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Harmful Health Habits That Could Kill You

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Harmful Health Habits That Could Kill You

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17 days ago by Editorial Board Like 52 Tweet 5 0 0

Harmful Health Habits

Theres a new health terror sweeping the nation called the Triangle of Death, and it lives on your face. Dr. Oz coined the term when he covered this health hazard on his show. The triangle includes the areas of your face extending from the corners of your mouth to the bridge of your nose. What makes the area so dangerous is that the blood vessels there drain to the back of the head and connect to the veins at the base of the brain, which pumps that blood throughout the rest of the body. Any damage that breaks the skin in the triangle exposes the body to bacteria and infections, which can cause headaches, blindness, paralysis, and even death.

Taking a Shower
Your body has to maintain a certain temperature neither too hot nor too cold in order to function properly, but depending on how you like to take your showers, you could be putting yourself at risk. Extreme and sudden exposure to both heat and cold can actually kill you, as it did a 62-year-old man when he was made to take a freezing-cold shower in a Chinese labor camp in 2008. Of course, the younger and more fit you are, the easier it is for your body to maintain the right internal temperature, but it doesnt hurt to be aware of the risk.

Your Shampoo
Sponsored Links If your shampoo has Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) in it, you might consider switching to a different brand. SLS is responsible for the foamy consistency of the shampoos lather, but it can also cause severe liver abnormalities and kidney damage that can be fatal. Like most potentially dangerous chemicals, however, youd have to ingest a LOT of shampoo in order to incur any serious damage, so dont chuck your favorite herbal scrub just yet.
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Cleaning Your Ears

Youve probably heard that you shouldnt put anything in your ear thats smaller than your thumb, but almost all of us violate that rule when we clean our ears with cotton swabs. The eardrum inside the ear (through that hole youre not supposed to poke around in!) is very fragile, and if you puncture it during a vigorous cleaning, you allow bacteria to slip past the broken tissue into your inner ear. A man in Montreal died three years ago when he contracted meningitis from bacteria that entered through the eardrum, which hed punctured from excessive and rigorous cleaning. Doctors even suggested that he had probably caused the initial bacterial infection expressly because he cleaned his ears too often. Let that be a lesson

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Plucking Your Nose Hair


Harmful Health Habits That Could Kill You

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When you pluck those bristly strands out of your nose, you tear the skin around it, which allows bacteria to find its way into your body. Of course, this not only includes bacteria inside your nose that those hairs have been filtering out, but also anything youve stuffed up there from whatever youve touched before you went prospecting in your nasal cavities. Once that bacteria creeps into your body from that ominous Triangle of Death, you could find yourself with a host of health problems, including potentially fatal conditions. Using an electronic nose hair trimmer is much less risky and wont cause the same kind of pain and irritation that plucking does.

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Popping a Zit
That Triangle of Death we talked about? Popping zits in this area is a huge risk factor for your health. Zits are filled with bacteria and puss, and when you pop a zit in the triangle you break the skin and allow that bacteria to creep into your body. Infections can cause headaches, blurred vision and blindness, paralysis, and even death. Popping zits also causes scarring, so if your overall livelihood isnt motivation enough, the fact that your perfect visage will be marred from all that pimple pressing hopefully will.

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Drinking Water
Yep, its true. Water is great for your body, and you need to drink water throughout the day to rehydrate, but if you drink too much water for the kidneys to process for adults, roughly 15 liters over the course of a day you could risk water overdose. Excess water that the kidneys cant process flows into salt-rich areas in the body, specifically the cells. Because there is a finite amount of space inside the brain, water-logged brain cells will cause the brain to swell with no room for relief. According to Scientific American, this condition can result in seizures, coma, respiratory arrest, brain stem herniation, and death.

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Eating Vegetables
If youre a big fan of spuds, youd better double check the skin before you settle on baked potatoes for dinner. Solanine is a naturally occurring toxin that forms when potatoes are exposed to too much light. If the color of the potato just under the skin is green, its a good indicator that Solanine has built up in the potato. If ingested, symptoms include headache, nausea, fatigue, and intestinal issues. Dont chuck tonights dinner plans if you find your potatoes look a little green, though. Just make sure you cut away the green portions of the skin before you cook and eat them.

Eating Fruits
Apples, pears, peaches, mangoes, and apricots all have one thing in common: they contain a chemical called amygdalin, which in large amounts can turn into hydrogen cyanide. Amygdalin is found in the seeds, pits, and kernels of these fruits, and in (very) large quantities can be fatal. So you shouldnt use it as an excuse to skip healthy fruits altogether, but its a good case for consuming foods in moderation.

Eating Popcorn
If youre eating popcorn on a frequent basis, you may be ingesting a harmful level of a FDA-approved chemical called diacetyl. That is the chemical used in the fake butter flavoring, but it has also been linked to respiratory illness. If that popcorn is of the microwaved variety, you also may be ingesting possible carcinogens that transferred from the interior lining of the bag into the popcorn.

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Eating Fish
Eating seafood is a necessary part of just about any diet, because fish and shellfish are tremendous sources of hearthealthy omega-3 fatty acids. Unfortunately, all fish and shellfish contain traces of mercury in varying amounts, and intaking too much mercury could lead to harmful mercury poisoning. In particular, the FDA and EPA have advised women who are pregnant, are considering pregnancy, or who are nursing to avoid consuming seafood, because the traces of mercury could put young children and fetuses at severe risk of mercury poisoning.


Harmful Health Habits That Could Kill You

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