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Music Men By Ben Sullivan & Jamie Farnish Moblie Number: 07749891876

EXT. QUEEN ANNE PUB. NIGHT We see a poster on the wall of a pub that reads "Live Music Tonight". RICH and JOSH walk past the poster toward a parked van. They are both carrying musical equipment and each have a guitar in a carry case on their backs. RICH Its not that it was a good gig, it was the greatest gig of all time. Rich and Josh begin to load their equipment into the already opened van. JOSH I think it was great too but not the greatest. Think of how many others there have been. RICH No, it was the greatest. Live at Leeds was amazing. You just cant beat The Who in their prime. Rich and Josh begin to walk back towards the pub door. JOSH What about Thin Lizzy Live and Dangerous or Led Zeppelin How the west was won? RICH Nah. JOSH Well thats your opinion.

INT. QUEEN ANNE PUB. NIGHT Rich and Josh walk through the front door of the pub. JOSH [CONTD] Its wrong, but its yours. TOBY and BOBBY are standing at the bar. Toby beckons Rich and Josh over with an authoritative hand gesture. DAVE, the landlord, who is cleaning up, assumes Toby is gesturing to him as well and walks with Rich and Josh. Toby shakes his head and Dave walks off. Josh and Rich walk up to Toby and Bobby. TOBY Ive got some news.




JOSH OK? TOBY Im leaving. RICH Well, finish your pint first. TOBY No, leaving here, England. JOSH Ah. RICH (angrily) Its for Anna, isnt it? TOBY Long distance isnt working anymore. Rich goes to speak but is interrupted by Toby. TOBY [CONTD] (pointing at Rich) If you call her Yoko! Rich looks disappointed. JOSH Look Toby, we support you but this is big. Plus, if it doesnt work out between you and Anna youll be alone in Canada. And not the good part...French Canada. How are you even going to support yourself? TOBY (cheeky smile) You know me, it will work out. JOSH Hmmm. TOBY I know youre unhappy but surely you respect me enough to... RICH (Interrupting) Its not the first stupid decision youve made for a girl.




JOSH Rich! RICH And look where thats got you. JOSH Rich, leave it. Hes made his decision. TOBY (snapping) Its got me to the girl I want. My minds made up. Josh sighs. Toby looks at Rich who cant look Toby in the eyes. TOBY I know you and Anna dont see eye to eye. RICH Because shes a whore-mouth-fake-french-person. TOBY Stop calling her that. For once in my life, Im looking out for myself. Thats why I have to do this. A look of disagreement is seen on Richs face. JOSH If youre sure its the right thing to do well support you. TOBY Thanks Josh. You know you guys are the McCartney and Harrison to my Lennon but Ive got to do this. BOBBY Am I...Ringo? RICH Nobody cares about drummers Bobby. TOBY I thought that was bass players. They all share a half hearted laugh.




TOBY [CONTD] On that note, I should probably leave. Ive got an early start tomorrow. Ill be around for a few more weeks though so we will catch up before I go...see you later. Toby walks towards the exit, picks up his mic and gently swings it around. We see Dave in the background struggling to turn off the jukebox. An emotional song comes on as Toby looks back to the guys and smiles. Just as Toby walks through the door, a very loud and inappropriate song comes on. Toby turns to look back through the door as it begins to close. TOBY Oh for fu... The door fully closes before he can finish. DAVE (holding his ears and shouting) Its not even one of their good ones. 3 EXT. QUEEN ANNE. NIGHT The band are leaning against the side of Bobbys van. They are all in silence, smoking and looking dejected. JOSH So what do we do now? BOBBY Clubbing? RICH Yeah, Im up for that. JOSH I meant about the band. Now weve lost our lead singer, song writer, manager, organizer, producer, promoter and sound engineer what are we going to do. Wow that guy did a lot for us. BOBBY (pause) Clubbing? Then discuss what happens next? RICH Yeah, Im up for that.




JOSH Ive got work tomorrow morning. RICH Dont be rubbish. JOSH I guess it may help cheer us up. RICH Good man. JOSH Only for a couple. RICH Sorted. JOSH Only a couple. We see LAURA and STEPH leaving the pub but the guys dont notice. BOBBY Dont worry mate. Have a few drinks, get drunk and all will be well. JOSH Well, not drunk... RICH (shouting) Laura! Josh jumps and drops his cigarette. We see Laura and Steph walking right by them. LAURA (unenthusiastically) Oh, hi. RICH (quick and enthusiastic) Me and the guys are going clubbing. Do you two wana join us? Alright Steph. LAURA Erm, Steph was just saying that shes got to pick her brother up from the station in the morning. Laura turns to Steph.




LAURA [CONTD] Isnt that right Steph. Laura turns back to Rich before Steph can answer. LAURA [CONTD] So we wont be out. RICH But surely that only affects Steph. LAURA Yeah, thats right. See you later. Laura walks away. STEPH Dont mind her Rich, shes had a long day at work. RICH Oh...OK. STEPH Id come out with you guys but like Laura said I do have to pick up my brother early tomorrow. Since Guy moved out I need help with the rent so hes moving in for a while. LAURA (shouting from down the road) Steph, hurry up. Steph begins to walk towards Laura. STEPH (turning back to the guys) See you later guys. The guys watch her walk away. BOBBY (pause) Clubbing? JOSH (immediately) Yes.


EXT. MAIDENHEAD TRAIN STATION. DAY JAMES MASON gets off a train looking cool and confident. He looks around the station and checks his watch. He then reads a text on his phone from Steph that says the station is Maidstone. Mason looks up at the sign on the platform that says Maidenhead. Mason suddenly loses his cool and runs back to the train in a panic and just makes it on board before the doors shut.

EXT. MAIDSTONE TRAIN STATION. DAY Mason coyly pokes his head out from the train and makes sure hes at the right stop. He gets off trying to look cool and confident again. He sees Steph waiting for him and approaches her. MASON Hi, Steph. STEPH (hugging Mason) James, how are you? MASON Im well thanks. STEPH Good. They begin to walk to Stephs car in the car park. STEPH [CONTD] So, how was your journey? MASON I had a double seat for ages until this damn old woman sat next to me. There were plenty of other seats without my bag on it yet she decides to sit next to me. MASON [CONTD] (with a sarcastic thumbs up and a smile) It was good.

EXT. TRAIN STATION CAR PARK. DAY Steph and Mason are walking towards Stephs car. STEPH (gestures toward her car) Its this one here.




MASON So, hows Uni going? Steph opens up the boot of her car and they begin to put Masons luggage in. STEPH Its going really well thanks. Im using one of those old fashioned winding cameras. Steph acts out the winding motion of the camera. MASON Cool. Why dont you wind it backwards so you can see what youre gonna do. Steph closes the boot. STEPH (Unimpressed) Get in the car. Steph and Mason are getting into the car. STEPH [CONTD] So are you glad to get away from mum and dad? They close their doors. 7 INT. JOSHS BEDROOM. DAY We see Josh in his bed, awoken by his alarm clock. He struggles to turn off the alarm whilst attempting to get himself out of bed. He picks up his mobile phone from his bedside cabinet and makes a phone call to his boss MISS FAWCETT. JOSH Hi, its Josh 8 INT. MISS FAWCETTS OFFICE. DAY Miss Fawcett is sitting behind her desk in her office talking to Josh on the phone. MISS FAWCETT Hello Josh.


INT. JOSHS BEDROOM. DAY JOSH Ive woken up with the worst flu.




INT. JOSHS BEDROOM. DAY JOSH Yeah. Ive got a pounding head ache.


INT. CLUB. NIGHT We see Josh dancing at a club next to some loud speakers.


INT. JOSHS BEDROOM. DAY MISS FAWCETT (O.S.) (from Joshs phone) Right. JOSH And I threw up in the early hours of the morning.


INT. CLUB TOILET. NIGHT We see to Josh in a toilet cubicle, throwing up.


INT. JOSHS BEDROOM. DAY MISS FAWCETT (O.S.) (from Joshs phone) Oh dear. JOSH Yeah, twice actually.


EXT. CLUB ALLY. NIGHT We see an alley where we can hear the faint sound of music from a club. Rich, Josh and Bobby are silhouetted. In the background we see Rich pissing up the alley wall. In the mid-ground we see Josh leaning against the wall, throwing up. Bobby is in the foreground, eating a Kebab.



INT. JOSHS BEDROOM. DAY JOSH I think its contagious.


INT. CLUB TOILET. NIGHT We see Rich sitting in the toilet cubicle throwing up between his legs.


INT. MISS FAWCETTS OFFICE. DAY MISS FAWCETT (Reluctantly) OK, you can have the day off.


INT. JOSHS BEDROOM. DAY Josh instantly hangs up the phone and rings Rich. JOSH Rich, Ive got the day off. Im coming down to the shop. See you in a bit.


INT. CORNER SHOP. DAY We see Rich working behind the counter of the shop wearing sunglasses. A CUSTOMER is at the counter with a pint of milk. CUSTOMER Is this milk pasteurised? Rich takes the milk from the customers hand and moves it past the customers eyes. RICH There you go, past-your-eyes. The customer looks angry then leaves the shop, leaving the milk on the counter. Rich then talks into the phone. RICH [CONTD] Right, see you in a bit. Rich picks up a magazine and starts reading.


EXT. STEPHS HOUSE. DAY Stephs car pulls up on a road of terraced houses. Mason and Steph get out of the car and continue a conversation they were having over the roof of the car. MASON Im just saying, some things cant be explained, like how (MORE) (CONTINUED)



MASON (contd) despite their name, the three musketeers insist on using their swords. A chuckle from Steph. STEPH I only asked if you were glad to have moved away from mum and dad. MASON They even own muskets. And if you help me take my bags out of the car Ill let you know. They begin to remove Masons bags from the car. MASON [CONTD] Im glad. It just seems to be a bit of a double edged sword. STEPH How do you mean? MASON It will be nice having some freedom and independence and all that but Ive got to do a load of stuff now that mum used to do. STEPH Dont be thinking Im going to be anything like mum. Youre a 23 year old man James. Youre gonna have to learn to live like one. MASON I know, I know. STEPH (smiling) You moving out is the best thing that could have happened to you. Youll see. MASON (hesitantly) Yeah. STEPH Ive got the job ads for you inside. It shouldnt be too hard to find a job around here.


Mason gives Steph a forced smile and begins to sing something high and joyful sounding while dancing. He is carrying the smallest bag from the car. Steph picks up the large suitcase Mason left behind and proceeds to struggle carrying it into the house. 23 INT. RICHS SHOP. DAY We see Rich reading his magazine. We hear footsteps in the shop, the sound of a fridge door opening, a drink being removed, the door closing and then footsteps up to the counter. Rich slowly lowers the magazine to reveal Josh holding a can of Iron Bru up to his own face. JOSH I am...Iron Bru. Unimpressed, Rich goes back to reading the magazine. Angry that Rich was not impressed, Josh pulls the magazine down from his hands onto the counter. Josh holds the can against his forehead. JOSH [CONTD] ...I feel awful. RICH You know where the aspirin are. Josh walks behind the counter where he takes a pack of aspirin. He gives Rich the exact change and then takes two pills with his drink. A RANDOM CUSTOMER walks in and ques behind Josh. JOSH So, what are we going to do? Can we carry on without Toby? ...Ive got to cancel that gig we were supposed to do tonight. RICH I really dont know. Like you said he did pretty much everything for us. I dont know if we can even function without him. JOSH I mean, are there any good bands with three members? They both begin to smile and look at each other. RICH Rush.




JOSH Cream. RICH The Jimi Hendrix experience. RANDOM CUSTOMER Green Day. Rich and Josh turn and look at the customer. RICH (pointing to the door) Get out of my fucking shop. The random customer leaves the shop. JOSH Muse. RICH Yes mate. Lets not cancel that gig. Lets go down there with the new line up. JOSH Yeah, youve been doing backing vocals for years. Why cant you be the lead guitarist and lead singer? RICH Exactly. I feel like this is the start of something special. 24 INT. STEPHS HOUSE. DAY Mason is at the sink doing a small amount of washing up. He does not look happy about it. Steph is off screen. We hear her leaving the bathroom upstairs. STEPH (O.S) Make sure you do it properly James. MASON Alright! What have you been doing up there? Sounds like you have been shuffling furniture about or something. STEPH (O.S) (sarcastically) Yeah, thats right.


CONTINUED: MASON I have been looking for jobs you know. But I still havent found anything. STEPH (O.S) Look harder. You are not gonna doss round here and not contribute. MASON Yeah, yeah, I know. How long are you two going to be studying up there anyway? STEPH (O.S) (angrily) Much longer! and I need to get back to it. MASON OK, OK.


Mason finishes the washing up and goes upstairs intrigued as to what exactly Steph is up to. He looks into her room through the half opened door. We see an old fashioned video camera set up, recording something out of view. A topless man steps away from the camera, walks to the door and closes it. Mason walks back down the stairs. He sees the job ads and throws it in the bin and opens a laptop on the kitchen table and begins to look at job ads online. 25 INT. RICH AND JOSHS FLAT. NIGHT Rich, Josh and Bobby have their instruments and equipment ready to leave for the gig. RICH This is what we needed guys. This is the next step in the bands evolution. Our new sound. We dont need Toby. JOSH We are a power trio from now on. Rich is the new Matt Bellamy. BOBBY Who? RICH The guy from Muse. BOBBY OK. The guys leave the flat. Cut to them returning into the flat covered in tomatoes. (CONTINUED)

CONTINUED: JOSH So we are all decided then, Rich is not the new Matt Bellamy. 26 INT. RICH AND JOSHS FLAT. DAY


Rich and Josh are sitting on their sofa while Bobby is sprawled out on the armchair and Toby is sitting on a desk chair. They all look glum. RICH People just dont care about rock n roll anymore. People want to hear rap and dub-step now. JOSH Dub-step? Thats the worst thing to happen to music since the eighties. TOBY Come on, the eighties werent that bad. RICH You would say that, you clearly have no love for real music. You didnt even do our gig last night with us. TOBY Look, once again I apologise but I do think you have the talent to keep the band going. You dont need me. Youve just conditioned yourself into thinking that. JOSH You werent there Toby. We got tomatoed. That hasnt happened to anyone since the eighteen hundreds. BOBBY Who brings tomatoes to a gig? TOBY I do feel bad for you guys but have you thought about just...getting a new singer. You may even be better. BOBBY OK, name me a band that has gotten better after replacing their original singer? Rich and Josh begin to smile and look at each other. (CONTINUED)

CONTINUED: RICH Fleetwood Mac. JOSH Pink Floyd. RICH AC/DC. TOBY Genesis? RICH oh...erm... JOSH Black Sabbath. RICH Yeah, good one Josh. TOBY See, just put some ads out and Im sure you guys will be alright. 27 INT. INTERVIEWS/AUDITIONS MONTAGE. DAY


We see Bobby opening a music shop door and place an advert for a singer on the noticeboard. We see Mason in a suit, doing up his tie in the mirror. He closes his laptop and walks out of the front door. Rich, Josh and Bobby watch a man sing. They are obviously not enjoying it. The man finishes and looks to them for feedback. Rich and Josh look awkward and shuffle about. Bobby is leaning back in his seat with his hands behind his head and a pen in his mouth. Mason shakes the hand of a man in a suit sitting at a desk. Mason is offered a seat by the man. Mason sits down looking coy. Rich, Josh and Bobby watch a sexy woman sing. They are obviously not enjoying her singing. The woman finishes. Bobby looks over at Rich and Josh with a pleading look. Mason shakes the hand of another man in a suit sitting at a desk. This man looks scruffy. Mason is offered a seat. Rich, Josh and Bobby watch another man sing. We see that the man singing is the scruffy looking man that interviewed Mason. Mason walks in to an office to greet another man in a suit. Mason walks hastily toward the man to shake his hand. Mason stumbles and smiles awkwardly. (CONTINUED)



Rich, Josh and Bobby watch another man sing. They look like they are enjoying it. As he walks out he puts on a Greenday hoodie. We see that it is the customer from the shop from the previous day. We see Rich, Bobby and Josh look disgusted and shout "get the fuck out". Mason walks into an office. He shakes the hand of Miss Fawcett and is offered a seat. Mason looks dis-heartened. We see Miss Fawcett talking to Mason with a smile on her face. Mason looks pleased and stands up with her and they exchange a hand shake over the desk. We see a woman just finishing her audition. Rich, Bobby and Josh are silent and all we hear are the womans heels as she walks to the door and then leaves. END MONTAGE. 28 INT. QUEEN ANNE PUB-PRACTICE ROOM. DAY The very second the door closes Josh leaps up in a fit of rage. JOSH Im done. Josh storms out. 29 INT. MISS FAWCETTS OFFICE. DAY Mason is standing opposite Miss Fawcett at her desk. MISS FAWCETT Good to have you on board Mr Mason. When can you start? MASON Thank you so much. As soon as possible. MISS FAWCETT Thats good to hear. Well, if you go with Glenda over there, she will fill you in with your training and shift schedule. We see an old lady, GLENDA, appear from a store closet with a mop. She has a trolley with cleaning products on it and is dressed in a cleaners outfit. 30 INT. JOSHS OFFICE. NIGHT We see Josh sitting at his desk typing on a computer. He looks tired and is concentrating heavily on his work. We can hear a faint noise of rubbing in the background. Joshs mobile phone rings.




JOSH Rich, Im busy...I will be home shortly. The camera angle changes and shows Mason three desks along from Josh. Mason is hunched over, polishing the desk. JOSH [CONTD] Yeah, its nearly finished...I cant worry about that now, Im busy...OK, OK we will hold more auditions next week. Seriously though, finding a singer for the band is the least of my worries right now. Mason looks up from the desk at Josh looking intrigued while still polishing the same spot on the desk. Josh notices Masons interest in his conversation. JOSH [CONTD] OK, bye. The camera angle changes and we can only see Josh working on his computer again. We hear the polishing stop and then start again a little louder. Josh stops typing and looks at Mason. The camera angle changes to show Mason who is now polishing one desk closer to Josh while still watching him. Josh shrugs it off and gets back to work on his computer. We hear the polishing stop and become a little louder once again. Josh stops typing and looks at Mason. The camera angle changes to show Mason again who is now polishing one more desk closer to Josh while still watching him. Once again Josh shrugs it off and continues to his work. We hear the polishing stop and start again, this time very loud. Josh stops typing and looks at Mason. The camera angle changes to show that Mason is polishing the desk Josh is working on and is face to face with Josh. MASON ...I hear youre looking for a singer. JOSH (slightly frightened) Yes...




MASON I can sing. JOSH (slightly frightened) ...OK. MASON I want to audition for your band. JOSH (slightly frightened) ...OK. 31 INT. RICH AND JOSHS FLAT. NIGHT Rich is sitting on the sofa and Bobby is sprawled out on the armchair. They are sitting in silence looking uncomfortable. Bobby leans forward as if to speak and then slouches back into the chair. Josh leans in from the front door. JOSH Ive got a guy here, wants to audition for the band. RICH OK, whats his name? JOSH (looks back out the door) Whats your name? MASON (O.S) James Mason. JOSH Oh, like the actor? MASON (O.S) No. JOSH (looks back inside) James Mason. RICH Oh, like the actor? JOSH No. Bobby looks to Rich with a puzzled look then looks back to Josh.




BOBBY OK. Tomorrow? JOSH (looks back out the door) Tomorrow? MASON (O.S) OK. JOSH (looks back inside) OK. BOBBY OK. 32 INT. QUEEN ANNE PUB-PRACTICE ROOM. DAY We see Mason standing behind a mic taking a bow. Rich and Bobby look at Josh who stands up from his seat. JOSH Youre in. Mason smiles. 33 INT. QUEEN ANNE PUB. NIGHT Rich, Mason, Toby and Josh are sat around a table. Bobby is walking back and forth from the practise room to the van outside carrying parts of his drum kit. RICH What are you talking about? Theres loads of good gay musicians. MASON Name two. RICH Erm...Elton John. JOSH Well not since the 70s. Mason looks unimpressed. RICH Freddy Mercury. JOSH Hes...dead. Bobby is walking past the table carrying drums.


CONTINUED: BOBBY Marvin Gaye? Was that hes real name or a stage name so you knew he was gay? TOBY Real name, Bobby, real name. Bobby continues to the van. MASON Well, I suppose theres Jimi Hendrix. Rich and Josh look perplexed. RICH What are you talking about? Hendrix wasnt gay. He was a renowned womanizer. MASON What about on the song purple haze? He says excuse me while I kiss this guy. Gay! RICH He says excuse me while I kiss the sky. Why would he say excuse me while i kiss this guy?


Bobby walks back to the table from outside, empty handed. MASON Cause he was gay. TOBY OK, lets move on. BOBBY Are you gay Mason? MASON (immediately and shiftily looking around) No! BOBBY Alright, calm down. Mason looks uncomfortable. Bobby walks back to the drum kit. JOSH Youd better get used to it as this is a gay bar and we do a lot of gigs here.




MASON So, youre popular in the gay scene then? JOSH (Pondering) Yeah, I guess we are. MASON How come? Bobby walks behind Masons chair carrying his bass drum with the band name written across it that reads "The Gaze" in big, bold letters. JOSH I dont know, its just one of those things. MASON You two arent... RICH (pause) What? MASON Gay? Rich and Josh exchange an extended glance. JOSH No! We sleep with women. Mason looks inquisitively at Rich and Josh. Bobby walks back over to the table interrupting the conversation. BOBBY Fag? MASON Bobby, I already told you I wasnt. JOSH Mason. Mason turns to look at Rich and Josh who are each holding up a cigarette. MASON Oh. No thanks, I dont smoke. Josh and Rich stand up. Mason looks at Toby.




TOBY I dont smoke either. Rich and Josh follow Bobby outside. MASON OK. Im just heading to the bar. You want a drink? TOBY Sure, thanks. Mason stands up and heads to the bar. 34 EXT. QUEEN ANNE GARDEN. NIGHT Bobby walks out the back door followed closely by Rich and Josh. They lean against the side of the pub and light their cigarettes. BOBBY So, what do we think of Mason? JOSH Hes alright. BOBBY Rich? RICH Yeah, hes alright. You? BOBBY Well...Yeah, hes alright. RICH Cool. 35 INT. QUEEN ANNE PUB. NIGHT Mason is leaning against the bar waiting to be served. As the obviously gay customers move around him, he seems uncomfortable by their presence. Dave approaches. DAVE You waiting? MASON Yeah. Can I have... A customer bumps into him. MASON [CONTD] Wow, its a bloody sausage fest in here.


CONTINUED: DAVE Thats the whole point, mate. MASON Of course... I dont have a problem with it though. DAVE I didnt say you did. MASON (interrupting) What one man does to another is none of my business...unless they do it in public. Thats awful though why should they have to hide it... Some people do get uncomfortable about it... like Christians.


Mason looks over at an obviously gay customer next to him wearing a shirt with the top buttons undone showing his chest. Mason sees the mans necklace which has a large cross on it. MASON [CONTD] (smiling to Dave) Apart from that guy. Mason gestures at the guy next to him. Dave is not impressed. MASON [CONTD] Im a Christian, but I still believe in love thy neighbor... yet a man shall not lay with another man. Very hypocritical religion, really hard to follow. Have you noticed? Laura walks past the bar and heads towards Toby. 36 INT. QUEEN ANNE PUB. NIGHT Toby is sitting on his own at the table watching Mason at the bar as Laura approaches. LAURA Hey, havent seen you for a while. TOBY Yeah, been busy. LAURA I guess youve been getting your stuff ready for the big move?




TOBY Yeah, I leave tonight. LAURA I didnt realise it was this soon...excited? TOBY Very much. Im moving in with the woman I love. LAURA Oh...thats sweet. TOBY Here, grab a chair, lets catch up. LAURA (Hesitantly) I cant, Im working. Toby looks towards the bar to see Mason still talking to Dave. TOBY I think my friends got your boss distracted. Laura looks towards Mason doing some very exaggerated movements. LAURA (Hesitantly) OK, I can spare some time for you. Laura sits on a chair pulling it close to Toby. 37 EXT. QUEEN ANNE GARDEN. NIGHT Bobby stamps out his cigarette. Rich turns to Josh who is standing in front of a window into the pub. RICH (notices Toby and Laura) Well, he is a bit...weird. He reminds me of... Rich gets caught up in watching Toby and Laura talk. Josh sighs as he turns to the window where he and Bobby also look through. We see Toby and Laura obviously having an intimate moment.



INT. QUEEN ANNE PUB. NIGHT Toby and Laura are still chatting at the table. LAURA (reminiscing) No, it wasnt that at all. I dont know. I just felt like... Laura looks over at the window and sees Bobby, Josh and Rich peering through at her. Bobby and Josh immediately move out of view leaving Rich still staring. Rich looks left and right then lowers himself below the window. She immediately distances herself from Toby and gets up from her chair. TOBY Felt like what? Toby looks over at the window confused. LAURA Nothing. Dont worry. Ive got to get back to work Toby. It was nice talking. TOBY Did I say something? LAURA I hope it all works out for you. TOBY Thanks. Is it OK if you could order me a taxi please? LAURA Sure.


EXT. QUEEN ANNE PUB. NIGHT Rich picks himself up off the floor and dusts off. BOBBY You got no chance with her mate. JOSH Yeah, why dont you go for Tracy over there? Josh points to a fat barmaid, TRACY, who is cleaning tables nearby. BOBBY (disgusted) Ah mate, shes got more chins than a Chinese phone book. (CONTINUED)

CONTINUED: They all begin to laugh. JOSH I heard she has to work here because she cant get out the front door. RICH Guys, Ive got a good one. Traceys so fat that the show aint over until she sings.


Tracy overhears Rich and punches him in the face, knocking him over. Josh and Bobby hold back laughter. Tracey storms off into the pub. Josh and Bobby help Rich to his feet and begin laughing hysterically. RICH [CONTD] (holding his face) Well I think my chances have dropped dramatically now. JOSH Never say their name in the joke! BOBBY Drink? JOSH Yes. Richs round. RICH No, Tracys round. They begin to walk towards the door. BOBBY Havent you learnt anything? They walk through the door. 40 INT. QUEEN ANNE PUB. NIGHT Rich, Josh and Bobby walk to the bar. Tracy walks over to serve Rich and there is an uncomfortable silence before Rich orders. We can see Mason, further down the bar, still chatting to Dave and his actions have become very exaggerated. RICH (sheepishly to Tracy) Can I have a cider, whiskey and a larger, a lager. Tracy walks off angrily to get the drinks. Rich starts looking through his wallet for money and only finds loose change. He fumbles as he tries to count out the coins.




BOBBY (to Josh) Its funny how his name is Rich yet hes quite poor. JOSH ...Yeah. Josh gets out his wallet, pulls out a 20 note and hands it to Rich as Tracy arrives with the drinks. Rich takes the note and gives it to Tracy. She hands Rich the change and he puts it in his wallet along with his own money. BOBBY Are you going to keep Joshs change again? RICH Well, you cant put a price on alcohol, Bobby, no matter how much the government try. BOBBY That doesnt even make sense...Its true though. RICH (short pause) Yes Im keeping it. Josh looks expectantly for his change. They walk over to Toby. TOBY (to Rich) What happened to you? Rich sits down. RICH Fat barmaid. Josh and Bobby sit down. TOBY Did you know shes taller laying down...shes out of your league anyway. RICH I wasnt trying to...whos in my league then? TOBY The barmaid who used to be a barman.




We see a bearded man dressed as a woman cleaning a pint glass behind the bar. RICH He is awful to behold. BOBBY She. JOSH I heard shes like Hitler. BOBBY What, one ball? JOSH (takes a swig of his drink) No, hates Jews. TOBY See. Perfect match. Laura walks over to their table. LAURA (to Toby) Your taxis here, Toby. TOBY Okay, thanks. Mason walks over to the table carrying one pint of beer. He sits down just as everybody stands up. MASON (to Toby) Shit, forgot your drink. TOBY Dont worry Mason, Im off now anyway. Toby leans over the table and shakes Masons hand. TOBY It was nice to meet you. Good luck with these guys. MASON Nice to meet you too. Good luck with Canada. Toby hugs and kisses Laura on the cheek. Toby leaves through the front door followed by Rich, Josh and Bobby. Laura watches Toby leave.



EXT. QUEEN ANNE PUB. NIGHT Toby walks over to the taxi followed by Rich, Josh and Bobby. Bobby lights a cigarette. TOBY I gotta go home and pick up my bags then Im off to the airport. RICH Do you need a hand with anything? TOBY Its fine but Im glad youre alright with me leaving now. RICH You gotta do what you gotta do. TOBY Its been fun guys. JOSH Well miss you. RICH Gay. BOBBY Not here. Slight laugh from Toby. TOBY Ill see you around. Toby climbs into the taxi and Rich closes the door. The taxi drives away as Toby waves through the back window and is gone out of sight. JOSH Thats the end. BOBBY Or is it just the beginning? RICH There is another. They all turn and look at Mason through the window.



INT. QUEEN ANNE PUB. NIGHT Mason raises his pint glass to his face and drops it. He looks down at the mess he has spilt over himself. He slowly raises his head and notices Rich, Bobby and Josh watching him through the window with a blank expression.


EXT. QUEEN ANNE PUB. NIGHT Rich, Bobby and Josh are still looking at Mason through the window. BOBBY Its the end. They continue to stare at Mason.

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