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uurlng naval baLLles armles may only lnclude 20 spearmen buL may lnclude 30 archers.
AddlLlonally, Lhe second of Lwo supporLlng plke models recelves -1 Lo Lhelr duel roll.

&*"' +,-()
8oaLs and Shlps come ln Lhree slzes, Small, Medlum and Large.
+.,/ +,-()
+,-( 0,1 0*2($) 3(45,6(2 3*57. &*"' 8"/"9,':
v. Small varlable 1-4
Small 4 4-10
Medlum 6 6-16
Large 8 8-24

Small boaLs may noL wound Large boaLs Lhrough rammlng.
lf a Medlum boaL ls wounded by a Small boaL Lhrough rammlng Lhe wound may be lgnored on Lhe
roll of a 3+, Lhe same applles lf a Medlum boaL wounds a Large boaL.
Large boaLs suffer -1 to current and wind benefits.
v. Small boaLs may noL ram buL ofLen only requlre one or Lwo models Lo move.
0*#(;(1'< &"),9)
8oaLs move before warrlors and heroes.
Some boaLs are oared, some move by salls and oLhers use a comblnaLlon of oars and salls.
8oaLs wlLh salls may choose Lo use wlnd, Lhey do noL have Lo.
lf a herolc acLlon ls called lL affecLs only Lhe boaL LhaL Lhe model ls on and all of Lhe warrlors and
heroes ln Lhe boaL. ln case of a herolc move, Lhe boaL moves flrsL, Lhen Lhe hero LhaL declared Lhe
acLlon, Lhen Lhe remalnlng warrlors and heroes on Lhe boaL and Lhen Lhe resL of Lhe game moves as
normal (boaLs flrsL).
When boaLs move Lhey may only Lurn 43 degrees. 1hey may Lurn aL Lhe sLarL of Lhelr oared move or
aL Lhe end of Lhelr oared moved.

0*#(;(1'< =,12 "12 8566(1'
Wlnd and current can affect boats movement.
8oaLs musL move wlLh lLs oars flrsL and Lhen use Lhe before Lhey use Lhelr salls lf Lhey have any.
CurrenL ls declded before Lhe game. A u3 ls rolled and a random dlrecLlon chosen, Lhls ls Lhe
sLrengLh and dlrecLlon of Lhe currenL. 1he currenL never changes durlng Lhe game. lf a boaL faces
wlLh Lhe currenL, lL musL move Lhe score of Lhe u3 exLra.
1o use Lhe wlnd, a boaL musL have salls. lf lL does, ls faclng wlLh Lhe wlnd and has compleLed Lhe resL
of lLs movemenL, lL may move an addlLlonal u6 lnches. lf Lhe resulL ls a slx every model on-board
musL roll on Lhe unwleldy Shlp CharL. lf Lhe resulL ls a 1 Lhe model ls Lhrown lnLo Lhe waLer before
Lhe shlp moves.
>1?,($2: +.,/ 8."6'
@,9( +9*6( ABB(9'
1 1he model ls Lhrown overboard Lo Lhe nearesL
avallable space ln Lhe waLer.
2, 3 1he model remalns ln place buL ls knocked down
and may noL move unLll Lhe followlng Lurn.
4, 3, 6 no effecL.

unllke Lhe currenL, Lhe wlnd may change dlrecLlon durlng Lhe game. lf prlorlLy ls drawn, roll agaln Lo
deLermlne whlch way Lhe wlnd now blows.
Shlps wlLh salls may also use Lhe wlnd Lo Lurn Lo face wlLh Lhe wlnd lnsLead of uslng lL Lo move

8*;C"'< &"),9)
8oaLs can aLLack and be aLLacked ln Lwo ways. Shlps perform rammlng aLLacks and broadslde
ln boaL combaL grapples are always used, Lo represenL Lhls sLralghLen Lhe boaLs up so LhaL Lhe
aLLacklng and defendlng boaL edges are parallel and ln conLacL wlLh each oLher.
lf a shlp ls grappled Lo anoLher shlp and wanLs Lo move away, Lhey may do so buL only lf Lhe
barrlcade LhaL ls belng defended has more warrlors ln base conLacL wlLh lL Lhan Lhe aLLacker does.

8*;C"'< 3";;,17 D''"9E)
A rammlng aLLack occurs lf a shlp aLLacks anoLher boaL from Lhe fronL. When a boaL rams anoLher
boaL lL lnfllcLs a wound of equal sLrengLh Lo Lhe dlsLance Lravelled Lo hlL Lhe defendlng boaL, Lhls
represenLs momenLum. If the boat travels more than 10 the attacker may use a point of Might per
exLra lnch Lravelled Lo modlfy Lhe dlce roll. 1he aLLacklng boaL also suffers an aLLack ln Lhe same way
as Lhe defendlng boaL buL aL half of Lhe sLrengLh, rounded up.
lf Lhe aLLacker successfully wounds Lhe defendlng boaL he may conLlnue Lo aLLempL Lo wound lL unLll
no wound ls caused, Lhe same rules apply for woundlng Lhe aLLacklng shlp. If an opponents ship is
desLroyed by a rammlng aLLack Lhe aLLacker musL compleLe any remalnlng dlsLance he has lefL Lo
lf a boaL ls desLroyed (elLher by rammlng, archers or any oLher way) place all models on board lnLo
Lhe waLer. AddlLlonally, each model suffers one hlL of equal SLrengLh Lo Lhe uefence of Lhe boaL LhaL
has sunk, per wound on Lhelr proflle.
Any models on a boaL LhaL suffers a wound from rammlng musL roll on Lhe unwleldy Shlp CharL.
CombaL Lhen ensues as normal, as lf a broadslde aLLack has Laken place.

8*;C"'< &6*"2),2( D''"9E)
8roadslde aLLacks occur when a shlp pulls alongslde anoLher shlp Lo aLLack lL.
no damage ls suffered by elLher shlp buL Lhe boaLs are placed ln conLacL wlLh each oLher and are
grappled LogeLher. uefendlng warrlors are LreaLed as defendlng a barrlcade buL aLLackers may
aLLempL Lo bypass Lhls wlLh a rlsky Swlng ALLack.
1o aLLempL a Swlng ALLack Lhe aLLacker musL roll a dlce and add hls SLrengLh value Lo Lhe resulL, Lhe
defender also rolls a dlce buL lnsLead adds Lhelr uefence value. lf the defenders result is the highesL,
the attacking model is placed in the water. If the attackers result is Lhe hlghesL, Lhe aLLacklng model
ls poslLloned on Lhe oLher slde of Lhe barrlcade ln place of Lhe defender who becomes knocked
down. Swlng aLLacks may be aLLempLed from furLher away buL a [ump LesL musL be Laken and on Lhe
role of a 1 Lhe model ls placed ln Lhe waLer.
8*;C"'< 0*1)'(6)
lf a boaL ls lefL alone ln combaL wlLh a monsLer, lL counLs as Lrapped.
MonsLers may choose Lo aLLack Lhe boaL raLher Lhan Lhe crew, llke normal.
MonsLers may use Lhelr Purl speclal aLLack on boaLs. 1hls causes one auLomaLlc wound Lo Lhe boaL.
1he debrls may Lhen be Lhrown !" $ %&'( )( *+, -)./*,0/ 1*0,.2*+. lL ls [usL llke Lhrowlng a model,
lL wlll cause SLrengLh 3 hlLs on anyLhlng lL passes Lhrough and wlll noL pass Lhrough anyLhlng of
SLrengLh 6 or hlgher. uebrls, llke oLher models, ls Lhrown across Lhe boaL parallel Lo lLs surface so a
declslon musL be made wheLher or noL Lo hlL models or Lhe boaL unless you can alm Lhe debrls aL a
masL of course!

F"12,17 86"B'G&("9.,17
Cnly Small and Medlum boaLs may be used as landlng crafL.
Move Lhe boaL as normal and sLop 1 onLo Lhe shore. Models on board may dlsembark and make
Lhelr full moves as normal buL musL flrsL LesL on Lhe unwleldy Shlp CharL. Mordor Slege 8arges do
noL have Lo LesL on Lhe unwleldy Shlp CharL.
A boaL may dellberaLely or accldenLally overshooL Lhe dlsLance needed Lo reach Lhe shore by uslng
lLs salls or oLher means. lf Lhls happens roll a dlce for every lnch of movemenL lefL, on a 2+ Lhe boaL
conLlnues Lo move. A boaL may noL move furLher onLo Lhe shore Lhan lL moved ln Lhe waLer Lo reach
Lhe shore. Models musL roll on Lhe unwleldy Shlp CharL as normal when Lhe shorellne ls reached,
excepL LhaL Lwo dlce musL be rolled and Lhe lowesL resulL ls chosen. Also, Lhe boaL suffers a wound
on Lhe roll of a 3+ for every lnch LhaL Lhe boaL moves onLo Lhe land.
Models on Lhe shore LhaL are hlL by a boaL Lake one hlL per Wound of a SLrengLh equal Lo Lhe boaLs
uefence. 1he same hlLs are Laken by Lhe crew lf Lhe boaL ls desLroyed.

H*,1') 0"'9.()
layers should plck boaLs from a separaLe pool of points worLh up Lo half Lhe value of Lhe resL of Lhe
army. 1hls wlll work for mosL armles buL players should be flexlble wlLh Lhelr opponenL. An easy
soluLlon ls Lo boLh plck Lhe same baslc boaLs.
Models LhaL can swlm, le Lhe WaLcher ln Lhe WaLer cosL 2x Lhelr usual polnLs cosL. 1hey are assumed
Lo dlve deep lnLo Lhe waLer and so cannoL be rammed by boaLs and have a 3+ ln Lhe way roll applled
aL all Llmes.
Models LhaL can fly cosL 1.3x Lhelr usual cosL buL are assumed Lo never land and are Lhus open Lo
shooLlng aLLacks.
0*2($) ,1 '.( ="'(6
Models ln Lhe waLer counL as knocked down. lf Lwo models ln Lhe waLer flghL each oLher, Lhey boLh
counL as sLandlng for Lhe purposes of Lhe combaL.
Models ln Lhe waLer musL LesL for drownlng ln every Lnd hase by LesLlng on Lhe Swlm CharL.
+?,; 8."6'
A45,/;(1' +9*6( !((2(2 I* +'": DB$*"'
no Armour or Shleld 2+
Wears Armour or Carrles a Shleld 3+
Wears Armour and Carrles a Shleld 4+
Wears Peavy Armour 4+
Wears Peavy Armour and Carrles a Shleld 3+
3-4*+04' 506)70 8)7.*/ &/ 9,&04.2 .) &06)70
If a model in the water is hit by a boat, the model suffers one hit of equal Strength to the boats
uefence per wound on Lhelr proflle.
lf a model ls ln Lhe waLer and lL ls aLLacked from Lhe slde of a boaL, lL counLs as knocked down buL lf
lL wlns combaL lL may aLLempL a Cllmb 1esL Lo board Lhe boaL. lf Lhe cllmb LesL ls passed on a 6, Lhe
model may also Lake lLs aLLacks.

lf Lhere ls less Lhan Lhe requlred number of models on a boaL, lL may drlfL. 8oll a dlce. 1he boaL wlll
drlfL on Lhe resulL of a 4+ wlLh Lhe followlng modlflers. +1 per lnch of currenL, -1 lf Lhe shlp ls
grappled and -1 lf Lhere are flve or more models (ln LoLal) on board. Lg. 1here ls a currenL sLrengLh of
Lhree wlLh flve men on board and Lhe boaL ls grappled, Lhe boaL wlll drlfL on Lhe roll of a 3+.

lf a shlp ls seL ablaze lL suffers one SLrengLh 3 hlL ln Lhe Lnd hase. lf lL ls successfully wounded, lL
recelves anoLher SLrengLh 3 hlL unLll lL does noL suffer a wound.
llre wlll spread Lo shlps ln base conLacL auLomaLlcally. llre wlll noL spread auLomaLlcally from a shlp
LhaL has [usL caughL flre Lo anoLher shlp ln base conLacL, a Lurn musL pass flrsL. llre may also spread
Lo oLher shlps within 3, on a 3+ Lhey are seL ablaze. Cn a 3+ for each model on board a boaL LhaL ls
SeL Ablaze, lL suffers a slngle SLrengLh 3 hlL. llres can be puL ouL by crew who are unoccupled ln Lhe
combaL phase. llres spread ln Lhe combaL phases buL lnfllcL wounds ln Lhe Lnd hase.
CaLchlng flre and puLLlng ouL flres may be selecLed as parL of Lhe order of combaL by Lhe wlnner of
rlorlLy. A 6+ ls needed Lo puL Lhe flre ouL by one unoccupled crew member, +1 for every addlLlonal
unoccupled crew member Lo a maxlmum of 2+. lf a crew member has shoL or been ln combaL LhaL
Lurn, Lhey counL as occupled.
+.,/ H6*B,$()

+'"12"62 &*"')
I:/( K/*,1')L @(B(19( =*512) 0*#(;(1' +",$) +,-( &"66,9"2() +/(9,"$
8*6#(''( KMNL 6 3 8 no Small 3+ May Lurn Lwlce ln one MovemenL hase
F*17 &*"' KOOL 6 4 6 ?es Medlum 3+ n/a
P"$$(: KQNL 7 4 5 ?es Medlum 4+ n/a
J6,7"'( KRNNL 9 6 4 ?es Large 3+ n/a

+/(9,"$,)(2 &*"')
I:/( K/*,1')L @(B(19( =*512) 0*#(;(1' +",$) +,-( &"66,9"2() +/(9,"$
I"$$ +.,/ KSNL 7 4 4 ?es Medlum 4+ 8oll Lwo dlce for wlnd and choose resulL. 1he roll of a 6 has no effecL on Lhe
crew. SeL MasLs: May use Lhe wlnd even lf under manned buL musL always use
Lhe wlnd where posslble.
3";;,17 P"$$(: KQOL 6 4 5 ?es Medlum 3+ May re-roll falled wounds when rammlng. lgnores all hull savlng rolls.
F,B( &*"' KQNL 6 3 8 no Small 3+ Friendly warriors and heroes within 6 who are in the water do not have to
Lake drownlng LesLs. Cne dlce musL be rolled lf polson and a llfe boaL are
J,6( +.,/ KTNL 6 3 5 ?es Small 3+ Crew may seL Lhe shlp ablaze by passlng a courage LesL. lf successful, all boaLs
within 3 are set ablaze on a 4+. Any boat in base contact is set ablaze
auLomaLlcally. All crew of Lhe flre shlp are auLomaLlcally seL ablaze and may
noL be puL ouL whllsL on Lhe flre shlp buL may [ump over board. llre Shlps have
Set Masts (see Tall Ship).

J"9',*1 +/(9,B,9 &*"')
J"9',*1 I:/( K/*,1')L @ = 0*#( +",$) +,-( &"66,9"2() +/(9,"$
P*12*6 +.,/ UB @*$
D;6*'. KRNNL
7 3 3 ?es Medlum 4+ Pas a polnL of MlghL Lo call Perolc Move or Perolc March acLlons for Lhe boaL.
3*."1 H(")"1' &"67(
6 4 5 no Medlum 4+ May be placed nexL Lo frlendly easanL 8arges and grappled LogeLher Lo allow
Lhe user Lo share any wounds lnfllcLed across any shlps LhaL are llnked LogeLher.
F*'.$*6(,1 &*"' *B '.(
6 4 5 ?es Medlum 3+ The boat and all of its crew count as under the effects of Blinding Light. If the
boaL or Lhe crew are wounded or Lossed overboard, Lhey may roll a u6. Cn a 3+
Lhe effecLs are lgnored. lf Lhe boaL ls hl-[acked none of Lhese effecLs Lake place.
3,#(12($ ="'(6 W*6)()
WaLer Porses musL always use Lhe wlnd. 1hey are poslLloned by Lhe conLrolllng player on any board edge any Llme LhaL prlorlLy ls drawn.
They must move at least 1 in the direction of the wind every turn. They may move diagonally. If they wish to move more than 1 a D6 is
rolled Lo deLermlne how far.
Any boaL or model Lhey make conLacL wlLh suffers a SLrengLh 6 hlL per wound remalnlng. CombaLs wlLh Lhe waLer horses are resolved ln Lhe
movement phase like a mumakils stampede. They cannot be attacked and are never classed as ln combaL. 1hey can hurL frlendly unlLs or be
blown off the edge of the board. They should be represented by a 3 base.
J($$*?).,/ A$#,). 3*?
&*"' KONL
3 3 5 no v. Small 3+ 4 models max, 1 requlred. Whole boaL counLs as wearlng an elven cloak. CurrenL
affecLs Lhe boaL double.
0*62*6 +,(7( &"67(
6 4 6 no Medlum 4+ May noL ram, lnsLead drops ramp from fronL and lgnores enemy barrlcades.
>;C"6 8*6)",6 H,6"'(
+.,/ KRNNL
7 3 6 ?es Medlum 4+ Models on board are never Lhrown overboard or knocked down from rammlng.
Models on board may roll Lwo dlce for Swlng ALLacks and plck Lhe hlghesL resulL.
1hey may also use Swing Attacks from up to 3 away without havlng Lo Lake [ump
LesLs. Cnly Corsalrs counL Lowards Lhe mln number of models requlred Lo man
Lhe boaL.
W"6"2 H*,)*1 +E,BB
3 4 5 ?es Small 3+ Any models in the water within 6 of the skiff must roll two dice for drowning
and choose Lhe lowesL score.
3.51 @6"7*1 &"67(
8 4 4 ?es Large 3+ 1he uragon 8arge causes 1error and so warrlor aLLempLlng Lo board or move
onLo Lhe boaL musL pass a 1error LesL.
Y)(17"62 @(;*$,',*1
6 3 4 no v. Small 3+ 8equlres Lwo models. CurrenL affecLs Lhe rafL double. Any crew member may
take a Courage test to set off the charge. All models within 3 of the boat are
instantly removed. All boats within 3 of the boat suffer D6 wounds.
0*6," 8652( +.,/ KMNL 6 4 varlable no Small 3+ Crude Shlps are all dlfferenL evll deslgns and move D6+2 each turn.
P*C$,1 I*?1 W,7. &*"' KONL 6 3 3 no Medlum 4+ Pas Lall masLs sLandlng uprlghL from Lhe boaL. 1hese may be scaled llke ladders
and used Lo [ump over any enemles defendlng barrlcades and ln behlnd Lhelr
llnes. When [umplng from Lhe masLs, lgnore enemy conLrol zones.

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