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A Reflection on National Geographic: The Real Slumdogs

Julia Ashbrook English 6th January 17, 2013

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Dharavi is located in Mumbai, India. It is the largest slum in India. Dharavi has over 1millon people living there in only one square mile, but 85% of the people have jobs. The people in Dharavi have little water, open sewers, and bad electricity. People in Dharavi live
Google Images- Dharavi Map

in horrible conditions, but they are able to succeed with their dreams. Vinod Shetty, manager of The Dharavi Project, says, These people are fighting to survive in the most extreme circumstances.1 Three successful dreamers are a twelve-year-old boy named Jigha, a rag picker named Luxmie, and a rickshaw driver named Shailesh. One of the many dreamers in Dharavi is a twelve-year-old boy named Jigha. Jigha lives with his father, mother, and two sisters. His father is a tailor who has his factory in the middle of their house. Even though many people in Dharavi are not able to go to school, Jigha is able to attend school. He studies hard because he has a dream that he wants to become a scientist. Jigha is achieving his dream, and he has been working very hard. He has even learned to speak English. Jigha's teacher, at an extra class run by a local charity, Krishna Pogari, co-founder of Reality Gives, says, Every child has potential. We have to give them hope.2 Another of the many dreamers in Dharavi is Luxmie, a rag picker. Recycling is Dharavis biggest industry and Luxmie is a rag picker. A rag picker is a person who sorts through trash.

Vinod Shetty. National Geographic: The Real Slumdogs. CD ROM. Directed by Steve Baker. San Francisco, CA: Independent Television Service, 2010.

Krishna Pogari. Ibid

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Luxmie has a daughter and is working hard to put her through school.
Google Images- Dharavi Rag Picker

She is telling her daughter to study hard so she can get good marks. The Acorn Foundation is a foundation that helps woman and children in Dharavi. Luxmie volunteers there. Luxmie is working hard to keep her daughter in school because she thinks that education is the key to getting out of poverty. Finally, the last dreamer is Shailesh, a rickshaw driver. Shailesh has two children, and he dreams of becoming a Bollywood star. He has one first priority, to provide for his family. To help achieve his dream he is talking acting classes. His dream is becoming a Bollywood star. Shailesh sent out a video of himself singing and dancing, and it has got him a small role in a music video. Bollywood is a huge industry.
Google Images- Rickshaw Car

Shailesh has one problem he will always have the label SLUMDOG. In conclusion, the people in Dharavi are succeeding with their dreams even though they live with horrible conditions. Three people who are succeeding with their dreams are a twelve-year-old boy name Jigha, a rag picker named Luxmie, and a rickshaw driver named Shailesh. Mumbai, India wants to become the most powerful city in India.
Google Images- Dharavi

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Dharavi is in the way. In 2007, the Dharavi redevelopment was announced. People want to tear down Dharavi to make Mumbai top on the list. Dharavi residents live in fear wondering what is going to happen to them the next day, but it is not stopping them from succeeding with their dreams.

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1. National Geographic: The Real Slumdogs. CD ROM. Directed by Steve Baker. San Francisco, CA: Independent Television Service, 2010.

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