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English Relvar is a combination of the inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) fluticasone furoate FF and the long-acting beta2-agonist ( !"!

) vilanterol #I$ %&o strengths of FF'#I are (ro(osed for asthma ()2'22 mcg and *+,'22 mcg) and one strength is (ro(osed for C-./ ()2'22 mcg)$ !ll strengths &ill be administered once-dail0 using the Elli(ta1 a ne& dr0 (o&der inhaler (/.I)$ .atric2 #allance1 3S45s .resident of .harmaceuticals R6/1 said7 !sthma and C-./ are t&o of the most common res(irator0 conditions and affect millions of (atients across Euro(e$ 3S4 has been researching and develo(ing these molecules as a (otential ne& combination treatment for over ten 0ears and toda05s o(inion brings it one ste( closer to (atients$ 8hat is (articularl0 e9citing is that &e have achieved the first of &hat &e ho(e in the future could be man0 (ositive regulator0 outcomes su((orting the (otential use of FF'#I in a((ro(riate (atients &ith asthma$ 8e eagerl0 a&ait the final decision of the Euro(ean Commission in the near future$ FF'#I should not be used to treat acute asthma s0m(toms or an acute e9acerbation in C-./1 for &hich a short-acting bronchodilator is re:uired$ Increasing use of short-acting bronchodilators to relieve s0m(toms indicates deterioration of control and (atients should be revie&ed b0 a (h0sician$ .arado9ical bronchos(asm ma0 occur &ith an immediate increase in &hee;ing after dosing$ %his should be treated immediatel0 &ith a short-acting inhaled bronchodilator$ FF'#I should be discontinued immediatel01 the (atient assessed and alternative thera(0 instituted if necessar0$

Es(a<ol Relvar es una combinaci=n del corticosteroide inhalado (CSI) furoato de fluticasona (FF) 0 del !gonista "eta2 de !cci=n .rolongada ( !"!) vilanterol #I$ .ara el tratamiento del asma se (ro(onen dos concentraciones de FF'#I ()2'22 mcg 0 *+,'22 mcg) 0 una (ara E.-C ()2'22 mcg)$ %odas las concentraciones ser>n administradas diariamente a trav?s del nuevo inhalador de (olvo seco (/.I) Elli(ta$ .atric2 #allance1 .residente de los (roductos farmac?uticos R6/ de la em(resa 3S41 e9(uso7 El asma 0 el E.-C son dos de las afecciones res(iratorias m>s comunes :ue afectan a millones de (acientes en toda Euro(a$ /urante m>s de *@ a<os1 3S4 ha estado investigando 0 desarrollando estas mol?culas como un nuevo (osible tratamiento combinado 0 llevar su o(ini=n actual m>s cerca de los (acientes$ o :ue es realmente interesante es :ue hemos obtenido el (rimero de los :ue es(eramos sean resultados reguladores (ositivos :ue a(o0en el uso (otencial de FF'#I en (acientes adecuados con asma$ Es(eramos con im(aciencia la decisi=n final de la Comisi=n Euro(ea en un futuro cercano$ os FF'#I no deberAan em(learse (ara tratar sAntomas agudos de asma o e9acerbaciones graves en E.-C1 en los cuales se re:uiere un broncodilatador de acci=n r>(ida$ os (acientes deben consultar a su m?dico si hacen un uso incrementado de los broncodilatadores de acci=n r>(ida (ara aliviar los sAntomas :ue indican el deterioro del control de la enfermedad$ .ueden (roducirse broncoes(asmos (arad=Bicos refleBado (or el aumento inmediato de sibilancias tras la administraci=n1 :ue deberAa tratarse inmediatamente con un broncodilatador inhalado de acci=n r>(ida$ a administraci=n de FF'#I se deberAa interrum(ir de inmediato 01 si fuese necesario1 evaluar al (aciente 0 establecer una tera(ia alternativa$

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