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1. The palpebral branches of the lacrimal and ophthalmic arteries supply the orbicularis oculi muscle 2.

The mandibular nerve innervates the TMJ joint 3. The ducts of the serous glands of the tongue open through the vallate papillae 4. The palantine tonsils are closely related to the palatoglossal fold 5. GSA innervation of the mucosa of the oral cavity is via the trigeminal nerve 6. The hyoglossu does not depress the hyoid bone relative to tongue position 7. The masseter, medial pterygoid, and temporalis are involved in the elevation of the mandible 8. The temporalis and the masseter retrude the mandible 9. The mylohoid is innervated by the trigeminal nerve 10. Muscles of mastication is the most important factor in stabilizing the TMJ join and maintaining the mandibular condyle in the mandibular fossa. 11. The action of the medial pterygoid protracts the mandible, closes the jaw, aids in elevation, and lateral displacement 12. The venous drainage of the scalp is from the posterior retromandibular vein which connects with the posterior auricular vein to form the external jugular vein 13. The sensory nerves of the cheek include the buccal branch of V3 14. The vessels and nerves of the scalp are located in the dense connective tissue layer 15. The muscles of facial expression: orbicularis oculi, buccinators, frontalis, platysma 16. The origin of muscles of facial expression are pharyngeal arch 2 17. The origin of the ossicles of the inner ear are in pharyngeal arch 1 18. The temporalis inserts onto the coronoid process of the mandible and the anterior border of ramus of mandible 19. The GP fibers are related to the proprioception of the temporalis muscle 20. The pharyngeal arch 4/6 are the muscles of the larynx 21. The innervation of the scalp: ophthalmic, maxillary, mandibular 22. In Bells Palsy the patient will present with flaccid paralysis of the left sided facial muscles and will have problems with drye eye 23. The arterial supply of the scalp is some arteries are derived from the internal carotid artery 24. The TMJ joint is synovial, cartilaginous, and is arthrosis 25. The cranial nerve III is related to the opening/closing of the eyelid 26. The branches of the mandibular nerve are involved in the extraction of unerupted lower 3rd molars 27. The zygomaticofacial and the zygomaticotemporal are involved within the pterygopalatine fossa 28. Pharyngeal arch I is associated with the trigeminal nerve 29. The stylopharyngeus pharyngeal arch II??? No its arch III 30. The pillars of the mouth include palatoglossus and palatopharyngeus 31. The parotid gland is drained by Stensons duct 32. The Stensons duct empties at the upper second mole

33. CN IX does not form part of the pharyngeal plexus and provides sensory innervation to the soft palate. 34. The GVE is related to the secretomotor innervation to the sublingual gland 35. The CN IX is the GVA innervations from the posterior 1/3 of the tongue 36. Parasympathetic innervations to the nasal glands is via cranial nerve VII 37. CN III is related to the ciliary ganglion as CN IX is related to the otic ganglion 38. Facial and maxillary supplies the face as well as the ophthalmic and the superficial temporal 39. GVA innervations from the tongue is CN IX 40. The parotid gland produces a purely serous secretion product 41. Rupture of the lateral temporomandibular ligament may be related to dislocation of the TMJ articular disc 42. The anterior digastric muscle is the main muscle involved in depression of the mandible - FALSE 43. The galea aponeurotica fuses the frontalis and occipitalis forming the epicranius 44. Mucous glands of the oral cavity are innervated by CN VII 45. Branches of the external carotid artery supplies the scalp 46. Both the ophthalmic and mandibular divisions of the trigeminal nerve supply the scalp 47. The inferior alveolar nerve provides cutaneous innervations to the face 48. The inferior and angular arteries supply part of the face 49. The muscles of facial expression are cutaneous muscles, most arise on bone and insert into skin 50. Damage to the maxillary nerve may result in Bells Palsy and is innervated by the facial nerve and cannot close the eye 51. Sympathetic innervation to the parotid gland is related to the superior cervical ganglia 52. The parotid gland is drained directly by the retromandibular vein 53. In the temporal region, the meningeal nerve is transmitted through the foramen spinosum 54. The buccal nerve is the a branch of of the mandibular nerve

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