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Bob Chiarelli Minister of Energy 4th Floor, Hearst Block 900 Bay Street Toronto, Ontario M7A 2E1 23 January 2014 Dear Minister; I am writing to express my concerns with the significant hardship and grief experienced by a great number of people in eastern Ontario as a result of the current propane shortages. In rural Ontario especially, a great many people rely on propane for home heating, and the current difficulties and uncertainties in obtaining propane by any reliable or timely means is a serious problem. It is important to understand the nature of the problem if we are going to make effective decisions on how we might assist in providing a measure of relief to those affected by the shortage. Further, to determine if there are actions or recommendations that might be taken to the propane industry to prevent a recurrence of the shortage, we need to be able to clearly identify what has caused this shortage. I was rather taken aback to discover that while I can obtain information on the inventory, exports, imports and prices for any other energy commodity in Canada, information on propane is notably absent. It is not a surprise that the industry is in a state of confusion and chaos due to the absence of facts and data. Minister, I am asking that you take the necessary steps to ensure that this kind of reporting on propane is made available to the public, just as it is for oil, gasoline, natural gas and electricity. I am aware that many of these reporting mechanism may require the support of or implementation by your federal counterpart, and would ask that you take the necessary steps with your federal counterpart so that people will have access to information on propane that will assist in preventing a repeat of the current problems in the future.


Furthermore, I am extremely disappointed that your Ministry has not adequately responded to this crisis. At a minimum you could be providing the public with frequent updates on any progress the industry is making to resolve the current problems. We have people, some of whom have had no propane for three weeks, and frankly their plight doesnt appear to concern you very much at all. For that I believe you owe the public both an apology and an explanation. To make matters worse, those who are able to get a bit of propane have seen the price as much as double. I look forward to your timely reply to my recommendations and concerns. Sincerely,

Randy Hillier Copy: Hon. Kathleen Wynne, Premier of Ontario

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