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org Cooperative Program -- The Lifeblood of Missions

Faithful church members give to support their church and to take part in Great Commission Missions Churches carry out the Great Commission in their Jerusalem which involves supporting their local association as well as their own church programs.

Cooperative Program
Local Churches decide how much of their funds to send on to do mission work outside of their Jerusalem. These funds come to Topeka as part of our Great Commission partnership.

The Kansas-Nebraska Convention uses 77% of the Cooperative Program monies that come to Topeka to fund ministries such as these: Church Health Baptist Foundation Disaster Relief Convention Operations Evangelism Womens Ministry/ Innovative Ministries WWW Ethnic Church Planting Worship Arts Retreat Anglo Church Planting Sunday School/Disciple Webster Conference ship Center Coaching Ministry Super Summer/InDepth Publications Language Missions

Cooperative Program
23% of Cooperative Program dollars are sent on to the Executive Committee of the Southern Baptist Convention to distribute to our national agencies, whick includes: n Six seminaries n Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission n Executive Committee n North American Mission Board n International Mission Board The Southern Baptist Convention has around 5,000 home missionaries throughout all of the United States and Canada. The Southern Baptist Convention has over 5,000 missionaries serving around the world.


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