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What remains unsaid in Plato's thinking is a change in what determines the essence of truth.

The fact that this change does take place, what it consists in, and what gets grounded through this transformation of the essence of truth -- all of this can be clarified by an interpretation of the "allegory of the cave." The essence of truth in The Raven The being of truth unfolds itself in the raven. it is a process that goes through several steps to reach the core of the being. and how this being is the holder of truth. a truth that was at first foreign to the speaker then he has enterend disbelief then an attempt to understand then rejection then then then introduce a disclosing Dasein Being Truth Being (not entities) is something which there is only in so far as truth is. And truth is only in so far as and as long as Dasein is. The speaker makes sense of the world through entities present in the world. This Dasein, as a transparent enquiring being, works out his way toward understanding the world he lives in. an He moves from four stages to disclose the essence of truth truth to truth itself as it is. First, the speaker does not grasp the being of truth at first. He goes through stages to disclose the nature of truth. These processes gradually lead to a clarified image of truth as it is and not as it was untruthfully presented to the speaker in a first stage.

The world into which our Dasein is thrown has others in it, and the existence of others is totally indispensable to its facticity of Being-there. Understanding of others in the world and the association of the ontological status of others with our own Dasein is, in itself, a form of Being. Heidegger said that Being-in-the-world is a being-with, and that the understanding of the presentness of others is to exist. However, being-with presents the possibility of comprehending our own Dasein as an everyday Being-with-one-another where we may come to exist not on our own terms, but only in reference to others. In so doing, we eventually come to not be ourselves, and surrender our existence to a formless Theyness or alterity As one of Daseins possibilities of Being, anxiety together with Dasein itself as disclosed in it provides the phenomenal basis for explicitly grasping Daseins primordial totality of Being. 1- He is not a they speaker. Because he distinguish himself from others. 2- Since he is not a they person then he is the capacity to be authentic rather than nonauthenitc and this shows through his isolation? And he doesnt see the raven (he one that discloses itself gradually he doesnt see it only as a mere entity but as a a truth messenger? 3-

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