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Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare ISSN 2224-32 ! "#a$er% ISSN 222&- '3( ")nline% *ol.3, No.

+,, 2 +3

Management of Root Knot Nematode Affecting Banana Crop by Using Organic Amendment And Biological Products
+. 2. -ahra .er/i+, 0l Hassan 1ayad+,2 , 1oha2ed Alfalah+ #lant #rotection 3e$art2ent 4 Ne2atology, Horticultural 5o2$le6 of Agadir, Hassan II Institute of Agrono2y 7 *eterinary 1edicine - Agadir, 1orocco. 8a9oratory of #lant Biotechnology, .aculty of Sciences, I9n--ohr :ni;ersity, B.#. 2!4S, Agadir, 1orocco. < 0-2ail of the corres$onding author= elhassan.2ayad>g2ail.co2

Abstract #lant-$arasitic ne2atodes are a 2a/or o9stacle to sustaina9le 9anana $roduction in 1orocco. ?ith rarefaction of efficient ne2aticide, safe and alternati;e 2ethods need to 9e de;elo$ed. @his research ai2s at e;aluating the efficiency of so2e 9io$roducts= Bioco2$ost "B%, Ricinus communis #owder "A#%, co29ined Bioco2$ost with R. communis #owder "A# B B% and a 9ione2aticide 9ased on Paecilomyces lilacinus co22ercialised as Ne2acont "N% against Meloidogyne javanica. All the 2entioned treat2ents not only reduced root Cnot ne2atode density and roots gall inde6 significantly, 9ut also i2$ro;ed $lant growth. @he R. communis $owder is the 2ost efficient 9iological $roduct on M. javanica $o$ulation su$$ression and on 9anana $lant growth enhancing. Keywords: Ricinus communis, Ne2acont, Paecilomyces lilacinus, Bioco2$ost, Meloidogyne javanica, 9anana. ! "ntroduction Banana is an i2$ortant $o$ular and widely Cnown cro$ fruit that $ro;ides car9ohydrates, $roteins, ;ita2ins and 2inerals to 2ore than 4 2illion $eo$le worldwide "INIBA#, +'!,%. Det, 9eside the constraints of 9anana 2arCet reEuire2ents and de2ands, there are other li2iting factorsF as 9anana yields are ad;ersely affected 9y a nu29er of cro$ $ests "Bridge, +'!!F Ganry, +'' % such as ne2atodes that infest 9anana roots and cause to$$ling result in significant yield losses "Bridge, +'!!F HuInIher;I, +''3%. @hese $hyto$arasites reduce 9unch weight and $lant longe;ity, and increase the cro$ cycle duration "HuInIher;I +''+%. Glo9ally, 9anana yield losses due to ne2atodes a;erage :SJ+,! 2illion annually "AaKaC, +''4%. In Agadir $lantations "Araya et al. +''&, 2 2% usually only $olys$ecific co22unities occur, consisting of a 2i6ture of Radopholus similis, Helicotylenchus multicinctus, Meloidogyne incognita, M. javanica, and Pratylenchus s$$. Soil fu2igation with 2ethyl 9ro2ide was the freEuently 2ethod used 9y growers to 2anage root Cnot ne2atode in Agadir area for 2any years. @his 2aCes 1orocco one of the greatest consu2ers of this har2ful $roduct to the en;iron2ent. @he a2ount of 2ethyl 9ro2ide used in this field increased fro2 333t in +''2 to 2 3t in 2 3 des$ite 1ontreal $rotocol ":N0# I0, +''!%. Actually, 9ecause of the $hase-out of 1ethyl Bro2ide 9y international treaty and the re-e6a2ination of 2any che2icals ne2aticides or their re2o;e fro2 the 2arCet, 9iological $roducts re2ain the alternati;e and sustaina9le 2eans for 2anage2ent of $lant $arasitic ne2atodes associated to 9anana cro$. .or this reason, the ai2 of this worC tends to study the effecti;eness of so2e 9iological $roducts se$arately and in co29ination in the control of root-Cnot ne2atodes of 9anana cro$. #! Results $ %iscussion 2.1. Effect on nematological parameters @he effect of treat2ents on root Cnot ne2atodes density, gall inde6 and re$roduction rate under Banana cro$s is indicated in @a9le +. All the tested $roducts reduced significantly the nu29er of J2 and root da2ages. @he density of Meloidogyne javanica /u;enile in the treat2ent was 34,33LF 3', LF +,3,!3L and +4+,!3L res$ecti;ely in $otted $lant treated with R. commuis #owder "A#%, 5o29ined Bioco2$ost with R. communis #owder "BBA#%, Bioco2$ost "B% and Ne2acont "N%. @he lowest ne2atode $o$ulation density was o9ser;ed in treated $lant with R. communis $roducts. But no significati;e difference was recorded when it was a$$lied alone or when in 2i6ture with the 9ioco2$ost. @reated $lant with the Ne2acont showed the highest le;el of ne2atode $o$ulation within the 9iological tested $roducts. 5oncerning the root da2age, all the 9iological $roducts tested caused si2ilar result with a significant reduction in the gall inde6 co2$ared to the $ositif control. @he greatest ne2atode re$roduction rate was o9ser;ed in the $ositi;e control and treated $lants with Ne2acont, while in the treated $lant with A# and A# B B, this $ara2eter was si2ilar and was significantly lower, co2$ared to the others treat2ents.


Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare ISSN 2224-32 ! "#a$er% ISSN 222&- '3( ")nline% *ol.3, No.+,, 2 +3

@a9le +. 0fficiency of treat2ents, Ne2acont, Bioco2$ost, R. communis #owder, 5o29ined Bioco2$ost with R. communis #owder against root Cnot ne2atode, Meloidogyne javanica. J2 Nu29er Gall inde6 Ae$roduction rate +4+,!39< 2, !a +,M'9 Bioco2$ost +,3,!3c 2,42a 2,+ c Ne2acont 3', a +,'2a ,4 a 5o29ined Bioco2$ost with R. communis 34,33a +,!3a ,4'a R. communis #owder 2 &,& d 3,&!9 2,+'c 5ontrol < ?ithin colu2ns, 2eans followed 9y a co22on letter do not differ significantly according to New2an and Neuls test at &L. 2.2. Effect on plant growth All the 9iological $roducts enhance the $lant growth and length $ara2eters e6ce$t for root length. Significant difference with $ositi;e control was o9ser;ed a2ong the treat2ents in case of root weight, circu2ference, Bouch weight, and $lant height "at #O . &%. 1a6i2u2 root weight was o9tained 9y A# "+ ,2% followed 9y A#B#. @he $lant used as control and the treated ones with the Bioco2$ost and Ne2acont showed the lowest root weight. In root length, no significati;e difference was recorded. But, the tested $roducts enhanced significantly $lant height. @he higher ;alue was recorded when R. communis was a$$lied. 5oncerning the circu2ference, the higher 2easure "+,,42c2% was o9ser;ed in castor treated $lant while the lowest circu2ference occurred in treated $lant with Ne2cont and Bioco2$ost "@a9le 2%. In the $resent study, Ne2acont see2s to 9e the less efficient against Meloidogyne javanica a2ong the tested $roducts. @his lowest effect of Ne2acont was $ro9a9ly referred to 9ad ada$tation of Paecilomyces lilacinus fungi with ecological conditions in soil. R. communis $owder alone was found to 9e an effecti;e ne2aticide. No i2$ro;e2ent of its ne2aticidal $otential was recorded when it is co29ined with Bioco2$ost. Howe;er, the efficiency of that $roduct could 9e increased if it is 2i6ed with synthetic ne2aticide as re$orted 9y Jothi "Jothi, 2 4%. @he efficiency of soil a2end2ent with R. communis $owder in reducing Meloidogyne javanica infestation in 9anana $lants was shown. @he results su$$ort earlier re$orts of decreased infestations of root Cnot ne2atode following Ricinus communis $roducts a$$lication in diffrents cro$s "-aCi .. et al., +'''F .er/i et al., 2 4a, 2 49F 8aghdaf 7 .er/i, 2 &, 1ayad et al., 2 Ma, 1ayad, 2 ++% and direct effect of che2ical co2$ounds of R. communis on J2 lar;ae of Meloidogyne s$$. "1ayad et al., 2 M9%. @a9le 2. 0fficiency of treat2ents, Ne2acont "N%, Bioco2$ost "B%, R. communis #owder "A#%, 5o29ined Bioco2$ost with R. communis #owder "A# B B%, Negati;e 5ontrol "5-% and #ositi;e control "5B% on growth $ara2eters of 9anana cro$s. @reat2ent Aoot Aoot ?eight 8enght "g% "c2% 5ircu2ference "c2% Aerial $art Bounch ?eight "g% Height "c2% 3',& c 32, d 4!, !9 &M,42a 2M,,&e 2&,& e @reat2ent

B 42,2&c< 3!,42a +3, c M+,,&9 N 32, !c 44,!3a ++,33c 3M,&!c A# B B ,,,&!9 44, a +&,& 9 + +, !a A# + ,2 a 4M,,&a +,,42a ++ ,!3a 53,, !c &2,33a +2,'2c 3','2c 5B 2M,42c 3,,'2a ',,&d 3 ,33c <?ithin colu2ns, 2eans followed 9y a co22on letter do not differ significantly "#O . &%.

R. communis deri;ati;es ha;e 9een shown to 9e effecti;e against ne2atodes attacCing other cro$s and against se;eral s$ecies of $arasitic ne2atodes "Jothi, 2 4F #an;inder, +'!'F #andey, +''4F Nandal 7 9hatti, +'' %. @he 9ioacti;e 2olecules in R. communis are lectins na2ed Aicin "A2eenah, 2 M%. @hese co2$ounds of R. communis also ha;e 9een re$orted to inhi9it the $enetration, hatcha9ility and de;elo$2ent of ne2atodes "Adeg9ite, 2 &, Aich et al., +'!'%. I2$ro;e2ent of 9anana $lants growth 9y the a$$lication of these 9iological $roducts a$$ear to undergo $hysiological changes that render the2 unsuita9le for ne2atode $enetration and de;elo$2ent, thus inducing a certain degree of resistance in $lants against ne2atode infestation soil "Ala2, +''3%. @he 9eneficial effects of organic a2end2ents for i2$ro;ing the $hysical, che2ical and 9iological $ro$erties of soil are well recogniKed


Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare ISSN 2224-32 ! "#a$er% ISSN 222&- '3( ")nline% *ol.3, No.+,, 2 +3

"A9awi and @hurston, +''4, 1ayad et al., 2 +3%. It has 9een suggested that the de$ressi;e effect of so2e a2end2ents on fungi and ne2atodes 2ay 9e due to highly s$ecific fungistatic and ne2aticidal su9stances released during their deco2$osition or due to nitrogen star;ation resulting fro2 greater ca$acity of sa$ro$hytes to 2ulti$ly or greater sensiti;eness of $arasitic fungi to li9eration of 5)2 during deco2$osition. :se of organic a2end2ents also leads to the increase of natural ene2iesP le;el in soil "5ha;arria-5ar;a/al 7 AodrigueK-Na9ana, +''!%. @he ;olatile fatty acids liCe for2ic, acetic, $ro$ionic and 9utyric acids, a22onia, for2aldehyde, hydrogen sul$hide, $henols and a2ino acids that are released during the deco2$osition of a2end2ent, ha;e 9een re$orted to 9e to6ic to ne2atodes "Aeddy et al., +',&F Ala2 et al., +','%. @he su$$ression of root Cnot ne2atodes 9y organic a2end2ents used in this study is $ro9a9ly 9ased on a co2$le6 2ode of action in;ol;ing 2ulti$le 2echanis2s. 5hanges in soil enKy2e acti;ities cause a shift in s$ecific grou$s of 2icroorganis2s after the a$$lication of organic a2end2ents. In conclusion, Ricinus communis $owder is the 2ost effecti;e a2ong the tested treat2ent. @his finding could ha;e $ractical a$$lications in the integrated 2anage2ent of 9anana ne2atodes. &! Material $ Met'ods 06$eri2ents were conducted at e6$eri2ental research greenhouse in agrono2ic and ;eterinary 2edicine institute of Agadir. )ne-2onth-old, 9anana ;itro$lants ;ar. QGrande NaineR, were $lanted in ++ litres ca$acity $ots, containing Meloidogyne javanica-infested soil 2i6ed with turf "+43=243%. All the treat2ents were a$$lied 9y 2anuring one weeC 9efore trans$lantation. @hose treat2ents are Ne2acont "Paecilomyces lilacinus as actif agent% at + 2g4$lant "N%, Bioco2$ost at + g4$lant "B%, #owder of R. communis aerial $art "A#% a$$lied twice at + g4$lant with 4& days of inter;al, 5o29ined 9ioco2$ost at + g and #owder of R. communis aerial $art at + g4 $lant "BBA#%. #lants not treated with any $roduct, ser;ed as the $ositif control "5B%. @he $lants $otted in a sterilised soil were considered as negati;e control "5-%. #otted $lants were $laced in a co2$letely rando2iKed design. 0ach treat2ent was re$licated four ti2es and each tow $otted $lant constituted a re$licate. @he e6$eri2ent was ter2inated ' days after $lanting. @he $lants were u$rooted and growth was o9ser;ed in ter2s of $lant height, dry weight, circu2ference, root weight, root length of $lant, and e6tent of galling. Ne2atodes were e6tracted fro2 soil using 2odified Baer2annPs funnel 2ethod and the $o$ulation density of Meloidogyne javanica in + g of soil and 2ulti$lication rate was also assessed. @he root gall inde6 was esti2ated according to the scale $ro$osed 9y 1urray et al. "+'!M%. 3ata o9tained were su9/ected to the analysis of ;ariance and 2ean se$aration using the New2an and Neuls @est "#O . &%. References A9awi, G.S., 7 @hurston, H.3. "+''4%. Q0ffects of organic 2ulches, soil a2end2ents and co;er cro$s on soil 9orne $lant $athogens and their root diseasesR, A re;iew. In= @hrston, H.3., S2ith, 1., A9awi, G.S., Nearl, S. "0ds.%, Slash41ulch= How far2ers used it and what researchers Cnow a9out it. 5ornell International Institute for .ood, Agricultural and 3e;elo$2ent "5II.3A%, Ithaca, ND, :SA, $$. !'S''. Adeg9ite A. A. 7 Adesiyan S.). "2 &%, QAoot 06tracts of #lants to 5ontrol Aoot-Nnot Ne2atode on 0di9le Soy9eanR, ?orld Journal of Agricultural Sciences + "+%= +!-2+ Ala2, 1.1. 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Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare ISSN 2224-32 ! "#a$er% ISSN 222&- '3( ")nline% *ol.3, No.+,, 2 +3

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