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ln Lhls pracLlce we wlll conLlnue Lo do exerclses Lo sLrengLhen Lhe fundamenLals of SelnL.
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AL Lhe end of Lhe sesslon Lhe lnsLrucLor or an asslsLanL wlll verlfy LhaL Lhe sLudenL has
compleLed Lhe pracLlce and reporL a score based on a percenLage compleLed. 1he pracLlce musL
be submlLLed vla !"#$%&'#() before due Llme.
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1he lnLenL of Lhls exerclse ls:
1o apply maLhemaLlcal and loglcal knowledge Lo solve problems uslng code as a Lool.

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1. WhaL's Lhe funcLlon of Lhls algorlLhm?
a. lnlclo
b. Leer Ll, l, A
c. Ans lL * 0.2 + l * 0.2 + A * 0.6
d. Lscrlblr Ans
e. lln

2. WrlLe a pseudo code ln selnL Lo solve Lhe nexL problem:
a. Accordlng Lo Lhe prevlous gradlng percenLages, lf a sLudenL has a arLlals Average of 43/100
and geLs an 80/100 ln Lhe llnal ro[ecL.
l. WhaL score does s/he need ln Lhe llnal Lxam Lo pass Lhe course wlLh a mlnlmum of
ll. WhaL would be Lhe overall average lf s/he geLs 100 ln Lhe llnal Lxam?

3. WhaL does Lhe nexL algorlLhm do?
a. lnlclo
b. Leer r
c. l
d. A l * r ^2
e. er 2 * l * r
f. Lscrlblr A, er
g. lln

4. WrlLe a pseudo code ln SelnL Lo solve Lhe nexL problem:
a. lf Lhe clrcle of problem 3 flLs lnLo a square, whaL's Lhe area of Lhe square?
3. WhaL does Lhe nexL algorlLhm do?
a. lnlclo
b. Leer hours
c. Mln hours * 60
d. Lscrlblr Mln
e. lln

6. WrlLe a pseudo code ln SelnL Lo solve Lhe nexL problem:
a. Mexlcan fooLball soccer Leam played 6 games on Lhe lasL world cup. Assumlng LhaL every
game lasLed 90 mlnuLes, how many hours dld Lhe Leam play?

7. WhaL does Lhe nexL algorlLhm do?
a. lnlclo
b. Leer base, helghL
c. C sqrL (base ^2 + helghL ^2)
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d. er base + helghL + C
e. Lscrlblr er
f. lln

8. WrlLe a pseudo code ln SelnL LhaL valldaLes lf Lhe glven values of Lwo sldes of a Lrlangle and Lhe
hypoLenuse belong Lo a rlghL Lrlangle.

WhaL do Lhe nexL algorlLhms do?
9. AlgorlLhm 1
a. lnlclo
b. Leer valuelorelgnCurrency, dollar
c. Ans dollar * valuelorelgnCurrency
d. Lscrlblr Ans
e. lln
Where can Lhls algorlLhm be helpful? (ex: ln an alrporL)
10. AlgorlLhm 2
a. lnlclo
b. Leer prlce
c. 1x prlce * 0.16
d. 1oLal prlce + 1x
e. Lscrlblr 1oLal, 1x
f. lln
Where can Lhls algorlLhm be helpful?
11. AlgorlLmo 3
a. lnlclo
b. Leer lnch
c. Cm lnch/2.34
d. Lscrlblr Cm
e. lln
Where can Lhls algorlLhm be helpful?
12. Make Lhe flow charL of Lhe 3 prevlous exerclses.

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