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Tubo neural

Notocord a Ectoderma

Figure 4-11 Three newborns with myelomenigoceles. A, B, The myelomenigoceles extend from the thoracic to lumbosacral level. Note the location of the split vertebral elements to the left of the lesion in B. C, The myelomenigocele is localized to the lumbosacral level. In B and C, the infant's diapers (bottom of each illustration) are shown for orientation.

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Figure 4-8 Lumbosacral spina bifida occulta in a newborn with associated lipoma and angioma.

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Figure 4-9 A, Newborn with a large encephalocele. B, Corresponding magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showing brain tissue herniating through the back of the skull into a cele.

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Processo formativo pelo qual as trs camadas germinativas que so precursoras de todos os tecidos embrionrio, e a orientao axial so estabelecidos Disco embrionrio bilaminar trilaminar As clulas do epiblasto do origem a todas as trs camadas germinativas. Embrio = gstrula

Figure 3-1 View of dorsal surface of bilaminar embryonic disc through sectioned amnion and yolk sac. Inset at upper left shows relation of the embryo to the wall of the chorionic cavity. The primitive streak, now 1 day old, occupies 50% of the length of the embryonic disc. The future positions of oropharyngeal and cloacal membranes are indicated.

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Formao do mesoderma intra-embrionrio 3 semana

Figure 3-7 Paths of migration of mesoderm during gastrulation. Cells of the primitive node migrate cranially in the midline to form the notochordal process (not shown, occurs later). Cells that ingress more caudally through the primitive streak migrate to form the mesoderm lying on either side of the midline. The most cranially migrating of these cells form the cardiogenic mesoderm, which moves cranial to the future position of the oropharyngeal membrane (oval structures). The more laterally migrating of these cells form the paraxial, intermediate, and lateral plate mesoderm.

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Figure 3-6 Embryonic discs sectioned through the region of primitive streak, showing ingression of epiblast cells during gastrulation. A, On days 14 and 15, ingressing epiblast cells displace hypoblast and form definitive endoderm. B, Epiblast that ingresses on day 16 migrates between endoderm and epiblast layers to form intraembryonic mesoderm. C, Scanning electron micrograph of a cross section through the chick primitive streak.

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Figure 3-11 Formation of the notochordal process. A, C, Stages showing hollow notochordal process growing cranially from the primitive node. Note changes in relative length of the notochordal process and primitive streak as the embryo grows. Also note fusion of ectoderm and endoderm in the oropharyngeal and cloacal membranes. B, Cross section of the embryonic disc at the level indicated by the dotted lines.

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Figure 3-10 Prospective fate maps of the epiblast (based on data obtained from both chick and mouse embryos), showing the regions of epiblast that ingress through the primitive streak and form the major subdivisions of the trilaminar embryonic disc. A, Early primitive streak stage showing locations of prospective gut endoderm (GE) in epiblast and prospective prechordal plate (PP) in the cranial end of the primitive streak (PS; dark outline in subsequent figures). Oval at the cranial end of the epiblast (in all figures) indicates the location of the future oropharyngeal membrane; caudal oval indicates future clavical membrane. B, Early primitive streak stage showing locations of prospective cardiogenic mesoderm (CM) and prospective extraembryonic mesoderm (PEEM) in epiblast and primitive streak. Arrows indicate the directions of migration of the cardiogenic mesoderm. C, Midprimitive streak stage showing locations of prospective mesoderm in epiblast and primitive streak. These include prospective notochord (N), head mesoderm (HM), somites (S), intermediate mesoderm (IM), and lateral plate mesoderm (LPM). D, Fully elongated primitive streak stage showing locations of the neural plate (NP), surface ectoderm (SE), neural crest cells (NC), and placodal ectoderm (PE) after cells in the cranial half of the embryonic disc have completed their ingression into the primitive streak. Some epiblast still remains caudally at this stage, where cells are still moving into and ingressing through the primitive streak.

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Figure 3-9 Diagrammatic cross-sectional views showing that the medial-lateral axis of the mesodermal subdivisions (N, notochord; S, somite; I, intermediate mesoderm) of a flat embryo like that of the early human (embryonic disc) is equivalent to the dorsal-ventral axis of the same mesodermal subdivisions in tubular amphibian embryos. NT, neural tube; E, endoderm.

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Formao do Embrio Tridrmico 3 semana

Figure 3-20 Schematic sequence showing growth of the neural plate and regression of the primitive streak between day 18 and day 20. The primitive streak shortens only slightly, but it occupies a progressively smaller proportion of the length of the embryonic disc as the neural plate and embryonic disc grow.

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Placa neural: espessamento na linha mdia do ectoderma embrionrio, em posio ceflica ao n primitivo (acima da notocorda). Placa neural induzida a formar-se pelo desenvolvimento da notocorda e do mesnquima que lhe adjacente Um sulco neural, longitudinal, forma-se na placa neural .

O sulco neural flanqueado pelas pregas neurais, que se juntam e se fundem para originarem o tubo neural. O desenvolvimento da placa neural e o seu dobramento para formar o tubo neural chamado neurulao. O tubo neural o primrdio do sistema nervoso central.



O Sistema Nervoso






gene expression (chordin, noggin,follistatin)

Neuroectoderm formation


Figure 4-25 Inductive interactions involved in formation of somite subdivisions.

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Figure 4-4 Neurulation. A, Drawings of human embryos from day 21 through days 24 to 25 (top to bottom, respectively). The lateral edges of the neural folds first begin to fuse in the occipitocervical region on day 22, leaving the cranial and caudal neuropores open at each end. The neural tube lengthens as it zips up both cranially and caudally, and the neuropores become progressively smaller. The cranial neuropore closes on day 24, and the caudal neuropore closes on day 26. B, Photographs of human embryos from the dorsal (top) or lateral (bottom) side and comparable computer-generated images. C, Scanning electron micrograph of a mouse embryo comparable to a day 21 or day 22 human embryo. The cranial and caudal neuropores are both open.

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Figure 3-14 Scanning electron micrograph of the trunk region of a chick embryo with the surface ectoderm partially removed to show the underlying neural tube and mesoderm (cranial is toward the top). Note the somites and, more caudally, the paraxial mesoderm that has not yet segmented. Lateral to the somites the mesoderm has subdivided into the intermediate and lateral plate mesoderm (somatic mesoderm, the layer just deep to the surface ectoderm, is visible).

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Superfcie escamosa das cls. ectodrmicas e as clulas colunares do tubo neural

Estomodeu (cavidade oral primitiva), Corao, poro intestinal anterior, poro intestinal posterior

Figure 4-17 Neural crest cell migratory routes.

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Com a fuso das pregas neurais para formar o tubo neural, clulas neuroectodrmicas migram dorsolateralmente para constiturem a crista neural, entre o ectoderma superficial e o tubo neural . A crista neural logo se divide em duas massas que do origem ao sistema nervoso perifrico.

Figure 4-20 Neural crest cells form two types of segmental ganglia along almost the entire length of the spinal cord: dorsal root ganglia and chain ganglia.

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Intestino anterior

Intestino posterior

Derivados das Camadas Germinativas

ECTODERMA: SNC, SNP, epitlios sensoriais,os olhos, orelha e nariz; epiderme e anexos; glndulas mamrias, hipfise, glndulas subcutneas e esmalte dos dentes CRISTA NEURAL: clulas dos gnglios espinais, do crnio e gnglios autnomos; clulas d abainha do SNP; clulas pigmentares da epiderme, medula da supra-renal e meninges

Derivados das Camadas Germinativas

MESODERMA: conjuntivo, cartilagem, osso, msculos estriados e lisos, corao, vasos sanguneos e linfticos, rins, ovrios, testculos, ductos genitais, membranas serosas que revestem cavidade do corpo, bao, crtex das supra-renais ENDODERMA: revestimento epitelial dos tratos gastrointestinal e respiratrio, parnquima das tonsilas, da tireide e paratireides, do timo, do fgado e do pncreas, revestimento epitelial da bexiga e maior parte da uretra e revestimento epitelial da cavidade timpnica, antro do tmpano e tuba auditiva

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