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Meeting Minutes


1. Call to Order @ 8:04

2. Roll Call:

a. Abbott: Present

b. Atkinson: Present

c. Boles: Present

d. Chu: Present

e. Guzman: Present

f. Ho: Present

g. Jurgensen: Present

h. Kleinschmidt: Present

i. Shaw: Present

j. Ward: Absent

k. Won: Present

3. No Additions or Corrections made to the Agenda

4. Agenda passed 10-0-0

Senator Ward joined the meeting at 8:05 AM

5. Minutes

a. Secretary Boles reminded the group that all that was changed after the
minutes were first sent out was to add Vice President Mousleh’s report
and Executive Assistant Megan Henderson’s letter of address to the

b. Minutes passed 11-0-0


6. Executive

a. President Nick Ferderer

i. Spoke at Convocation about ASWSUV

ii. Met with Alumni Association Board

iii. VanCougar/ASWSUV Luncheon

iv. Finalized Memorandum of Understanding between Pullman,

Spokane, Tri-Cities, DDP, GPSA

v. Began planning Cougar Pride Days with John Benson

vi. Visited Burgerville with James Martin to discuss compost bins

vii. Planned and held first Environmental Task Force Meeting

viii. Planned and held first Chancellor’s Student Advisory Board


ix. Planned and held first PB&J Club with Nancy Youlden and
Student Affairs Management team

b. Vice President Nicole Mousleh

i. Finalized office hours for Senators

ii. Met with Lea Pfau to continue plans for ASWSUV’s involvement
in the 20 year gala

iii. Designed Thank You cards for Gala

iv. RAC committee meeting

v. Begun planning the structure for ASWSUV committees

vi. Begun planning the training for senate tabling

vii. Participated in the Back to School BBQ

viii. Begun record keeping for Senate office hours

ix. Met with Cara Cottingham and Katie Wells to discuss student life
basket for the Gala

x. Discussed Memorandum of Understanding with Nick and will

continue discussion at WSA Meeting on Saturday

c. Public Relations Director Michael Hatch

i. Received "Be Crimson, Go Green" stickers and deployed them

around campus
ii. Ordered 4' by 8' ASWSUV Banner to place at bowling nights and
other events

iii. Created and distributed flyers for the Environmental Task Force,
the Sep. 18 Pullman Trip, Free Bowling Night, the PB&J Club and
Graffiti-inspired Art

iv. Attended events, meetings; distributed sandwich boards, etc.

d. Director of Legislative Affairs Peter Sterr

i. Attended the ASWSUV/VanCougar luncheon

ii. Began planning the Vancouver Mayoral Debate

iii. Ordered Pocket Constitutions for Constitution Day

iv. Worked with President Ferderer on finalizing Memorandum of

Understanding conversation

v. Met with DLA from Pullman

e. IT Assistant Ben Hook

i. Took over website day-to-day updates

ii. Fixed Event Assistant computer (Cleaned out enough dust to

create a new planet)

iii. Placed links to flyers on calendar for September

iv. Updated biographies for almost everyone. Still missing:

1. Strengths for Karmen

2. Strengths and bio for Spring

3. Bio for Kevin

4. Strengths for Nick J

5. Bio and strengths for new hires

v. Placed applications for President’s SAB, Multicultural Events,

Special Events on the website

vi. Finalized order for new computers with Michelle. Now order is
going through channels.

f. Leadership Development Director Tiffany Moore

i. Worked on finding speakers for Fall Leadership Conference

ii. Researched speakers/talked with faculty

1. Robert Nielson, Conflict Resolution

2. Paul Speer, Community Involvement

3. Tamara Henderson, Leading a Team

iii. Scheduled rooms for event

iv. Worked on RSO Orientation presentations

v. Attended Executive staff meetings and 1:1 with Nick

g. Activities Director Janine Johnston

i. I worked on training the new Event Assistant and Seasonal

Events coordinator

ii. Finalized and put on the Back to School BBQ

iii. Got the Pullman trip planned and started sign-ups

iv. Working on “Coffee Culture” event that is coming up

v. Assisting in the completion of “Cowboys and Cougars” event

h. Event Assistant Megan Henderson

i. Finalized all details with Crosley Lanes for the bowling night on

ii. Arranged and negotiated a special dollar menu with Crosley’s for
bowling night so students would have a low cost food option that
allowed ASWSUV not to front any of the costs.

iii. Made a tentative schedule of this year’s ticket events.

iv. Worked with REC to arrange the haunted corn maze event for

v. Purchased prizes for three bowling night events.

vi. Worked with Michael to create special tags that were attached to
prizes that said ‘event brought to you by ASWSUV’ in order to
help strengthen students’ connections to ASWSUV and our role
on campus.
7. Senatorial

a. Chair Pro-tempore Robert Chu

i. External Affairs Committee will be:

1. conducting monthly surveys that will be open for

responses from the first to the end of the month

2. looking into a Volunteer Fair, Mayoral Debate, and Fun Run

3. trying to get discounts for students at local businesses

ii. Finance Committee is:

1. creating a pamphlet and flyers to educate students on the

Senate funding process

2. creating a presentation for the RSO Orientation

iii. The surveys and pamphlet is a good start for tabling issues

iv. Programming Committee has:

1. elected a Chair, Jake Kleinschmidt

2. Created and distributed the WRC Chair Application

v. Rules & Administration Committee:

1. passed out of Committee 3 BLAs and has 21 more in Old

Business, none are grammatical

2. Biggest ones are: Performance Reviews, Code of Ethics,

and Supplemental Budget process

3. Overhauled the Senate Funding request form

4. Is looking into forming a new Standing Committee: the

Constituency Committee

vi. All Committees are going over the goals that were established at
the retreat to see how they can be accomplished. Also, the RAC
is going over the Senate wide goals

vii. Budget Committee is working on hot spot issue, meeting with

Wim soon

Old Business
8. Bill 19.003

a. Senator Guzman noted that the Russell Kirk Society’s speaker is not
available until Spring

b. Chair Pro-tempore Chu moved to recommit the bill to the Finance

Committee until they deem it ready to be put back on the agenda

i. Movement seconded by Senator Guzman

ii. Passed 11-0-0

New Business

9. Bill 19.004

a. Read into the minutes by Senator Won

b. Senate Pro-tempore Chu moved for a second reading

i. Senator Kleinschmidt seconded

c. Senator Won noted that the conference is providing breakfast and


d. Bill 19.004 moved down the agenda until Sara Newton arrives

10.By-Law Amendment 19.006

a. Amended from “All office hours will be completed between the hours of
8:00 am and 5:00 pm” to read “All posted hours will be scheduled
between the hours of 8:00 am and 5:00 pm.”

b. Senator Atkinson moves to call to question

i. Senator Won seconds

ii. By-Law 19.006 passes 10-1-0

11.By-Law Amendment 19.009

a. Read into the minutes by Senator Kleinschmidt

b. Senate Pro-tempore Chu moved to the second reading, Senator

Guzman seconds

c. Just a simple correction to the by-laws

d. Senator Shaw moves to call to question

i. Senator Atkinson seconds

ii. By-Law Amendment 19.009 passes 11-0-0

12.Bill 19.004

a. Sara Newton arrived

b. Senate Pro-tempore Chu asked what Sara was hoping to gain from the

i. Hopes to learn how to make Salmon Creek Journal better and

learn how it relates to journals across the country

ii. Learn about the distribution process and advertising to students

iii. Believes that the perspective of how other journals work could
definitely help make the SCJ better

iv. Will be giving a presentation at the conference

v. Is interested in engaging other colleges and the networking


vi. Could change the face of SCJ, but is still not sure exactly how it
will change things

c. Senator Kleinschmidt is interested in knowing how the information will

be long-lasting.

i. Sara will take notes on what is going on at the conference and is

interested in using media to record the event

ii. There will be a reference in the office for future editors

d. Senate Pro-tempore Chu moves to call to question

i. Senator Won seconds

ii. Bill 19.004 passes 11-0-0

13.By-Law Amendment 19.012

a. Read into the minutes by Senator Shaw

b. Senator Atkinson mentions that this by-law is putting in to writing

something that began last year

c. Senator Ho is curious about the PR Directors opinion

i. Senate Pro-tempore Chu said that PR Director Hatch is prepared

to add this to his plate
d. Senator Guzman is interested in how this applies to radio

i. Senate Pro-tempore Chu and Michelle McIlvoy both state that it

is implied in the by-law that it is on paper only

e. Michelle McIlvoy is interested in how PR Director Hatch will get a hold

of the advertisements

i. It is the prime sponsors’ job to make sure that the

advertisements get from the requestor to the PR Director

f. Senate Pro-tempore Chu moves to call to question

i. Senator Atkinson seconds

ii. By-Law Amendment 19.012 passes 10-1-0

14.Senate funding discussion

a. Chair Pro-tempore Chu moves to suspend Roberts Rules of Order

i. Senator Atkinson seconds

ii. Passes 10-1-0

1. Senator Kleinschmidt is curious as to why

2. Senate Pro-tempore Chu feels the conversation would flow


b. Senator Guzman asks: What events would you be willing to sponsor?

i. Chu would fund travel to conferences but concerned about

undergraduate travel

ii. Michelle McIlvoy said that there will potentially be more money
for individual travel for research conferences and can help
compliment our individual funding

iii. Kleinschmidt would be more apt to fund an event on campus or

even elsewhere and can bring what they did as a group back

iv. Atkinson believes that one person can bring back lots of
information, but doesn’t know what she will fund until she sees
the funding request
v. Intention of this discussion is to get ideas of what we would like
to fund, a free forum of ideas so we can communicate this better
to students

c. By-Law 530.12 – students attending conferences should report to


i. Prime sponsor should always be in charge of checking in with

the people going

d. Should we fund professors?

i. Most people think no because the S&A Fees should be spent on


ii. Even though advisors might need/want to go

iii. We could fund professors if need be according to policy

iv. Look at the end result

v. Professor should maybe go if there are a lot of people?

vi. There could be other ways for professors to pay

e. Per Diem Rates

i. Will be posted in the senate office

ii. Set by State government for moneys for food & lodging

iii. Would be hesitant to lower per diem rates

iv. Would pay up to per diem

v. People can actually make money on per diem

vi. Can we ask for specific restaurants?

vii. How do we determine a lower per diem?

1. Do we make our own map?

2. How do we allocate money to reimburse?

viii. Billed directly for hotels

ix. Can’t be underfunding – we are supporting students being


1. We can fund properly though

f. Funding non-RSOs

i. in support of sponsoring non-RSOs

ii. Student Events Pool for whatever we want to spend it on

iii. Should be focusing on students

iv. Only fund active RSOs as an incentive for them to go through

the RSO process

g. When you are a prime sponsor

i. Approved airlines and hotels

1. Go through state agency because it makes it better for

potential problems

a. Insurance

b. Preferred route – always know what rates

ii. We should not plan for problems – know what we are doing

h. No time restriction except fiscal year

i. Roberts Rules of Order is reinstated

People enjoyed not having Robert’s Rules of Order

15.Public Comment

a. Flags for 9/11 project will be here soon, and will be displayed on the
amphitheatre grass


17.ASWSUV Announcements

a. Women’s Resource Committee chair applications due September 16 –

appointment will be made by September 21

b. Bowling is tonight

c. Tickets for the Hawaii vs. WSU game available for free in the Bookie

d. Invites sent out for 20 year Gala

i. Need to be 21

ii. 19th @ 5:00 PM

e. PB&J Club is today

18.Office of Student Involvement – Michelle McIlvoy

a. Bola’s peer mentors are now in the office

b. Front desk staff will be hired soon

c. Club fair successful – 40-plus clubs

d. Connect with Neil and Shawn about Fun Run

e. New funding paperwork for clubs – send to OSI for clarification

19.For the Good of the Order

a. Senator Kleinschmidt

i. Encourage people to ask for public comment

ii. Can we expedite the repair of the television?

1. Can we ask facilities to move it after the Gala?

b. Senator Shaw

i. External Affairs Committee wants to set a specific time for Public


1. 8:30 AM – chosen because of the 9:00 class

c. Senate Pro-tempore Chu

i. Tabling instructions will happen at the next senate meeting

d. Senator Atkinson

i. Wireless points received well by Hal & Nancy

ii. Please remember: all good things take time

e. Senate Secretary Boles

i. Organizational things: there are both hard and electronic copies

of the meeting minutes and agendas, as well as voting and
attendance records. The shared drive has also been revamped,
so if you can’t find anything, please let her know, but it is pretty
self explanatory.

Adjournment: 9:29 PM

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