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A guide for friends & family of LGBT *QIA individuals.



A persons sex, gender identity & gender expression may vary.

Sex does not equal gender.

Gender Identity

Gender is how individuals interpret and view themselves. A person may identify with the gender they were assigned at birth (cis-gender), or they may identify differently (transgender).

Gender Expression
Gender expression is how individuals present themselves in terms of societys ideals of masculine and feminine. An individual may present as feminine, masculine, neutral, or a combination.


Sex refers to the biological characteristics of a persons body. The sexes are male, female, and intersex.


Gender, gender identity & sex exist on a spectrum. Sex Male Intersex Female

Gender Expression Masculine Androgynous/ Neutral Feminine

Gender Identity Man Genderqueer/ Genderuid/ Neutral-gender Woman



There are a variety of trans* & gender variant identities.

These are a few common words to know.

A person does not identify with any gender.

A person with traits ascribed to both males and females.

A person identies as two genders, whether simultaneously or in turn.

A person identies with the gender they were assigned at birth.

A person has a shifting or changing gender identity or expression.

Genderqueer Intersex

A person has a gender identity or expression that falls outside of the societal norm for their assigned sex. A person who has sex characteristics that are neither entirely male nor female. (Note: Intersex is not a gender identity, it is a sex.)

A person is neutral-gender.

A person has a gender identity that does not match their gender assigned at birth.


A person that has a gender identity that does not match their sex assigned at birth.


Be a trans* ally & help ght transphobia & cissexism.

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Use the term cisgender when refering to non-trans* individuals, rather than transphobic words like normal, which imply trans* individuals are abnormal, weird, ill, or broken. Do not use transphobic slurs, such as tranny or shemale. These words are intended to insult and harm trans* individuals. Always use the name any individual gives you. Do not ask someone what their real name is. (Their desired name is their real name.) Always use the desired pronouns of an individual. If you are unsure which pronoun to use, politely and privately ask the individual what their prefered pronouns are. Do not claim someones gender identity is false, nonexistent, immoral, or a result of an illness or trauma. Do not ask questions regarding someones anatomy, or question if they have transitioned or will be transitioning in the future. Do not ask to see photographs of a person before they transitioned. Likewise, do not ask invasive, personal questions of a person regarding their life before they transitioned. Never out a trans* individual to others. Likewise, do not ask others if so-and-so is transgender. Do not assume an individuals sexual orientation due to their trans* identity.


identity composed of sex, gender, romantic & sexual attractions, and sexual practice.

Sexuality is an aspect of an individuals

Gender Identity

Gender is how individuals interpret and view themselves.

Romantic Attraction

Romantic attraction refers to which gender or genders individuals are romantically interested in.

Sexual Practice
Sexual praactice refers to the the ways in which individuals sexually expresses themselves. This can include fetishes, number of partners, frequency of sex, etc..

Sexual Attraction
Sexual attraction refers to which gender or genders individuals are sexually interested in.

Sex refers to the biological characteristics of a persons body.


There are romantic & sexual orientations

Sexuality is uid & exists on a spectrum.

For those who have romantic attractions that differ from their sexual attractions (such as asexuals who are romantically Romantic attracted to others), the use of Orientation a romantic orientation helps to specify their sexuality. For such individuals, their orientation is composed of a romantic orientation and a sexual orientation.


Sexual Orientation

Sexual Attraction/Orientation Straight Bisexual/ Pansexual Asexual Gay

Romantic Attraction/Orientation Heteroromantic Biromantic/ Homoromantic Panromantic Aromantic


There are a variety of sexual orientations and identities.

These are 9 common orientations to know.

A person does not experience sexual attraction to any gender or sex.

A person experiences sexual attraction to two or more genders or sexes.

A person can only experiences sexual attraction after an emotional bond is formed.

A person rarely experiences sexual attraction to any gender or sex.

A person is sexually attracted to the opposite gender or sex.

A person is sexually attracted to the same gender or sex.

A person is sexually attracted to individuals regardless of gender or sex.

A person is sexually attracted to multiple genders or sexes.


A person identies as non-heteronormative.


Be an ally and help ght homophobia, biphobia & heterosexism.

Do not assume a persons orientation based on sex, gender, gender expression, race, or personality. Do not use homophobic language or jokes, and challenge those who do. Phrases like thats so gay and no homo are hurtful. Do not say a person cannnot be bisexual because they are currently dating or have previously dated a specic gender. Allow others to dene their sexuality, and be open and accepting rather than judgmental and accusatory. Do not claim someones sexual orientation is false, nonexistent, immoral, or a result of an illness or trauma. Be willing to listen with an open-mind when your friend or family member needs support. Understand that people can change, and that sexuality is uid. Do not say someone cannot be gay/bisexual/queer/asexual/etc. due to their past identities and relationships. Never out someone. Give the individual the right and respect to decide when to come out. Educate yourself on LGBT*QIA topics, history, and culture. Do not rely on others for information. Do not say or imply someones gay/bisexual/queer/asexual/etc. relationship is lesser than a straight relationship. Basically: Take action when required, listen when needed, refrain from judgment, be open to all relationships, accept when you are hurtful or wrong, and believe that all individuals are deserving of respect and love.

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