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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Wednesday, February 5, 2014 CONTACT: Matt Awbrey at (619) 929-0089 or matt@kevinfaulconer.


Mike Aguirre Applauds Faulconers Integrity and Independence, Endorses Him for Mayor


Former City Attorney says it is time for a fresh start, warns government unions backing other candidate will create Detroit by the Sea

San Diego Former City Attorney Mike Aguirre, a former democratic mayoral candidate, today endorsed City Councilmember Kevin Faulconer for mayor. Aguirre said, Its time for a fresh start, saying I know Kevin Faulconer to be a person of integrity, independence and determination. Aguirre delivered the following remarks: San Diego is at a critical crossroad. Voters will soon determine whether we continue to move forward with recent reforms that have stabilized our citys financial footing or return to a time when our financial house was mired in disarray. We cant afford to go back. For too long, San Diegans endured a political structure that undermined all efforts to promote a balanced stewardship of our fiscal resources. That imbalance could be seen in our decaying streets and neighborhood infrastructure. It was felt when we were told that another library or recreation center would need to cut hours. Unfortunately, the perpetrators of that great imbalance refuse to accept any reform. Government employee unions have funneled almost $4 million into this race to elect their choice for mayor. And when one candidate is so completely dependent on the very unions he must be independent of to ensure the integrity of the city's finances -- every San Diegan should be concerned. If those manipulating the millions going to the other campaign capture the mayors office, San Diego will not be known as Enron by the Sea we will be known as Detroit by the Sea." From the reckless pension underfunding scheme promoted by both city employee unions and management, to the current federal corruption probe into illegal foreign financing of our local elections... It is time for a fresh start. Today, I am endorsing Kevin Faulconer for Mayor so that San Diego can move forward.

As a progressive Democrat, it is not my practice to endorse Republicans. But having worked closely with him on several issues as city attorney, I know Kevin Faulconer to be a person of integrity, independence and determination. Upon his election to the city council, Kevin showed integrity by not joining the Citys retirement system. He knew he would be making some tough calls on employee pay and benefits and needed to be independent in order to best represent city taxpayers. As chairman of the Audit Committee, Kevin collaborated closely with my office because he was determined that the city would have its credit rating restored, produce audited financial statements and return to the bond market. Kevin wants whats best for San Diego and has demonstrated that resolve by reaching across party lines to achieve that goal. It is exactly the kind of balanced, bi-partisan leadership that our city needs at this juncture. Kevin Faulconer has earned my trust. As Mayor, I am confident he will earn your trust and move our entire city forward together. Kevin Faulconer has the integrity and experience to lead. I ask all my supporters to join me in voting for Kevin Faulconer for Mayor. Thank you. ###

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