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INEM Lus Delfn Insuasty Rodrguez - Pasto Guas de Trabajo Formato TO BE SIMPLE PAST Asignatura Docente Responsable Nombre

re Estudiante Grado: 1. Objetivo 11 Seccin: nfasis: INGLES B02.01.F01

Cdigo: B02.01.F01 Versin: 2.0 Fecha: 02/02/2010 Pgina 2 de 2 Guas de Trabajo GUA DE TRABAJO No. 2


Determinar el tiempo gramatical referente a esta gua y aplicar sus diferentes formas conforme al contexto plasmado en la gua. 2. Introduccin Analizar la gua y cumplir con la tarea gramatical pertinente. 3. Instrucciones Leer cuidadosamente la gua, consulte el vocabulario nuevo, desarrollar el ejercicio solicitado en cada punto y traducir en el cuaderno.

Bill Jenkins is 100 years old today.

John: Bill, I think life is different now than a hundred years ago. What was it like?. Bill : Yes, life was quieter in the past. There are so many cars now. There werent cars when I was a boy. John : Were you happy when you were a child? Bill: Oh yes, I was very happy. I am happy now too. John : Tell me about your family. Bill : Well, my father was a postman and my mother was a cook. We werent rich but we werent poor. There were five children. My brothers and sisters were younger than me. I am the only one still here. 1- Choose the correct alternative. Bill ( was - were ) a happy boy. They ( was - were ) a big family. They ( was - were ) good people. He ( was - were ) the eldest brother. There ( was - were ) any cars when Bill ( was- were ) a boy. 2- Complete the rest of the dialogue with WAS or WERE. John: What it like during the war, Bill? Bill: It a terrible time. I _ a young man. I _ in the army. We _ in France. John: Where your children? Bill: They ______________ in London. That _____________ dangerous. There ______ bombs and there ______nt any food. I _______ scared, the children _______ scared too. 3- Are the statements TRUE or FALSE? Correct the false ones. Bill was in Poland __________________________________ Bills children were in France __________________________________ It was dangerous __________________________________ There was a lot of food __________________________________ The children were happy __________________________________ There were bombs __________________________________ It was a great time __________________________________ 4- Answer yes or not to the following questions about Bill. Was Bill in France? __________________________________ Was he a happy young man? __________________________________ Was he a happy boy? __________________________________

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

INEM Lus Delfn Insuasty Rodrguez - Pasto Guas de Trabajo

Cdigo: B02.01.F01 Versin: 2.0 Fecha: 02/02/2010 Pgina 2 de 2

Remember: A. Read the paragraph and cross the wrong form out:
Sam and Kate wasnt/werent at home last night. I was/were very disappointed because we was/were supposed to rehearse for the school Christmas play.

We was/were to have started rehearsing last week, but both my friends caught a cold and was/were in bed. I was/were really nervous, but what was/were I supposed to do? To wait outside for them? It wasnt/werent that cold but my parents dont like me to be out by myself at night. Besides, I was/were very tired, so I decided to go home. My mom wasnt/werent in bed yet and my daddy was/were in my little brothers bedroom. The dogs was/were by my mom and what about the cats? Where was/ were they? Kitty was/were in my bedroom

already and Dali and Da Vinci was/were in the kitchen. Time to say good night!

B. Now look at the images and complete these sentences and questions.

__________ you at home yesterday at 3:00? No, we __________ . We _________ on my grandparents farm. We helped to pick oranges. When I _______ younger I _____ afraid of dogs. But not anymore! I L VE MY DOG!

Where __________ they yesterday after school? They _________ at home because no one answered the phone. Yesterday after school? Well, they __________in the park.

Why __________ I so bored yesterday morning? Cant you guess it? Where _________ you yesterday? __________you at school? Of course not! Teachers __________ on strike. They are absolutely right, but I just hate staying at home!

It __________ Anns birthday yesterday! She __________ so pretty in her pink dress. Well, all girls _________ pretty. They just ___________ very happy because Sean, Anns handsome brother, so they say, __________ at the party yet!

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