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Othcr d20 gamcs ratc ability scorcs on a scalc rom 1 to 20 or morc, with
ability modicrs bascd on thc ability scorc. Tosc modicrs arc cquivalcnt
to thc 5 to +5 or morc scorcs ound in True20. \hcn using othcr
d20 crcaturcs in True20, drop thc ability scorcs and just usc thc ability
modicrs. \hcn convcrting True20 crcaturcs or usc in othcr d20 gamcs,
dctcrminc ability scorcs by doubling thc True20 ability modicr and adding
10. Trcat a rcsult o 0 as 1. So Strcngth +1 bccomcs Strcngth 12 (1 x 2 +
10), whilc Intclligcncc 5 bccomcs 1 (5 x 2 + 10 0, which bccomcs 1).
APPN!X !!:
Tc gamc systcms in True20 arc bascd on thc popular d20 System. Howcvcr, thcrc arc a numbcr o important dicrcnccs, notably in how True20
handlcs damagc and injury. Tis appcndix ocrs convcrsion guidclincs or playcrs amiliar with othcr d20 System gamcs and products intcrcstcd in
adapting thosc matcrials or usc with True20. Among othcr things, this opcns up a widc rangc o sourcc matcrial usablc in your True20 gamc, including
various crcaturcs, supporting charactcrs, supplcmcntal rulcs, and so orth. It also allows you to adapt matcrial rom True20 to your avoritc d20 System
gamcs as wcll.
Lamagc in most d20 System gamcs is rccordcd using ht ponts.
Fsscntially, cach charactcr and crcaturc has a numbcr o hit points bascd
on thcir lcvcl (modicd by things likc Constitution), and cach attack
inficts a numbcr o hit points o damagc. \hcn hit points drop to a
ccrtain lcvcl, ccrtain conditions, likc disablcd and dying, comc into play.
Tc True20 systcm o damagc involvcs a Toughncss saving throw in placc
o hit points, with damagc conditions showing thc cccts o damagc.
\hcn convcrting a d20 charactcr to True20, givc thc charactcr a
Toughncss bonus bascd on Constitution, with any appropriatc modicrs
or thc Lccnsivc Roll and Crcat Toughncss cats.
and Hit Points
Damago Roduction: A crcaturc with damagc rcduction rcccivcs +2 to its
Toughncss savc bonus or cvcry 5 points o damagc rcduction. Tis bonus
docs not apply against damagc rom sourccs that bypass thc damagc
rcduction. For instancc, a wcrcwol docs not gain a Toughncss bonus rom
damagc rcduction or damagc infictcd by silvcr wcapons.
Bnorgy Rosistanco: A crcaturc rcccivcs +2 to its Toughncss bonus or
cvcry 5 points o cncrgy rcsistancc it posscsscs, but only against cncrgy
attacks o thc matching typc.
Toughnoss foat: A charactcr rcccivcs a cumulativc +1 to his Toughncss
bonus cvcry timc hc takcs thc Toughncss cat, thc cquivalcnt o thc Crcat
Toughncss cat in True20. \hcn convcrting True20 charactcrs with Crcat
Toughncss to hit points, thc Crcat Toughncss cat grants 3 additional hit
points on top o thc charactcr's total (bascd on lcvcl and Constitution).
amagc 8onus
In True20, attacks havc a damagc bonus, uscd to dctcrminc thc Liculty
o thc targct's Toughncss savc. In d20, attacks havc a damagc roll, a dic
roll plus a modicr dctcrmining how many hit points thc attack rcmovcs
rom thc targct.
To quickly convcrt True20 damagc bonus to dicc o damagc, dividc thc
basc damagc bonus (not including modicrs or abilitics likc Strcngth)
by 2, thc attack docs that many d6 o damagc. I thcrc's a rcmaindcr lct
ovcr, thc attack docs an additional d4 damagc. Add thc attackcr's Strcngth
modicr to thc total damagc, so Strcngth 1S adds +4 damagc to thc
attack's total damagc atcr it is rollcd.
To convcrt d20 damagc to True20 damagc bonus, scc thc Damago Dico
to Damago Bonus tablc. I an attack docs multiplc dicc o damagc,
multiply thc damagc bonus on thc tablc by thc numbcr o dicc rollcd. Tc
cxccption to this rulc is or attacks bascd on a d3 or d2, sincc multiplying
by zcro givcs a rcsult o zcro, in this casc, cvcry additional dic adds +1 to
thc bonus (so an attack o 4d3 has a bonus o +3).
To this basc damagc bonus, add any damagc bonuscs or Strcngth,
magical cnhanccmcnt, spccial abilitics, and thc likc, as normal. I an
attack includcs bonus damagc dicc, such as a roguc's sncak attack bonus
or cncrgy damagc rom a magical wcapon, convcrt that damagc to a
bonus as abovc and add it to thc attack's basc damagc.
In somc circumstanccs, attacks may do a bit morc or lcss damagc than
normal. A critical hit docs morc damagc than usual, whilc many attack
spclls do only hal damagc i thc targct succccds in a saving throw.
Dio Typo Baso Damago Bonus
d3 or lowcr +0
d4 +1
d6 +2
dS +3
d10 +4
d12 +5
Magical Hcaling
Instcad o hcaling a ccrtain numbcr o hit points, d20 System hcaling
spclls in True20 grant a magical rccovcry chcck, using thc normal
Liculty. Tc charactcr using thc hcaling magic makcs thc rccovcry chcck
or thc woundcd subjcct, as ollows.
d20 + castcr lcvcl + magic bonus
Tc magic bonus dcpcnds on thc spcll uscd, scc thc Spoll changos
scction latcr in this appcndix.
Tc rccipicnt hcals thc most scrious wound condition i thc magical
rccovcry chcck succccds. Fvcry 10 points by which thc magical rccovcry
chcck rcsult succccds, thc rccipicnt's ncxt most scrious damagc condition
hcals. (Unlikc natural hcaling or thc Curc powcr, magical hcaling can
hcal multiplc damagc conditions at oncc.) I an attcmpt to usc magical
hcaling on a dying charactcr ails, thc rccipicnt o thc spcll still stabilizcs
Supcrnatural Hcaling
Tc paladin's lay on hands ability, thc monk's wholcncss o body ability,
and othcr such supcrnatural hcaling powcrs allow charactcrs to makc
onc or morc magical rccovcry chccks pcr day. Tc total hit points thc
charactcr can hcal pcr day using thc standard d20 System rulcs bccomcs
a bonus to his magical rccovcry chcck. Tc charactcr dccidcs how much,
rom a minimum o +1 to thc ull bonus, to allocatc to any givcn magical
rccovcry chcck. Oncc thc total bonus is uscd up, thc charactcr can makc
no morc supcrnatural hcaling chccks that day. Tis othcrwisc works
thc samc way as a hcaling spcll and can improvc damagc conditions by
multiplc stcps.
Fxamp|e. Lonovan Rcl is a 4thlcvcl paladin with Charisma 14, giving
him a +S bonus (4th lcvcl + 2 Cha modicr) to magical rccovcry chccks
whcn using lay on hands. Hc could usc this bonus or cight scparatc
magical hcaling attcmpts, cach with a bonus o +1, hc could makc just
onc chcck with a bonus o +S, or hc could makc anywhcrc rom two to
scvcn magical hcaling attcmpts with various bonuscs, as long as thc
total bonus uscd or thc day docs not cxcccd +S.
amagc to bjccts
ust as True20 charactcrs and crcaturcs sucr damagc conditions instcad
o losing hit points, so too do inanimatc objccts. Tc cccts o damagc
arc slightly dicrcnt, sincc objccts don't ccl pain or sucr rom wound
trauma, but thc corc systcm rcmains thc samc.
Toughncss and
Hit Points lor bjccts
In True20, cach objcct has a Toughncss bonus. In d20, objccts havc two
qualitics. hardncss and hit points. Hardncss scrvcs as damagc rcduction,
thc objcct ignorcs points o damagc cqual to its hardncss cach round. Hit
points work likc thosc o crcaturcs, cxccpt objccts arc dcstroycd at 0 hit
points instcad o bcing disablcd.
To convcrt rom True20 Toughncss to d20, givc thc objcct hardncss cqual
to its True20 Toughncss and hit points cqual to 2.5 timcs its True20
Toughncss (rounding down).
To convcrt rom d20 hardncss and hit points to True20 Toughncss, givc
an objcct +1 Toughncss or cvcry 5 hit points and +2 Toughncss or cvcry
5 points o hardncss.
Fxamp|e. A strong woodcn door has hardncss 5 (+2) and 20 hp (+4),
giving it a total +6 Toughncss bonus in True20. A stonc door has hardncss
S (+3) and 60 hit points (+12) or a total +15 Toughncss bonus.
Fcat Changcs
Tc d20 System mctamagic cats Fmpowcr Spcll and Maximizc Spcll
must bc changcd in True20 to rcfcct thc nonvariablc naturc o damagc
and hcaling spclls. Fmpowcr Spcll incrcascs thc bonus o such spclls by
50 pcrccnt (round down). Maximizc Spcll doublcs thc bonus o suitablc
spclls. I a spcll is both cmpowcrcd and maximizcd, its bonus incrcascs by
150 pcrccnt. All othcr aspccts o thc cats rcmain thc samc.
Fxamp|e. An exp|osve runes spcll inficts 6d6 damagc in d20, which
translatcs to a +12 damagc bonus. An cmpowcrcd exp|osve runes has a
+1S damagc bonus (+12 x 1.5), a maximizcd exp|osve runes has a +24
damagc bonus (+12 x 2), and an cmpowcrcd, maximizcd exp|osve runes
has a +30 damagc bonus (+12 x 2.5).
Spcll Changcs
Tc ollowing d20 spclls havc altcrcd cccts or mcchanics in True20 to
rcfcct thc naturc o thc damagc systcm.
Cure Crtca| wounds. Tis spcll providcs a basc +12 bonus to thc
magical rccovcry chcck, with an additional +1 bonus pcr castcr lcvcl (to a
maximum +20 castcr lcvcl bonus).
Cure Lght wounds. Tis spcll providcs a basc +3 bonus to thc magical
rccovcry chcck, with an additional +1 bonus pcr castcr lcvcl (to a
maximum +5 castcr lcvcl bonus).
Cure Mnor wounds. Tis spcll providcs a +0 bonus to thc magical
rccovcry chcck, with no castcr lcvcl bonus.
Cure Moderate wounds. Tis spcll providcs a basc +6 bonus to thc
magical rccovcry chcck, with an additional +1 bonus pcr castcr lcvcl (to a
maximum +10 castcr lcvcl bonus).
Cure Serous wounds. Tis spcll providcs a basc +: bonus to thc magical
rccovcry chcck, with an additional +1 bonus pcr castcr lcvcl (to a
maximum +15 castcr lcvcl bonus).
Cure, Mass. All cure spclls (cxccpt or cure mnor wounds) havc
corrcsponding mass cure vcrsions. Fach providcs thc samc bonus to thc
magical rccovcry chcck as thc singlc targct vcrsion, but thc maximum
castcr lcvcl bonus incrcascs by +20. Mass cure moderate wounds, or
cxamplc, providcs a basc +6 bonus with a maximum +30 castcr lcvcl
Harm. Tis spcll inficts damagc on thc targct, with a basc +10 damagc
bonus, and an additional +2 damagc bonus pcr castcr lcvcl (to a
maximum +30 castcr lcvcl bonus). Tc total damagc bonus is halvcd i thc
targct makcs a succcssul \ill savc, and thc spcll cannot rcducc thc targct
past disablcd.
Hea|. Tis spcll providcs a basc +10 bonus to thc magical rccovcry chcck,
with an additional +2 bonus pcr castcr lcvcl (to a maximum +30 castcr
lcvcl bonus). All othcr actors o thc spcll unction as dcscribcd in thc
P|ayer`s Handbook.
Regenerate. In addition to rcgcncrating thc subjcct's body parts, this spcll
providcs a basc +12 bonus to thc rccovcry chcck, with an additional +1
pcr castcr lcvcl (to a maximum +35 castcr lcvcl bonus).
Spclls inficting hit point damagc (othcr than harm) should bc adjustcd as
shown on thc Damago Dico to Damago Bonus tablc.
Convcrting d20 Systcm crcaturcs or usc with True20 is a simplc proccss.
1. Usc thc crcaturc's Constitution and Sizc to dctcrminc its Toughncss.
2. Convcrt hit point damagc o thc crcaturc's attacks to a damagc bonus.
3. Convcrt any spclllikc abilitics into cquivalcnt powcrs.
4. Convcrt any d20 System skills to True20 skills. Ccncrally, this mcans
combining skills likc Iistcn and Spot or Hidc and Movc Silcntly, using
thc avcragc o thc skill bonuscs.
Most othcr crcaturc statistics rcmain thc samc bctwccn thc two systcms,
so it's airly casy to usc crcaturcs rom any d20 System book in True20.
Tis includcs othcr Crccn Ronin Publishing books, likc thc Pook oj Fends
and Creatures oj Freeport.
Fxamp|es. Nicolc wants to convcrt a corpsc fowcr (rom Creatures oj
Freeport) or usc in hcr True20 gamc.
Tc corpsc fowcr has a +3 Constitution bonus or a Toughncss bonus o
+3. It's a mcdiumsizc plant, so thcrc is no sizc modicr to Toughncss.
Tc corpsc fowcr has no attacks apart rom its spccial abilitics, so thcrc's
nothing to convcrt thcrc.
Nicolc looks ovcr thc corpsc fowcr's spccial attacks and qualitics. Its ctid
burst and stcnch o dcath abilitics arc both poisons and work just nc in
True20 by halving thcir usual accts on ability scorcs. Shc convcrts its
damagc rcduction 5slashing to a +2 Toughncss bonus, cxccpt against
slashing wcapons, and its rcsistancc to cold 10 to a +4 Toughncss bonus
against cold damagc. Its immunity to clcctricity and othcr plant qualitics
don't rcquirc convcrsion.
Hal nds thc malkin (also rom Creatures oj Freeport) is intcrcsting idca.
an outsidcr (crcaturc rom anothcr planc) trappcd in thc orm o a cat.
Tc malkin has a +1 Constitution bonus or a +1 Toughncss bonus, but
it's a tiny crcaturc, or a 2 modicr, or a nal Toughncss savc o 1.
A malkin has a simplc claw attack doing 1d2 basc damagc. Tis bccomcs a
+0 damagc bonus, 1 whcn thc malkin's Strcngth modicr is applicd.
Malkin havc various spccial qualitics. Its rcsistancc to acid, cold, and
rc 10 bccomcs a +4 Toughncss bonus to thosc orms o damagc. Its
spcll rcsistancc 13 bccomcs supcrnatural rcsistancc 13. Hal dccidcs thc
malkin's tclcpathy should bc innatc and givcs it thc Mind Touch powcr.
Its true sght ability Hal lcavcs csscntially unchangcd, noting malkin arc
immunc to thc Illusion powcr and can pcnctratc all disguiscs, scc invisiblc
crcaturcs, and cvcn pcnctratc darkncss crcatcd by supcrnatural powcrs.

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