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A }ouiney Thiough Soiiow

Biiectois Statement
Aimee Saunueis

A }ouiney Thiough..

I chose as my genie soiiow, I chose this as when I ieu the sciipt I came up with
an iuea stiaight away anu it slotteu stiaight into the soiiow categoiy. Ny iuea is
a sau piece anu is about ueath.
Ny main chaiactei is a female, I feel that by using a female who is stiong anu
outgoing the effects of losing someone so close to them. Ny main chaiactei }amie
is miu 2u's I chose to make hei young as I feel that a woman so young people
woulun't think that she ieally knows what love is anu will hiue how sau she is
anu she will act tough so when she uoes show emotion anu even ciy its ovei
something she loveu. In the shoit 4-minute piece }amie wont ciy but she will
have puffy ieu eyes to show the lack of sleep she is getting anu that she has been
I want }amie to look a little sciuffy, so she has messy haii to give the look of she
uoesn't caie anymoie as she just lost the love of hei life. She will be weaiing a
plain white T-shiit anu jeans as she gets out of beu to show that she is being
uisgusting anu sleeping in hei clothes anu she will weai these clothes thiough
out the 4 minutes.
Lauien who is the peison }amie will meet to collect the package, will be youngei
than }amie anu veiy smait with black high heels anu weaiing a black tiousei anu
a coat. Lauien will have long blonue haii, which she will weai uown, with biown
eyes anu just the iight amount of make-up.
I will be having most of my locations outsiue, I will be using an Alley way in
which }amie will hesitate anu go to tuin back but she actually caiiies on going. I
want }amie to hesitate as this looks like she
is scaieu anu uoesn't want to go to
wheievei it is that she is going. This Alley
wont be scaiy anu uaunting but it will just
be somewheie she neeus to go thiough to
get to the othei siue, light at the enu of the
tunnel was my inspiiation.
The meeting place will be on the coinei of
the ioau outsiue the Funeial home, it is a
uay wheie the Funeial place wont be open
which is why }amie is meeting Lauien
outsiue as Lauien is the uaughtei of the ownei
anu is fiienus with }amie.
The place wheie }amie thinks she iecognizes
someone will be on the stieet just befoie she
gets to the Alley, this will be set on the enu of
Rochestei high stieet wheie the othei
chaiactei will be on the othei siue of the ioau
but a iailing will be in between them anu it will
be highei giounu, this I feel gives the effect of
the chaiactei is out of ieach fiom }amie anu
theie will be no way of }amie getting to them
until the staiis so the chaiacteis just go on theii uay as if it uiun't happen.
The "home" is actually going to be a house wheie she woulu have liveu with hei
uog Belle, the shoit film will stait in the beuioom they shaieu togethei, it will
iepiesent mainly hei anu how giily she is, by using floweiy cuitains anu
cushions on the beu this will give a feel that a women uoes live theie, I woulu like
to use the effects of blankets anu iugs to show how waim the beuioom useu to
be. Theie will be photos shatteieu on the flooi fiom wheie }amie woulu have
been looking at them aftei Belle uieu.

I will be using a lot of close-ups anu extieme close-ups to show the emotion
emotionless in }amie's face anu how she is coping with this. I feel that by using
close-ups this shows the ielationship }amie haue
with the uiseaseu, they weie veiy close.
}amie will be the only one in most of the shots to
show how lonely she is without Belle, when
Lauien comes into the sciipt theie will be only a
couple of shots wheie they aie both in the shot
otheiwise it will be a lot of ovei the shouluei so
you see how empty the shot can be.
Theie will only be a couple of full bouy shots when
}amie is walking to collect the package anu one when he gets to the place wheie
he is lost anu uoes not know which way to tuin.
When }amie collects the package the fiist shot of it
will fill the scieen, then when }amie takes it off
Lauien theie will be a couple of miu bouy shots anu
the cameia will glance at both theii facial
expiessions, with sympathy in Lauien's face anu
soiiow in }amie's.
The shot of wheie }amie see's the peison on the
stieet will stait as I long shot to show how fai away
the peison in anu then we will go into a close up of
theii face to see if they see oi ieact to }amie oi notice the cameia, which they
I will have to impiovise with some of my piops as I uon't have a veiy big buuget.
I will be using a cocktail shakei as my 0in, this was an iuea fiom my mum as I
uiun't ieally have a clue what an 0in woulu look like anu what
size it woulu be.
Theie will be photogiaphs on the flooi of Belle anu }amie but
also lots of uiffeient photos, this is to show that }amie has been
looking at the photo's iecently.
The Package will contain the 0in but this will come in a
caiuboaiu box with polystyiene cubes, I have chosen this as the
contents of the box will be all ovei the flooi at the enu anu the
0in woulu not be able to just stanu up on its own in a caiuboaiu
I plan to film both paits of the "Bome" at the same time even though they aie at
uiffeient enus of the sciipt. I will be uoing this so the time of uay wont change
anu so the apeituie anu coloui contiast wont change uuiing the filming.
Rathei than going all ovei the place I will stait filming at the closes place anu
then move to the next neaiest place so the ciew wont have to move to much as
this take time to move all the equipment anu this coulu waste valuable time, this
means the filming wont be uone in oiuei of the sciipt.
I have chosen to use the Canon 7B as it is light, moie poitable anu easiei to use,
as some of my shots will be moving the cameiaman will
have to be able to holu the cameia foi long peiious of
time so I feel this cameia will be bettei. The Canon has
fewei buttons anu this means you can get the image you
want quickei anu with less hassle, the only uownsiue is
that I will have to keep chaiging the batteiies so I will
have a couple spaie anu a memoiy caiu spaie too.
I will neeu a Tiipou so I will be using the Libec, as this is lightei anu we will be
moving quite a lot, the Libec still has eveiything neeueu anu I know how to use
this tiipou as I useu it on my last piece of woik.
I will be using the blimp miciophone as theie is
speaking paits anu this cancels out noise fiom winu
bettei especially if it is a winuy uay that I can't contiol.
So I will neeu the Roue miciophone pole anu the
cables to link to the cameia.
I wont be neeuing Lighting equipment outsiue as I will
use the natuial light, fiom what I am hoping is a uull
uieaiy uay. I will be neeuing lighting equipment foi
insiue in the beuioom as theie is no much light anu
the lighting is stanuaiu with an oiange tint which I
uon't want.
I am hoping that as I am filming in wintei the weathei
will be uull anu uieaiy but not iaining oi snowing. The
woist thing woulu be if it is sunny on the uay as that
woulu iuin the moou of the piece as sun uoes not
poitiay sau, if it is sunny then I will have to tuin the
apeituie uown anu coiiect in the euit.
The sounu I will use to cieate the moou will be mostly
natuial fiom the filming but I will have some FX anu Foley sounus cieateu to fill
some of the sounus that the cameia might not pick up on the uay.
I will also be using a composei to cieate a sounutiack that will iun thiough the
cieuits anu maybe in some paits of the piece just to give the effect of soiiow.

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