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WRITTEN BY A COP: Everyone should take 5 minutes to read this It may save your li!e or a loved one"s li!

e In dayli#ht hours$ re!resh yoursel! o! these thin#s to do in an emer#en%y situation This is !or you$ and !or you to share &ith your &i!e$ your %hildren$ ' everyone you kno& A!ter readin# these ( %ru%ial ti)s$ !or&ard them to someone you %are a*out It never hurts to *e %are!ul in this %ra+y &orld &e live in , Ti) !rom Tae -&on .o :The el*o& is the stron#est )oint on your *ody I! you are %lose enou#h to use it$ do/ 0 1earned this !rom a tourist #uide I! a ro**er asks !or your &allet and2or )urse$ .O NOT 3AN. IT TO 3I4 Toss it a&ay !rom you Chan%es are that he is more interested in your &allet and2or )urse than you$ and he &ill #o !or the &allet2)urse R5N 1I-E 4A. IN T3E OT3ER .IRECTION/ 6 I! you are ever thro&n into the trunk o! a %ar$ ki%k out the *a%k tail li#hts and sti%k your arm out the hole and start &avin# like %ra+y The driver &on"t see you$ *ut every*ody else &ill This has saved lives 7 Women have a tenden%y to #et into their %ars a!ter sho))in#$ eatin#$ &orkin#$ et% $ and 8ust sit 9doin# their %he%k*ook$ or makin# a list$ et% .ON"T .O T3I:/; The )redator &ill *e &at%hin# you$ and this is the )er!e%t o))ortunity !or him to #et in on the )assen#er side$ )ut a #un to your head$ and tell you &here to #o A: :OON A: YO5 <ET INTO YO5R CAR $ 1OC- T3E .OOR: AN. 1EA=E I! someone is in the %ar &ith a #un to your head .O NOT .RI=E O>>$ Re)eat: .O NOT .RI=E O>>/ Instead #un the en#ine and s)eed into anythin#$ &re%kin# the %ar Your Air Ba# &ill save you I! the )erson is in the *a%k seat they &ill #et the &orst o! it As soon as the %ar %rashes *ail out and run It is *etter than havin# them !ind your *ody in a remote lo%ation 5 A !e& notes a*out #ettin# into your %ar in a )arkin# lot$ or )arkin# #ara#e: A ; Be a&are:look around you$ look into your %ar$ at the )assen#er side !loor $ and in the *a%k seat B ; I! you are )arked ne?t to a *i# van$ enter your %ar !rom the )assen#er door 4ost serial killers atta%k their vi%tims *y )ullin# them into their vans &hile the &omen are attem)tin# to #et into their %ars C ; 1ook at the %ar )arked on the driver"s side o! your vehi%le$ and the )assen#er side I! a male is sittin# alone in the seat nearest your %ar$ you may &ant to &alk *a%k into the mall$ or &ork$ and #et a #uard2)oli%eman to &alk you *a%k out IT I: A1WAY: BETTER TO BE :A>E T3AN :ORRY 9And *etter )aranoid than dead ; @ A1WAY: take the elevator instead o! the stairs :tair&ells are horri*le )la%es to *e alone and the )er!e%t %rime s)ot This is es)e%ially true at NI<3T/;

A I! the )redator has a #un and you are not under his %ontrol$ A1WAY: R5N/ The )redator &ill only hit you 9a runnin# tar#et; 7 in ,BB timesC and even then$ it most likely WI11 NOT *e a vital or#an R5N$ Pre!era*ly in a +i# D+a# )attern/ E As &omen$ &e are al&ays tryin# to *e sym)atheti%: :TOP It may #et you ra)ed$ or killed Ted Bundy$ the serial killer$ &as a #oodDlookin#$ &ell edu%ated man$ &ho A1WAY: )layed on the sym)athies o! unsus)e%tin# &omen 3e &alked &ith a %ane$ or a lim)$ and o!ten asked "!or hel)" into his vehi%le or &ith his vehi%le$ &hi%h is &hen he a*du%ted his ne?t vi%tim ( Another :a!ety Point: :omeone 8ust told me that her !riend heard a %ryin# *a*y on her )or%h the ni#ht *e!ore last$ and she %alled the )oli%e *e%ause it &as late and she thou#ht it &as &eird The )oli%e told her "Whatever you do$ .O NOT o)en the door " The lady then said that it sounded like the *a*y had %ra&led near a &indo&$ and she &as &orried that it &ould %ra&l to the street and #et run over The )oli%eman said$ "We already have a unit on the &ay$ &hatever you do$ .O NOT o)en the door " 3e told her that they think a serial killer has a *a*y"s %ry re%orded and uses it to %oa? &omen out o! their homes thinkin# that someone dro))ed o!! a *a*y 3e said they have not veri!ied it$ *ut have had several %alls *y &omen sayin# that they hear *a*y"s %ries outside their doors &hen they"re home alone at ni#ht ,B Water s%am/ I! you &ake u) in the middle o! the ni#ht to hear all your ta)s outside runnin# or &hat you think is a *urst )i)e$ .O NOT <O O5T TO IN=E:TI<ATE/ These )eo)le turn on all your outside ta)s !ull *last so that you &ill #o out to investi#ate and then atta%k :tay alert$ kee) sa!e$ and look out !or your nei#h*ors/ Please )ass this on This eDmail should )ro*a*ly *e taken seriously *e%ause the Cryin# Ba*y Theory &as mentioned on Ameri%a "s 4ost Wanted &hen they )ro!iled the serial killer in 1ouisiana I"d like you to !or&ard this to all the &omen you kno& It may save a li!e A %andle is not dimmed *y li#htin# another %andle I &as #oin# to send this to the ladies only$ *ut #uys$ i! you love your mothers$ &ives$ sisters$ dau#hters$ et% $ you may &ant to )ass it onto them$ as &ell :end this to any &oman you kno& that may need to *e reminded that the &orld &e live in has a lot o! %ra+ies in it and it"s *etter to *e sa!e than sorry Everyone should take 5 minutes to read this It may save your li!e or a loved one"s li!e

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