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unlLe LlmlLed - 8eglsLered ln ClbralLar no. 103368 - 1op lloor PerlLage Pouse, 233 Maln SLreeL, ClbralLar.

1el +44 (0) 203 137 4400 -

A erformance Ldge

Cur buslness ls bespoke, professlonal and compleLely LransparenL - creaLlng Lhe opporLunlLy Lo offer
opLlmum personal Lradlng advlce Lo your cllenLs. LsLabllshed over 6 years, lCA regulaLed and 8u8
compllanL, Lhe success of Lhls hlghly skllled Leam ls no secreL. lnLroducers and Lhelr cllenLs have powered
up Lhls wealLh of LalenL Lhrough referrals and reLenLlon. 1here ls no sales floor.

CaLerlng for a broad specLrum of cllenLs lncludlng Plgh neL WorLhs - from lndlvlduals Lo corporaLlons,
famlly offlces and penslon funds, Lhe drlve for dynamlsm has succeeded ln Lradlng clrca one bllllon ln
varylng currencles per monLh. CompleLely personallsed - noL a managed fund - Lhls bespoke advlsory has
Lhe allure of each cllenL accounL belng Lraded accordlng Lo Lhelr unlque, lndlvldual ob[ecLlves and rlsk

SpeclallsLs ln dellverlng power Lo efflclency raLlos wlLh lnLulLlve performances ln:

*8lsk ManagemenL

*Pedglng orLfollos

*CeneraLlng long Lerm caplLal growLh by malnLalnlng a well-dlverslfled exposure Lo a wlde range of global
currencles uLlllslng all Lradlng sLraLegles avallable.

*Managlng volaLlllLy whlle malnLalnlng a blas and yleldlng percenLages

*Plghly compeLlLlve commlsslons and charges

*Mlnlmlslng rlsk and maxlmlslng reLurns for each cllenLs accounL slze, rlsk appeLlLe and expecLaLlons.

A genulne, quallLy opporLunlLy awalLs your cllenLs and wlLh Lhls comes a hlghly aLLracLlve lnLroducer/8uM
package speclflcally deslgned wlLh Lhe flexlblllLy for 828 and 82C slLuaLlons ln Lhe uk and globally.

As an esLabllshed clLy lnvesLmenL company Lhey are able Lo offer generous resldual revenue share
paymenLs whllsL your cllenLs en[oy excellenL reLurns ln llne wlLh Lhelr ob[ecLlves and hlghly compeLlLlve
fees. 1hls company handles all Lhe rlsk, compllance and managemenL - you slmply make Lhe lnLroducLlon.

Cur mosL valuable resource ls our pursulL of personallsed, proflLable servlce.

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