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We just finished mixing and mastering a new song, which will be released in October 2008.! It's an English version of the Dutch song "Avond" written by Boudewijn de Groot & Lennaert Nijgh.! Jesse Brewster and I teamed up for the recording of this song, and it'll be our very first collaborative release. ! The story of how this song got recorded follows a cool storyline.! It begins back in 1960 when singer, Boudewijn de Groot, met poet, Lennaert Nijgh in the Dutch city of Haarlem. !They collaborated on songs for 40 years, like an Elton John & Bernie Taupin songwriting team, releasing hit after hit and becoming two of the most famous and beloved artists in The Netherlands.! In 1996, they released "Avond".! Sadly, in 2002, Lennaert Nigh died. ! In Holland in 2005, on Radio 2's Top 2000 greatest songs of all time countdown, something historical happened.! Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody" had been the number song for 30 years, but that year, "Avond" took the number 1 spot, vaulting Boudewijn de Groot back into the spotlight again. ! Where do I come in?! Well, just prior to my 2006-2007 tour in Europe, my European manager, Sacco Koster, said it'd be a good idea if I learned a couple Dutch songs for the shows in The Netherlands.! He sent me a CD of songs.! I don't speak Dutch, so I just went by the sound and the atmosphere of the songs I liked. In the end, I chose to do Kroeckener Keicks' "Vergeet Mij Niet" along with Boudewijn de Groot's "Avond".! ! _I didn't know the history of "Avond" or really that much about it.! I just knew that I Sacco and managed a good translation of it, and I could sing still sing "Ik geloof en jou en mij" without sounding like too much of an idiot. ! I first played the song live at the De Waag club in Haarlem.! I didn't know that's where Boudewijn de Groot had gotten his start, but I soon learned that in the 60's artists like Simon & Garfunkel had played there, and there, beside the stage, was Boudewijn's photo hanging on the wall. ! That night, I learned the power of the song and how much people loved it.! I also learned that a pianoplaying singer-songwriter from America could pull off the song in English without falling on his face.! It was one of those magic nights, the audience and I singing along and smiling from ear-to-ear. ! Later, on tour in the U.S., I tried out "Avond" on some American audiences and they responded to the song with the same zeal, singing along and glowing. ! So, this summer, when I knew a new tour was coming.! I thought, "I've got a ton of new material, and me and the band are playing it constantly, but I've still got no new record.! I need something new."! So, I looked to my good buddy, Jesse Brewster, to see if he'd want to undertake a project.! ! Record a Dutch song in English.! Sounded pretty straightforward, right?! Boudewijn de Groot's management and publishers had already given me permission, so that was a go ahead.! The trick was to make sure Jesse understood that this wasn't just any Dutch song, this is one of the most beloved Dutch songs by one of the most beloved Dutch singer-songwriters.! He got it. ! We recorded "Avond" throughout August at 16 Circle Studios in Northern California.! Jesse engineered the record.! We mixed and mastered the song with Scott Llamas at PopSmear Studios. ! Were a couple Californian singer-songwriters able to pull it off?! You tell me.! I'll post a new blog when the song is released and available for download. -Gentry Bronson

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