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Cambodian Mekong University (CMU)

ENB201-Introduction to Business Concepts


I. Key Term Match the each terminology with its definition on the right. 1. Autocratic leadership A. a mental image of a possible and desirable future state of the organization. 2. Democratic leadership B. behavior that provides guidance, support, and corrective feedback for the day to day activities of work unit members. 3. Strategic leadership C. behavior that gives purpose and meaning to organizations, envisioning and creating a positive future. 4. Supervisory leadership D. a leadership perspective that focuses on individual leaders and attempts to determine the personal characteristics that great leaders share. 5. Charismatic leader E. a leadership perspective that attempts to identify what good leaders do that is, what behaviors they exhibit. 6. Behavioral approach F. a leadership philosophy characterized by an absence of managerial decision making. 7. Situational approach G. a form of leadership in which the leader makes decisions on his or her own and then announces those decisions to the group. 8. Trait approach H. a form of leadership in which the leader solicits input from subordinates. 9. Laissez-faire I. a person who is dominant, self-confident, convinced of the moral righteousness of his or her beliefs, and able to arouse a sense of excitement and adventure in followers. 10. Vision J. leadership perspective proposing that universally important traits and behaviors do not exist, and that effective leadership behavior varies from situation to situation. II. True/False statement 11. The leaders job is to create a vision. 12. A clear vision and communication of that vision lead to higher venture growth in entrepreneurial firms. 13. The best visions are both ideal and unique. 14. Organizations succeed or fail not only because of how well they are led but because of how well followers follow. 15. Effective followers are distinguished from ineffective ones by their enthusiasm and commitment to the organization and to a person or purpose an idea, a product other than themselves or their own interests. 16. Leadership is the ability to influence others. 17. The leader with legitimate power does not have the right, or the authority, to tell others what to do; employees are obligated to comply with legitimate orders. 18. The leader who has reward power influences others because she controls valued rewards; people comply with the leaders wishes in order to receive those rewards. 19. The leader with referent power has control over punishments; people comply to avoid those punishments. 20. The leader who has expert power has certain expertise or knowledge; people comply because they believe in, can learn from, or can otherwise gain from that expertise.
Academic Year: 2011-2012 1 Tutor: Khun Sokang

Cambodian Mekong University (CMU)

ENB201-Introduction to Business Concepts

21. Three traditional approaches to studying leadership are the trait approach, the behavior approach, and situational approach. 22. The trait approach focuses on individual leaders and attempts to determine the personal characteristics that great leaders share. 23. Drive refers to a set of characteristics that reflect a high level of effort. It includes high need for achievement, constant striving for improvement, ambition, energy, tenacity and initiative. 24. Participation in decision making is leader behaviors that mangers perform in involving their employees in making decisions. 25. Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) theory highlights the importance of leader behaviors toward the group as a whole but not toward individuals on a personal basis. 26. Path-goal theory is a theory that concerns how leaders influence subordinates perceptions of their work goals and the paths they follow toward attainment of those goal. 27. Group maintenance behaviors are the actions taken to ensure that the work group or organization reaches its goal. 28. Task performance behaviors are the actions taken to ensure the satisfaction of group members, develop and maintain harmonious work relationships, and preserve the social stability of the group. 29. Substitutes for leadership are the factors in the workplace that can exert the same influence on employees that leaders would provide. 30. Vroom model is a situational model that focuses on the participative dimension of leadership. III. Multiple Choices 31. What are the three traditional approaches to studying leadership? A. trait approach B. the situational approach C. the behavioral approach D. all of the above 32. The important leader characteristics include drive, leadership motivation, integrity, self-confidence, and .. A. high need for achievement B. knowledge of business C. tenacity D. constant striving for improvement 33. What are the important leader behaviors? A. task performance B. participation in decision making C. group maintenance D. all of the above 34. Which is NOT the leader decision making style? A. autocratic B. democratic C. laissez-faire D. none of the above 35. What are the key situational factors in path-goal theory? A. personal characteristics of followers B. environmental pressures and demands with which followers must cope to attain their work goal C. all of the above D. none of the above 36. Which is NOT the pertinent leadership behavior? A. directive leadership B. supportive leadership C. participative leadership D. achievement-oriented leadership E. none of the above 37. Appropriate leadership style is also determined by three important environmental factors: A. peoples tasks B. the formal authority system of the organization C. the primary work group D. all of the above

Academic Year: 2011-2012

Tutor: Khun Sokang

Cambodian Mekong University (CMU)

ENB201-Introduction to Business Concepts

38. In path-goal theory, which is NOT the function of the leader? A. make the path to work goals easier to travel B. reduce frustrating barriers to goal attainment C. increase opportunities for personal satisfaction by increasing payoff to people for achieving performance goals D. none of the above 39. The new developments of leadership are A. charismatic B. transformational C. post-heroic D. all of the above 40. Transformational leaders generate excitement in three primary ways: A. charismatic B. individualized attention C. intellectually stimulating D. all of the above 41. At least four skills or strategies contribute to transformational leadership: A. have vision, communicate their vision, build trust, have a positive self-regard B. have vision, recognize their personal strengths, build trust, have a positive self-regard C. have vision, communicate their vision, build trust, be dependable D. none of the above 42. Key roles personifying post-heroic leadership in the 21st century include: A. using vision to motivate and inspire B. empowering employees at all levels C. accumulating and sharing internal knowledge D. challenging the status quo and enabling creativity E. all of the above 43. Specifically, some acts of courage required to fulfill your vision will include: A. seeing things as they are and facing them head-on, making no excuses and harboring no wishful illusions B. saying what needs to be said to those who need to hear it C. persisting despite resistance, criticism, abuse, and setbacks D. all of the above 44. What are the companies best at leadership development? A. Johnson & Johnson B. Hewlett-Packard C. Shell International D. all of the above 45. Ronald Reagan, Lee Iacocca, Thomas Watson, Alfred Sloan, and Steve Jobs are good example leaders. A. charismatic B. transformational C. transactional D. none of the above IV. Essay Questions 46. What does it mean to be a leader? 47. Is there a difference between effective management and effective leadership? Explain your views. 48. Identify someone you think is an effective leader. What traits and skills does this person possess that make him or her effective? 49. Do you think men and women differ in their leadership styles? If so, how? 50. Who are your heroes? Try to identify some traditional heroes and also some that are post-heroic. What make them heroes, and what can you learn from them?

Academic Year: 2011-2012

Tutor: Khun Sokang

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