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Official Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated study finally being done. Please read this and donate to the effort. Suzanne Humphries, MD
Paren ts say vaccin es cause autism an d autoimmun e diseases an d man y oth er acute or ch ron ic disease. Th e question is: is th ere an y truth to th is? How man y kids h ave avoidable ch ron ic illn ess as a result of vaccin es? On e way to fin d out would be to compare vaccin ated ch ildren with un vaccin ated ch ildren . Th e pro-vaccin e say of such a study, it can t be don e, for various spurious reason s. But is th e bottom lin e th at such a study could possibly brin g th e wh ole ch ildh ood vaccin e sch edule in to question ? If un vaccin ated ch ildren were sh own to be h ealth ier, mig h t vaccin ation rates fall? Sh ould a comparative study sh ow th at th at th e rate of autism in un vaccin ated is sig n ifican tly less th an th e rate amon g vaccin ated ch ildren , mig h t th e Govern men t h ave to pay a couple of billion to provide th ese in jured people th e compen sation th ey deserve? Th ose of us wh o h ave on ly been able to provide lip service can n ow support it, an d h elp to make it h appen . Th e study will look at several poten tial h ealth differen ces, an d if it is properly don e an d statistically soun d, with results th at sh ow vaccin ated ch ildren suffer th e same men tal an d ph ysical illn ess th at th e un vaccin ated do, I will con cede th e arg umen t. If we all ch ip in to raise th e million US dollars it will take to h ire th e person n el, do th e distribution of question n aires, an alyze th e data, an d everyth in g in between , th e study can be completed. Th e lead in vestig ator an d th e creators of th e question n aire are h ig h ly qualified to con duct th e study. Th e lead in vestig ator is a visitin g professor in th e Sch ool of Health Scien ces at Jackson State Un iversity, h as MPH an d DrPH deg rees in epidemiolog y from Tulan e Sch ool of Public Health an d Tropical Medicin e an d an MA in sociolog y from th e Un iversity of Essex (UK). Th e study already h as eth ics approval an d is ready to roll. HERE is a sh ort radio clip discussin g th e lack of such a study th us far, an d some oth er in formation on th e ch ildh ood vaccin ation prog ram. All it n eeds is fun din g . As you can imag in e, th ere are n o ph armaceutical or g overn men t ag en cies rush in g to don ate to th e cause of an swerin g some of th e very question s n ow bein g asked IN CONGRESS T ODAY. We n eed an swers, an d th ose an swers will on ly arrive by doin g

th is study. Some of th e big g er org an ization s wh o question vaccin es are n ot don atin g , so its up to us. If you lon g to kn ow th e an swer as much as I do, please don ate someth in g , even five dollars, to h elp make it h appen . If you don t don ate an yth in g th en please don t wh in e about h ow your kid h as n o way out of th e vaccin e sch edule, about h ow th ere is vaccin e after vaccin e added every few years, about h ow n obody listen s an d th e medical profession says th ere is n o proof th at n umerous medical con dition s correlate with th e n umber of vaccin es g iven in a lifetime. If you don t g et on board th en con sider th at you h ave just capitulated to, an d join ed th e Paul Offits of th e world. Th e study is called, Vaccin ation Status an d Health Outcomes amon g Homesch ool Ch ildren . Research is bein g don e by epidemiolog ists at Jackson State Un iversity.Th e pilot study in volved four states. Th at data h as n ot been fully an alyzed. Th e upcomin g study will be n ation wide in th e USA. Th e proposal for th e study states: Th is study con cern s a major curren t h ealth question : n amely, wh eth er vaccin ation is lin ked in an y way to ch ildren s lon g -term h ealth . Vaccin ation is on e of th e g reatest discoveries in medicin e, yet little is kn own about its lon g -term impact. Th e objective of th is study is to evaluate th e effects of vaccin ation by comparin g vaccin ated an d un vaccin ated ch ildren in terms of a n umber of major h ealth outcomes, in cludin g asth ma, autism, diabetes, an d learn in g disability. Th e study in volves a partn ersh ip between Jackson State Un iversity (JSU), Jackson , MS an d th e Nation al Home Education Research In stitute (NHERI), Salem, OR, wh ich h as lon g been in volved in research on h omesch ool education Th is study h as been reviewed an d approved by th e In stitution al Review Board of Jackson State Un iversity. Th e specific aims are: 1. To test th e h ypoth esis th at th ere are n o sig n ifican t differen ces in prevalen ce rates of selected ch ron ic illn esses (ADHD, allerg y, asth ma, autism, type 1 diabetes, learn in g disability, an d seizures) between vaccin ated an d un vaccin ated h omesch ool ch ildren ag es 6-12 years, after con trollin g for poten tial con foun din g factors; an d 2. To determin e wh at factor or combin ation of factors, in cludin g vaccin ation h istory, is most stron g ly associated with th e selected con dition s. Prelimin ary research h as sh own th at about 15% of h omesch ool ch ildren are un vaccin ated. Sin ce th ere are 1-2 million such ch ildren in th e U.S., h omesch oolers are an ideal g roup for th is study. Families will be con tacted th roug h h omesch ool org an ization s via a partn ersh ip establish ed between th e in vestig ators at Jackson State Un iversity an d th e Nation al Home Education Research In stitute (NHERI), Salem, OR. NHERI will con tact an d in form h omesch ool org an ization s n ation wide about th e study. Th e leaders of th ese org an ization s will in turn en courag e th eir members to participate in th e study by accessin g a desig n ated website. Moth ers will be asked to use th eir ch ildren s vaccin ation records an d to record ph ysician -diag n osed illn esses. Th e accumulated data will be ch ecked for accuracy an d completen ess an d an alyzed usin g SAS (SAS In stitute, Cary, NC, version 9.2). Th e study h as been un derway for 1 year. Th e research ers h ave 2 years to g o an d th ey n eed your support to fin ish th e work, n amely: Th ey n eed 900,000 more dollars. If you th in k it is worth y please don ate n ow. If more th an on e million dollars is collected it will be put toward follow up studies to deepen un derstan din g on th is most importan t issue. Some question s h ave come in reg ardin g th is blog an d th e study. HERE is a FAQ documen t with much more in formation .

Go HERE to don ate

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