATTRIBUTES RESPONSE PREFERENCE 3E?E3 "I 1J 30:; Samsung 1K 30JK Son) 12 20K Kideo*on 1K 301K




S /#.!(

The abo+e gi+en graph gi+es us the information regarding the preferen*e le+el gi+en to different brands b) *ustomers 4ith preferen*e le+el of S&; for the brand

that is not preferred, S'; standing for the brand that is preferred b) less *ustomers 4hile S=; and S(; standing for that brands 4hi*h are most li7el) b) *ustomers5 As 4e *an see from the graph that Samsung is first preferen*e b) the *ustomers follo4ed b) "I that is se*ond most preferred b) *ustomers5 :hile Haier is less preferred b) *ustomers !030 6.& &'! .! %&'&m! !'+ #( E.i>. >#(+um!' m&1!+ .i+ %u'>.&+! "!>i+i#(H P&'&m! !'+ o o o o o o 1ri*e 1a*7aging 1rodu*t Features @rand ame 1rodu*t Eualit) 1rodu*t Design 4 r /&)&r# 5rice 5ac aging 5roduct *eatures >rand Ca%e 5roduct Juality 5roduct 6esign EJ0 R&(1 VV55 5VV5 VV5 VV5 VV5 5 VV R !7 $r"&r 1 6 4 3 2 5

A E.i>. Di+i 2 >u+ #m!' *!(!'&99, )i(&9iB! .i+M.!' "!>i+i#( )#' bu,i(* & 6&+.i(* M&>.i(!H R!+%#(+!$ A))r'+.)&# :t *ist $isit :t Second $isit :t #hird $isit :ny Dther

N$0 $% DEALERS 60 33033 06067 00

5'#') I! 23'-3 C.#)$/&r F'! 1'6& )3&'r D&-'#'$!

=I )I



:t *irst $isit

:t Second $isit

:t #hird $isit

:ny Dther

This *hart tells us about the *ustomers; 4illingness to4ards pur*hase of :ashing Ma*hine5 As *an be seen from the pie *hart that B&N of the dealers said that *ustomers finali?e that their de*ision to4ards pur*hase of :ashing Ma*hine in first +isit to sho4room and ((N of dealers said *ustomer does se*ond +isit 4hile CN of dealers said *ustomers need third +isit to finali?e their de*ision5



D#!+ >u+ #m!' >#m! Ei . %'i#' 1(#E9!"*!Mi()#'m& i#( &b#u %&' i>u9&'+ b'&("+ #) 6&+.i(* M&>.i(!H */ Yes b/ o R!+%#(+!$ ATTRIBUTES Y&# N$ 8 (& $% DEALERS 54 46

4r'$r K!$91&"(&:I!%$r/ )'$!#





As abo+e pie.*hart tells us about prior 7no4ledge about :ashing Ma*hineamong the *ustomers5 As 4e *an be seen from the pie *hart that A=N of dealers sa) that *ustomers *ome 4ith some information or 7no4ledge about :ashing Ma*hine4hile =BN of dealers sa) that *ustomers doesn;t ha+e prior 7no4ledge about :ashing Ma*hine5



6.!( >u+ #m!'+ m#+ 9, Di+i >u+ #m!'+' +.#E'##m )#' bu,i(* & 6&+.i(* M&>.i(!H a/ During E>*hange Offer */ During dis*ount Offer b/ During Iift Option Offer d/ An) Other -1lease Spe*if) /999999999


A))r'+.)&# 6uring Exchange Dffer 6uring Gift Dption Dffer 6uring discount Dffer :ny Dther

8 (& $% DEALERS 50 23 27 00

C.#)$/&r M$#)1, 5'#') S3$9r$$/ )I <=I

@)I <HI

Exchange Dffer

Gift Dption

6iscount Dffer

:ny Dther



1enetration of *onsumer durables 4ould be deeper in rural !ndia if ban7s and finan*ial institutions *ome out 4ith liberal in*enti+e s*hemes for the 4hite goods industr) segment, gro4th in disposable in*ome, impro+ing lifest)les, po4er a+ailabilit), lo4 running *ost, and rise in temperatures5 :hile the *onsumer durables mar7et is fa*ing slo4do4n due to saturation in the urban mar7et, rural *onsumers should be pro+ided 4ith easil) pa)able *onsumer finan*e s*hemes and basi* ser+i*es, after sales ser+i*es to suit the infrastru*ture and the e>isting amenities li7e ele*tri*it), +oltage et*5 Currentl), rural *onsumers pur*hase their durables from the nearest to4ns, leading to in*reased e>penses due to transportation5 1ur*hase ne*essaril) done onl) during the har+est, festi+e and 4edding seasons Z April to June and O*tober to in orth !ndia and O*tober to Februar) in the South, belie+ed to be months [good for bu)ing;, should be *on+erted to routine regular feature from the seasonal *hara*ter5 0ural !ndia that a**ounts for nearl) C&N of the total number of households, has a %N penetration in *ase of refrigerators and &5AN for 4ashing ma*hines, offers plent) of s*ope and opportunities for the 4hite goods industr)5 The urban *onsumer durable mar7et for produ*ts in*luding TK is gro4ing annuall) b) C to '& N 4hereas the rural mar7et is ?ooming ahead at around %A N annuall)5 A**ording to sur+e) made b)industr), the rural mar7et is gro4ing faster than the


urban !ndia no45 The urban mar7et is a repla*ement and up gradation mar7et no45 solutions integrate 7no4ledge a*ross the suppl) *hain5 Eas) a**ess to information on *ustomers, produ*ts and trends *an be a *ompetiti+e ad+antage b) offering better *ustomer ser+i*e, a**urate produ*t data and up to date fore*asts5 E.1ro*urement solutions pro+ide ele*troni*s *ompanies 4ith a**ess to parts *atalogs and to pla*e orders at an)time 4ith *ontra*ted distributors5 :ith the information *olle*ted from these s)stems, *ompanies *an pro+ide the +alue. added ser+i*es of manufa*turer negotiation, rebate management, in+entor) planning and reporting5 1ur*hasing +olume *an be le+eraged and more emphasis *an be pla*ed on produ*t negotiation and sele*tion9 :arehouse Management S)stems are soft4are pa*7ages that help distributors optimi?e their use of 4arehouse spa*e and 4arehouse labor5 !n addition, 4arehouse s)stems dramati*all) redu*e mispi*7s9 From the abo+e stated dis*ussion, it is re+ealed that although "I is mar7et leader in AC, :ashing Ma*hine and 0efrigerator Segment in C0, )et "I is getting tough *ompetition from Samsung Due to e>*ellent design , Displa) of 1rodu*ts at store and after sales ser+i*es5 To sta) ahead in *ompetition "I should impro+e it;s after sales ser+i*e in rural areas and it should offer better displa) at store5 !n this present era it is not an option to adopt fe4 differentiations strategies but the) should be in ad+an*e in e+er) area to sta) ahead in *ompetition5



'5 The stud) 4as limited in its s*ope be*ause of the relati+el) short time a+ailable -Three months / for *ompleting the 4hole stud) in*luding literature sur+e), de+elopment of h)pothesis, *olle*tion of data, anal)sis of data and 4riting the draft report5 Due to *onstraints of time and opportunit), the sample for the stud) had been *olle*ted from Chandigarh and Mohali from fe4 sele*ted dealers5 For the sa7e of simpli*it) fe4 +ariable 4ere ta7en into a**ount 5 %5 The Data 4hi*h has been *olle*ted from the Dealer and Consumer might not be +er) *orre*t to ta*7 strategi* de*ision as the) ma) hide a lot of information (5 "a*7 of interest in gi+ing responses b) Dealer and Consumer5 =5 The sample si?e 4hi*h ! ha+e ta7en is too small to ma7e a uni+ersal

statement5 A5 The final *on*lusion *an be affe*ted b) some of the e>traneous +ariables li7e 1romotional offer and ne4 laun*h of produ*t5 B5"a*7 of suffi*ient information about the *ompan) be*ause 4e *annot a**ess *onfidential data of *ompan)5 C5 "a*7 of the instruments to find out the reasonable out*ome5 F5 "a*7 of proper e>perien*e5 D5 Though the stud) 4ill represents the position of "I in Chandigarh and Mohali5 Due to small sample si?e, the finding ma) not be a true representati+e and it *annot be generali?ed5 Ho4e+er it 4ill pro+ide a good base for future stud) and ma) ha+e 4ider appli*ation in future5


Cu!+ i#((&i'! )#' CT?

! am an M@A.!@ student of A!@S, presentl) pursuing m) Management 0esear*h 1ro2e*t5 !nformation in the questionnaire 4ill be8 #sed for a*ademi* purposes onl) 6ept stri*tl) *onfidential C10 6.i>. #) .! )#99#Ei(* b'&("+ #) CT?2 ,#u &'! "!&9i(* i(H (5lease .ick) a/ "I b/ Samsung */ Kideo*on */ Haier d/ An) Other -1lease Spe*if)/ 99999999 C2 -#E m&(, m#"!9+ "# ,#u "i+%9&, )#' !&>. b'&("H Samsung 'A %' %D "CD 1"ASMA C3 E.i>. &'! .! E# .i*.!+ +!99i(* m#"!9+ #) !&>. >#m%&(, i( CT? @ .!i' %'i>!+H Samsung .VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV "IVV .VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV HaierV .VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV Kideo*on.VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV An) other.VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV "I Haier Kideo*on



T# E.& !L !( +2 )#99#Ei(* b'&("+ #) CT? &'! %'!)!''!" b, >u+ #m!'+H Cu!+ i#((&i'! )#' AC C106.i>. #) .! )#99#Ei(* b'&("+ #) AC2 ,#u &'! "!&9i(* i(H (5lease .ick) b/ "I b/ Samsung */ Kideo*on d/ Haier f/ An) Other -1lease Spe*if)/ 99999999 C2 -#E m&(, m#"!9+ "# ,#u "i+%9&, )#' !&>. b'&("H Capa*it) &5CA ' '5A '5B % Ton Ton Ton Ton Ton Samsung :HS "I :HS Haier :HS Kideo*on :HS

C3 6.i>. &'! .! E# .i*.!+ +!99i(* m#"!9+ #) !&>. >#m%&(, i( AC @ .!i' %'i>!+H Samsung .VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV "IVV .VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV HaierV .VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV Kideo*on.VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV An) other.VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV CJ0T# E.& !L !( +2 )#99#Ei(* b'&("+ #) AC &'! %'!)!''!" b, >u+ #m!'+H -Mar7 the appropriate preferen*e le+el b) ti*7ing against respe*ti+e brand/ B'&("+ "I Samsung Hiear Kideo*on @lueStar ?!', -i*. -i*. 3#E ?!', 3#E Ni9


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T-E DATA REGARDING$ Ho4 the a**essories *an be a*quired X :hen the a**essories did *ome into distribution *hannellingX :ere the retailers informed on the distributionX :hat en*ouraged them to posses the a**essoriesX Are the) en2o)ing ba*7 up from the *ompan) for promotional a*ti+itiesX The time *onstraint 4as also pre+alent as there 4as not abundant time for a detailed stud) to be *ondu*ted among the retailers and dealers5 The finan*ial limitations *ould also be felt as the funding regarding the sur+e) 4as not sub2e*ted 4hi*h lead to a la*7 in an in.depth stud) to be underta7en5


CEO E>patriate. 6orean

K1 -Human 0esour*e/

K1 -Sales L Mar7eting/

K1 -Manufa*turing E>patriate. 6orean /

K1 -Finan*e L A**ounts E>patriate.6orean/

IM Manufa*turing

IM Manufa*turing


BOOKS 6othari 1hilip, Mar7eting Management, 1renti*e Hall !ndia,Ath edition, Delhi5 6othari C50, 0esear*h Methodolog), :ish4a 1ra7ashan,(rd edition, Delhi5 C)nthia 7erse), Mar7eting Management, #nstoppable % NE6SPAPERS The Times of !ndia @usiness Times E*onomi* Times



edition, e4 Delhi5

6EBSITES 4445lgindia5*om 44454i7ipedia5*om @usiness 4orld @usiness toda)


"I maga?ine E*onomi*s times e4s paper Times of !ndia


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