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The Family Of Adi Polytopes

written by Adrian Cox 2013

Introdu tion This paper explains what an adi polytope is! There is one adi polytope in e"ery dimension of spa e! I shall use indu ti"e reasonin# to show this by wor$in# up throu#h the dimensions%

2 &pa e A tri"ial example of an adi polytope is the line ab! This is the adi polytope in 2 dimensional spa e!

&'uares( ubes and hyper ubes are used to find adi polytopes! )sin# binary to onne t the "erti es of a s'uare in two dimensional spa e( all two di#it binary numbers are onne ted if and only if there is one di#it different!

In 2 spa e a simplex is represented as a trian#le!

)sin# inte#ration to he $ that half base times hei#ht e'uals area A%

Area A * Area + The 2 spa e adi polytope area * a!b,-A.+/ * 0

3 &pa e The example of an adi polytope in three dimensional spa e is the tetrahedron! 0e an #et this tetrahedron from a ube!

)sin# binary to onne t the "erti es of a ube in three dimensional spa e( all three di#it binary numbers are onne ted if and only if there is one di#it different!

)sin# inte#ration to he $ that one third base times hei#ht e'uals "olume 1%

The adi polytope in 3 spa e is the tetrahedron T02100( 010( 001( 1113

There are four ri#ht tetrahedra% T1 2000( 100( 010( 0013 T2 2100( 101( 001( 1113 T3 2010( 011( 001( 1113 T4 2100( 010( 110( 1113

The "olume 1 of ea h of the four tetrahedra abo"e is%

&o the "olume 1 of the tetrahedron within the ube T02100( 010( 001( 1113 is%

4 &pa e The "erti es of the hyper ube in 4 spa e an be represented by all four di#it binary numbers% 45C 20000( 0001( 0010( 0011( 0100( 0101( 0110( 0111( 1000( 1001( 1010( 1011( 1100( 1101( 1110( 11113 All four di#it binary numbers are onne ted if and only if there is one di#it different! The onne tions represent the ed#es of the hyper ube%

There are sixteen "erti es on a 4 spa e hyper ube and so there are sixteen possible ri#ht simplexes! An example of the ri#ht simplex at "ertex 0000 would be% 46&0000 20000( 0001( 0010( 0100( 10003

To find the adi polytope in 4 spa e we only need to use half the ri#ht simplexes! If we use the 6&0000 simplex then none of the other ei#ht ri#ht simplexes use the "ertex 0000!

The hyper ube in 4 spa e% 45C 20000( 0001( 0010( 0011( 0100( 0101( 0110( 0111( 1000( 1001( 1010( 1011( 1100( 1101( 1110( 11113 The sixteen ri#ht simplexes of the hyper ube in 4 spa e% 46&0000 20000( 0001( 0010( 0100( 100037 46&0001 20001( 0000( 0011( 0101( 10013 46&0010 20010( 0000( 0011( 0110( 10103 46&0011 20011( 0010( 0001( 0111( 101137 46&0100 20100( 0000( 0101( 0110( 11003 46&0101 20101( 0001( 0100( 0111( 110137 46&0110 20110( 0010( 0100( 0111( 111037 46&0111 20111( 0011( 0101( 0110( 11113 46&1000 21000( 0000( 1001( 1010( 11003 46&1001 21001( 0001( 1000( 1011( 110137 46&1010 21010( 0010( 1000( 1011( 111037 46&1011 21011( 0011( 1001( 1010( 11113

46&1100 21100( 0100( 1000( 1101( 111037 46&1101 21101( 0101( 1001( 1100( 11113 46&1110 21110( 0110( 1010( 1100( 11113 46&1111 21111( 0111( 1011( 1101( 111037 To find the adi polytope we need to find all the ri#ht simplexes that do not repeat the ri#ht "erti es and so if we initially hoose 0000 then we #et those ri#ht simplexes that ha"e an asteris$ by them!

The "olume 1 of a ri#ht simplex in 4 spa e is%

The proof of this an be obtained by wor$in# out the followin# 'uadruple inte#ral%

I ha"e not shown the wor$in# out here as it is rather len#thy!

To find the "erti es of the adi polytope in 4 spa e we #et the ei#ht simplexes minus the ri#ht "erti es! There is one in ea h ri#ht simplex whi h are the "erti es in he"ron bra $ets below% 46&0000 2800009( 0001( 0010( 0100( 100037 46&0011 2800119( 0010( 0001( 0111( 101137 46&0101 2801019( 0001( 0100( 0111( 110137 46&0110 2801109( 0010( 0100( 0111( 111037 46&1001 2810019( 0001( 1000( 1011( 110137 46&1010 2810109( 0010( 1000( 1011( 111037 46&1100 2811009( 0100( 1000( 1101( 111037 46&1111 2811119( 0111( 1011( 1101( 111037

The followin# #raph is what we #et when we plot the points of the 4 spa e adi polytope%

The "olume 1 of the adi polytope in 4 spa e is%

This below is proof that there is a four dimensional polytope with ei#ht "erti es ea h of order six! It is proof be ause ea h "ertex :oins six other "erti es and does not ross more than one ed#e!

n &pa e To find the n hyper ube :ust use e"ery n di#it binary number and then onne t all the ed#es! -0here there is only one di#it different then there is an ed#e onne tion!/

To find the ri#ht n simplexes( hoose any "ertex then find the other n "erti es whi h only ha"e one di#it different( so that ea h ri#ht simplex set has n . 1 "erti es( all of whi h onne t to e"ery other "ertex in the set! The "olume 1 of a re#ular simplex is%

0here n is the dimension and x is the len#th of the ed#es!

;uestion% 0hat is the "alue of ed#e len#th x in all n dimensions( where the "olume of the re#ular simplex e'uals one< Answer%

Che $% in the ase where n * 3!

0e $now that a re#ular tetrahedron has "olume

where 1 * 1

Adi polytopes in n spa e%

=umber of "erti es p

1ertex order r

where n 8 0 -Trian#ular numbers/

1olume " -For re#ular polytopes with ed#e len#ths x/

>imension n

Adi Polytope =umber of "erti es p

1erti es order r

1olume "








www!adimath!webs! om

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