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ED 200 - History and Philosophy of Education

Course Description:
This course provides future teachers with a knowledge of the historical events, philosophies, and theories that have helped build American education; fosters in them an understanding of their own personal teaching philosophy; and encourages them to develop the wisdom to follow the Savior as they strive to become Master Teachers.

Upon completion of this course, successful students will be able to:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Describe essential aspects of the BYU-Idaho Teacher Education Instructional Framework. Develop a personal (evolving) philosophy of education. Recognize the education and world philosophies in practice. Recognize how personal philosophies are related to education and world philosophies. Develop a gospel perspective of teaching. Recognize how historical events have shaped and continue to shape American education. Recognize how historical events connect to personal philosophy. Demonstrate an understanding of legal, political and social influences in education. Demonstrate preparedness in pursuing a degree in Teacher Education.


Week Intro: April 20-24 1: April 26 - May 1 2: May 3-8 3: May 10-15 4: May 17-22 5 : May 24-29

Title Why Study Philosophy and History of Education Idealism --- Social Recontructionism Realism --- Behaviorism Existentialism --- Post-Modernism Pragmatism --- Progressivism Neo-Theomism --- Religious Education

Major Assignments Due

Graduation Plan (Draft) Master Teacher paper

6: May 31 - June 5 7: June 7-12 8: June 14-19 9: June 21-26

Perennialism --- Essentialism Old Deluder Act --- Bill General Diffusion Common School --- Educating Masses Equality; Race / Poverty Philosophy of Education Brochure

10: June 31 - July Equality; Disability / Women, Title 3 IX 11: July 5-10 12: July 12-17 Conclusion: July 19-21 Assignments:
Please save the following documents for future reference as you proceed in earning a degree in Teacher Education: 1) Graduation plan, 2) Master Teacher paper, 3) Philosophy of Education Brocure, 4) Journal from introduction and conclusion weeks).

Political / International NCLB; Testing Where does this leave me?

Graduation plan (With advising center's signature.)

Graduation Plan:
Due: Sat 7/10, 11:59 p.m. Instructions: You will complete a 4 year (8 semester) graduation plan. Before you complete this assignment read BYU-Idaho catalog under the section Education. Next, go to the department of Teacher Education homepage, read through the Core Requirements sections (Early Childhood Special Education, Elementary Education, and Secondary Education). You are also encouraged to view the other links and information available on that page. Your 4 year plan should include the required courses you have already completed, the courses you still need to take, and when you plan to take them. To complete your 4-year (8 semester) plan, follow the steps below: 1. Plan out your semester on a blank Grad Plan Document. (download and save to type responses). This is first step is due Week 4: may 17-22. 2. Email your Academic Advising Center(s) with a request for them to review your 4-year plan (Include the plan as an attachment). Early Childhood/Special Education and Elementary

Education majors will only need to have their plan reviewed by the advising center for the College of Education and Human Development. Secondary Education majors will need to have their plan reviewed by the advising center for their major, the advising center for their minor (unless a composite major) AND the advising center for the College of Education and Human Development. College of Agriculture & Life Sciences Email: Phone: 208-496-2348 College of Business & Communication Email: Phone: 208-496-1451 or 1551 College of Education & Human Development Email: Phone: 208-496-1566 or 3035 College of Language & Letters Email: Phone: 208-496-3017 0r 3028 of Performing & visual Arts Email: Phone: 208-496-3033 College of Physical Science & Engineering Email: Phone: 208-496-3043 3. Once your plan has been reviewed and is accurate, it will be signed by the advising center. Your assignment is not complete until all required signatures are on the plan. This could take time if multiple revisions are required, since it will not be signed until it is accurate. Please plan accordingly and use your time wisely. Signed plans due July 5-10. Rationale: Teaching requires organization and planning. In order to reach your goals, you need to know where you are, where you are going and how to get there. Domain 1: Knowledge, Planning and Preparation

Educational Giant Presentation:

Due: Individually assigned Thursday, 11:59 p.m. Educational Giant Assignment: written report, oral presentation and Instructional Material/Resource

Instructions: Each of you will sign up to complete a written and oral report on an educational giant, someone in history who shaped education and/or the way we look at it. Instructions on signing up can be found in the Wiki link in the Introduction weeks assignments. Each student will give an oral report on a giant in the field of education (5-8 minutes). A written report (3 page minimum) is also required at the time your presentation is due. Include at least 3 sources as part of your report. The report should have in text citations as well as a reference page using APA format and following the guidelines for a formal paper. Both the report and presentation should focus on the following areas: (a) A brief biography of the giant, (b) The major contribution of the giant, and (c) How that contribution affects teaching and you today. Also consider: How have you been impacted by this person or their philosophy? Describe any personal connection or opinion. Along with the written and oral report, each student will complete an instructional resources to accompany their presentation. This is a tool to help your classmates know and remember key terms from your presentation. The instructional material/resource could be a PowerPoint presentation, a hand out, or a worksheet with questions completed by students while you present. be creative in deigning a resource for the class to use for possible future reference about your giant. provides a tool you may use to create your presentation to put your slides and video together.

Rationale: 1) Tolerance, wisdom and vision are developed when we are familiar with those who have shaped our profession and the philosophy upon which schooling in America is founded. 2) Technology is an important tool teachers need to be able to use effectively. Domain 1: Knowledge, Planning and Preparation Domain 2: Classroom Environment Domain 3: Instruction Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities Rubric: View the rubric for this assignment here.

Master Teacher Paper:

Due: Sat 5/29, 11:59 p.m. Instructions: Each student will write a 3-page paper, double spaced describing the characteristics of a master teacher. This assignment requires you to go above and beyond by expressing your gratitude to one of your teachers through a letter, which will include references to the qualities of a master teacher. Follow the guidelines for a formal paper. Before beginning this paper: Rationale: Learners and teachers at BYU-Idaho understand that only Christ can be our ideal. Elder Boyd K. Packer said, "The Lord is our example...He was a teacher! That is the ideal, the pattern...." (Teaching, No Greater Call, p.151)

Domain 4: Professional responsibilities including integrity and ethical conduct

Rubric: Please review the rubric found here as you prepare your paper to know the project expectations. Note: A reminder for you to turn this assignment in will open in week 4, but you are not required to have it completed and turned in until week 5. You may want to start working on this as soon as possible to complete it, and do a quality job.

Philosophy of Education Brochure:

Due: Sat 6/26, 11:59 p.m. It is anticipated that the information discussed throughout the semester will in some way influence your beliefs and understanding of the teaching/learning process and therefore help to shape your philosophy of education. Instructions: Use previous papers from this course as resources to guide your thoughts in completing a brochure on your philosophy of education. The information you include should cover both sides of your brochure, and you are required to use graphics. Your end product should reflect you as a future teacher. Make it professional and creative; use space wisely. It may help to think about this being a document you would give parents or students on the first day of class. Requirements: In your brochure, address all of the following questions: Rationale: It is important that teachers know what they believe concerning their profession, that they can support their beliefs in a professional manner, and that they are able to express them with written words. Domain 1: Knowledge, Planning and Preparation Domain 2: Classroom Environment Domain 3: Instruction Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities Rubric: Please review the brochure rubric so you know the expectations and grading process. NOTE: This assignment will only be accepted as a pdf., Word, or PowerPoint file. If you have any concerns with this, please contact your instructor to see if there are any other programs that may be used. Examples: Brochure1; Brochure2 Be creative and make this project your own :)

Weekly Assignments:
These assignments occur weekly throughout the semester.

Reading/Viewing Assignments:
Due: Weekly Instructions: At the start of each week you will be provided reading and/or video assignments to review. They will form the basis for our discussions, as well as help you form your own thoughts and feelings on that week's content. It is expected that you complete all of the reading, as well as watch the videos and presentations. Part of this will be your own Educational Giant reports as they are due. Rationale: Teaching requires continuous learning through reading and researching

Domain 1: Knowledge, Planning and Preparation

Reflection Journal Entries:

Due: twice a week Instructions: The bi-weekly journal entries are a personal analysis to the assigned readings and videos. These are intended to be a type of journaling of your thoughts, personal biases, beliefs and opinions. Spend sufficient time to reflect on your views before, during and after reviewing the assigned tasks. This is a private journal and will be viewed only by you and the instructor. Each week you will be required to complete two entries. This pattern will be part of each week's assignments and will help you ponder and prove your learning as well as aid you in seeing change and growth in yourself and your ideas. Entry 1: Before you participate in the discussion, record your thoughts and feelings on the concepts covered in this week's reading. Entry 2: After the weekly discussion at the close of the week, make a second journal entry in which you will paste at least one class members' post and share how it influenced the way you thought/felt about the concepts in this week's assignments. Explain any impact it had in cultivating your understanding of the material, as well as how it affected your thoughts and feelings about a particular topic. Initial questions will be posed each week to guide your thoughts as you engage in the learning activities. These are in place only as guides to your thoughts; because you are to make this a personal journal, each question does not need to be answered. The entries are to be kept as part of your educational artifacts journal that will be used to develop your personal teaching philosophy. The length of the entries will vary based on your personal thoughts and feelings, as well as your ability to adequately convey those thoughts and your own learning process. Rationale: 1) Understanding of personal biases, beliefs and opinions help teachers understand how these affect the learning/teaching process and environment. 2) Teaching requires daily preparation and regular reflection. Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities Rubric: Please review the journal rubric to know what is expected for journal entries throughout the semester.

Class Discussions:
Due: Weekly Instructions: The richness of this course comes from class discussions; the sharing of views, learning, and asking and answering one anothers questions. The discussion board is the place to share your learning; it is a critical part of this course. As such, you are expected to participate fully in weekly discussions. As you begin posting each week, start by answering the questions already posed or by asking your own questions that came from your reading. As the week progresses, I may jump in and add a few more to continue the flow of discussion. Dont think of your post on the discussion board as being

an isolated paper, but rather the sharing of knowledge. The discussions should be free flowing, each building on another. In the discussions, you may want to share some of your thoughts from your initial journaling. Remember, however, that discussions can include a high amount of personal disclosure, so respect and kindness are at a premium in this class. At times we may be discussing important educational issues and this can lead to intense feelings. So respectful dialogue, even if spirited at times, is necessary. However, this does not mean we cannot dispute or disagree. Please do not simply post your answer to the question(s) and be done. Many students will benefit from your comments and questions, as will you benefit from theirs. Revisit the discussion board several times throughout the week, spending approximately two hours reflecting and/or responding to the comments and questions of others. Make this a useful tool during the semester and we will all benefit from it. I look forward to reading and responding to what you have to say. Rationale: 1) It is important for teachers to know what they believe concerning their profession, be able to support those beliefs in a professional manner, and have the ability to express them. 2) Teachers need to be aware of differing perspectives. 3) We all learn from others. You are becoming teachers, take advantage of opportunities to learn as well as share your learning. Domain 3: Instruction Rubric: Please review the discussion rubric to know what will be expected of you in the discussion boards throughout the semester.

Self Evaluations:
Due: Saturdays, 11:59 p.m. Instructions: You are expected to submit a self evaluation once a week after completing all other assignments for the week. These are short quizzes to report your preparation and participation. Be sure to complete all assignments before completing the weekly self evaluations. Rationale: Teachers become better at teaching as they evaluate and improve upon their performance. Setting goals and accomplishing them can be a powerful tool to guide our lives. Set a goal to do all of the work each week. Return and report on that goal in this weekly self evaluation. Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities

Learning Model Architecture-

Required Materials 1) Webcam or other digital recording device 2) Textbook

Title: History and Philosophy of Education (this is a custom textbook developed specifically for BYUIdaho) ISBN: 0-558-59279-1 To purchase access to the online text:

Visit - Click on - "Purchase Access" Fill-out your information and follow the prompts

Grading Policies:
A AB+ B BC+ 94-100 90-93.99 87-89.99 83-86.99 80-82.99 77-79.99 C CD+ D DF 73-76.99 70-72.99 67.69.99 63-66.99 60-62.99 0-59.99

Those who score below a C- will need to retake the course if you are an Education major. Grades are posted in I-learn. Please check them frequently to make sure they are accurate, this is your responsibility. Once grades have been posted, you have one week to notify the instructor of any corrections that need to be made to your grade. Late work is not accepted without prior arrangements being made with the instructor. Remember, other classmates are depending on you to assist them in their learning process.

Assignment Outline and Grading Details: Discussion Board: (10 points based on 4 random posts) 40 (Measures course objectives 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, and 9) Journal: (14 journals worth 10 points each) 140 (Measures course objectives 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, and 9) Educational Giant Report and Presentation:

Oral report: Presentation: Instructional Material: (Measures course objectives 3, 4, 6, and 9) Master Teacher paper:

40 25 15

40 (Measures course objective 5) Philosophy Inventory Brochure: 40 (Measures course objectives 2, 4, and 7) 4-Year Grad Plan (With review confirmation by advising center Draft: Reviewed Final: (Measures course objective 9) Philosophy Inventory Results: Introduction Week: Week 12: (Measures course objective 2) Pretest: 10 Midterm test: 100 (Measures course objective 3) Final test: 100 (Measures course objective 8) Participation / Self evaluations: 210 (Measures course objective 9) Syllabus Quiz: 10 (Measures course objective 9) 10 10 5 10



NOTE: The mid-course feedback will appear in the middle of the course.We welcome your input on how to make this course better, as well as what is already good about it. Suggestions are more than welcome. You will be given 5 extra credit points for completing the feedback, regardless of the nature of your responses. We ask that you please be 100% honest and sincere. Thank you! NOTE: Instructor will choose to review your discussion board participation randomly four times throughout the semester. Regardless of what your past discussions have looked like, these four weeks are the ones that will be graded. Be sure to fully participate in the discussions each week to get full credit. NOTE: The weekly self evaluations and your participation make up a large portion of your grade. Participation is essential not only to obtain a good grade, but to enable you to get the most out of this course that you can.

Breakdown of points: Tests Participation Assignments 200 points 210 points 395 points Total 805 points

University Policies
Student Honor Student Honor is following the path of discipleship and learning to be more like Christ--learning to think, to feel, and to act more as He does. Living a life of honor: -- Begins as we learn and live the baseline standards of the Honor Code, understand their purposes, and are true to the promises we have made. -- Continues as we heed the promptings of the Spirit to raise our personal bar of righteousness and foster a spirit of integrity, sacrifice, consecration, love, service and willing obedience as students and throughout our lives. -- Prepares our hearts for devoted discipleship in the family, church, work, and community.

Honor Code | Academic Honesty | Dress and Grooming Standards Students with Disabilities BYU-Idaho is committed to providing a working and learning atmosphere which reasonably accommodates qualified persons with disabilities. If you have any disability which may impair your ability to complete this course successfully, please contact the Services for Students with Disabilities Office at 208.496.1158. Reasonable academic accommodations are reviewed for all students who have qualified documented disabilities. Services are coordinated with the student and instructor by this office. If you need assistance or feel you have been unlawfully discriminated on the basis of disability, you may seek resolution through established policy and procedures. Contact the Personnel Office at 208.496.1130. Sexual Harassment Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits sex discrimination against any participant in an educational program which receives federal funds, including federal loans and grants. Title IX also covers student-to-student sexual harassment. If you encounter unlawful sexual harassment or gender-based discrimination, please contact the Personnel Office at 208-496-1130. Disclaimers

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