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[has/have + been + present participle] Examples: You have been waiting here for two hours. Have you been waiting here for two hours? You have not been waiting here for two hours. USE 1 Duration from the Past Unti Now

We use the resent erfect !ontinuous to show that somethin" starte# in the past an# has continue# up until now. $%or five minutes&$ $for two wee's&$ an# $since (ues#ay$ are all #urations which can be use# with the resent erfect !ontinuous. Examples: (hey have been ta !ing for the last hour. )he has been wor!ing at that company for three years. What have you been "oing for the last *+ minutes? ,ames has been tea#hing at the university since ,une. We have been waiting here for over two hours Why has .ancy not been ta!ing her me#icine for the last three #ays? USE $ Re#ent %& 'ate %

You can also use the resent erfect !ontinuous W/(012( a #uration such as $for two wee's.$ Without the #uration& the tense has a more "eneral meanin" of $lately.$ We often use the wor#s $lately$ or $recently$ to emphasi3e this meanin". Examples: 4ecently& / have been fee ing really tire#. )he has been wat#hing too much television lately. Have you been e(er#ising lately? 5ary has been fee ing a little #epresse#. 6isa has not been )ra#ti#ing her En"lish. What have you been "oing? I*PORT+NT 4emember that the resent erfect !ontinuous has the meanin" of $lately$ or $recently.$ /f you use the resent erfect !ontinuous in a 7uestion such as $0ave you been feelin" alri"ht?$& it can su""est that the person loo's sic' or unhealthy. 8 7uestion such as $0ave you been smo'in"?$ can su""est that you smell the smo'e on the person. 2sin" this tense in a 7uestion su""ests you can see& smell& hear or feel the results of the action. /t is possible to insult someone by usin" this tense incorrectly. RE*E*,ER Non-Continuous .erbs/ *i(e" .erbs

/t is important to remember that .on9!ontinuous :erbs cannot be use# in any continuous tenses. 8lso& certain non9continuous meanin"s for 5ixe# :erbs cannot be use# in continuous tenses. /nstea# of usin" resent erfect !ontinuous with these verbs& you must use resent erfect. Examples: )am has been having his car for two years. Not Correct )am has ha" his car for two years. Correct +D.ER, P'+CE*ENT (he examples below show the placement for "rammar a#verbs such as: always& only& never& ever& still& ;ust& etc. Examples: You have on % been waitin" here for one hour. 0ave you on % been waitin" here for one hour? +CTI.E / P+SSI.E Examples: 4ecently& ,ohn has been "oing the wor'. Active 4ecently& the wor' has been being "one by ,ohn. Passive .1(E: resent erfect !ontinuous is less commonly use# in its passive form.

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